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Brinkleyork: Knopf, 1993.



Dunn, Richard J ed. Charlotte Bront: Jane EyreNew York: Norton, 1971.





第一作者姓名(姓在前,名在后,中间加逗号)后接“et al.”,其他作者姓名省略。


University of Hawaii Press, 1997.


Widdowson, Henry G1998a.

Widdowson, Henry G. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1998b.



Thompson, Pett. “Modal Verbs in Academic Writing”. In Ben Kettlemann & York: Rodopi, 2002: 305-323.



Fagan, Jeffrey. “Gangs and Drugs”. ork: Macmillan, 2001.



Murphy, Karen. “Meaningful Connections: Using Technology in Primary Classrooms”.



“Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About URL”.



皮亚杰.结构主义[M] .北京:商务印书馆,1984.
















[N]-- 报纸文章


[D]--学位论文 :不区分硕士还是博士论文


[S]-- 标准





[DB/OL] --联机网上数据(database online)

[DB/MT] --磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)

[M/CD] --光盘图书(monograph on CDROM)

[CP/DK] --磁盘软件(computer program on disk)

[J/OL] --网上期刊(serial online)

[EB/OL] --网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online)






[1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星。对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109.

[2] 夏鲁惠。高等学校毕业设计(论文)教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52.

[3] Heider, . The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67.




[4] 刘国钧,王连成。图书馆史研究[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1979:15-18,31.

[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.




[6] 李大伦。经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3)。

[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33)。


【格式】[序号]作者。篇名 [C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码。


[8] 伍蠡甫。西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.

[9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In & L. Grossberg(eds.)。 Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, .

[10] Almarza, . Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In and (eds.)。 Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. .




[11] 张筑生。微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7.




[12] 冯西桥。核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.






[14] GB/T 16159-1996, 汉语拼音正词法基本规则 [S].




[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会。科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991-06-05




[16] 王明亮。关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL].

[17] 万锦。中国大学学报论文文摘(1983 1993)。英文版 [DB/CD]. 北京: 中国大百科全书出版社, 1996.


【格式】[序号] 主要责任者。文献题名[Z].出版地:出版者, 出版年。



(1)中文标点+ 全角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(而这时,我没有找到哪个键可以输入 / 符号)也就是说,这些符号是一定不能出现在“参考文献”中的;

(2)中文标点+半角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(这时,我还是没有找到哪个键可以输入 / 符号)也就是说,这些符号也不能出现在“参考文献”中的;





所以,很多人在写“参考文献” 时,总是觉得用英文标点+半角很不清楚,间距也太小,其实这点完全不用担心如果你觉得真的太小不好看,就用英文标点+全角吧而在[1] 之后,一般也都有一个空格。


①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母。 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, .,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & .

②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly.



Managing people effectively in extension programmes is a skill that requires constant planning and development. An extension programme manager can be defined as the person who is vested with formal authority over an organization or one of its sub units. He or she has status that leads to various interpersonal relations, and from this comes access to information. Information, in turn, enables the manager to devise strategies, make decisions, and implement action (Mintzberg, 1988). Management is concerned with the optimum attainment of organizational goals and objectives with and through other people. Extension management organizations are characterized by many strategies, wide spans of control, democracy, and autonomy. Their management practices cannot be reduced to one standard set of operating guidelines that will work for all organizations continually. However, all managers of professional organizations face the same challenge: to manage one's time, objectives, and resources in order to accomplish tasks and implement ideas (Waldron, 1994). Managers of extension programmes are painfully aware of the need for revision and development of the new skill sets held by today's high performers. If change is not handled correctly, it can be more devastating then ever before. High performers reflect, discover, assess, and act. They know that a new focus on connecting the heads, hearts, and hands of people in their organization is necessary. Astute managers know what needs to be done but struggle with how to do it. Quite often they prefer to consider themselves as teachers or communicators rather than managers. This results in under-utilization of the increasing amount of literature on management theory and practice. The root of the problem is implementation. They must learn how to motivate others and build an efficient team. More formally defined, management is the process by which people, technology, job tasks, and other resources are combined and coordinated so as to effectively achieve organizational objectives. A process or function is a group of related activities contributing to a larger action. Management functions are based on a common philosophy and approach. They centre around the following: 1. Developing and clarifying mission, policies, and objectives of the agency or organization 2. Establishing formal and informal organizational structures as a means of delegating authority and sharing responsibilities 3. Setting priorities and reviewing and revising objectives in terms of changing demands 4. Maintaining effective communications within the working group, with other groups, and with the larger community 5. Selecting, motivating, training, and appraising staff 6. Securing funds and managing budgets; evaluating accomplishments and 7. Being accountable to staff, the larger enterprise, and to the community at large (Waldron, 1994b).The management functions listed above can be categorized by using the acronym POSDCORB (Bonoma & Slevin, 1978, from Gulick & Urwick, 1959): · Planning: outlining philosophy, policy, objectives, and resultant things to be accomplished, and the techniques for accomplishment · Organizing: establishing structures and systems through which activities are arranged, defined, and coordinated in terms of some specific objectives · Staffing: fulfilling the personnel function, which includes selecting and training staff and maintaining favourable work conditions · Directing: making decisions, embodying decisions in instructions, and serving as the leader of the enterprise · Coordinating: interrelating the various parts of the work · Reporting: keeping those to whom you are responsible, including both staff and public, informed · Budgeting: making financial plans, maintaining accounting and management control of revenue, and keeping costs in line with objectivesPlanningPlanning is the key management function of any extension worker. It is the process of determining in advance what should be accomplished, when, by whom, how, and at what cost. Regardless of whether it is planning long-term program priorities or planning a two-hour meeting, the planning aspect of management is the major contributor to success and productivity. Stated simply, "If you don't know where you are going, then you won't know when you have arrived!" Planning is the process of determining the organization's goals and objectives and making the provisions for their achievement. It involves choosing a course of action from available alternatives. Planning is the process of determining organizational aims, developing premises about the current environment, selecting the course of action, initiating activities required to transform plans into action, and evaluating the outcome. The types of planning that managers engage in will depend on their level in the organization and on the size and type of the organization. Generally there are four major types of planning exercises: strategic, tactical, contingency, and managerial. Strategic planning involves determining organizational goals and how to achieve them. This usually occurs at the top management level. Tactical planning is concerned with implementing the strategic plans and involves middle and lower management. Contingency planning anticipates possible problems or changes that may occur in the future and prepares to deal with them effectively as they arise (Marshall, 1992). Managerial planning is usually considered as microlevel planning. It helps in combining resources to fulfil the overall objectives of the extension organization. A needs assessment may initiate a need for developing a plan. The planning process begins with the creation of a philosophy that consists of statements describing the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the organization. Its mission statement is a proclamation of its purpose or reason for being. After the philosophy and mission statements have been established, various goals and objectives are defined. Goals are usually general statements that project what is to be accomplished in the future. An objective is a concrete statement describing a specific action. Policies are predetermined guides to decision making; they establish boundaries or limits within which action may be taken. Managers are related to policy formation in two ways. First, they play a crucial role in implementing organizational policies that have been established by higher management. Second, they create policies within their departments as guides for their own work groups. Procedures outline the series of steps to be followed when carrying out a designed policy or taking a particular course of action. Rules are used to provide final and definite instruction. Usually they are inflexible. Planning is designing the future, anticipating problems, and imagining success. In short, planning is essential for anyone who wants to survive. The functions of organizing, leading, staffing, and budgeting are means of carrying out the decisions of planning. Everyone is a planner - a planner of meals, of work time, Of vacations, of families. Formal planning, however, distinguishes managers from non-managers, effective managers from ineffective managers. Formal planning forces managers to think of the future, to set priorities, to encourage creativity, to articulate clear objectives, and to forecast the future in terms of anticipated problems and political realities. Long-Range Planning Long-range planning is vitally important in that it focuses attention on crucial future issues which are vitally important to the organization. It involves studying societal trends and issues, surveying current and anticipated learners' needs, and being aware of long-term research directions and changes in technology. Many extension workers may think that such management is beyond their level of authority, control, or involvement. They may feel that such management is the prerogative of the director, the deputy minister, or the president. However, while senior levels of management must be involved, those who implement the objectives resulting from long-range planning should also be involved.



