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一、对子公司的控制  中国华能集团可以分为三个层次:核心企业、成员公司和经营单位。第一层为母公司,第二层为子公司,第三层是另一种类型的子公司(即所谓的经营单位)。在20世纪80年代的经济过热期,华能集团曾经还有过第四层和第五层。但是,经过几年重组和改进,华能集团现在只有三个层次。  以前,母公司对子公司只考核“两张财务报表”(资产负债表和利润表)和“一个人”(总经理),对子公司监管不严。这种模式存在很大弊端,因为它无法控制子公司决策错误及其由此所产生的巨大损失,而且这类损失常常是不可逆转的。“事后控制”的风险相当大。  目前,中国华能集团对其子公司既给予一定的灵活性,又实行必要的监控。母公司对子公司的控制主要体现在三个领域:(1)人事控制。包括经理人员的任命,全年报酬的确定,以及对每个子公司中各职能部门职位数目的确定等。(2)投资控制。现有规定是,投资金额超过一定限额就需母公司批准。如对一些大的子公司,自主投资限额为3千万元人民币,小公司则为5百万元。(3)财务业绩控制。每年的财务目标即为上一年的实际经营成果。财务业绩从三个方面来评价:利润、净资产报酬率和经营活动中产生的现金流量。从结果看,几乎没有哪家子公司不能达到它们的目标。期望的净资产收益率(ROE)是15%,但电力业务由于政策性补贴等因素,其净资产收益率可以稍低,为10%左右。






可以分成四个部分:公司背景 如何发展、起步、经历阶段、重要高层等影响案例过程 时间顺序、如何、手法基于内部控制的分析 控制环境、分析评估、控制活动、信息与沟通、监督启示

内部控制作为一种先进的企业内部管理制度,在现代经济生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文论述了企业内部控制的内涵,并针对现阶段企业内部控制存在的问题提出了相应对策。 企业内部控制制度是为适应生产经营管理需要而产生的,是现代企业内部管理制度的一个重要组成部分,作为企业管理的重要手段,建立并完善企业内部控制制度是深化企业改革,建立现代企业制度的关键。在市场经济条件下,企业内部控制既要遵循传统内部控制的原则,又要研究新的内部控制理论和方法。 一、企业内部控制的内涵 内部控制作为企业管理活动中的一种自我调整和制约的手段,从其形成至完善,大体经历了“内部牵制的采用一制约机制的建立一控制体系的形成”三个阶段。内部控制的职能不仅包括企业管理者用来授权与指挥进行购货,销售,生产等经营活动的各种方式方法,也包括核算,审核、分析各种信息资料及报告的程序与步骤,还包括对企业经营活动进行综合计划、控制和评价而制定和设置的各项规章制度。因此,内部控制贯穿于企业经营活动的各个方面,只要存在企业生产经营活动,就需要有相应的内部控制。 企业制定内部控制制度的目的,在于保证其经济活动的正常进行,保护企业资产的安全,完整与有效运用,提高经济核算的正确性与可靠性,推动与考核企业各项方针,政策的贯彻执行程度,评价企业的经济效益,提高企业经营管理水平。目前,我国的企业内部控制制度建设和理论相对滞后,使研究企业内部控制的理论与实务成了最紧迫的课题之一。 二、我国企业内部控制的现状 随着社会主义市场经济的不断完善,我国企业也不断发展壮大,但相当一部分企业由于管理制度不健全,机构设置不合理、人员素质较低等原因导致内部控制薄弱,成为制约企业发展的一千瓶颈因素。 1、企业内部控制意识薄弱 由于内部控制不能直接产生经济价值,间接效益也需要较长的周期才能看出而且需要多设置人员岗位。需要制定大量的规章制度,需要增加办事环节和程序,因而多数企业把精力主要放在生产和营销上,有人认为,加强内部控制,束缚了自己的手脚,会影响办事效率;更有甚者认为,搞内部控制就是对自己人的不信任,容易制造内部矛盾等等。 2、员工整体素质比较低下 一方面,我国很多企业中缺乏知识全面、素质高的会计人才,一般本科会计毕业生的就业选择首选是发达城市的大企业,其次是各大院校,行政事业单位,真正流向中小企业的会计人才数量就非常有限,另一方面,会计人员无证上岗现象严重,有些企业根本不符合《会计法》中关于会计人员从业资格管理的规定,只能聘请无会计证的人员从事会计工作。 3、内部控制制度不健全 比如,内部岗位责任制不健全,内部授权不充分,职责划分不明确,财务控制的功能无法充分发挥,还有一些企业内部控制的程序不合理,控制重点不明确,管理漏洞比较大,内部控制作用不能有效地发挥。 4、内部控制电算化程度不高 随着计算机在会计工作中的应用,会计电算化作为一种新型的会计核算和管理方式得到了迅猛发展,许多企业在建立电算化会计系统后,会计业务处理程序和工作组织发生了很大变化,给企业内部控制带来了许多前所未有的变革,也使得会计内部控制出现了一些新的特点,但是,内部控制电算化也使会计信息在处理过程中连续出现错误的风险加大。在手工会计系统中,会计人员重复出现同一错误或几个人同时出错的可能性极小,而在会计电算化系统中,只要某一环节处理出错。将会引起其他环节的一系列错误,尤其是当软件程序出现了错误或被恶意篡改时,系统将错误处理所有的会计业务,后果十分严重。 三、完善企业内部控制的原则 1、会计信息质量的可靠性 可靠的会计信息必须具备真实性、可验证性,时效性和客观公正性。会计信息是决策者进行决策的重要依据之一,因此,会计信息最基本的质量特征就是决策有用性,会计信息的质量关系到决策者的决策及其后果,具有影响决策的能力,这就要求会计信息必须真实有用。 2、会计制度设计必须符合国家法律法规和政策的规定 设计企业内部会计制度必须以国家和地方政府颁布的财经法规为依据,内容上应与《会计法》、《企业会计准则》、《企业会计制度》、《会计基础工作规范》协调一致。 3、会计制度设计要便于加强监督 注重建立健全内部会计控制制度,从理论上来讲,一项完整的经济业务,如果是经过两个以上的有相互制约环节对其进行监督和核查,其发生错弊现象的几率就很低。 4、及时修正并完善内部控制制度 企业应根据情况的变化和出现的问题(如电算化管理)对相应的内部控制制度做出及时修正,及时建立新的内部控制制度。 四、完善企业内部控制的措施 1、增加企业经营者对会计内部控制的认识 这是有效实施会计内部控制的前提。企业经营者要充分认识到会计内部控制在保护企业资产的安全、完整防范欺诈和舞弊行为以及实现企业经济目标等方面的重要作用,以积极的态度,采取有效措施加强会计内部控制建设,同时,要带头执行内部会计控制,为内部会计控制的有效实施提供保证,确保有关法律法规的贯彻执行,支持会计人员的工作,保证会计及相关人员依法行使职权。 2、不断完善内部会计控制机制 为保证内部会计控制实施的有效性,应注意完善内部会计控制机制,即必须遵守职责明确、相互牵制、相互监督的原则以及企业内控制度的要求。首先,制度建设要突破传统观念,应在不违反法律、法规的前提下,最大程度地以风险防范、控制和提高效率为目标,谨慎性原则是会计王作中应坚持的基本原则之一,但谨慎不等于保守,不等于固步自封,而是要在不违反法律、法规的前提下,与业务部门密切配合,从有利于业务发展,风险防范和提高效率的角度出发,敢于打破旧有的条条框框,使内控制度成为促进企业全面发展的动力之一,而不应成为发展的阻力。其次。建立内部会计控制制度的考评体系。内部制度的运行如果没有考核考评、奖励与惩罚,就无法保证该项制度推行和运行,因而只有对内控制度体系的各组织之间进行纵向和横向的比较,客观公正地给予考核评价,奖励或惩罚。才能激励和鞭策与推行内控制度的有关部门及员工尽职尽责地做好内部控制工作。 3、提高会计人员的整体素质 这是有效实施内部会计控制的重要保证,会计人员在内部控制中具有双重身份,起着关键作用。一方面,单位内部的各项控制措施要通过会计人员的日常工作得以贯彻;另一方面,会计人员承担着监督经营者及其他参与经营活动人员执行会计控制规范的责任,会计人员作用发挥的如何,关系到内部控制制度实施的成败。通过建立良好的人力资源政策来培养企业的员工,提高企业员王的素质,对更好地贯彻执行内部控制有很大的帮助。