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哈哈翻译的太有意思了lf88914 - 试用期 一级翻译的可以当幽默看HAHA

注意好下面10个简单的事情,将极大提升你被录用的可能性: 不要“笑脸盈盈”面试中过度微笑会被视作紧张和缺乏自信。笑容可掬的一个人看上去是虚假的,而这些很快会被面试官发现。相反,做一个有思想、令人愉快的人。在有东西值得笑时才去笑。 沉默比用胡言乱语更好你的任务是对参加面试的单位有充分了解。昨晚电视节目《星随舞动》的内容或你最喜爱的博客等话题都不会让你得到这份工作。绝对不要觉得自己非得在面试里不停地闲谈。找到途径谈论和该行业或公司有关的话题。片刻间歇的沉默比用胡言乱语填充面试要更好。不要流汗 衣服多穿了一点点或穿了件汗衫可能让你失去一份工作。手掌有汗,或额头上的汗珠不会给人留下好印象。 你不是在申请个人运动教练。出汗将被看作是一个表示柔弱和紧张的迹象。穿着你的面试服装在朋友面前先实际演练一下。面试绝对不是你希望感汗流浃背的场合。 不要做拦路石面试官在寻求的是那些渴望接受有挑战性的项目和工作的人员。犹豫和拒绝的心态将会是赫然醒目的,消极的信号。 对于一些你是否对某些任务或工作有兴趣等会让你迟疑的的问题,要练习说“是”。 不要琐碎询问午餐房间在哪里是在暗示你缺乏准备和主动性。做好准备。不要询问诸如:物品位置、你的办公隔间大小,公司对喝咖啡休息时间的政策等公司的常规事务或职能。不要撒谎研究表明,员工在职场上经常会撒谎。撒谎无法给你带来一份工作。在面试时,即便是一点的夸张都算撒谎。别那么做。不要夸大你的简历或美化你的成绩。和一位适度自信的人,以及和一位吹牛的人谈话是不一样的。一个谎言会破坏全部面试,有经验的面试者一定会发现那个谎言,让你离开。 不要成为糟糕的滑稽演员 幽默往往是十分主观的东西,虽然也许容易在你的面试时用一个幽默开始,但是,对你的笑料内容一定要小心。你可能对面试官的敏感度一无所知,更加不知道什么能博得他们大笑。 服务行业要不畏辛苦如果你开始谈论理想中的上班时间、休息、福利等问题,那么不论你的其他条件如何,可能你将被示以一个礼貌的微笑,还有送客的大门。服务员必须给人吃苦耐劳的精神面貌。不要浪费时间每一次面试时,潜在雇员都会有提问的机会。让你的问题显得聪明一些,直截了当,同时通过观察对面的面试官来决定提问是否恰当。问太多不相干的问题,你会被认为是一个注定要用无足轻重和费时的事情来浪费公司资源的人。不要出语伤人一般来说,出语伤人者被看作一位背后捅刀子的人,通常会领别人工作的功劳。在面试时,这种人禁不住要说前雇主的“坏话”。如果你让你过去的工作地点看上去像是地球上的地狱,那么面试你的人也许会打电话给他们,看看谁才是真正的恶魔。

服务员面试首先要注意的面试时的仪容,仪态, 衣着干净整洁;回答问题时,能自然地平视面试官,稍作思考,语速不急不缓!专业知识中,一般会问到如何处理突发状况,可稍作准备;当然,服务员涉及到不同行业, 行业不同,服务对象的不同,也对服务员的要求的侧重点不同,例如,餐厅、酒店、学校,甚至同样是餐厅,不同餐厅的要求也是不一样的。在面试前多做些功课,有利于面试时胜出。祝成功!