[1]Allport, G. W. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1937.

[2]DeVellis, R. Scale development: Theory and application. London: Sage. 1991.

[3]Anderson,J. R. Methodologies for studying human knowledge. Behavioural and Brain Sciences,1987,10(3),467-505

[4]Aragon-Comea, J. A. Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal,1998,41(5),556-567.

[5]Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 2001,52,1-26.

[6]Barr, P. S,Stimpert,J. L,& Huff,A. S. Cognitive change,strategic action and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 1992,13(S1),15-36.

[7]Bourgeois, L. J. On the measurement of organizational slack. Academy of Management Review, 1981,6(1),29-39.

[8]Belkin, N. J. Anomalous state of knowledge for information retrieval. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 1980,5(5),133-143.

[9]Bentler,P. M,& Chou C. P. Practical issues in structural equation Methods and Research,1987,16(1),78-117

[10]Atkin, C. K. Instrumental utilities and information seeking. New models for mass communication research, Oxford,England: Sage,1973.


[1]Antelo,M. Licensing a non-drastic innovation under double informational asymmetry. Rese arch Policy,2003,32(3), 367-390.

[2]Arora, A. Patents,licensing, and market structure in the chemical Policy, 1997,26(4-5), 391-403.

[3]Aoki,R.,& Tauman,Y. Patent licensing with spillovers. Economics Letters,2001,73(1),125-130.

[4]Agarwal, S,& Hauswald, R. Distance and private information in of Financial Studies,2010,23(7),2757-2788.

[5]Brouthers, Hennart, . Boundaries of the firm: insights from international entry mode research. Journal of Management, 2007,33,395-425.

[6]Anderson, J. E. A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. American Economic Review, 1997,69(1),106-116.

[7]Barkema,H. G.,Bell,J. H. J.,& Pennings, J. M. Foreign entry,cultural barriers,and learning. Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17(2),151-166.

[8]Bass, B.,& Granke, R. Societal influences on student perceptions of how to succeed in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972,56(4),312-318.

[9]Bresman, H.,Birkinshaw, J.,& Nobel, R. Knowledge transfer in international acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies,1999,30(3),439-462.

[10]Chesbrough, H. W.,& Appleyard,M, M. Open innovation and Management Review, 2007,50(1),57-76.

China’s accession into the WTO has triggered extensive discussions on the part of macroeconomists, both domestic and international, concerning China’s macroeconomic performance in the future. As a would-be senior enterprise manager, I have also been gravely concerned about the possible impacts that this historical event would produce on enterprise management. During my prospective studies at NYU, I plan to work on an individual project which will be entitled Designing the Optimum Management Mode for China’s Medium- and Small-Sized Enterprises After China’s Accession into the WTO. In China, the medium- and small-sized enterprises have been playing an increasingly important role in the country’s whole economy. Yet, the management of those enterprises is far from being effective. They cannot make effective use of their resources to realize their potential profits, or they have failed to properly estimate their long-term profit-making capacity. Their survival seems to be ensured when only faced with domestic competition because their competitors are equally incompetent in their management. However, their competitors after China’s entry into WTO are those international enterprises with professional management expertise. If those Chinese enterprises cannot fully utilize their resources or make strategic adjustments, their existence and profit-making ability would be seriously jeopardized. The objective of my project is to evolve a system of optimum management mode, together with its methodology and concepts, which fits the special characteristics of Chinese enterprises. In addition, I will propose some specific feasibility models. The research findings of this project would provide valuable information for those enterprises to help them achieve that they actually deserve by means of effective project will proceed in this way. First, as China’s current economic system is rather unique in the entire world, a system that combines free market system with the so-called socialist system, I will conduct an analysis of both the macro and the micro economic circumstances of those enterprises. The research may lead to the following results, that the optimum management mode of China’s enterprises might differ fundamentally from that of their foreign counterparts in terms of its form of expression, although the purpose of designing the management mode is essentially the same --- the realization of profits. At the same time, I will endeavor to know the existing conditions of management in those enterprises and discover the inherent problems in their management and their potential resources. It is precisely those potential resources that are their potential profit margins. The aim of doing so is to compare and contrast the management in those enterprises with that of excellent enterprises. Those procedures will be completed before I leave China to pursue studies at your university. At least I will have to collect all the necessary materials before I proceed onto further studies during my program at your the second stage of my project, I will attempt at a study of all the requisite elements that characterize optimum management mode as described by management theories. I will try to trace the process how these elements evolved and their present form of expression by studying the management cases of successful international enterprises. This step will be crucial as what I discover will be the most precious experience for Chinese enterprises. As for the choice of the cases, I will concentrate on those foreign enterprises that are analogous to their Chinese counterparts both in the scale and in the nature of business operation. Based on my understanding of the existing condition of Chinese medium- and small-sized enterprises, I will lay emphasis on the construction of corporate culture and the design of management successful international enterprises have their correspondingly excellent corporate cultures which serve as the foundation for their constant creation of ever-increasing profits, sustained growth, and triumphs over their competitors. Most enterprise administrators in China are inheritors of the conventional mentality of the planned economy who absolutely fail in the cultivation of their corporate cultures. The successful cultivation of corporate culture requires the top management to be equipped with knowledge in administration science, psychology, organizational behavior and in other sciences, a process which demands tremendous creativity. To complete this project satisfactorily, I need to immerse myself in the coursework that your university will offer me. I also need to summarize the characteristics of corporate culture that many successful international enterprises share and the process whereby the successful corporate cultures developed. Those characteristics can be important lessons that Chinese enterprises can assimilate because China’s membership in the WTO forces its enterprises to be confronted with the similar business environment to that faced by their foreign counterparts long operating under the market economy system. Meanwhile, by combining my research findings with the actual circumstances of the Chinese enterprises, I can come up with some creative ideas as to the proper mode of corporate culture development in keeping with the characteristics of those enterprises. Moreover, the design of management strategies is something that Chinese enterprises lack. For Chinese enterprises that switch from a relatively self-enclosed market to the liberal international market, it is necessary to effect a transformation in their management strategies and this transformation will be vital for the successful transition from domestic to international markets. In terms of research methodology, I will adopt those approaches similar to those for my studies on the corporate believe that this envisioned project will contribute importantly to the enterprise management of China and it will be much more fruitful if I can secure assistance from the seasoned faculty members of your prestigious university.