同时,为了使会计监督落实到位,应该在会计人员管理体制上进行改革。比如,实行会计人员上级委派制度,对于充分发挥会计监督职能就是非常有利的。 4、加快会计电算化的建设 会计电算化是现代会计发展的必然趋势,因此,要加快会计电算化建设,有效地加强会计内部控制与防范计算机风险。在实际工作中,要运用计算机对各项会计业务进行检查,建立一套先进的会计内部控制信息系统,用现代化手段对会计数据进行整理分析,在应用软件开发中,设计会计业务处理程序时要将制约,监督等风险控制防范功能融入其中,使操作人员必须按照职责权限和有制约的操作程序才能进入系统处理会计业务,以达到防范技术风险和计算机犯罪,同时,要明确电算化系统管理人员、维护人员不得兼任出纳、会计工作,任何人不得利用工具软件直接对数据库进行操作,程序设计人员还应对数据库采用加密技术进行处理,严格按会计电算化系统的设计要求配置人员,健全数据输入,修改 审核的内部控制制度,保障系统设计的处理流程不走样、不变型。 总之,加强内部会计控制,完善企业内控制度建设是进一步深化经济体制改革的需要,是市场经济条件下增强企业竞争实力,提高企业经济效益的必要保障。只有企业全体职工齐心协力,相互支持,相互激励,企业内部控制才能发挥应有的作用。

很好写 随便找一个小的公司就能搞定 大的企业老师一般都会有所了解



很好写 随便找一个小的公司就能搞定 大的企业老师一般都会有所了解


浅析企业内部控制制度历史学家汤因比说过:“一个国家乃至一个民族.其衰亡是从内部开始的,外部力量不过是其衰亡前的最后一击。”在市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下.企业一般来说面临着两个基本问题:一是如何适应外部环境的变化;二是如何协调内部资源的有效利用。由干企业对外部环境的适应性是建立在内部协调性的基础之上,因此.加强企业内部控制.是企业最基础性的工作,也是企业能够生存和发展的保证。一、内部控制的内涵内部控制是什么?一种通俗的回答是:“企业防止舞弊的工具。”我国目前尚未提出权威的内部控制定义.对于内部控制的完整性、合理性及有效性更是缺乏一个公认的标准体系。现行的规范制度中,只有《独立审计具体准则第9号一内部控制与审计风险》中对内部控制作了定义:“本准则所称内部控制.是指被审计单位为了保证业务活动的有效进行.保护资产的安全和完整,防止、发现、纠正错误与舞弊,保证会计资料的真实、合法、完整而制定和实施的政策与程序。内部控制包括控制环境、会计系统和控制程序。二、 国日前企业内部控制面临的问韪目前许多企业内部控制比较薄弱.内控功效表现紊乱、机制失衡,从而引发的经济犯罪和经营失误屡见不鲜。经过归纳总结,企业内部控制薄弱主要表现在以下几个方面:1、会计信息失真会计处理缺乏一贯性、完整性。近年来,企业由于会计工作秩序混乱、核算不实而造成的信息失真现象较为严重。如常规性的印单(票)分管制度、重要空自凭证保管使用制度及会计人员分工中的“内部牵制”原则等得不到真正的落实;会计凭证的填制缺乏合理有效的原始凭证支持;人为捏造会计事实、篡改会计数据、设置账外账、乱挤乱摊成本、隐瞒或虚报收入和利润;资产不清、债务不实等等。2、制度不完善。执行不得力目前相当一部分企业对建立内部控制制度不够重视,内部控制制度残缺不仝或有关内容不够合理;更多的是有章不循.失去了应有的刚性和严肃性。3、违法违纪现象时常发生有些企业主管财务的领导、业务经办人员、财会人员利用内控不严的漏洞大量收受贿赂、贪污公款.挪用、盗窃资金,或与企业外部不法商人相勾结.非法侵占企业资金等。4、考核企业干部政绩、业绩机制不完善长期以来,对企业干部政绩、业绩考核以目标利润完成情况为主要依据,缺乏对其他相关指标的综合考察。有些企业领导为在任期内出“成绩”.便指使财会人员弄虚作假;还有些业务主管部门.为了加快本系统的经济发展.在没有进行科学论证的情况下.下迭一些脱离实际的经济增长考核指标,而部分企业领导者为讨好主管部门.通过提供虚假会计信息等手段来“实现”上级主管部门下迭的有关指标。5、费用支出失控如某些企业为了搞活经济.允许部门经理开支一定比例的业务费用,但对这部分费用的适用范围无明确规定,更无约束监督机制。导致部门经理大手大脚,挥霍浪费,使本来微利的企业出现亏损。本来亏损的企业雪上加霜。纵观目前企业内控出现的种种问题和成因。使我们深刻认识到,企业的长期健康有序生长离不开企业内部控制的制订与实施,内部控制贯穿于企业经营活动的保个方面,只要存在企业经济活动和经营管理.就需要有相应的内部控制。三、如同建立有效的内部控制体系内部控制是现代企业管理的重要组成部分,它渗透于企业经营管理活动的各个方面,是衡量现代企业管理的重要标志.通过实践得出的结论是:得控则强、失控则弱、无控则乱。目前我国企业内部控制较为薄弱.主要原因是内控制度不完善、外部监督乏力等。因此必须加强企业内部控制,采取一些有效的措施。(一)建立一个良好的内部控制环境。控制环境是指对企业控制的建立和实施有重大影响的因素的统称。控制环境的好坏直接决定着企业其他控制能否实施或实施的效果,建立一个良好的内部控制环境.应从以下几方面着手:1、管理者当局必须树立现代企业管理观念。如果管理者不愿为实现预算、利润和其他财务及经营目标重视管理.不愿设立内部控制制度或不能遵守建立的内控制度,控制环境将受到很不利的影响。2、建立合理的组织机构。主要包括:(1)确定组织单位的形式和性质,确认相关的管理职能和报告关系;(2)为每个组织单位内部划分责任权限制定办法。合理授权和分配责任。各职能部门授权一定要明确,因事设人、视能授权、责任到位,且责任与权利对等。3、充分发挥审计作用。从内部审计和外部审计两方面相结合来优化控制环境,内部审计机构是强化内部控制制度的一项基本措施。外部审计主要是指国家审计机关、部门审计机构定期不定期地对企业内部控制制度进行评价。4、重视对内部控制制度管理人员的选用。内部控制制度设计得再完善。若没有称职的人员来执行,也不能发挥作用。企业的用人政策直接影响着企业能否吸收有较高能力的人员来执行内部控制制度。要杜绝账户设置不合理、记录不真实的情况,充实会计控制制度的职能作用,则必须重视对内部控制制度管理人员的选用和培训。提高财会人员的素质.定期进行考评,奖优罚劣。5、各种管理控制方法灵活运用。常用的管理控制方法有计划控制、目标控制、预算控制、定额控制、进度控制、规章制度控制等。(二)建立一个有效的会计系统。内部控制的第二个要素是会计系统。它是指公司为了汇总、分析、分类、记录、报告公司交易。并保持对相关资产与负债的受托责任而建立的方法和记录。在企业以会计准则为指导,自行设计会计制度日渐成为国家对会计的管理体制的情况下,会计系统的建立也就是企业会计制度的设计。会计制度的设计不仅包括规定会计账户、账簿、会计报表等内容的编制说明,还包括发生在企业各部门间各类经营管理活动中会计处理程序的具体规定,把内部控制抽象性、要素性的方法和程序融化为企业会计制度中具体可操作的方法与程序。建立一个有效的会计系统,实施会计控制是内部控制制度的关键。一个有效的会计系统应能做到以下几点:1、确认并记录所有真实的交易。2、及时且充分详细地描述交易。3、计量交易的价值。4、确定交易发生的期间。5、在会计报表中适当地表达交易和披露相关事项。从以上说明不难看出。会计系统的核心是处理交易。公司的会计系统应为每笔交易提供一个完整的“交易轨迹”。(三)建立合理的内部控制程序。内部控制程序是为了合理保证公司目标的实现而建立的政策和程序组成的。可运用于某种交易(如购货付款),也可运用于控制环境和会计系统的特定组成部分。内部控制程序可分为以下五类:1、交易授权。交易授权主要目的在于保证交易是管理人员在其授权范围授权产生的。2、职责划分。对某交易涉及的各项职责进行合理划分.使每一个人的工作能自动地检查另一个人或更多人的工作。例如:某些会计工作的职责应划分(出纳不得兼管稽核、会计档案保管以及收入、支出、费用、往来、债权、债务的登记工作;银行票据与单位财务印鉴不能一人保管。