第一篇 我正在给你写一封信,关于高3的学生是否应该参加体育考试55%的学生认为,他们应该每天参加锻炼,像晨练,打乒乓球,打篮球并且这些运动也不会浪费过多的时间 运动会锻炼出你强健的体魄,并使你远离疾病锻炼会使你的大脑得到放松,将来的工作更有力 另一方面,45%的学生认为体育锻炼是浪费时间,并且锻炼后会持续的过于激动,以至于会影响学习和上课体育锻炼中也避免不了受伤 第二篇, 三中沟通交流的方法 沟通在人们的生活中扮演着很重要的角色,写信,电脑,电话是人们使用最为广泛的三种沟通方式人们经常写信去交换他们的想法,信息和观点尽管写信去沟通非常的慢,但这也是最为廉价的沟通方式第二种沟通方式是电话,通过电话,人们可以听到彼此的声音尽管两人相距很远随着科学的发展,技术的进步,电脑已经走进了我们的生活通过电脑沟通交流,是最为简单也是最快捷的方式,所以,很多人通过发送E-MAIL沟通 第三篇,while traveling, I always take the following things with me,which are my ID card,a camera,a 当我旅行的时候,我会带上我的身份证,照相机和一个指南针 I think the ID card is a basic and necessary document,and it is often used by 我认为身份证是主要并且必要的文件,并且旅行者经常用到它 The camera is used to take pictures or record what we have done during the tripand it can bring us a lot of 照相机可以拍下或录下旅途中我们做了什么,这会给我们带来很多的乐趣 The compass is very essential for us to travel in the without ti,we may get in a word,among all above ,i think the ID card is the most 指南针对于我们来说是必不可少的,在森林中,如果没有指南针,我们会迷路总之,我认为身份证是最重要的 第四篇dear editor亲爱的编辑 I am a middle school 我是一名中学生 I'am writing to protest about the plan for a new factory near a place of interest in our 我正在写关于拒绝一个危害到我们村庄利益的工厂提出的一个计划 Many villagers have also been against the 许多的村民都反对他们的计划 We all know that the factory bring us jobs and as a result,the local economy will greatly in 我们都知道那个工厂解决了我们就业难的问题,当地的经济也会有很明显的提高 howeverm,in my opinion,it will ruin the economy of our 然而,我看来,这将对我们村庄的经济结构产生破坏, Besides,the factory will cause air and noise pollution,which will definitely do harm to our 包括工厂会引起空气污染,噪音污染,这将会对我们的健康产生危害 what's worse,the scenery of the place of interest will never be restored once 更糟糕的是,这里优美的环境在被破坏后永远都不可能复原 I look forward to reading more reports about this matter in your newspaper and suggest the government should think weice and wtop yours faithfully, 我期待着在更多的报纸上看到aithfully关于这个问题的报道,并且希望政府会对这个问题进行更为严谨的考虑你的Wang Hua 虽然我的答复不是最快的,但绝对是最用心的,一字一字给你翻译的,呵呵 好好学加油!

第一篇亲爱的编辑 告诉您的我上午文字关于我们有关于的讨论前辈3的学生是否应该采取体育运动。 55%学生认为他们应该每天采取锻炼,例如做早晨锻炼,打乒乓球和打篮球,但是它shoulddn't占去时刻。锻炼建立andf减少疾病的你的身体。体育让他们的脑子有休息,以便他们的修正将是更加有效的。 在另一只手, 45%学生相信采取锻炼是浪费时间,并且那它是令人疲劳的。以后有体育,他们长期太被激发注意他们的教训。受伤在体育也是可能的。 通信第二篇Three方式 Communication在人的生涯中扮演一个重要部分。邮件、电话和计算机是最常用通信三个的方式。 People给交换信息、想法和想法经常写信。虽然邮件是慢的,它是其中一种最便宜的通信方式。第二个类型是temephone。用电话,人们能互相听见,即使他们是离得很远with现代科学技术的发展, 电脑形成了。与的电脑通信是快速和容易。这样,人们互相送电子邮件。 In词、邮件、电话和计算机帮助带来更加接近的人全世界。 旅行的第三篇while,我总是采取与我的以下事是我的ID卡片,照相机,指南针。 我认为ID卡片是一个基本和必要的文件,并且它由游人是常用的。照相机被用于拍照片或记录它可能带来我们很多乐趣的什么我们做了在tripand期间。指南针是非常根本为了我们能移动在without钛,我们也许得到in一个词,在所有之中上面,我认为ID卡片是最重要的。 第四篇dear编辑 I上午一名中学学生。 写给关于计划的抗议的I'am为一家新的工厂在兴趣附近地方在我们的村庄上。许多村民也是反对想法。 所有在howeverm知道的We工厂带来我们工作和结果,地方经济很大地将,以我所见,它将破坏我们的村庄字符。其外,工厂将导致空气,并且噪音污染,明确地将做害处对我们的what是更坏的,地方的风景利益从未将被恢复曾经毁坏了。 我盼望读更多报告关于在您的报纸的这件事并且建议政府应该认为weice和wtop它。 你的忠实, 王华