Enterprise Management IncentivesA guide for employees, employers and advisersThis guidance aims to take you through the qualifying requirements for Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs). It is divided into sections which explain each part of the legislation contained in Schedule 5 Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003. Detailed points are covered in a question and answer context. It also explains some key terms otherwise stated, the statutory references in this guidance are to the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003, and the abbreviations ITEPA 2003 and Sch 5 have been used that if you grant EMI options you may also have to consider other laws and rules. For example, there may be company law and regulatory requirements to comply with. Such matters are not covered in this guide so you should consider whether you need to take relevant professional information contained here is for guidance only. EMI options must at all times comply with the provisions of Schedule 5 ITEPA ’s in this guidance * What are Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs)? * How EMIs work * Qualifying companies * What makes an employee eligible? * About the options * Notification of grants of options * Income tax and National Insurance contributions * Capital gains tax * What happens when a company reorganises? * Useful contacts * EMI terms explainedWhat are Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs)?EMIs are tax advantaged share options. They are designed to help small, higher risk companies recruit and retain employees who have the skills to help them grow and succeed. They are also a way of rewarding employees for taking a risk by investing their time and skills to help small companies achieve their EMIs workTax advantaged share options with a market value of up to £100,000 may be granted to a qualifying employee of a qualifying company, subject to a total share value of £3 million under EMI options to all shares must be in an independent trading company that has gross assets of no more than £30 grant of the option is tax-free and there will normally be no tax or National Insurance contributions (NICs) for the employee to pay when the option is exercised. There will normally be no NICs charge for the the shares are sold at a gain, any capital gains tax (CGT) charge may be reduced because taper relief will normally start from the date that the option is employer must notify HMRC of an award of EMI options within 92 days of the grant of the this guidance all references to employer are to the employing companies qualify for EMIFor companies to qualify they must have maximum gross assets of no more than £30 million; for groups, this applies to the assets of the group as a whole. The company whose shares are the subject of the option must be independent, and the company or group must be trading. Companies carrying on certain trades will not is more detail on qualifying options qualify for tax relief under EMIIf an option is to qualify for tax relief: * the option has to be notified to HMRC in time and as required * the company whose shares are under option has to be a qualifying company * the type of share under option has to qualify * the employee has to be eligible * the terms of the option have to makes an employee eligibleTo qualify for EMI an employee has to be employed by the company whose shares are the subject of the option, or by a subsidiary. An employee must spend at least 25 hours a week working for the company or the group. If his hours are shorter, he must spend at least 75% of his working time working as an employee for the company or are more details on employee EMIs workThis section outlines the main requirements for options to qualify under EMI, they are: * the purpose of the option * the maximum entitlement of the employee and * the overall limit on options to be granted by the purpose of the optionThe options must be granted for commercial reasons to recruit or retain employees in a company, and not as part of an arrangement one of the main purposes of which is to avoid tax. (Para 4 Sch 5).Can a company cancel existing options and replace them with EMI options?If the option is granted to recruit or retain employees the purpose test is met. This will depend on the facts and all the entitlementNo employee may hold unexercised qualifying EMI options with a market value of more than £100,000. The market value is taken at the date of grant. The value to be used is the unrestricted market value, that is, the value of shares under option without taking into account any restrictions or the risk of forfeitureIf an option granted to an employee causes the £100,000 limit to be exceeded, the excess will not qualify as an EMI there limits on the number of qualifying options that an employee may be Granted within a particular period?Yes. Once an employee has been granted EMI, or EMI and Company Share Option Plan (CSOP) options up to the £100,000 limit, he must wait until 3 years after the last of these options was granted before he can be granted any more EMI qualifying options, even if he has exercised or released some of the options. He can then be granted further EMI options to the extent that any other EMI or CSOP options then held by him are below the £100,000 limit. (Para 6 Sch 5).How are shares valued for the purposes of the £100,000 limit?The market value of any shares for this purpose is the price they might reasonably be expected to fetch on the open market, free from any restrictions or risk of forfeiture to which they may be the shares under option are quoted on the London Stock Exchange, the market value is based on the prices on the Stock Exchange’s Daily Official List. If shares are not quoted on the London Stock Exchange, the company may offer its own valuation. In that case, HMRC may enquire into the , the company can ask HMRC Shares and Assets Valuation (SAV) to agree a valuation with them before the option is granted or whenever a valuation is required. Companies, or advisers, may find this the exercise of the option is subject to performance conditions will this affect the determination of market value?No. Performance conditions are not taken into account when determining the market value of the shares under there a limit on the number of employees who may hold EMI options?No. Any number of employees may hold EMI options in a company or group, subject to a maximum of £3 million as the total value of shares under EMI option in a CompaniesThis section sets out the conditions a company has to meet to qualify for EMI, they are: * independence * having only qualifying subsidiaries (including qualifying property managing subsidiaries after 17 March 2004) * gross assets * trading requirements that companies have to meet for options to qualify under EMI are similar to the requirements for the Enterprise Investment Scheme, the Corporate Venturing Scheme and Venture Capital Trusts. However, both quoted and unquoted companies can qualify for company whose shares are subject to EMI options must not be: * a 51% subsidiary (more than 50% of its ordinary share capital owned by another company), or * controlled by another company (or another company and persons connected with it).Arrangements must not exist which could result in the company becoming a 51% subsidiary or otherwise being controlled. (Para 9 Sch 5)Control in this context means the power of one company to ensure that the affairs of another company whose shares are subject to EMI option are conducted in accordance with that company’s wishes. This may be through share ownership, voting power, or because of any powers conferred by Articles of Association or other subsidiaries (before 17 March 2004)For options granted before 17 March 2004, all of a company’s subsidiaries must be qualifying subsidiaries. That is, the company whose shares are subject to EMI options must: * possess, directly or indirectly, at least 75% of the share capital and the voting power of the subsidiary * be entitled to receive at least 75% of the assets of the subsidiary, in the event of a winding up or in any other circumstances, if they were all distributed * be entitled to at least 75% of profits of the subsidiary available for distribution to other person must be able to control the subsidiary (control having the same meaning as it has for the independence requirement.)There must be no arrangements in existence by virtue of which any of these conditions would cease to be a subsidiary company itself has subsidiaries, shares will not qualify to be used in an EMI option unless all these subsidiaries are also qualifying subsidiaries, as defined 1Company A has a 75% shareholding in subsidiary company B, and the same % rights to votes, assets and income. Company B is therefore a qualifying B has a 75% shareholding in subsidiary company C, and the same % rights to votes, assets and income. Company C it also therefore a qualifying A meets the EMI requirements in relation to its 2Company X has a 75% shareholding in subsidiary company Y, and the same % rights to votes, assets and income. Company Y is therefore a qualifying X also has a 60% shareholding in subsidiary company Z, and the same % rights to votes, assets and income. Company Z is not a qualifying X therefore fails to meets the EMI requirements, as not all of its subsidiaries are qualifying subsidiaries (after 17 March 2004)For options granted on or after 17 March 2004 all of a company’s subsidiaries must be qualifying subsidiaries. That is, the company whose shares are subject to EMI options must hold, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the share capital of the subsidiary. (Para 11(2) Sch 5).No other person must be able to control the subsidiary (control having the same meaning as it has for the independence requirement.)There must be no arrangements in existence by virtue of which any of these conditions would cease to be is a further requirement if the company has subsidiaries that manage property managing subsidiariesFor options granted on or after 17 March 2004, a company will not qualify if it has a property managing subsidiary which is not a 90% subsidiary of the company. (Para 11A(1) Sch 5).A property managing company is one whose business consists wholly or mainly in the holding of managing of land, buildings or interest in be a qualifying property managing subsidiary, the company whose shares are subject to EMI options must: * possess, directly, at least 90% of the issued share capital and the voting power in the subsidiary * be entitled to receive at least 90% of the assets of the subsidiary, in the event of a winding up or in any other circumstances, if they were all distributed * be entitled to at least 90% of profits of the subsidiary available for distribution to other person must be able to control the subsidiary (control having the same meaning as it has for the independence requirement.)There must be no arrangements in existence by virtue of which any of these conditions would cease to be assetsThe value of the company’s gross assets must not exceed £30 million at the date the EMI option is granted. If the company is a member of a group of companies, the limits are applied to the gross assets of the group as a whole.由于篇幅有限,网址在这里,你可以在那里看到完整。这是一篇关于企业管理的学术性文章。