仓库材料明细账要设专人稽核或者另设记账员记账);某项交易的执行、记录、维护等应指派给不同的个人或(销售的授权、货物的发运、开账单给顾客等工作派给不同人员)。其主要目的是为了预防和及时发现错误或舞弊行为。3、凭证与记录控制。对各种外来票据及自制凭证,在格式、份数、编号、传递程序、各联的用途、有关领导和经办人签章、明细数合计数及大小写数字一致等方面作出规定;在会计核算中对差错更正、余额核对、各种报表相关数字核对作出规定;对某些凭证执行预先编号制度。4、资产接触与记录使用。主要是指限制接近资产和接近重要记录,以保证资产和记录的安全。保护资产和记录安全的最重要措施就是采用实物防护措施,比如,将存货存入仓库以防偷窃,对凭证和记录也需要进行实物安全保护,比如,应收账款的主要档案、保险单和应收票据等。5、独立稽核。独立稽核是指验证由另一个人或部门执行。通过对资金收付、产品销售、现金管理、记账凭证、税收申报、物资采购的稽核.以确保企业财产物资的安全与完整、确保企业经营活动的正常进行。四、健仝种完善企业内部控镧制度是企业发展需要。企业内部控制是企业经营管理的需要。在市场经济中,企业经营管理的关键点无非是产品的销售、货款的回收、物资的采购、款项的支付.而这些环节无不与企业内部会计控制休戚相关。内部控制的目的是确保企业经营活动的效率和效果、经济信息和财务报告的可靠性。在现代企业中,其主要作用如下:一是有助于管理层改善经营方式,实现经营目标。二是保护企业各项资产的安全和完整,防止资产流失或损害;三是保证业务经营信息和财务会计资料的真实性和完整性:四是保证企业财务活动的合法性。可见,健全和完善内部控制既是企业发展的需要,也是企业的一种责任和义务。



The enterprise internal control theory The internal control is an important symbol of modern enterprise management, through the practice of the conclusion is: to control is strong, weak, without control is controlled, The new regulations "accounting law 27 units shall establish and perfect the system of supervision unit interior Unit interior accountant controls on the execution, the internal control What is the internal control The internal control is the formation of a series of measures to control functions, procedures, methods, and standardized and systematized, make it become a rigorous, relatively complete According to the control of the internal control can be divided into different purpose accounting control and management Accounting control and protection of assets is safe, the accounting information authenticity and integrity and financial activities related to the legitimacy of control, Management control means to ensure operation policy decision, implementation of business activities and promote the efficiency and effectiveness, and the effect of the relevant management to achieve the goals of Accounting control and management control and not mutually exclusive, incompatible, some control measures can be used for accounting control, and can also be used to The goal is to ensure that the internal control unit operations efficiency and effect, safety, economic information of assets and financial reports of Its main functions: one is to achieve target management policy and management, Second is the assets of safety protection unit is complete, prevent loss of assets, Three is to guarantee the business and financial accounting information authenticity and In addition, the legitimacy of the financial activities within the unit is the internal control Good, although the internal control to achieve these goals, but whether the internal control design and operation, it is not how to eliminate its inherent This limitation must also be clear and Main show is: (1) the limited by cost benefit principle, (2) if the employee has different responsibility ignore control program, misjudgment, even the collusion, inside and outside, often cause in fraud internal control malfunction, (3) management personnel abuse, and to set up or Passover control of internal control ignored, also can make the establishment of internal control non- Second, the basic structure of internal control The basic structure of internal Mainly includes control environment, accounting system and control procedures in three aspects: (a) control Control environment refers to establish or implement a policy of various factors, which affect mainly reflects unit