第一篇Dear editor 尊敬的编辑:I'M writing to tell you about a discussion we've had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical 我写信是想跟您说一下我们关于高三学生是否要参加体育活动的讨论。55% of the students think they should take exercise every day,such as doing morning exercises,playing table tennis and playing basketball,but it shoulddn't take up to much Exercise builds one's body andf reduces Sports let their brains have a rest so that their revision will be more 有55%的学生认为他们应该每天锻炼,比如做早操,打乒乓球和篮球。但是也不应该占用太多时间,锻炼能够强身健体。运动能让学生的大脑得到休息,使他们的复习更有效率。On the other hand,45% of the students believe taking exercise is a waste of tiome and that it is After having sports,they are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their It's also possible to be hurt in 另一方面,有45%的学生认为,锻炼会浪费时间,而且让人疲劳。在做完运动以后,学生会长时间太兴奋而无法将精力投入在学习中。运动也容易受伤。第二篇Three ways of communication 交流的三种方式Communication is playing an important part in people's Mail,telephone and computer are the three ways of communication most commonly 交流在人们的生活中起着很重要的作用。信件,电话,网络是三种广泛使用的主要交流手段。 People often write letters to exchange information,idea and Although the mail is slow,it is one of the cheapest means of The second type is the By telephone,people can hear each other even if they are far with the development of modern science and technology,the conputer has come into Communication with conputers is fast and In this way ,people send e-mail to each 人们经常写信以交换信息,想法和理念。虽然邮信很慢,但是邮信却是最便宜的一种交流方式。第二种是电话。即使离得再远,人们也能够通过电话听到彼此的声音。随着现代科技的,发展,网络应运而生。使用电脑交流是最快捷便利的,因而人们以发送电子邮件联系彼此。In a word,mail,telephone and computer help to bring people all over the world 总之,写信,打电话,上网这三种方式使世界各地的人们距离拉近了。第三篇while traveling, I always take the following things with me,which are my ID card,a camera,a 在旅游的时候,我总是带着我的身份证,照相机和一个指南针。I think the ID card is a basic and necessary document,and it is often used by 我想,身份证是一个基本的和必须的携带品。旅游者经常要用到。The camera is used to take pictures or record what we have done during the tripand it can bring us a lot of 照相机是用来记录我们旅途中所见所闻的,它也能给我们带来很多乐趣。The compass is very essential for us to travel in the without ti,we may get in a word,among all above ,i think the ID card is the most 指南针对于在森林中旅行的我们是很重要的。没有它,我们可能会迷路。总之,在所有上面三者之中,我觉得指南针是至关重要的。第四篇dear editor 尊敬的编辑,I am a middle school I'am writing to protest about the plan for a new factory near a place of interest in our Many villagers have also been against the 我是一个高中学生。我想就在我们城镇的旅游景点附近建工厂这件事情发表抗议。很多居民也对此表示反对。We all know that the factory bring us jobs and as a result,the local economy will greatly in howeverm,in my opinion,it will ruin the character of our Besides,the factory will cause air and noise pollution,which will definitely do harm to our 我们都晓得工厂能带来就业,能拉动当地经济。在我看来,工厂破坏了我们城镇的特色。另外,工厂也会造成严重的空气和噪音污染,这无疑会损害我们的健康。what's worse,the scenery of the place of interest will never be restored once I look forward to reading more reports about this matter in your newspaper and suggest the government should think weice and wtop 更严重的是,一旦被破坏,游览胜地的景色将无法重现。我希望能在您的报纸上看到更多关于这件事的报道,这些报道是用来建议政府三思而后行。 yours faithfully, 你诚挚的朋友 Wang Hua 王华



Hello!My name is。。。My major is English, the main tourist learn is about travel In June of next year I officially graduated, then this year December 7th started I can working full- The character, my temper is better, the other people all say I have affinity, and working carefully and English words, simple daily communication: no Computers, office software operations are In experience I was indeed very enough, but I observant, will sum up find rule, understanding ability and learning capability, if I am lucky enough to be employed, will soon absorb the knowledge, not only This time I came about (position) the intern, of course, is the hope of the development of well stay Because I feel work here can let me touch different people, and I like to help people in the future, when opportunity and guest face-to-face communication, I think I would be very Now my English is not very good, but in order to elevate himself also to the needs of work, I will continue to work to improve my E In addition, I also want to say, if after the interview you feel that my current is not suitable for this position, I will be very glad to other position, I am willing to from low to start with, also know some work is very hard, and although no social experience, but I believe I eat up bitter, I hope, also feel suitable for So I hope you can give me a See a person because you got my help solve the problem, he smiles makes me very happy, so I think I was suitable for Because of my course mainly around the travel service aspect, to the hotel does not understand, want to ask if there are related training? If I was accepted and future can attend?My home have business taobao shop, is four drill, if I go home, they help tube shops, because some things need to be in computer operation and English, such things convenient, also Main business is (products) and source from relatives Because sell (products), sometimes people in Hong Kong to consultation, speak E I refer to the online chatting If I am lucky enough to be employed, this will be my first job, I'll spend 200% effort to carefully Terms of wages, according to individual circumstance and the market standard, more I want nothing more than is the future can according to my abilities give me work opportunity and Before exams computer level, when we are not related courses, want oneself to learn from the Internet to find material, it is hard to For example, when I made to FLASH significantly faster than others know among them rule, and could one, class return oneself organized pre-exam temporary cram school, I have to participate in the teaching

服务员面试首先要注意的面试时的仪容,仪态, 衣着干净整洁;回答问题时,能自然地平视面试官,稍作思考,语速不急不缓!专业知识中,一般会问到如何处理突发状况,可稍作准备;当然,服务员涉及到不同行业, 行业不同,服务对象的不同,也对服务员的要求的侧重点不同,例如,餐厅、酒店、学校,甚至同样是餐厅,不同餐厅的要求也是不一样的。在面试前多做些功课,有利于面试时胜出。祝成功!