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Sustainable Development and Institutional Innovation in Privately-owned Small and edium-sized Businesses YANG Da-kai, MIAO Xue-feng ( School of International Investment, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433 , P. R. China) Abstract: Privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses are the main body in private-owned businesses in China and an e-merging group with special characteristics, and its state of development has a direct impact on the overall competitiveness of the Chinese economy in the future. By calculating first-order and second-order derivatives of production function to institution function and analyzing the results, it is indicated that institutional factor has a deep impact on the operation and development of privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses, and that improvement in institutional environment will greatly improve their production and operation. For this reason, the strategic path arrangement for institutional inno-vation in privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses in China is: cultivating entrepreneurship, carrying out property right innovation, perfecting operating mechanism of enterprises, and improving the external institutional envi-ronment for enterprise operation. Key words: privately-owned small and medium-sized business; family system; entrepreneur; governing structure; institutional innovation我国经济体制改革的主线和目标是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制。市场经济的基本制度是所有制主体和利益主体的多元化,这一基本制度使我国民营经济得到了很大的发展,并日益成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分。民营中小企业是民营企业的主体,它与国有大中型企业、国有中小型企业、民营大企业都有着很大的区别,是一个具有特殊表征的新兴群体。一个已经被普遍认同的观点是,民营中小企业的发展状况将直接影响到我国经济未来的整体竞争力。Our country economic restructuring's master line and the goal are the establishment and the consummation socialist market economic system. Market economy's basic system is the system of ownership main body and the benefit main body multiplication, this basic system enabled our country privately operated economy to obtain the very big development, and became our country national economy day by day the important component. The privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise is Private enterprise's main body, it with the state-owned Large and middle scale Enterprises, the state-owned Small and medium-sized enterprise, the privately operated big enterprise has the very big difference, is one has the special attribute emerging community. One already by general acceptance's viewpoint was, privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise development condition immediate influence to our country economy future overall competitive power. 无论在我国还是在发达的工业化国家,家族式民营中小企业的存在和发展都与一定的历史阶段、社会发展状况、社会文化特征密切相关。家族企业作为现代市场经济中企业生态群体的母体和重要的企业组织形态,其治理结构优劣并存;全盘否定民营中小企业的家族治理模式,就等于推翻了当前我国民营经济的基础,这是不可取的。民营中小企业内部治理结构的演变有一个特定的历史过程,根据其发展阶段采用相应的治理结构,才能使其生命力不断延伸,而现代企业制度并不适合我国大多数民营中小企业的现实状况。Regardless in our country in the developed industrialized country, the family type privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise's existence and the development with certain historical stage, the social development condition, the social culture characteristic closely is related. The Family firm takes in the modern market economy the enterprise ecology community's parent substance and the important enterprise organizes the shape, its management structure fit and unfit quality coexisting; The total repudiation privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise's family governs the pattern, was equal to that has overthrown the current our country privately operated economy foundation, this is cannot take. The privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise interior management structure's evolution has a specific historical process, uses the corresponding management structure according to its development phase, can cause its vitality to extend unceasingly, but the modern enterprise system does not suit our country Majority Privately operated Small and medium-sized enterprises the realistic conditions. 培育企业家精神。由于企业家的素质决定了我国广大中小民营企业的素质和发展,因而民营中小企业制度创新中最重要的就是企业家自身的创新。企业家创新的途径有三个:第一,加强对企业家的人力资本投资。企业家可以通过系统学习先进的管理知识来提升自己的经营、管理能力,如主动参加培训、进修MBA、自我学习等。第二,坚持“干中学”,不断地用科学的方法归纳总结自己的经验和教训,从实践中体会、感悟企业经营管理之道。第三,适时引进职业经理人。民营中小企业家可在时机成熟时引进职业经理人,给予其一定的资本所有权,自己则保留控制权和剩余索取权。cultivates the entrepreneurial spirit. Because entrepreneur's quality has decided our country general small Private enterprise's quality and the development, thus in the privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise institutional innovations most important is entrepreneur own innovation. The entrepreneur innovates the way has three: First, strengthens to entrepreneur's human capital investment. The entrepreneur may promote own management, the managed capacity through the system study advanced management knowledge, like participates in training, to take advanced courses on own initiative MBA, the self-study and so on. Second, insisted that “does the middle school”, summarizes own experience and the lesson unceasingly with the science method induction, from the practice realized that the feeling becomes aware road of the enterprise management and operation. Third, at the right moment introduces the professional manager. The privately operated young entrepreneur may introduce the professional manager when the time is ripe, gives its certain right of capital property ownership, then oneself retention domination and surplus claim power.