managers and other personnel to control the attitude, understanding and Specific include: management ideas and management style, unit organization structure, functions and managers of these functions, determine the powers and responsibilities of the manager monitoring and inspection method, the working personnel policy measures to control, and its implementation, this unit of various external business (2) accounting Accounting system refers to establish accounting and accounting supervision procedure and method of business Effective accounting system should do: 1, confirmed and record all real business, timely and detailed description of economic business, so in the financial and accounting reports of economic business appropriately 2 and measurement value of economic business, so in the financial and accounting reports records in the appropriate monetary 3 and determine the time, business to business records in the appropriate accounting 4 in the financial and accounting reports, business and proper disclosure of expression related (3) control Control program to formulate policy and managers to ensure a certain Specific include: business and economic activity approval, The relevant personnel division of responsibilities clear, and prevent fraud, The bill and certificates and use, should guarantee business activities and recorded properly, Property and its use to have documented exposure measures to protect, For registered business valuation, and to review, Third, the basic way of internal control The basic way of internal control mainly has: organization planning control, authorized control, budget control, material control, cost control, risk control and audit (a) to organize the According to the internal control requirements, the unit in determining the organizational structure and improve the process, incompatible duties shall follow the principle of separation, the so-called incompatible duties, refers to those if by a man or a department, and may cheat yourself concealing its position of The economic activity of the unit can usually divided into five stages: namely, the approval issued by authorized, execution, and Normally, if each step by the relatively independent researchers (or department), can guarantee the separation incompatible duties, facilitating the function of the internal Organize and control mainly includes two aspects: 1 and incompatible duties of If the accounting work of accountant and cashier incompatible duties, need to Should be separate positions usually have an authorized: economic business duties to separation, Execute a business with the position of the post to review: Execution of an economic position and record the business to business position: Keep a record of the property of the position and position of property to separation Incompatible duties separation is based on the assumption that two personal unconscious accomplice a possibility, but the possibility of a person gains more than two If this hypothesis, breakthrough incompatible duties of separation cannot play control [NextPage] 2, the organization's A unit of economic activities according to the needs of different departments and institutions set, the organization's set of responsibilities and should reflect the mutual control Specific requirement is: the responsibility and authority of the organizations must be licensed and guarantee the authority