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12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞 节。 从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,是西方国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类似我国过春节。 西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红 色的有圣诞花和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、 柏一类呈塔形的常青树装饰而成。上面悬挂着五颜六色的彩灯、礼物和纸花,还点燃着圣 诞蜡烛。 红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在 圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物 放在袜子内。在西方,扮演圣诞老人也是一种习俗。 Christmas, annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus C Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate Christmas on December 25, and many celebrate on the evening of December 24 as Members of the Eastern Orthodox Church usually delay their most important seasonal ceremonies until January 6, when they celebrate Epiphany, a commemoration of the baptism of J Epiphany also traditionally commemorates the arrival of the Three Wise Men of the East in Bethlehem (near Jerusalem, Israel), where they adored the infant Jesus and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and The official Christmas season, popularly known as either Christmastide or the Twelve Days of Christmas, extends from the anniversary of Christ’s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January Christmas is based on the story of Jesus’ birth as described in the Gospel according to Matthew (see Matthew 1:18-2:12) and the Gospel according to Luke (see Luke 1:26-56) Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, then known as the Feast of the Nativity, as early as 336 The word Christmas entered the English language sometime around 1050 as the Old English phrase Christes maesse, meaning “festival of C” Scholars believe the frequently used shortened form of Christmas—Xmas—may have come into use in the 13th The X stands for the Greek letter chi, an abbreviation of Khristos (Christ), and also represents the cross on which Jesus was -07/11/content_htm -1&tn=baiduimage&pv=&word=%CA%A5%B5%AE%BD%DA%CA%D6%B3%AD%B1%A8&z=0&fm=rs1 有两个地址,挺全的