Managing people effectively in extension programmes is a skill that requires constant planning and development. An extension programme manager can be defined as the person who is vested with formal authority over an organization or one of its sub units. He or she has status that leads to various interpersonal relations, and from this comes access to information. Information, in turn, enables the manager to devise strategies, make decisions, and implement action (Mintzberg, 1988). Management is concerned with the optimum attainment of organizational goals and objectives with and through other people. Extension management organizations are characterized by many strategies, wide spans of control, democracy, and autonomy. Their management practices cannot be reduced to one standard set of operating guidelines that will work for all organizations continually. However, all managers of professional organizations face the same challenge: to manage one's time, objectives, and resources in order to accomplish tasks and implement ideas (Waldron, 1994). Managers of extension programmes are painfully aware of the need for revision and development of the new skill sets held by today's high performers. If change is not handled correctly, it can be more devastating then ever before. High performers reflect, discover, assess, and act. They know that a new focus on connecting the heads, hearts, and hands of people in their organization is necessary. Astute managers know what needs to be done but struggle with how to do it. Quite often they prefer to consider themselves as teachers or communicators rather than managers. This results in under-utilization of the increasing amount of literature on management theory and practice. The root of the problem is implementation. They must learn how to motivate others and build an efficient team. More formally defined, management is the process by which people, technology, job tasks, and other resources are combined and coordinated so as to effectively achieve organizational objectives. A process or function is a group of related activities contributing to a larger action. Management functions are based on a common philosophy and approach. They centre around the following: 1. Developing and clarifying mission, policies, and objectives of the agency or organization 2. Establishing formal and informal organizational structures as a means of delegating authority and sharing responsibilities 3. Setting priorities and reviewing and revising objectives in terms of changing demands 4. Maintaining effective communications within the working group, with other groups, and with the larger community 5. Selecting, motivating, training, and appraising staff 6. Securing funds and managing budgets; evaluating accomplishments and 7. Being accountable to staff, the larger enterprise, and to the community at large (Waldron, 1994b).The management functions listed above can be categorized by using the acronym POSDCORB (Bonoma & Slevin, 1978, from Gulick & Urwick, 1959): · Planning: outlining philosophy, policy, objectives, and resultant things to be accomplished, and the techniques for accomplishment · Organizing: establishing structures and systems through which activities are arranged, defined, and coordinated in terms of some specific objectives · Staffing: fulfilling the personnel function, which includes selecting and training staff and maintaining favourable work conditions · Directing: making decisions, embodying decisions in instructions, and serving as the leader of the enterprise · Coordinating: interrelating the various parts of the work · Reporting: keeping those to whom you are responsible, including both staff and public, informed · Budgeting: making financial plans, maintaining accounting and management control of revenue, and keeping costs in line with objectivesPlanningPlanning is the key management function of any extension worker. It is the process of determining in advance what should be accomplished, when, by whom, how, and at what cost. Regardless of whether it is planning long-term program priorities or planning a two-hour meeting, the planning aspect of management is the major contributor to success and productivity. Stated simply, "If you don't know where you are going, then you won't know when you have arrived!" Planning is the process of determining the organization's goals and objectives and making the provisions for their achievement. It involves choosing a course of action from available alternatives. Planning is the process of determining organizational aims, developing premises about the current environment, selecting the course of action, initiating activities required to transform plans into action, and evaluating the outcome. The types of planning that managers engage in will depend on their level in the organization and on the size and type of the organization. Generally there are four major types of planning exercises: strategic, tactical, contingency, and managerial. Strategic planning involves determining organizational goals and how to achieve them. This usually occurs at the top management level. Tactical planning is concerned with implementing the strategic plans and involves middle and lower management. Contingency planning anticipates possible problems or changes that may occur in the future and prepares to deal with them effectively as they arise (Marshall, 1992). Managerial planning is usually considered as microlevel planning. It helps in combining resources to fulfil the overall objectives of the extension organization. A needs assessment may initiate a need for developing a plan. The planning process begins with the creation of a philosophy that consists of statements describing the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the organization. Its mission statement is a proclamation of its purpose or reason for being. After the philosophy and mission statements have been established, various goals and objectives are defined. Goals are usually general statements that project what is to be accomplished in the future. An objective is a concrete statement describing a specific action. Policies are predetermined guides to decision making; they establish boundaries or limits within which action may be taken. Managers are related to policy formation in two ways. First, they play a crucial role in implementing organizational policies that have been established by higher management. Second, they create policies within their departments as guides for their own work groups. Procedures outline the series of steps to be followed when carrying out a designed policy or taking a particular course of action. Rules are used to provide final and definite instruction. Usually they are inflexible. Planning is designing the future, anticipating problems, and imagining success. In short, planning is essential for anyone who wants to survive. The functions of organizing, leading, staffing, and budgeting are means of carrying out the decisions of planning. Everyone is a planner - a planner of meals, of work time, Of vacations, of families. Formal planning, however, distinguishes managers from non-managers, effective managers from ineffective managers. Formal planning forces managers to think of the future, to set priorities, to encourage creativity, to articulate clear objectives, and to forecast the future in terms of anticipated problems and political realities. Long-Range Planning Long-range planning is vitally important in that it focuses attention on crucial future issues which are vitally important to the organization. It involves studying societal trends and issues, surveying current and anticipated learners' needs, and being aware of long-term research directions and changes in technology. Many extension workers may think that such management is beyond their level of authority, control, or involvement. They may feel that such management is the prerogative of the director, the deputy minister, or the president. However, while senior levels of management must be involved, those who implement the objectives resulting from long-range planning should also be involved.