within the scope of authority without intervention, Each business must pass in operation of the department and guarantee in different departments concerned to check each other, In every business, should belong to was not inspectors, in order to ensure that the inspectors check out the problem was solved (2) authorized The authorized department of internal control unit to handle business or staff access Some departments or units within a clerk in the treatment of economic business, must be authorized or approved to, no Authorized control unit can guarantee the implementation course and Authorized are generally authorized and particular authorized two forms: general mandate is to deal with average economic business level and the approval of the right conditions stipulated in the unit, usually in the internal control of clarifying, Special authorization of special economic business processing is the right level and approval conditions, such as when a prescribed amount exceeds the economic business department, only after approval within specific authorized to Authorized the basic control requirement is: first, must be clear and specific license authorization of the general line and responsibility, Secondly, to clear the authorized business each program, Again, to establish the necessary examination system, to ensure that the processing after the authorized business working Some current unit executes leadership "pen", with the approval of the internal control principles and requirements, should Practice has proved, rights should be restricted, lose the right to restrict the corruption which (3) budget Budget control is an important aspect of internal control, including financing, financing, purchasing, production, sales, investment and management The economic business units to prepare detailed budget and plan, and through the authorized by relevant departments, the budget or plan implementation control, the basic requirements: first, the unit budget must reflect the management goal, and clear Second, the budget shall be permitted by the authorized to budget adjustments to budget and more Third, it shall timely feedback or regular budget (4) physical assets Physical assets control mainly include restrictions to control inventory control and regular two, this is the real assets of unit of safety control There are two main: first, to limit to strictly control, to physical assets and the relevant documents of the physical assets, such as cash and bank deposit, securities and inventory, warehouse, the warehouser except cashier personnel and other personnel is limited, contact, to ensure the safety of Second, regular physical assets inventory, guarantee the physical assets conform with the actual amount recorded book, such as accounts inconsistent, should investigate the cause and In addition to the above, physical assets control say from broad sense, also include the physical assets of purchase, storage, and shipping and sales process (5) cost Modern cost control can be divided into "extensive" and "intensive" Extensive cost control, refers to the production technology, product process under the condition of invariable, rely solely on reducing consumption materials, reasonable material to lower the cost of cost control, Intensive cost control, refers to raise the level of technology to improve the production technology, product process, thus reducing the