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在这个少雪且日渐温暖的季节里,春节不知不觉掩埋了平淡的日子,迎面扑来。看着墙上新买的挂历,数着本世纪最后一个春节临近的日子,不禁感叹岁月匆匆,流逝的又是一个平静而忙碌的一年。 年近而立,孩提时代积攒的或多或少的好印象随之趋淡,不再是鞭炮烟花水饺压岁钱的年代,不再憧憬自己又长了一岁,见识又多了一成,与其说春节是个最快乐的时候,不如说是个让人猛然意识到年龄为之衰老、责任为之重大的关口。 泛泛地祝贺一下,说几句辞旧迎新的吉利话,写一点闹春怀旧的文章,早就没了那份雅兴。像节目主持人一般,说说今年大事,感慨今昔,畅想未来,不过是赢得捧场人恭维的掌声。自欺欺人的话我不说,或许我们的期望太高,春节不过是一年365天里平平常常的一天,我们对它注入了太多的文化内涵和商业炒作,因而显得格外沉重。其实,我们不如以一颗平常心待之,抑制那份期望和躁动,在吃喝说笑、探亲访友的程式外,获得一些不易觉察的满足。 曾经,春节留给我许多美丽又难忘的记忆。我想,今天的孩子们也会和我当时一样,感受到这一喜庆而隆重的节日。但是,不同年龄阶段有不同的体验,或许是自己的性格和兴趣使然,无论各类媒体如何渲染轰炸,我的实际感受总是不尽人意,比平常的日子,多了许多无奈,多了些烦累与沉重。父母那里必须去,亲朋好友那里也得去,同事相约还得去,实质内容总不外乎吃喝二字。恭喜发财、新年好、大吉大利之类的陈词滥调说得心里别扭却又不得不一遍遍反复念叨。游街购物、猜谜挑灯、送礼请客一年又一年重重复复无休无止。人就像一只陀螺,被它抽打着旋转不止,自己都不知道重心在哪里。如此不堪重负的节日,我们还要强作儿时的兴奋,观看彻夜循环的晚会,听听属于别人的笑声,感受的却是自己困乏的双眼、失望的情绪、无欲的胃。我宁肯像往常一样,粗茶淡饭,十点钟睡觉,临时看一会书,或者跟朋友们打一圈牌。总觉得在这个全民皆欢的日子,我丝毫的兴致都没有,甚至一向良好的食欲。 传统、文化、历史、习俗原是人为的产物,是我们的祖先制定了它,我们一代一代人不停地拷贝翻版,演化发挥使其辉煌灿烂,更有网络的宣传让其飞腾变异,它最终制约了我们自己,违背了人类起码的一点本性--人是向往自由和幸福的,春节,可以说是一面最为清晰的镜子,从中每个人都能看到,如此疲惫消极的脸孔,是你儿时的样子吗?哪怕一丝欢乐的影子。 是的,我们不断老去,不断感受世事沧桑。今年的春节又被明年的春节复制,今天的不快明天就可能烟消云散,记忆过滤了每个人心底的阴影和悲伤,剩下的或许就是可以称之为美丽的东西吧,但是曾经呢?那里没有我们的位置,那是经过虚化的,虚拟的,明知是假我们还要重复,还要写成文章,哄一哄行人和孩子。 不能老去,怕只有童年的纯真吧




