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断层和粒子追踪研究,在液固冒口 Shantanu Roy, 而Shantanu罗伊 Jinwen Chen, 金文陈, Sailesh B. Kumar, sailesh乙库马尔 MH Al-Dahhan,* and 晚上基地dahhan , * MP Dudukovi 国会议员dudukovi Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory (CREL), Department of Chemical Engineering, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 化学反应工程实验室( crel ) ,系化学工程,华盛顿大学,圣路易斯,密苏里州63130 Received for review April 21, 1997 收到复核1997年4月21日 Revised manuscript received August 1, 1997 修订稿收到1997年8月1日 Accepted August 9, 1997 接受1997年8月9日 Abstract: 摘要: A liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed is a potential reactor of interest in a variety of industrial processes, such as petroleum refining, and in the synthesis of fine chemicals, petrochemicals, and foodstuffs.液-固循环流化床是一个潜在的反应堆感兴趣的,在多种工业生产过程,如石油精炼,并在精细化学品合成,石化,食品。 Rapid deactivation of the solid catalyst in these processes necessitates regeneration and recirculation of the solids into the riser section in which the principal reaction is accomplished.快速失活的固体催化剂,在这些进程中,需要再生和再循环的固体进入冒口条,其中主要的反应是完成了。 In this study we show that computer-automated radioactive particle tracking (CARPT) can be used to obtain solids velocity patterns in the riser and that backflow of solids exists at the tested liquid velocities.在这项研究中,我们证明了计算机自动化放射性粒子追踪( carpt ) ,可以用来获取的固体速度模式,在提升管和回流的固体物质存在于测试液速度等。 -ray computed tomography (CT) reveals slightly higher solids concentrations in the center of the column.线计算机断层扫描( CT )揭示略高固体浓度为中心的栏目。 This is in contrast to gas-solid riser reactors in which the concentration of solids is higher at the walls.这是对比的气固提升管反应器中的浓度固体较高,墙壁。

















Synthesis of propylene glycol methyl ether over amine modifiedporous silica by ultrasonic techniqueXuehong Zhang a,b, Wenyu Zhang a,b, Junping Li a, Ning Zhao a, Wei Wei a, Yuhan Sun a,*a State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001, Chinab Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, ChinaReceived 16 May 2006; received in revised form 10 July 2006; accepted 12 July 2006Available online 21 July 2006AbstractAmine modified porous silica were synthesized by ultrasonic technique under mild conditions. The samples, which were characterizedby BET, 29Si NMR spectra, element analysis and indicator dye adsorption, exhibited promising catalytic properties towards the synthesisof propylene glycol methyl ether from methanol and propylene oxide. They had both high yields and reusability in the reaction, indicatingthat ultrasonic technique was effective for the preparation of organically modified silica catalysts. Furthermore, the possible reactionmechanism was proposed for the synthesis of propylene glycol methyl ether over such type of Elsevier . All rights : Modified porous silica; Ultrasonic technique; Propylene oxide; Methanol; Propylene glycol methyl ether1. IntroductionThe attempt to heterogenize homogeneous catalyst asalternatives to more traditional reagents and catalysts hasbeen one area of research that has seen increasing recent work was focused on the preparation oforganically modified solid bases to heterogenize homogeneousamine catalyst. The modification process was generallyoperated by stirring, heating, refluxing, etc. [1–3].Recently, the interest in synthetic sonochemistry reactionshas grown [4]. The ultrasonic technique has been widelyapplied in two-phase systems due to its advantages, suchas high accuracy and rapidity. Most of these reactions haveinvolved a heterogeneous chemical interaction [5]. In thearea of porous materials functionalized by organic groups,however, only limited applications of ultrasound have beenexplored [6,7]. In the present work, an alternative syntheticroute for the formation of amine modified silica was developedby using ultrasonic energy, which can produce chemicalmodifications on solids by cavitation phenomenon [8].The amines modified silica with ‘‘single site’’ base strengthwere promising catalysts for a variety of reactions [9].The synthesis of glycol ether over base catalysts is animportant kind of reaction in organic synthesis. There areseveral methods for the synthesis of propylene glycol ether[10,11]. Among them the propylene oxide method is mostlyconvenient and industrial feasible. Generally, propyleneoxide reacts with fatty alcohol via acid or base catalysts used in this process include earlier homogenousbase or acid (NaOH, alcoholic sodium and BF3), latersolid acid and base. However, few studies have reported theuse of amine modified silica as catalysts for the synthesis ofpropylene glycol methyl ether, though inorganic solid basiccatalysts have performed good activity in the reaction. Theimmobilization of the amino functions on a mesoporoussupport, which were with ‘‘single site’’ base strength, couldafford an achieving this kind of the present work, amine functionalized silica catalysts,including NH2/SiO2, NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2, TAPM/SiO2 (2,4,6-triaminopyrimidine/SiO2) and TBD/SiO2(1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4,4,0]dec-5-ene/SiO2), were preparedwith 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS), N-[3-(tri-methoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine (EDPTMS) and 