行政管理论文的参考文献在学术研究过程中对某一著作或论文的整体的参考或借鉴,是论文的重要构成部分。下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于行政管理论文参考文献的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 行政管理论文参考文献(一) [1]赵格格。服务,而不是掌舵:政府责任的皈依--兼论新公共服务理论及启示[J].辽宁行政学院学报。2012(03) [2]郁建兴,徐越倩。服务型政府建设的浙江经验[J].中国行政管理。2012(02) [3]朱满良,高轩。从新公共管理到新公共服务:缘起、争辩及启示[J].中共中央党校学报。2010(04) [4]甘黎黎。服务型政府构建的路径选择--基于新公共服务理论的视角[J].黑河学刊。2010(07) [5]甘黎黎。新公共服务理论视域中的服务型政府构建[J].传承。2010(15) [6]李松林。论新公共服务理论对我国建设服务型政府的启示[J].理论月刊。2010(02) [7]施雪华。“服务型政府”的基本涵义、理论基础和建构条件[J].社会科学。2010(02) [8]蒋嵘涛,彭京京。服务型政府价值取向研究[J].求索。2009(10) [9]储岳峰。服务而非管制--新公共服务理论对中国建设服务型政府的借鉴[J].辽宁行政学院学报。2008(11) [10]金晶,王颖。委托代理理论综述[J].中国商界(下半月)。2008(06) [11]潘劲稳。服务型政府的目标意涵及其实现途径[J].法制与社会。2007(10) [12]任勇,李晓光。委托代理理论:模型、对策及评析[J].经济问题。2007(07) [13]费玉春,李正明。论公共服务型政府与政府信息公开[J].安徽农业科学。2007(20) [14]杨杨。新公共服务理论对我国建设服务型政府的启示[J].承德民族师专学报。2006(03) [15]段黎。浅谈新公共服务理论下的政府责任[J].阿坝师范高等专科学校学报。2006(01) [16]刘熙瑞,井敏。服务型政府三种观点的澄清[J].人民论坛。2006(05) [17]许明星,刘兵荣。非典过后加强农村卫生建设的思考[J].国际医药卫生导报。2005(07) [18]何颖。加快政府转型塑公共服务型政府[J].技术与市场。2005(03) [19]谢庆奎。服务型政府建设的基本途径:政府创新[J].北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)。2005(01) [20]吴家庆,徐容雅。提升地方政府能力的几点思考[J].湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版)。2004(06) 行政管理论文参考文献(二) [1]室井力.日本现代行政法.北京:中国政法大学出版社,1995 [2]哈特穆特·毛雷尔著,高家伟译.行政法学总论.北京:法律出版社,2000 [3]盐野宏著,杨建顺译.行政法.北京:法律出版社,1999 [4]南博方.日本行政法.北京:中国人民大学出版社,1988 [5]皮纯协.行政法学.北京:中国人民大学出版,2002 [6]罗豪才.行政诉讼法学.北京:中国政法大学出版,1990 [7]杨惠基.行政执法概论.上海:上海大学出版社,1998 [8]姜明安.行政执法研究.北京:北京大学出版社,2004 [9]何士青.以人为本与法治政府建设.北京:中国社会科学出版社,2006 [10]张金鉴.行政学典范.台湾:台湾三民书局,1986 [11]林尚立.国内政府间的关系.杭州:浙江人民出版社,1998 [12]应松年、袁曙宏.走向法治政府.北京:法律出版社,2001 [13]姜明安,皮纯协.行政法学.北京:中共中央党校出版社,2002 [14]张庆福.行政执法中的问题与对策.北京:中国人民公安大学出版社,1996 [15]汤唯、孙季萍.法律监督论纲.北京:北京大学出版社,200l [16]王姝.城市管理行政执法体制构建研究.广西民族大学硕士学位论文,2008,6—9 [17]刘春禾.城市管理综合行政执法体制研究.中央民族大学硕士学位论文,2007,4 [18]王毅.城管行政执法体制的现存问题与改革构想.城建监察,2006,4 [19]胡建淼.行政法学.北京:法律出版社,1998,143 [20]楼向辉.城市管理综合行政执法改革研究——以义乌为个案.2008 行政管理论文参考文献(三) [1]王亮。完善中国公务员培训的对策研究[D].吉林大学2009 [2]马光涛。西藏林芝地区公务员培训问题研究[D].吉林大学2009 [3]高敬伟。我国公务员培训市场化研究[D].河南大学2009 [4]王璐。我国公务员培训存在问题及对策分析[D].河南大学2009 [5]柴晓丽。公务员培训有效性分析[D].华东师范大学2009 [6]王召征。新疆公务员培训市场化探索[D].新疆大学2009 [7]赵玲玲。我国公务员培训模式研究[D].山东大学2010 [8]程倩倩。基于胜任力的公务员培训模式研究[D].西北大学2010 [9]李青青。职业生涯导向的公务员培训模式研究[D].西北大学2010 [10]赵永生。“以人为本”视角下的我国公务员培训的有效性分析[D].兰州大学2010 [11]任莉星。我国县级政府公务员培训研究[D].山西大学2009 [12]于森。陕西省公务员培训模式探讨[D].西安建筑科技大学2010 [13]龙国良。基于有限市场化模式的湘潭公务员培训政策创新研究[D].湘潭大学2007 [14]陈婷婷。重庆市公务员培训效果评估体系创新研究[D].重庆大学2008 [15]张荣学。地方政府公务员培训工作探索[D].吉林大学2008 [16]卢韵玚。我国公务员培训评估体系构建研究[D].苏州大学2009 [17]张波。重庆市公务员培训效果评估体系研究[D].重庆大学2009 [18]刘雅静。公务员培训效果评估体系研究[D].大连理工大学2007 [19]韦忠继。欠发达地区基层公务员培训问题研究[D].广西民族大学2008 [20]何玉姗,刘广磊。加拿大人事制度改革及其对我国的启示[J].企业导报。2011(08) 猜你喜欢: 1. 行政管理论文参考文献范文 2. 大学行政管理论文参考文献 3. 2017行政管理论文范文参考文献 4. 行政管理毕业论文参考文献 5. 2017年行政管理论文范文参考文献