English to start with children is China's sorrow Wang Chong My child just turned three years old, recently received a Children's English educational institutions frequently What is the US foreign teachers, all-English teaching and learning environment, so that your child an early age trained to a pure English, and so Charges, of course a lot of money, about 5,000 yuan a month or The parents of the surrounding, but also as early as their children learn the English language, "have learned may not be advantages, not to learn is definitely a " Addition to China, no country will emphasize to the English language more important than the national This is absolutely Behind the language of culture, and culture behind the strength of the prevalence of English in the world to win the Anglo-American system and Although China's rapid economic development, but soft power is not enough, language and culture development has lagged behind economic development, lack of self-confidence and therefore I have the worship of the English language; worship of the English language is actually a manifestation of this culture is not self- At present, the world's 20 million people learn English, in which a large number in China, more than 200 million middle school students struggle to English exam, students as well as to over 46 crazy back European countries can be a lot of people who speak two or three languages, but in Germany, a large country such as France, have attached great importance to the protection of the national In the German language constantly subject to external shocks case, the German political and academic circles has repeatedly proposed to formulate a law to protect the German language, German Linguistics Society also put forward, the German Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Culture and the state should improve teaching and improve primary and secondary school German German Teaching France, too, if you go to ask for directions in English, French tourist, or even someone pretending to not understand and Only that in China, the extent of the importance of English far more than their mother This point, even the foreigners have also been August 29 the British "The Independent" published an article entitled "Crazy English: Chinese language teachers how to become a " The article said that in China, English, will facilitate your travel, raise your social status, English teachers have also become a "" It is undeniable that the Chinese people's enthusiasm for the English language along with the reform and opening up began, is the inevitable product of an open, but also the exchange of the Chinese people longing for and an inevitable product of the outside The product of the compulsory education sector in the country promoted by the rapid development gradually evolved into a rigid studies a compulsory subject at the same time, excessive commercial development also make it from one language into a tool for profit-making It is reported that the value of China English training industry, 15 billion yuan, there are more than 50000 language training institutions, in Beijing, at least 20 million people each year on a variety of English There is a demand there is market, but the cause of this deformity in part because the market demand, the provisions of the education The beginning of reform and opening up the importance of English is a great benefit, but now the emphasis is clearly For example, university graduates do not pass 4 is an outdated provisions can not In fact, most people a lifetime less than a few in English, the whole country to learn English, too much input, output is too In this connection, the education sector does not seem to realize It is reported that from 2009 onwards, Shanghai University will "test the water" all-English teaching and training with the international competitiveness of the various This year the first program in information, finance, law, life sciences and other fields project construction 30-50 model curriculum entirely in E ( "Xinmin Evening News" October 12) In this regard, I am skeptical, is there a high enough level of teacher? There is no such need? Will not create a few elites at the same time, delayed most of the students? Linguistic Society of Germany, I would like to quote the words of President Ange Li Kaleideer answer these In 2008, the German institutions of higher education plans to replace German as the medium of instruction in English, but Raeder expressed opposition, she said: "If the English become the official language, it became a national language dialects, we can only speak in their own homes their mother tongue, this gives the impression that the same as in the formerly " For the future of talent involved in foreign affairs and practical ability to strengthen the English language is necessary, there are those who need to spend money to learn English is beyond reproach, but a national mandatory learning is totally Chinese ancients said that the industry specializing in surgery, everyone to learn English only produce all the people mad, and this crazy business interests are being forced to take part under the erosion of kindergarten You know, merchants will say this sentence: the child's best to earn This implies that the parents hopeful English, to raise the social status, an important part of going abroad, therefore, must start from In fact, no English is not difficult, a British farmer, a lifetime that is used in 1,500 An IQ of any normal 3-year-old child thrown into the United Kingdom or the United States, kindergarten, after six months are a fluent E My college teacher, not forcing people back English words, but rather to force us back His view is that native-speaker level to a certain extent, the foreign language actually very Daoshi articles are written is not even fluent in Chinese, but also