3-chloropropyltrimethoxysilane (CPTMS) as the couplingagents by ultrasonic technique under mild experimentalconditions. At the same time, in order to confirm the meritsof ultrasonic technique, NH2/SiO2 was also prepared bythe conventional method in order to understand the effectivebehaviour of ultrasonic technique in the preparationof functionalized porous silica. In addition, the catalyticactivity of the organic solid base catalysts was evaluatedby the synthesis of propylene glycol methyl ether frommethanol and propylene oxide. Furthermore, the possiblereaction mechanism was proposed for the synthesis of propyleneglycol methyl ether over such type of . . Synthesis of catalytic materialsThe amine functionalized silica catalysts could beachieved in two ways under similar conditions as reportedearlier [7].Aminopropylsilyl-functionalized SiO2 was prepared asfollows: g SiO2 was preheated for 12 h at 473 K invacuum to remove all adsorbed moisture but surfaceOH-groups, and than cooled down to room temperaturein vacuum and transferred into a 250 mL conical mixed with mL cyclohexane and mLAPTMS, the mixture in conical flask was put into the ultrasonicbath for 2 h (Sheshin, Japan, operating power 60 W)at ambient temperature. The catalyst was then obtained byextracting with toluene in a soxhlet extractor over a periodof 24 h and drying at 333 K in vacuum. The same methodwas used for the preparation of NH(CH2)2NH2/ was prepared by two steps: silica was firstlymodified by 3-chloropropyltrimethoxysilane via the samemethod as that of aminopropylsilyl-functionalized SiO2,and chloropropylsilyl-functionalized SiO2 was then reactedwith TBD ( g) in cyclohexane ( mL). The resultantwas treated by ultrasonic vibration for 1 h. Afterwards,the catalyst was obtained by extracting with toluene in aSoxhlet extractor over a period of 24 h and drying at333 K in vacuum. The same method was used for the preparationof TAPM/. CharacterizationThe content of carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen in all thesamples was determined using a Vario EL analyzer. Thespecific surface area, total pore volume and average porediameter were measured by N2 adsorption–desorptionmethod on a Micromeritics ASAP-2000 instrument (Norcross,GA). The surface areas were calculated by BETmethod, and the pore size distribution was obtained byapplying the BJH pore analysis to the nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm. 29Si NMR spectra were recordedon a Bruker MSL-400 spectrometer. The base strength ofsamples was detected by hammett . Catalytic testThe catalytic properties were measured in a 75 ml batchreactor with mol ratio of methanol and propylene oxidebeing 5:1. After running at 403 K for 10 h under magneticstirring, the reactor was cooled down to room product was then filtered and analyzed by a gas chromatographwith a flame ionization detector after centrifugalseparation from the catalysts. The catalysts werewashed with solvent and used for recycling . Results and . Modification of porous silica with amine groupsThe content of carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen inamine-free porous silica and all the modified samples werecarried out by elemental analysis. Wtorg. and Norg.% wereobtained from N%, C% and H% (see Table 1). The resultsshowed that there were no carbon and nitrogen in theamine-free porous silica. As a result, carbon and nitrogenin modified samples ought to be from the element analysis showed that Norg.% of the graftedorganic groups achieved by conventional methods knownfrom the literature [12] was mmol/g, which was farlower than that of the sample prepared by ultrasonic technique( mmol/g) (see Table 1). This should be due tothe application of ultrasonic energy to solids and liquids,which could provide the changes including cavitation(bubble formation in a liquid) and chemical reaction (accelerationof chemical reaction), etc. [13]. As a result, processesincluding particle size modification, cleaning ofsurfaces or the formation of fresh ones [14,15] could beobtained in heterogeneous media at a solid liquid to the organic modification of porous silica, cavitationphenomena brought by ultrasound could speed up theliquid transferring velocity in the hole of porous materialsand the liquid–solid interface. As a result, the liquidorganosilanes could be well contacted with silanol groupson the inner wall of the porous silica to react with themin a short time, while stiring could not reach such , the modification process finished simply andspeedily by 29Si NMR spectra in solid state indicated that thecovalent bond formed between silylant agents and silanolgroups on the silica surface (see Fig. 1). Two resonancesat 109 and 99 ppm could be attributed to 29Si nucleihaving four Si–O–Si linkages (Q4) and 29Si nuclei havingthree Si–O–Si linkages and one OH (Q3) [16], resonances at 58 and 67 ppm were assignedto RSi(OSi)(OH)2 and RSi(OSi)3, respectively [17], whichillustrated the successful organo functionalization of poroussilica by the organic groups via covalent bonds. C/Nvalue (molar ratio) could also reflect the degree of graftingreaction between silanol groups and organosilanes [18].NH2/SiO2, NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2 and TBD/SiO2 showedthe C/N = 3–, – and –, respectively. Theresults also suggested the anchorage of amine groups bySi–O–Si bonds. This agreed with the result of the 29SiNMR . Structure and basicity of samplesFig. 