Major is English, the main tourist learn is about travel In June of next year I officially graduated, then this year December 7th started I can working full- The character, my temper is better, the other people all say I have affinity, and working carefully and English words, simple daily communication: no Computers, office software operations are In experience I was indeed very enough, but I observant, will sum up find rule, understanding ability and learning capability, if I am lucky enough to be employed, will soon absorb the knowledge, not only This time I came about (position) the intern, of course, is the hope of the development of well stay Because I feel work here can let me touch different people, and I like to help people in the future, when opportunity and guest face-to-face communication, I think I would be very Now my English is not very good, but in order to elevate himself also to the needs of work, I will continue to work to improve my E In addition, I also want to say, if after the interview you feel that my current is not suitable for this position, I will be very glad to other position, I am willing to from low to start with, also know some work is very hard, and although no social experience, but I believe I eat up bitter, I hope, also feel suitable for So I hope you can give me a See a person because you got my help solve the problem, he smiles makes me very happy, so I think I was suitable for Because of my course mainly around the travel service aspect, to the hotel does not understand, want to ask if there are related training? If I was accepted and future can attend?My home have business taobao shop, is four drill, if I go home, they help tube shops, because some things need to be in computer operation and English, such things convenient, also Main business is (products) and source from relatives Because sell (products), sometimes people in Hong Kong to consultation, speak E I refer to the online chatting If I am lucky enough to be employed, this will be my first job, I'll spend 200% effort to carefully Terms of wages, according to individual circumstance and the market standard, more I want nothing more than is the future can according to my abilities give me work opportunity and Before exams computer level, when we are not related courses, want oneself to learn from the Internet to find material, it is hard to For example, when I made to FLASH significantly faster than others know among them rule, and could one, class return oneself organized pre-exam temporary cram school, I have to participate in the teaching



照的都不清楚 看的眼花都花了 我就看了一下钱的东西:1:你的工资每小时$18,除开澳大利亚养老金以及车辆津贴2:你的工资在每个月的15号左右回发放到你的相关账户


“被大学录取”翻译如下:admitted by the universitybeing admitted to university短语:admit of 容许有 ; 容许 ; 有……的余地 ; 有…余地admit into 接受 ; 收容 ; 准许进入admit like 承认喜欢 ; 像承认 ; 承认像造句:她被那所大学录取了。She was admitted to the  如果我们经过了考试,并幸运地被一所大学所录取,我们也不应停止努力。If we pass this test and are fortunately admitted by a university, we shall not stop making 如果申请者无法达到这个要求,就不会被录取。就算他们拥有优异的大学成绩,丰富的个人履历,还有极富分量的推荐信。If applicants do not meet these requirements they will not be admitted to graduate school, even if they had excellent undergraduate grades, an impressive resume and stellar21岁的宋怡五年前也是采用同样策略,通过面试和即兴表演考试,最终被中戏表演系录取的。Song Yi, 21, used the same strategy to pass her interviews and auditions five years ago and was admitted to CAD’s acting  现在都和钱有关,付钱就没问题,要不然没有学校录取你。It's come up with the money now and pay it, or no school for 

刚从这里路过,看到楼主在你这里大吵大闹,然后我给楼主一巴掌。系 统说给我提供2点经验。


be admitted to同近义词:加入join in ,;获准做某事make in短语be admitted to UN 加入联合国Be Admitted To Hospital 住院be admitted to fellowship 获准入会双语例句:The legislation was part of a compromise that would allow California to be admitted to the Unionas a “free ”新法案要求北方州协助将逃跑到北方的奴隶归还到南部的奴隶主那里,它是一系列妥协行为的一部分,这些妥协行为是为了让加州以“自由州”的身份获准加入联邦(Union)On days when air pollution was high, more people with an underlying heart problem tended tobe admitted to hospital, he  他说,在空气污染水平较高的那些天中,更多人均有潜在的心脏问题,并倾向到医院诊治。Turkey was a NATO ally and was hoping to be admitted to the European Union, a development Ihad been strongly supporting for  土耳其是北约成员,并希望得到批准,加入欧盟,我多年来对此事一直非常支持。

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