一、营造氛围,让学生在参与中发展   参与是学生智力与能力发展的关键。教师必须努力营造宽松和谐的教学氛?围,激活学生的热情,促使其主动参与。要营造和谐的氛围,教师必须具有崭新的学生观,相信学生是具有巨大潜能的生命体。不要越俎代疱,细嚼慢喂,将本来可以富有情趣的识字教学,变得机械枯燥、索然无味。   要营造和谐的氛围,必须充分发挥学生的主体性。识字教学中,我们设计了这样的开放性环节:让学生说出自己从哪儿已经学会了什么字;用什么办法记住哪个字。学生自选生字汇报,学习的自主权大了,利于学生自我表现,让每个学生在参与中体验成功。   要营造和谐的氛围,教师的评价语言要幽默,富有情趣,富于激励。教学中,我们允许学生识记字形方法的多样性,不轻易否定学生。学生在教师宽容的评价中,变得有信心、有创见。   二、引导发现,让学生在实践中形成能力   新大纲强调:“学生是语文学习的主人。在教学过程中,要加强学生自主的?语文实践活动,引导他们在实践中主动地获取知识,形成能力。”随着学生经验的积累,我们也就逐步简化识记生字的过程,增加学生独立识字的机会,发挥其主体性,引导他们自己想办法,发现行之有效的识记方法,独立掌握生字,并在实践中不断运用,形成识字能力。   汉字的字形虽然繁简难易不同,但是识记字形还是有一定的规律、方法。当学生具备了一定的识字经验,我们也就放手让学生自己想办法记字形。学生看到生字,就会调用已有的信息,将生字与熟字联系起来,进行比较记忆了。于是,学生惊喜地发现:原来语文中的记字形,可以利用熟字加加减减。此时,我们引导学生总结出自己发现的识字方法,学生也就非常自然地说出功法”“减法”“换法”。至于有的独体字,则引导学生说出“笔顺法”,稍难的字则是几种方法的“合法”。然后,让学生用自己发现的识记字形的方法,对照生字,进行检验。学生运用自己发现的识记方法,记起生字来,简单有效,学习生字也可以变得轻松自如,学生情绪高涨。这样,学生在识记字形的实践中,在老师的引导下,发现、总结出了记忆字形的方法,经历了艰辛的脑力创新过程,品尝到了成功的快乐,也就自然而然地成为识字的主人。他们会在以后的实践中,不依赖于任何帮助,自己选择合适的方法,主动运用,持之以恒,不断训练,逐步形成能力。   三、打破常规,让学生在识字中享受快乐   实践中积累的识字经验,成为学生识生字的基础。汉字造字的规律性,为放手让学生尝试识生率提供了可行性。教学中,我们常常启发学生:“假如让你造这个字,你会怎么造呢?”学生兴趣盎然,积极动脑,不仅掌握了生字,更重要的是在主动参与、体验识字的过程中,获得了成功的快乐。   我们还利用归类识字中认识同族字的特点,尝试着打破常规,让学生根据词语,运用规律,自己研究归纳出生字。如教第三册的“识字8”时,我们首先教给学生基本字“包”,让学生掌握音、形、义。再让学生找出带有“包”的熟字“跑”,作为例字引导学生发现:“跑”是用两部分合起来表示的,“足”与字的意思有关,“包”与读音差不多。接着出示新词:花( )、 水( )、火( )、吃( )。学生借助声旁“包”宇,利用形旁表义的特点,自己试着创造出这几个生字。然后,学生在小组内交流自己所创造的字,并说出理由,又在班上交流。这样的设计,打破了归类识字课的一般做法,引导学生发现形声字的规律,运用规律识字,把学生当作探求知识的主人。这样的教学活动,其意义已超过了识字教学本身,让学生在参与中获得了成功的体验。   四、指导编谜,让学生轻松记住字形   低年级学生对谜语有浓厚的兴趣。为了能让识字教学变得活泼有趣,我们利用学生的心理特点,将谜语与学生的识记生字联系起来。除了编谜让学生猜字外,更主要的是引导学生抓住某些汉字的字形特点,进行联想,学着编谜语。教学“闪”字时,先引导学生把字拆分成“人”“门”,在老师的动作暗示下,学生心领神会,编出了谜语“人很快进了门”,学生不仅记住了字形,还懂了字义呢。又如“兽”字是小学阶段学生容易写错的一个字。教学中,先让学生把字分解成四部分,再引导学生联想到野兽的特点,学生编成了谜语“头上两只角,整日田里跑,张着一大口,凶猛又可怕”。学生学着编谜语,一定会认真分析字形,抓住特点。这样的过程,调动了学生的积极性,在学生的主动参与中,在轻松的气氛中,难点已化解。同时,发展了学生的想像能力和表达能力。   五、引导创境,让学生巧妙记住宇形   有些生字字形复杂,或某些部件与熟字相近,低年级学生往往张冠李戴。教学中,我们找出各部件的联系,或抓住容易错的地方,引导学生创设特定的语境,进行联想,让他们在形象风趣的语言中,巧妙地记住字形,强化了识字效果。如“柳”字,一直到高年级都有学生把右边的撇忘掉,我们在教学中就抓这一重要笔画,引导学生想像着微风吹来了,柳枝是什么样子呢?有的柳枝细些,微风中轻轻地飘了起来;有的柳枝粗些,微风中还是那样直直的。形象的语言,使学生再也不会将那“微风中飘起的柳枝”给忘了。   引导学生创设特定的语境,将特别的字形与形象的情境联系起来。学生以后运用这个生字时,脑海中一定会浮现出相应的情景,想起那形象的提示语言,一定不会把字写错了。   实践证明,一年级识字教学中,灵活地融合上述几点的做法,学生能主动参与,成为识字的主人,提高了识字的能力,实现了自身的发展。