cost These two kinds of methods, combining modern cost 1, extensive cost control, the cost of raw materials procurement control from the final product sold throughout, and is one of the most fundamental and most main control First, the raw materials procurement cost For bulk materials generally used to open ZhaoBiaoFa or according to manufacturer direct Second, the use of materials cost Generally, there are two ways: one is the objective cost control, it is through the "target cost price - goals profits target =", which is obtained by cost method to control Veto Second, it is the cost control of various assignments, and through the analysis of cost drivers, costs and expenses of the collection, not only more reasonable truly computational cost, and thus find income and cost ratio or not only put no gains, so can largely reduce Third, product sales, cost Mainly propaganda cost control, notable is, advertising, promotional role played only product quality is the foundation of the user's Therefore, we should grasp investment and expenses of the matching [NextPage] 2 and intensive cost And can be divided into two types: one is to improve production technology by to reduce cost There are many ways to improve production technology, such as the introduction of new production line adopts high-tech products, Two is improved by process to reduce the cost of cost Intensive cost control on intellectual achievements, it can make the excess profit (6) risk Risk is usually referred to as a result of the action, and the risk associated with another concept is Some people only know beforehand action may result, but don't know they appear probability, or both all don't know, but only as a rough For example, enterprise test-manufacturing a new product, this product can certainly advance trial success or But don't know these two consequences of possibility Business decisions are generally in uncertain In practice, a result of action has many may not sure, risk, And as a result of the action, it is certainly not The risk control is to prevent and avoid as far as possible adverse According to the reasons of the formation of risk and risk management can generally be divided into two categories: the financial risk, 1, management Risk management refers to the production and business operation reasons for corporate profits to the Due to the production and operation of enterprises will be derived from many aspects of the external and internal factors, thus greatly, and the uncertainty of uncertainty, causes the enterprise profit margins or the changes, thus bringing Operational risk changes from the external, nonetheless, enterprises should adopt the effective internal control measures to 2, financial Financial risk and risk, it is to because debt and the enterprise's financial results for Companies operating in the capital, debt all except the part of self-capital, borrowed funds for enterprise self-capital affect profitability, At the same time, borrowed money to repay captital with interest, if unable to repay debts that are due, the enterprise will into financial difficulties or When the enterprise rate than pre-tax profit margins funds borrowed funds rate, use borrowed money earn profits and residual interest except compensation and thus make the self-capital profitability However, if the enterprise income tax profit margins than money borrowed funds, at this