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Human resource plays the pivotal role in social economy development increasingly. 5P model is regarded as a very important model in human resource management, while it delivers the huge purpose and instant effect. But we have to realize that the application of 5P needs to one environment that cooperation of every department and plan the relevant policies, therefore enterprises utilize 5P model depending on practical situation. This anticle tries to realize the huge effect of 5P model very well through both discussing the content of 5P model and 洛北春酒业集团`s suessful experience.

是翻成英文吗 Civil service system is the embodiment of the management system of personnel administration regularity, is promoting the modern government and the development of administrative system of anization design, it is perfect with innovation, related to the government administration quality and efficiency improvement. China in 1993 adopted the national civil service system, began to enter the modern government personnel management track. But overall, pared with foreign countries, the civil service system of our country is still relatively primitive, theoretical research is still relatively weak, and there are many aspects need reform and innovation. Therefore, the reform of the civil service system in China has bee an important task. This paper will be based on the civil service system on the basis of theoretical study, through to the Chinese and foreign civil servants system recorded in the annealing preferred, incentive coordination, the protection mechani *** of the three major aspects of the public servant system at home and abroad, to reveal the similarities and differences, to draw lessons from foreign civil servant system beneficial experience to perfect our civil servant system design. 我只把你摘要的发来了

Abstract The core petitiveness of enterprises is the basis of the sustainable development of enterprise and the source of petitive advatages. As a growth point of China's national economy, Real Estate directly affects the national economic development and the people's livelihood. Therefore, the construction of real estate enterprises'core petitive ability should be paid profound attention. Depending on a bination of core petence theory, this paper is in view of the status quo of the estate enterprise'core petitive ability in China,then bines the author's opinion under the help of the related books,documents and the teacher, and finally turn out the means of the construction of enterprises'core petitive ability . Keywords The Core Competiveness of Enterprises Brand Strategy Enterpise Culture

Urban vulnerable groups is in the interests of the economic system transformation relative damage, marginalized groups, with social transformation, economic restructuring and social factors such as industrial restructuring, urban vulnerable groups is being increasingly prominent, and has affected our economy development and social equity. Based on the situation of vulnerable groups of urban studies, that the size of the vulnerable groups in recent years in increasing the survival of the city status of vulnerable groups have not been effective improvement, therefore, an urgent need for government-led, to establish and improve various policies and mechani *** s to protect the basic rights of vulnerable groups in order to achieve the goal of building a well.

Along with continuous development of market economy and intensive structural reform of publish industry, financial management play a more and more important role on the development and management of publishing enterprise. Publishing enterprises must change their concepts and pay attention to financial management, building and insisting on the sense of innovation and human-oriented financial management, actively exploring and building a sound financial management system which is adaptive to market economic management system and operation mechani *** . Publishing enterprises must try a variety of ways and means to resolve the outstanding issues in financial management, making effort to improve the qualities of financial workers, strengthening the informational construction of financial management, realizing continuous innovation on financial centralized management and aounts receivable management, so as to promote the publishing industry develop in a healthy and good direction.

Abstract: The woman known as half of the sky in an era of growing concern in the feminist context, hold up half the sky in other men - their pressure, their difficulties, their sad, seems to have been used to And even taken for granted. But Chili as one of the representatives of women writers, she works in many men have expressed the concern of this group. Loss of life, questions of love, of self-worth of confusion, as the mon challenge facing the hero. Thus, character. environment. the fate of one man without the image of the intersection in question to the reality: our way is, Where is tomorrow? 摘要还必须包括关键词的。


[Abstract] In the 1980s and 1990s last century, the economy developed at a high speed with the sacrifice of damaging the environments which caused serious environmental problems and social problems. Gov and society began to think about it, therefore in the process of production and manufacturing, enterprises should take the corporate social responsibility (CSR). With the improvement of social system, many enterprises have realized the problem of social responsibility. More and more enterprises find that it is not contradicted beeen achieving the individual economic goal and fulfilling the social goal. To enhance the consciousness and initiative of fulfilling the social responsibility, enterprises should fulfill the social responsibility to convey related information to the society. It plays a key role to develop the social responsibility and social responsibility investments because it can better bring in the public opinion pressure and Gov supervision. High moral standards aord with the enterprises’ long-term benefit which will help gain reputation and trust in the daily operation and long-term cooperation. Enterprises can really catch the advantage of taking the social responsibility, the policy and regulation that push the enterprises to fulfill the social responsibility so that to find appropriate conduct system. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, corporate obligation, significance of social responsibility, harmonious society

This thesis presents a detailed *** ysis of the current situation of the private enterprises of Chaoshan, gave emphasized *** ysis on both the advantage of its development and problems lied in, and found out the advantages as well as limitations of the district of Chaoshan. On the basis of this, this thesis also studied on the New Wenzhou Mode, while in the meantime proposed advices on the future development of private enterprises of Chaoshan district in view of strategy.