[参考文献] [1 ]Bronte ,C Jane Eyre [M] London :Oxford University P [2 ]Danks ,Joseph H Cognitive Process in Translationand Interpreting[M] Sage Publications I [3 ]Nida ,Eugene A On Translation[M] 谭载喜译,中国对外翻译出版公司, [4 ]戴浩一 时间顺序和汉语的语序[ J ] 国外语言学, 1988 , (1) [5 ]戴浩一 以认知为基础的汉语功能语法刍议[J ] 国外语言学,1990 , (4) [6 ]吕叔湘 汉语语法分析问题[M] 商务印书馆, [7 ]吕叔湘 语文杂记[M] 上海教育出版社, [8 ]马秉义 英汉主语差异初探[J ] 外国语,1995 , (5) [9 ]谢信一 汉语中的时间和意象[J ] 国外语言学,1991 , (4)


printed The only effect

lived in the north, you might think it was But the following thing was more A bird, a beautiful parrot, like an angel, flew from the sky onto Charlie’s shoulder and then flew to my I didn’t know how to express my feelings, only enjoying The parrot didn’t seem to How fantastic, I The snow became smaller and smaller after Maybe we lost something, but we

这篇可以参考: The Snow What a big snow I have never seen! What a beautiful snow I have never When I went out for school from home, I was doomed to get a Everything seemed unlucky to I left the umbrella at home; I couldn’t unlock my bike and a big truck held up the traffic, which took me above 5 minutes to pass the At last I met Charlie and we were both late for the maths If it happened the day before, we would go to our seats without saying But today we were forced to stand outside in the cold wind because of the head teacher’s bad I didn’t want to say It was So I began to stand with C After a short while, we both felt so cold that we couldn’t speak a The world seemed very I suddenly found there was a lot of thin ice dropping from the “Ice!” I shouted to Charlie who soon became excited the same as We expected for the snow but nothing The ice turned white and turned to snow We were immersed in it without any From little to big, the snow changed out of my With the wind blowing heavily, the snow beat on my face, hair and covered all over my We couldn’t help shaking in the We opened our mouths to taste the icy snow, stood still in the snow, and enjoyed the wonderful scene I did believe the snow was not only a scene but a great wonder as It bought me much more than it It was too great and too beautiful that I couldn’t How fantastic it was! With the snow dropping on my body, I didn’t want to move though it was so If you lived in the north, you might think it was But the following thing was more A bird, a beautiful parrot, like an angel, flew from the sky onto Charlie’s shoulder and then flew to my I didn’t know how to express my feelings, only enjoying The parrot didn’t seem to How fantastic, I The snow became smaller and smaller after Maybe we lost something, but we got something, I didn’t know what it I only wished to believe it would bring me good I would never forget that

Discuss its causes and solutions(不少于2000字) china business ethics : The