一、资源和资本虽然只有一字之差,但却有着本质的区别。首先,资源是自然形成、未经开发的,而资本却经过精心的开发和筹划,成为企业产生利润的基础。其次,资源和资本在使用上考虑的角度完全不同,如果要资源,人人都想要最好的,钱越多越好,技术越先进越好,人越能干越好,但作为资本,人们就会更多地考虑投入与产出的关系,会在乎成本,会考虑利润。第三,提到资源人们多考虑寻求与拥有,而提到资本人们会更多地考虑如何使其增值生利,资源是未经开发的资本,资本是开发利用了的资源。 1、在人才招募上:如果我们正在找工作,我们读十份招聘广告,会发现可能有一半以上的内容十分雷同:35岁以下,本科以上学历,三年以上相关工作经历,能流利地使用英语等等,难道有这么多公司对人才的需求是一样的吗? 我曾听一个年长朋友抱怨过,他工作的公司在招聘时要求能流利地用英语交流,那时,这个要求很普遍,为了找工作,他在应聘前还真在口语上下了不少功夫,应聘面试时与考官侃侃而谈,顺利过关,结果工作快半年了,除了"Hello"之类的就没说过什么英文。还有的公司,招聘话务员,要什么:"本科以上学历,英语四级以上,能用关于交流。"本不是一个名不见经传的公司,从来没有做过对外贸易,资源浪费啊!也许他们是为了长久之计吧! 上述的招聘就是将人作为资源,只片面地追求好,不论是否需要,都要求本科以上学历,流利的英语等,只要别人要求,我就要求。这种招聘方式,或者会为企业增加不必要的人力成本,或者成为员工队伍不稳定的根源。终将回给企业带来不必要的麻烦。 我们可以分析一下,一个人的能力不同,其对薪金和发展前景的要求就会不同,一个不太会讲英语的人和一个能流利地进行英语听说读写的人对薪酬的期望会有很大差别,同样,一个营销专业毕业的大专生和一个MBA或EMBA对薪酬的要求更会大不相同,一个人具备了更多的知识和技能,社会就为他提供了更多的工作机会,使其容易不稳定,同时,由于他们投入了大量成本才成为了较为稀缺的人才,社会提供给他的报酬水平也会较高,一个企业如果想招募并留住这样的人才,只能按社会标准付给他较高的薪酬,这就意味着我们增加了成本。如果,我们将人力看作资本,这是我们会很自然地考虑一个问题:我们多付的成本能否给我们带来收益? 假设一个企业只做国内贸易,估计在一年之内都不会与国外公司打交道,如果招聘时非要求良好的英语水平,这对企业来说只会带来两种结果:(1)增加工资成本。本来销售部的工资成本可能是15000元/月,由于要满足高素质员工的薪金要求,使工资成本增加至30000元/月,而增加的15000元成本并不给企业带来任何价值。这样做不是白白浪费吗?(2)造成流动,增加招聘培训成本。如果公司不能提供有竞争力的薪酬,招来的员工在了解到他们的收入状况后会产生不满,然后另谋高就,这样,不仅使公司已支出的招聘培训费打了水漂,还得不断再去"浪费"招聘培训费用,以维持公司在人才上的高要求,而这些增加的成本也不能给企业带来价值。 2、在人才的使用上:一个公司招募了一个新员工,在招聘时其条件完全符合公司要求,但试用期结束时,该员工却未能完成公司的工作,因而被解聘,这是谁的过错?公司?员工? 我们很难说这完全是一方面的过错,但我们知道,对同一个员工来说,将其视为资本或视为资源会有完全不同的结果。现在让我们来看看孙先生的故事。 孙先生大学毕业后应聘到甲公司做销售员,三个月过后,被炒了鱿鱼,于是,孙先生又来到乙公司,销售业绩却很不错,不到一年,就被提升为销售主管,同样一个人,为什么会有如此不同的表现?让我们一起去看看在招聘过后,甲、乙公司都做了些什么。 孙先生来到甲公司后,人力资源部让他填写了各种表格,然后,就让他到销售部上班。销售经理将一摞产品和公司的介绍资料给了他,安排他去行政部领了笔、本等用具,向他介绍了部门的其他同事,最后,给他下达了销售指标,并让他坐到办公桌旁开始工作。孙先生没有销售经验,由于拿到的资料是公司发给客户的宣传资料,对产品的介绍很简单,孙先生对产品是什么也不甚了解,只能自己瞎闯,结果三个月过去了,仍是一头雾水,不要说完成销售任务,根本就没开张,结果被炒了鱿鱼。 在乙公司孙先生有着不同的经历,到人力资源部报到后,人力资源部对他们进行了关于公司文化、公司发展史、公司规章制度等方面的培训,使孙先生对公司有了全面的了解,到了销售部,又受到产品知识、销售技巧等方面的培训,随后销售经理亲自带他到销售现场观摩其销售过程,在这之后,才让他独立进行工作。在每周的销售例会上,销售经理还会不断组织大家对销售中的疑难问题进行讨论,帮助大家解决问题,不断提高。孙先生不笨不傻,在这种周到的训练和辅导下,很快就入了门,加上孙先生勤奋敬业,销售业绩迅速上升,渐渐成为销售员中的佼佼者,很快就被提升了。 甲、乙公司对人才不同的处理方式反应了不同的人才观,甲公司将人才仅视为资源,只要招进来,就算完成任务,而乙公司将人才视为资本,根据企业的需要不断对其进行经营开发,使其升值,成为企业的利润来源。两种做法导致的结果可想而知:甲公司在感叹"人才难求",一直忙于苦苦寻找好的"人力资源",乙公司却人才济济,经济效益不断提高,而实际上他们拥有同样的资源,就像他们都招聘过孙先生一样。 现在,我们了解了将人力作为"资源"和"资本"的不同做法和不同结果,我们知道只有将人力视为资本,才能最经济地拥有人才,并拥有充足的人才,并使人才不断成长,为企业带来源源不断的利润,那么,我们应如何将"人力资源"变成"人力资本"? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------二、人才招聘1、招聘前进行规划:现在许多企业尚无能力做全面的人力资源规划,但起码在招聘前应有一个针对本次招聘的规划,这个规划应包括如下内容:。 招聘的目的:为什么要招这个人?。 应聘者的工作任务:招进来的人将完成哪些工作。 对应聘者要求:为完成上述工作,应聘人需要具备哪些知识和技能2、追求"门当户对"农夫娶到公主当然是美事一桩,但如果日后因农夫养不起公主而遭公主抛弃,那还不如开始就娶个村姑,白头偕老,和和美美过一生。招聘人才也是这样,不要一味追求水平高,而要追求经济适用…… 根据企业的需要确定招聘条件。在前面我们已经分析过,过高的要求将造成人力成本增加或人员流动频繁…… 增加透明度,充分确认合作意向。人力资源部应该尽力为企业吸引人才,但吸引人才应*有竞争力的人力资源政策,而不要仅*招聘技巧。""进门,留不住,不如当初就不让进门,因此,在招聘时应与招聘者充分沟通,首先,应让应聘者了解他到公司后将要完成什么工作任务,需要具备哪些技能,以使应聘者能判断自己是否喜欢并胜任这份工作,其次,应该向应聘者客观地介绍公司能提供的待遇和发展机会,这样,虽然损失一些人才,但愿意进入公司的人会相对稳定地为公司工作,从而减少因人才流动造成的招聘和培养等费用的损失。三、人才使用 1、人才开发:(1)人才开发的目的: 使社会人才成为企业人才。虽然我们在招聘时对应聘者的基本素质做了基本的规定和审核,但要想使应聘者的能力能充分为我所用,还需要我们对其进行进一步的培训。例如:当我们招聘一名销售代表时可能会要求他具备良好的语言表达能力,但如果我们不对他进行有关公司和产品知识的培训,他还是不能很好地向客户介绍我们的公司和产品,只有提供相应的支持,员工的才能才会被开发利用,从而给企业带来经济效益…… 使人才适应企业的变化和发展。随着市场的变化,企业也会不断发展和变化,因此,对人才的要求也会不断变化和提高,而企业不可能*频繁地换人来适应这种变化,唯一可行的方法是根据企业的需求不断为员工提供学习提升的机会,使员工的能力不断增长,以适应企业的发展。从而降低人才成本,为公司节约资金,变相的为公司企业增加利润。 (2)人才开发的主要方法: 人才开发的主要方法是培训,培训可以采用多种方式,即可以是参加培训课程,也可以是在工作岗位上的辅导和训练,还可以用鼓励员工自学的方式使员工自己通过读书、上学、进修等方法来进行自我培训,因为是以为企业开发人才为目的,因此,无论采用哪种方式,都应从企业对人才知识技能的需求出发,鼓励员工按企业的要求去不断提高自己。 2、人才使用:恰当地使用人才,能调动员工积极性,使其为企业创造更多价值,并能引导员工向正确的方向发展,从而对企业发展产生积极影响。 人力资本与其他资本相比有其独特性,即其创造利润的能力有很大的弹性,一个工人可以每天生产20件产品,也可以每天生产50件产品,一个销售员可以每年带来10万元利润,也可以每年带来40万元利润,这关键看企业如何去使用员工。从人力资本开发的角度来讲,员工的合理使用主要包括两个方面:(1)提供良好的工作条件:要想使人才创造最大价值,就要为员工提供工作所需的各种支持,包括相关的培训、相应的办公设备、其他部门的配合等等,这样,员工的工作才能得心应手,保持较高的工作效率,从而为企业带来更大效益。 (2)激励:激励的作用:激励一方面可以调动员工的工作积极性,使其能为企业做更多的工作,另一方面可以对员工进行引导,鼓励员工去做正确的事,使员工素质有所提高,从而使人才增值。 激励的方法:激励可以通过满足员工物质需求和精神需求两种方法去实现,满足物质需求可以通过工资、奖金、福利等多种方式实现,满足精神需求可以通过提供晋升或发展机会、感情关怀、工作成绩认可等方式来实现。 谈了这么多,目的还是想把公司的人力资源观提升为人力资本观,但还有待于试行。我认为这一观点在实行中会有迅速改进,最终为企业带来更多利润。 参考文献:1.《企业经营战略概论》刘仲康 主编 武汉大学出版社,.《企业管理咨询》刘仲康 主编 中国财政经济出版社,.《细节决定成败》汪中求 主编 新华出版社,.《现代企业管理》杨湘洪 主编 东南大学出版社,.《管理学基础》单凤儒 主编 高等教育出版社,.《管理科学基础》吴育华 杜纲 主编 天津大学出版社,




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[19]文秋芳 2001.《应用语言学研究方法与论文写作》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社













































































































[1] 高敏.幼儿英语教育[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,2007

[2] Flege(1987).A critical period for learning to pronounce foreign language .Applied .

[3] [意大利]蒙台梭利.任代文主译校.蒙台梭利幼儿教育科学方法[M].北京:人民教育出版社,1993年版.

[4] 吴牧之.学前儿童英语教育研究综述[J].中国双语教育网,2004.