动物之森林里每年都有丰富的节日和活动,除了游戏中独有的节日外,都是与现实世界相对应的很多特殊物品只能在节日活动当天才有机会获得一月份一月一日--新年,在这天动物之森的所有居民都会聚齐在许愿井那里庆祝节日如果主角去得早(12:00pm之前)镇长会对我们的主角提一些新年的忠告,另外还有机会或者某件物品在这天内katrina也会在许愿井周围摆摊抽奖,去试试自己的运气吧二月份二月二日--土拨鼠节,这是西方的一个节日,国内了解的人也许不多在这儿先解释一下,这个节日起源于苏格兰的一个迷信,传说在Candlemas(圣烛节)这天阳光强烈的话,这一年就会有两个寒冬为了测试天气苏格兰人会出门寻找土拨鼠,如果当天能在阳光下看到土拨鼠的影子那就意味着将会有六个星期额外的寒冬,反之则表示春天即将来临在游戏中地鼠setti会在许愿井周围造一座土拨鼠的雕像,同样在这段时间里与镇长对话会得到物品二月十四号--情人节在十四号之前一定要记得把自己的邮箱清理干净,在当天会收到游戏中所有异性NPC的情人节礼物,收到的礼物也有好坏之分,这个取决于对方与主角之间的好感度我的经验是从好感度高的NPC收到的差不多都是家具,对主角没什么好感送的都是衣服三月份三月二十号--春运会,一共有四项比赛,主角好像只能参加其中的一项四月份四月一号--愚人节,在这天里尽量的去和所有居民对话,他们会想尽一切办法玩弄主角,另外一定不要忘了去找镇长,它会给主角一个非常大的惊喜四月五号至七号--樱花节,在这几天里动物之森里所有的树上都有开满樱花,与镇长对话它会向主角解释樱花节的意义四月二十二日--nature day,该游戏独有的节日,当天没有什么节目,记得找镇长说话五月份五月一号--大扫除,可有可无的一天五月第二个星期天--母亲节,在当天可从镇长处得到游戏里唯一的一部电话,lovely phone,拿到后去妈妈打电话吧六月份本月的每个星期日--钓鱼比赛,在比赛当天海狸chip会出现在动物之森,只要主角交给它的鱼的尺寸打破记录就能获得某件家具,如果主角的记录保持到比赛结束,第二天会收到带有礼物的邮件第二个星期五--毕业日,在现实生活中本日是为那些完成学业的人准备的,在游戏当天里所有的居民都会向主角祝贺他(她)为动物之森所做的贡献,同镇长对话可得裁缝店模型第三个星期日--父亲节,给爸爸写信吧,还要记得找镇长对话七月份七月四日--烟火show,现实生活中美国的独立日当天晚上七点到九点在河边能看到非常漂亮的烟花表演,同时可从crazy redd处购得纸风车与气球八月份八月十二日--流星雨,事件发生在晚上六点至九点与镇长对话可得望远镜八月二十一日--创始人日,本节日是为了纪念动物之森的创造者,镇长会告诉主角关于本节日的详细信息九月份九月第一个星期五--劳动节,没什么特别的日子,记得找镇长对话九月二十四日--秋运会,内容基本上与三月二十日的春运会相同九月中的某日--满月丰收日,本节日的日期是随机的(少数情况下会出现十月中),当天晚上在河里能看见满月的倒影,从镇长处可获得月亮模型十月份第二个星期一--发现者日,现实生活中又被称为哥伦布日当天没有什么节目,同样记得找镇长对话十月十五至二十五号--蘑菇季节,在这十天里从早上八点开始整个动物之森内会出现五个蘑菇,不过没十五分钟会自动小时一个(估计是让其他居民捡走了),另外蘑菇是很值钱的物品十月三十一日--万圣节,当天内所有居民会打扮成南瓜人,另外真正的南瓜人jack也同时会出现在动物之森,找到它后能获得稀有家具寻找jack的方法是,只要同所有的南瓜人对话,对方会问你要糖果(tom nook的商店在万圣节之前的几天有出售),如果对方是别人假扮的话在你给了糖果后它们就会逃跑(什么世道,从来都只有主角被别人)只有jack在收了糖之后会用物品报答主角十一月本月第一个星期二--镇长日,既然是关于镇长的日子,那一定要找它对话才行十一月十一日--警官日,本日是为了歌颂动物之森中的两位公务员cooper与本月每个星期日--秋季钓鱼比赛,与之前的相同,具体内容可参考六月份的钓鱼比赛本月第四个星期四--丰收日,同时也是美国的传统节日感恩节在当天3:00pm到9:00pm之间火鸡franklin会出在许愿井周围,同它对话后发生剧情本月第四个星期五--促销日,在这天内在tom nook的店里只有grab bags出售,每个包中会有三件物品(物品的种类是随机的)狐狸redd也同时会有与平时不同的物品出售十二月十二月一日--下雪日,游戏中第一个下雪的日子,由于还是第一天所以地上的积雪不是很厚十二月二十三日--玩具日,在这天内主角会从别人出收到一些玩具,与镇长对话后主角为男性会得到汽车模型,女性的话得到娃娃十二月三十一日--新年除夕,在接近第二天临晨时去河边与其他居民一起倒数新年来到吧,同时还能欣赏到烟花表演

狗节 加拿大部分地区的人们,把每年10月的第二个星期天定位狗节。节日期间所有的狗一律放假休息。主人还要给狗吃美味佳肴,将它们打扮的漂漂亮亮 亮


science 和 nature 都是周刊,全年54周,圣诞那周放假。所以nature和science都是每年出53期。

投NC,过编辑部这一关很关键,建议大家多花些功夫在文章的题目、cover letter和摘要上。 nature communications是在2010才创刊的,所以根据影响因子定义,最快要等到2013年(而非2012年)6月才会有2012年的影响因子(IF)。和该刊和Plos One的相同之处为1)都是完全只有在线出版;2)都是发表多领域的论文,而非局限于某一特定领域。 但两者的区别是显儿易见的:1)Plos One只是发表生物医学领域内的文章,而nature communications则接受所有自然科学内的投稿;2)Plos One是完全采用开放获取(OA)方式出版, 而nature communications则是给作者这种选择,由作者做决定;3)发文量:Plos One现在的年发文量都快2万篇了,而nature communications看来则采用精品战略,LZ提及的附件文章我觉得也应该够NCB档次,至少应该是JCB级的。但是, 尽管nature communications背靠Nature这棵大树,毕竟是新期刊,其在学术界的声誉的建立尚需时日,我如果是LZ,如果能发NCB, 肯定不会发这个新期刊