100%人工翻译希望能帮助你摘要:Abstract: 企业的融资结构与公司治理之间有着天然的联系。There is a natural relationship between the corporate finance structure and the corporate governance.不同的公司治理实际上影响着资本结构的制度安排;Different corporporate governance actually affect the structural organization of the capital structure; 同样,不同的资本结构也影响着公司治理的制度安排。Similarly, different capital structures also affect the structural organization of corporate governance.良好的公司治理结构能确保公司经理层得到正好为其投资所需但又不是更多的资金来完成有利可图的项目,Good corporate governance structure can ensure that the company management department receives the appropriate investment funds but yet are not too much for the company to reap supernormal profits.而适当的资本结构又有利于完善公司治理、提高治理效率And appropriate capital structure is helpful in improving the corporate governance as well as enhancing the governance efficiency.也就是说,资本结构可通过股权和债权等特有作用的发挥及其合理配置来协调出资人与经营者之间,以及不同出资人之间的利益关系In other words, the capital structure can coordinate the interests between the investor, operator and the different investors through the effective equity and debt as well as through rational allocations. 本文仅从融资结构与公司治理之间的关系入手,分析我国企业公司治理和融资结构现状的不足之处,并在深入分析原因的基础上提出相应对策。This paper only starts from relationship between the financing structure and the corporate governance, analyzes the deficiencies of the current state of China's enterprises corporate governance, and proposes the corresponding countermeasures based on an in-depth analysis of causes.




3、英文字体与行间距:统一使用“西文字体”中的“Times New Roman”,倍行间距。



6、英文关键词:“Key Words”顶格,使用四号字并加粗。每个关键词使用四号字。









一般情况下你论文的第一部分就是介绍你整篇论文写的是什么,为什么写,要表明你的观点以及论证的论点的方法途径。 摘要就把第一部分里每一段的主要内容浓缩一下,最后一句下个结论就OK了。实在不行你可以把开题报告浓缩一下,摘要里需要的东西开题报告里都有了。 不过我觉得你最好最后再写摘要,把论文完成了摘要就自然出来了。

你试试 有道词典 我觉得还不错




刘姥姥是大观园外的小人物,但在《红楼梦》中却有着重要的地位和意义。她在小说中起到穿针引线的结构作用,使《红楼梦》这张人物和生活之网理得清楚、扎得结实。刘姥姥对贾府主子们的性格特征和精神世界起到了衬托作用,使他们的形象变得丰满。刘姥姥三进三出荣国府,旁观了贾府的兴、衰、欢、悲,对小说的主旨表达有着重要的意义。正确把握刘姥姥形象的结构作用和主旨意义,才能深入理解《红楼梦》的深刻意蕴。 Old Mrs Liu was a *** all character outside of the "Grand Look Gardens", yet with an important status and meaning. Her role as a a go-beeen has the structural effects on the book, which helped making the plexicity of the characters of the novel and their ways of everyday life more clear and set a firm foundation. Old Mrs Liu served well as a foil to the masters of Jia household's characteristics of their personalities and their spiritual world, enriching her image. She went in and came out of Rong Guo's Resident three times and eye witnessed the rise and fall, happiness and sadness of the Jia household and has an important significance of the novel's expression of the subject. Only if you could correctly grasp the image of Old Mrs Liu's effects on the structue of the novel and it's purpose significance can you gain the in-depth understanding of the "A Dream of the Red Mansions" and its profound meaning.

关键词:《红楼梦》A Dream of the Red Mansions;刘姥姥 Old Mrs Liu;结构 structure;主旨意义 purpose significance





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《山海经·故事奇闻》本刊主要刊登民间流传的故事、传说以及反映现实生活的新故事、新传说,是一本老少咸宜、雅俗共赏的民间文学杂志,主要栏目,既有“民间奇案”、“茶馆趣闻录”、“皇宫里的故事”、“妙联巧对故事”、等民间故事,又有反映现实生活的“城乡奇闻”、“伤心女子故事”、“家庭悲喜剧”、 “讽刺幽默故事”等新故事,还有“海外奇闻”、等反映域外风情的故事。







在栏目设置上,紧贴青少年生活的各个层面,设立“成长”、“情感” 、“人生” 、“社会” 、“人物” 、“时尚” 、“视野” 、“文苑” 、“热读”等版块,通过故事、讲义、美文等各种形式,挖掘生活中的真善美,塑造积极向上的青年形象,弘扬社会的正义和美德。








3、《Google 翻译》























MC推出的翻译引擎,也是edge browser内置的全网页翻译引擎,具有与Google类似的翻译效果。








英文杂志推荐《Reader's Digest》 读者文摘、The Economist 《经济学人》、Vanity Fair《 名利场》

《Reader's Digest》是一本打开就会让你静下心来的读物,从健康到生态、从政治到军事、从旅游到商业,适合各种人群去阅读。“用持久的、人性的东西打败了时尚的、热点的东西”。

《Reader's Digest》不是快餐读物,他在追求与时俱进的同时,保持对人性的探索,真善美是他永恒的主题,简单朴素的人文关怀。


《名利场》(Vanity Fair),美国老牌生活杂志,1913年创刊,报道对象多是上流人物、演艺明星、时尚先锋,其摄影力量在美国主流期刊中数一数二,较有名的有女摄影师安妮·莱伯维茨(Annie Leibovitz)以及马克·塞利格(Mark Seliger)、蒂姆·沃克(Tim Walker)等。