[5] [美国]乔姆斯基.乔姆斯基语言哲学文选[M].北京:商务印书馆,1992.

[6] 林泳海.幼儿教育心理学[M].北京:商务印书馆,2007.

[7] 束定芳,庄智象.现代外语教学—理论、实践与方法[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996.

[8] 强海燕,赵琳,西格尔.幼儿英语浸入式教育活动[M].陕西:西安交通大学出版社,2000.

[9] 哈默,田贵森.怎样教英语[M].北京:北京外语教学研究出版社,2002.

[10] 边静.TPR教学法在儿童英语学习中的运用[M].宿州学院学报,.

[11] 孟云.幼儿园双语教育研究—基于昆明市幼儿园英语教育调查[D].云南:云南师范大学,2006.

[12] 狄飞.幼儿英语浸入式教学的研究与试验 [D].甘肃:西北师范大学,2001.

[13] 颜晓芳.学前儿童英语启蒙教育的误区[J].广西教育学院学报,2004,4.

[14] 仲伟秀.幼儿英语教育存在的问题及解决策略[J].呼伦贝尔学院学报,2006,8.

[15] Jack Dictionary of Applied Linguistics[M]. Longman : Longman press,1985.

[16] John Lybolt,Catherine pre—school Language[M].INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF EDUCATION,2003.

[17]Harlen Seyfer, 吴古华1998.《英语学术论文写作》, 北京:高等教育出版社


[19]文秋芳 2001.《应用语言学研究方法与论文写作》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社























































































































随着我国改革开放的不断深入,英语教学,作为基础教育的一部分,也日益受到人们的关注。 下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于小学英语论文参考文献的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!小学英语论文参考文献(一) [1]朱梅. 小学英语教学中应如何培养学生的核心素养[J]. 英语广场,2016,07:161-162. [2]王静波. 互动教学在小学英语教学中的运用[J]. 中国校外教育,2016,06:1. [3]钟焕情. 小学英语课堂情境创设的探析[J]. 亚太教育,2016,13:25. [4]徐贺. 小学英语开放式课外作业的有效设计[J]. 教育实践与研究(A),2016,03:38-39. [5]水波. 基于语用的小学英语作业设计[J]. 宁波教育学院学报,2016,02:122-124. [6]江景干. 农村小学英语教学问题与对策探讨[J]. 海外英语,2016,06:12-13. [7]李建文. 问题引导法在小学英语教学中的应用策略[J]. 西部素质教育,2016,09:168. [8]夏凌. 刍议小学英语翻转课堂教学模式[J]. 中国校外教育,2016,11:118. [9]刘珊珊. 小学英语课堂有效教学研究[J]. 中国校外教育,2016,12:107. [10]邱菲菲. 新课程改革理念下的小学英语教学[J]. 学周刊,2016,17:154-155. [11]易凤. 浅谈小学英语教学中的单词记忆方法[J]. 学周刊,2016,20:200-201. [12]李文娜,梁付民. 微信辅助小学英语教学探析[J]. 中国教育技术装备,2016,05:37-38. [13]殷景芹. 信息技术在小学英语教学中的运用[J]. 中国教育技术装备,2016,05:47-48. [14]顾诗月. 也谈构建“生活化”的小学英语有效教学课堂[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊),2016,04:207-208. [15]林吉. 探究多媒体技术在小学英语教学中的运用[J]. 科学大众(科学教育),2016,04:60. 小学英语论文参考文献(二) [1]李爱平. 在农村小学英语教学中做好学困生转变工作[J]. 中国教育技术装备,2016,07:79-80. [2]陈金业. 构建小学英语快乐课堂初探[J]. 学周刊,2016,21:229-230. [3]盛敏. 小学英语各板块预习模式的探究[J]. 基础教育研究,2016,08:73-74. [4]梁君玉. 小学英语语法教学的现状和对策[J]. 西部素质教育,2016,10:171. [5]王赫微. 小学英语课堂分级阅读教学应用初探[J]. 中国校外教育,2016,14:95. [6]张琪. 小学英语教学中激发阅读兴趣的探索[J]. 内蒙古教育(职教版),2016,05:43. [7]费巧莲. 激情教学法在小学英语教学中的应用[J]. 内蒙古教育(职教版),2016,05:72. [8]李征娅. 舞台式教学法在小学英语教学中的应用[J]. 英语教师,2016,06:78-80. [9]李莉. 夸张手法在小学英语课堂教学中的有效运用[J]. 教育现代化,2016,09:272-274. [10]李彦子. 浅谈小学英语课堂变革[J]. 亚太教育,2016,01:40. [11]何轶君. PBL模式对小学英语自我效能的影响[J]. 科教文汇(中旬刊),2016,01:110-111. [12]王东芳. 如何让“动”成为小学英语课堂的主旋律[J]. 科学大众(科学教育),2016,02:68. [13]韩笑. 绿色背景下的小学英语课堂教学探析[J]. 生物技术世界,2016,02:244. [14]宋丽敏. 互联网+背景下小学英语未来课堂探微[J]. 中国教育技术装备,2016,01:120-121. [15]杨进. 小学英语教师创造性使用教材策略研究[J]. 中小学教材教学,2016,01:20-23. 小学英语论文参考文献(三) [1]张海娟. 针对小学英语高段教学中两级分化现象的研究策略[J]. 学周刊,2016,05:52. [2]李艳文. 浅谈如何构建小学英语高效课堂[J]. 学周刊,2016,05:104. [3]张盼静. 小学英语教学中学生学习兴趣的培养[J]. 学周刊,2016,05:185. [4]张婷婷. 如何提高小学英语词汇教学的有效性[J]. 学周刊,2016,08:63. [5]石丽君. 浅谈如何提高农村小学英语课堂教学的有效性[J]. 学周刊,2016,08:123. [6]张琦. 小学英语有效教学途径的几点尝试与探索[J]. 学周刊,2016,08:178. [7]骆北刚,陈伟娜. 性别差异对小学英语学习成绩影响的研究[J]. 教育观察(中下旬刊),2016,02:45-46+135. [8]陈欢. 小学英语口语教学存在的问题及建议[J]. 科教导刊(下旬),2016,01:130-131. [9]刘顺利. 小学英语歌谣情境剧课堂教学模式的研究[J]. 英语广场,2016,04:153-154. [10]马毅新. 让情感教育成为小学英语和谐课堂的催化剂[J]. 教育观察(下半月),2016,06:123-125. [11]彭熹. 小学英语翻转课堂教学模式应用探索[J]. 现代商贸工业,2016,09:178-179. [12]张婧. 小学英语教育理论与移动学习资源设计和应用的有效结合[J]. 电子测试,2016,07:165-166. [13]张桂莲. 小学英语教学策略探究[J]. 学周刊,2016,20:38-39. [14]张忠伟. 小学英语课堂情境教学研究[J]. 学周刊,2016,20:49-50. [15]郝晨霞. 自然拼读法在小学英语拼读教学中的应用研究[J]. 学周刊,2016,20:86-87. 猜你喜欢: 1. 英语论文的参考文献大全 2. 初中英语论文参考文献 3. 小学英语论文范文 4. 毕业论文英文参考文献 5. 小学英语论文大全