The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the Zeal should not outrun 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过 去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。 The Raven and the Swan乌鸦和天鹅 A RAVEN saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful Supposing that the Swan's splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he Change of habit cannot alter N 乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无 瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一 点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。 这故事是说,人的本性不会随着生活方式的改变而改变。 The Goat and the Goatherd 山羊与牧羊人 A GOATHERD had sought to bring back a stray goat to his He whistled and sounded his horn in vain; the straggler paid no attention to the At last the Goatherd threw a stone, and breaking its horn, begged the Goat not to tell his The Goat replied, "Why, you silly fellow, the horn will speak though I be " Do not attempt to hide things which cannot be 很多山羊被牧羊人赶到羊圈里。有一只山羊不知在吃什么好东西,单独落在后面。牧羊 人拿起一块石头扔了过去,正巧打断了山羊的一只角。牧羊人吓得请求山羊不要告诉主人, 山羊说:“即使我不说,又怎能隐瞒下去呢?我的角已断了,这是十分明显的事实。” 这故事说明,明显的罪状是无法隐瞒的。 The Miser守财奴 A MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at One of his workmen observed his frequent visits to the spot and decided to watch his He soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and digging down, came to the lump of gold, and stole The Miser, on his next visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to make loud A neighbor, seeing him overcome with grief and learning the cause, said, "Pray do not grieve so; but go and take a stone, and place it in the hole, and fancy that the gold is still lying It will do you quite the same service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did not make the slightest use of " 有个守财奴变卖了他所有的家产,换回了金块,并秘密地埋在一个地方。他每天走去看 看他的宝藏。有个在附近放羊的牧人留心观察,知道了真情,趁他走后,挖出金块拿走了。 守财奴再来时,发现洞中的金块没有了,便捶胸痛哭。有个人见他如此悲痛,问明原因后, 说道:“喂,朋友,别再难过了,那块金子虽是你买来的,但并不是你真正拥有的。去拿一 块石头来,代替金块放在洞里,只要你心里想着那是块金子,你就会很高兴。这样与你拥有 真正的金块效果没什么不同。依我之见,你拥有那金块时,也从没用过。” 这故事说明,一切财物如不使用等于没有。 The Wolf and the Lamb 狼与小羊 WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf's right to eat He thus addressed him:"Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted " "Indeed," bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "I was not then " Then said the Wolf , "You feed in my " "No, good sir," replied the Lamb, "I have not yet tasted " Again said the Wolf, "You drink of my " "No," exclaimed the Lamb, "I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother's milk is both food and drink to " Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, "Well! I won't remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my " The tyrant will always find a pretext for his 一只小羊在河边喝水,狼见到后,便想找一个名正言顺的借口吃掉他。于是他跑到上游,恶狠狠地说小羊把河水搅浑浊了,使他喝不到清水。小羊回答说,他仅仅站在河边喝水,并且又在下游,根本不可能把上游的水搅浑。狼见此计不成,又说道:“我父亲去年被你骂过。”小羊说,那时他还没有出生。狼对他说:“不管你怎样辩解,反正我不会放过 你。” 这说明,对恶人做任何正当的辩解也是无效的。 The Bat and the Weasels蝙蝠与黄鼠狼 A BAT who fell upon the ground and was caught by a Weasel pleaded to be spared his The Weasel refused, saying that he was by nature the enemy of all The Bat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, and thus was set Shortly afterwards the Bat again fell to the ground and was caught by another Weasel, whom he likewise entreated not to eat The Weasel said that he had a special hostility to The Bat assured him that he was not a mouse, but a bat, and thus a second time It is wise to turn circumstances to good 蝙蝠掉落在地上,被黄鼠狼叼去,他请求饶命。黄鼠狼说绝不会放过他,自己生来痛恨鸟类。蝙蝠说他是老鼠,不是鸟,便被放了。后来蝙蝠又掉落了下来,被另一只黄鼠狼叼住,他再三请求不要吃他。这只黄鼠狼说他恨一切鼠类。蝙蝠改口说自己是鸟类,并非老 鼠,又被放了。这样,蝙蝠两次改变了自己的名字,终于死里逃生。 这故事说明,我们遇事要随机应变方能避免危险。 The Ass and the Grasshopper 驴子与蚱蜢 AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful They replied, "The " The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of 驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,被美妙动听的歌声所打动,自己也想能发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便 羡慕地问他们吃些什么,才能发出如此美妙的声音来。蚱蜢答道:“吃露水。”驴子便也只吃露水,没多久就饿死了。 这个故事告诉人们不要企望非份之物。 The Lion and the Mouse 狮子与报恩的老鼠 A LION was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your " The Lion laughed and let him It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth and set him free, exclaiming: "You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to con benefits on a L" 狮子睡着了,有只老鼠跳到了他身上。狮子猛然站起来,把他抓住,准备吃掉。老鼠请求饶命,并说如果保住性命,必将报恩,狮子轻蔑地笑了笑,便把他放走了。不久,狮子真的被老鼠救了性命。原来狮子被一个猎人抓获,并用绳索把他捆在一棵树上。老鼠听到了他 的哀嚎,走过去咬断绳索,放走了狮子,并说: “你当时嘲笑我,不相信能得到我的报答, 现在可清楚了,老鼠也能报恩。” 这故事说明,时运交替变更,强者也会有需要弱者的时候。