moment, use borrowed money to finance the profits are not pay interest, still need to use their own funds to pay interest on the part of the profit margins, thereby reducing the self-capital, make enterprise losses incurred, even the bankruptcy of the The risk for financing The size of the risk degree of self-capital by borrowing money, borrowed money ratio, the greater the risk degree proportion with smaller proportion, borrowed funds, risk degree also For financial risk control, the key is to ensure a reasonable capital structure, maintain the appropriate level of debt, should make full use of the debt management skill gain financial leverage income, improve the self-capital profitability, To avoid excessive debt caused by the financial risk, which is the important link of the enterprise internal control, must take the necessary measures to prevent fundraising (7) auditing Audit control mainly refers to the internal audit, internal audit and control of accounting is to Accounting information to internal audit, internal control is an integral part of the internal control is a kind of special Internal auditing is an organization in all kinds of activities and the internal control system of independent evaluation to determine whether the policy implementation, establish the procedure is in compliance with the standard of resources utilization, whether reasonable, effective and unit of objectives Internal audit content is very extensive, generally include internal financial audit and internal management Internal audit supervision of accounting information, and is not only the internal control is effective means to ensure that the accounting information is true and According to the basic principle of internal control and accounting work in our country actual situation, the new "law" regulation, the unit shall in internal accounting supervision system of accounting information in the regular internal audit methods and procedures, in order to make the internal audit institutions or internal auditors of accounting information system and procedure of audit In addition to the above seven internal control, and documentation Performance control and worker quality control, The new system of accounting supervision system on the unit interior, the main contents of the internal control Including: responsibilities, and strict procedures, truthfully record, regular check, In practice, establishing and implementing internal control should also consider: enterprise scale, organizational system and the owners' rights and interests; Business property, diversity and complexity, Transfer, processing, and the methods to information, Applicable regulatory requirements, At present many enterprise internal control was not good, except knowledge level, the main reasons of the administration is to establish and implement effective internal control of power, pressure, coerce, This change of the accounting law depends on the implementation of new science and the modern enterprise system and the establishment of corporate governance To help enterprises to establish internal control, can consult other countries and regions, by the relevant departments of the internal control of some important industry and points for each unit, reference, and learning to use gradually perfect the internal control system, in order to promote the comprehensive enterprise in our country, and in


