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法语JEUNESSE 青年(总称)《新青年》是后来改的,你问的这个是最开始第一期的名称《青年杂志》,为避免和中国的《青年》同名,故改之

只知道法语名叫La J


是,New youth,你可以尝试搜索他的英文简历。


1、what do you think make your friends special?2、betty is better in telling jokes than 3、i haven't eaten for could you please give me something to eat?4、he will write an article about how to survive oneself on the magzine 5、i have watched this movie twice because it is 6、everytime when i see the souvounir,i will think of my friend 7、he dropped his purse when he passed 8、i think riding bicycle is not as dangerous as 9、i'm glad to receive your 10、i am weaker in i will try my best not to fall behind this 11、i hope you can be a famous singer when you grow 12、i think diving is the most difficult outdoor 13、it is necessary for you to give him some 14、he is too nervous to answer the teacher's 15、shanghai is bigger than any city in 16、he walked forward to see what 17、traveling around the world is 18、i have learnt how to cook healthy and tasty 19、he didn't tell me what he was doing at that 20、he spends a great deal of time practising 21、in fact, i always receive happiness when he plays 22、the milk that the children in the country drink is less than in the 23、i have fewer apples than 24、daniel has the least spare time of the 25、my shoes is the same size as john'

1、What do you think make your friend so special? 2、Betty is better at telling jokes than 3、I haven't eaten anything for several Would you give me something to eat? 4、He will write an article on Teenagers magazine about how to rescue 5、Because this film is very wonderful, I have seen it 6、Whenever I see these souvenir, I think of my friend J 7、His wallet fell off when he walked past 8、I don't think cycling is as dangerous as 9、I'm glad to hear from 10、I'm a little poor in I will try my best not to drag behind this 11、I hope that you will become a famous singer when you grow 12、I think diving is the most difficult one among all outdoor 13、It is necessary that you give him some 14、He was too nervous to answer the teacher's 15、Shanghai is larger that any city in J16、He went there to see what had 17、Travelling around the world is 18、I have learnt how to cook healthy and delicious 19、He didn't tell me what he was doing at that 20、He spends much time practising English every 21、In fact, I always feel happy when he is playing 22、Children in the countryside do not drink less milk that those in the 23、I have fewer apples than 24、Daniel has the least spare time among the three 25、My shoes are of the same size as John'

What do you think makes your friends so special?Betty is better at telling jokes than I haven't eaten for hours,can you give me something to eat?He will write an article about"how to save themselves" on the "teenagers" I have seen the film twice because it's very Every time I see these souvenirs,I will think of my friend JHe lost his wallet when he walked past I think riding is not as dangerous as I'm very happy to hear from My maths is not as good as other subjects,this term I'll try my best and not make me I wanted you to be a famous singer when you grow I think diving is the most difficult of all the outdoor You'd better give him some He is so nervous that he can't answer the teacher's Shanghai is bigger than any city in J题太多了,乖孩子自己做吧,不是很难

月刊的那个,有阅读版和中学版,有些电影,歌曲,娱乐,美文什么的内容。还有双月刊的,有CD版和磁带版,内容也大概是那些,还有些采访,新闻之类。<21 Century>报纸。也不错


youngpeople年轻人 或是 teenager十几岁的青少年Youth一般是书面用法


on the magazinesin the newpaper

我也是高一的我比较喜欢看 《疯狂英语》《英语沙龙》还有一些较简单的名著译文







《英语广场》 去 报刊 让他帮你定 或者 直接 去 邮局 定 还可以 是 在 网上

不可能有的。集英社不正式授权的话,出版了中文版的就是侵权。现在授权的漫画只有:长春出版社: 《名侦探柯南》 《灌篮高手》 中国轻工业出版社 安徽少年儿童出版社: 《X战记》 江苏美术出版社: 《闪灵二人组》 天津人民美术出版社: 《犬夜叉》 《棋魂》 《touch》 连环画出版社: 《网球王子》 南方出版社: 《金田—少年事件簿》 黑龙江美术出版社 哈尔滨出版社: 《恐怖宠物店》 接力出版社: 《幽游白书》 《魔卡少女樱》 世纪出版集团: 《仙境传说》 北京晨辉国际时代文化发展有限公司: 《火王》 吉林美术出版社: 《机器猫》 内蒙古人民出版社: 《樱桃小丸子》 《高达w》魔术快斗 侦探学院Q 数码宝贝好像有一本授权的漫画杂志,可能是《少年Sunday》,对不起记不清了~~~