The Vesak festival, or Buddha Day, celebrates three major events in the life of the Buddha: his birth, Enlightenment and passing away on the full moon of the 6th lunar month (May) It is the most important festival in the Buddhist lunar Buddhist festivals are a time for The give Buddhists an opportunity to meet together, to take the Three Refuges and learn more about the Buddha's Families bring food, candles and flowers to the monks in the In return, the monks chant the scriptures, lead a period of meditation and give teachings on the themes of the There is a party feel to the whole Houses and streets are cleaned and decorated with Buddhist flags and In villages, Buddhists gather around statues of the Buddha when it is They walk around the statue with candles till all is covered in During the Vesak celebration, an image of the new-born Buddha - in the gesture of pointing to the Truth - is usually displayed in the shrine Buddhists use light (candles, butter lamps) to celebrate Vesak to recall that the Buddha showed people how to become enlightened不会的话问问老师,不怕!

投NC,过编辑部这一关很关键,建议大家多花些功夫在文章的题目、cover letter和摘要上。 nature communications是在2010才创刊的,所以根据影响因子定义,最快要等到2013年(而非2012年)6月才会有2012年的影响因子(IF)。和该刊和Plos One的相同之处为1)都是完全只有在线出版;2)都是发表多领域的论文,而非局限于某一特定领域。 但两者的区别是显儿易见的:1)Plos One只是发表生物医学领域内的文章,而nature communications则接受所有自然科学内的投稿;2)Plos One是完全采用开放获取(OA)方式出版, 而nature communications则是给作者这种选择,由作者做决定;3)发文量:Plos One现在的年发文量都快2万篇了,而nature communications看来则采用精品战略,LZ提及的附件文章我觉得也应该够NCB档次,至少应该是JCB级的。但是, 尽管nature communications背靠Nature这棵大树,毕竟是新期刊,其在学术界的声誉的建立尚需时日,我如果是LZ,如果能发NCB, 肯定不会发这个新期刊












