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�3�3�4�1[Lee Chan]    姓名:李灿   原名:郭贤式   出生年月:1976年11月9日   身高:175cm   体重:60kg   前妻:李敏英(结婚13日便离婚)   毕业大学:中央大学戏剧表演系   出道:1996年出演MBC电视剧《简�0�2驿》   爱好:看电影,旅行   擅长:wakeboard、长笛演奏、滑雪   别名:唐老鸭   座右铭:只有自己竭尽全力了,幸运才会随之而来   魅力之处:拥有邻家大哥哥般的容貌   其父亲是韩国PD郭勇凡   演艺圈好友:李勋

姓名:李灿 Lee Chan 职业:演员国籍:韩国 生日:1976-11-09 星座:天蝎座 身高:175CM 体重:60KG 简介:  韩星李敏英2006年12月10日带着身孕嫁给演员李灿,完婚仅13天就宣告离婚。李敏英声称遭家庭暴力,鼻梁骨折,怀了15周的胎儿不幸流产。李灿前天出面表示,当时两人互甩耳光,并非他单方面施暴。








Maths(数学)Chinese(语文)English(英语)physics(物理)chemistry(化学) politics(政治)history(历史)Geography(地理)Biology(生物)Music(音乐)Form(形体), calligraphy(书法arts(美术)Science(科学)PE(physical education,体育)

Maths(数学)Chinese(语文)English(英语)physics(物理)chemistry(化学) politics(政治)history(历史)Geography(地理)Biology(生物)Music(音乐)Form(形体), calligraphy(书法arts(美术)Science(科学)PE(physical education,体育)

翻译如下学科subject; course; branch of learning都可以例句他对这门学科的兴趣逐渐减退。His interest in this subject gradually

In our country, as the core of the export tax rebate system of the tax rebate rate adjustment more frequently, this section to the export tax rebateRate for international Where the specification of value-added tax system of the country, such as the EU Member States, most of the tax lawThe tax rate design tax rebate rate, in strict accordance with the "principle of service, from the number, not the number sign sign not retreat", namely retreatThe tax rate is the tax rate, generally do not separate adjustment of tax rebate If the zero tax rate of French exports policy, by increasingFull refund value tax rate, the current tax rate is mainly divided into two, namely the basic food, books, a country hotel,Theatre, concert, medicines, the refund rate is 5%; for other goods and services, the refund rate is 6%Italy is a developed industrialized countries, is an agricultural Foreign trade is ItalyThe main pillar of the main benefits of economic, traditional commodities for Italy tax system by direct and indirectT Indirect tax of value-added tax in 1973 formally implemented, the tax rate is divided into standard rate of tax and special tax rate of twoKind of, standard rate of 20%, applicable to imports of general trade and commodities, special rate for lower taxes, especiallyDon't reduce the tax rate and tax increases three, reduce the tax rate of 10%, mainly is suitable for the textile special reduced tax;Rate of 4%, is mainly used for basic food raw materials and provided for social welfare purposes of goods and services andThe transaction; improve the tax rate of 38%, mainly is suitable for the luxury goods and labor Do not include a tax-free transactionReal estate, leasing, financial, transportation and communication, science, culture and education activities and so on; the export tax policyP South Korea is an emerging country, since the nineteen sixties, the South Korean government to implement the "leading exportEconomic strategy type "development, promote the rapid development of the national economy, its pillar industries are automobile, electrical outletSon, shipbuilding, chemical, steel South Korea began to implement value-added tax from 1977, tax and ultimately by D At the same time, according to the principle of national treatment of imports and domestic goods the same tax rate of Value addedThe introduction of a single tax rate of 10%, zero tax rate for export goods, foreign aid and international transportation service Thus, most of the implementation of value-added tax rebate rate equal to the state tax rate, tax rebate rate remained relatively stableS