2 displays N2 adsorption isotherms for the samplesstudied. The functionalized samples displayed type IV isothermswith clear hysteresis loops associated with capillarycondensation. This indicated that the materials remainedmesoporous before and after functionalization and themodification by various organosilanes hardly changed theisotherm type. The BET surface area and pore volumeshowed a gradual reduction as the Norg.% of graftedorganic groups increased (see Table 2). This could beattributed to the presence of functional groups. A part ofamino groups grafted onto the microporous also led to adecrease in the BET surface area. The effect of the organicgroups on the pore diameter of the samples was slight forthe samples NH2/SiO2 and NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2. But asfor the sample TBD/SiO2 and TAPM/ SiO2, perhaps dueto the big framework of (CH2)3/TAPM and (CH2)3/TBD groups, the average pore diameters of the samplesdecreased to and nm. However, the average porediameter was not decreased seriously due to the low Norg.%values of the base strength H of a solid surface is defined as theability of the surface to convert an adsorbed electricallyneutral acid into its conjugate base. When an electricallyneutral acid indicator is adsorbed on a solid base from anonpolar solution, the color of the acid indicator is changedto that of its conjugate base, provided that the solidhas the necessary base strength to impart electron pairsto the acid [19]. A solid with a large positive HH hasstrong basic sites. Grafting with different functional groupscould result in different base strengths. As shown in Table3, TBD/SiO2 had the highest base strength of H NH2/SiO2 and NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2 only had thebasicity of H and < H < , to the other modified samples, TAPM/SiO2had weakest basicity of H < . Thus, the basic strengthof the samples was in the order of TBD/SiO2 > NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2 > NH2/SiO2 > TAPM/. Catalytic performanceThe catalytic activity was tested in the synthesis of propyleneglycol methyl ether from methanol and propyleneoxide (see Table 3). As shown in Table 3, PO conversionand isomer selectivity (the ratio of 1-methoxy-2-propanol/total propylene glycol methyl ether) reached without the presented catalysts, respectively. Amongthe catalysts, the amine-free porous silica showed the lowcatalytic activity due to the weak acid strength of the surfacesilanol groups. For anchored amino groupsNH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2 and NH2/SiO2 catalysts were foundto be more active and selective than other catalysts to 1-methoxy-2-propanol after 10 h of reaction. TAPM/SiO2catalyst had low propylene oxide conversion () withthe isomer selectivity of . TBD/SiO2,NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2 and NH2/SiO2 catalysts all showedhigh propylene oxide conversion (>94%), but different isomerisomerselectivity. NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2 and NH2/SiO2 withweaker base strength had higher isomer selectivity(>82%), while TBD/SiO2 with moderate base strengthshowed lower isomer selectivity (). As for solid basecatalysts, catalysts with moderate base strength shouldhave good isomer selectivity [20]. The lower isomer selectivityof TBD/SiO2 could be due to the big framework catalysts were easily recovered by filtration, andsubjected to utilization for seven cycles with constant conversionof propylene oxide >89% and the utilization formany recycles hardly changed the isomer selectivity under403 K (see Table 4), indicating that amine groups graftedonto silica surface were stable under the experimental reusability of other samples was similar to thatof NH2/. Possible mechanismInorganic solid base catalysts have been extensively usedfor the synthesis of propylene glycol methyl ether frommethanol and propylene oxide [31], in which, the methoxideion and proton was absorbed on acidic and basic siteson the catalyst surface, respectively, and then the methoxideion attacked the C(1) position. In the present case, however,the samples used for the reaction were characteristicof single site, ., the catalyst with unique basic site similarto the homogeneous base. Because there was no Lewisacidic site on the catalysts, the mechanism should be differentfrom those involving bifunctional catalysts. The plausiblemechanism of 1-methoxy-2-propanol formation onNH2/SiO2 is illustrated in Scheme 1. There was H-bondsformation between methanol and amine groups in path path 2, because of the sterically hindered CH3 of PO, theO atom in methanol attacked the C(1) position and protonwas absorbed on the basic sites of the catalysts, and thenC(1)–O band cracked, followed by pick up the proton toform seems reasonable to consider that the higher activityof NH(CH2)2NH2/SiO2, NH2/SiO2 and TBD/SiO2 wasdue to the appropriate base strength, which could not onlyform H-bond but also crack it easily. TAPM/SiO2 withvery weak base strength could only form more unstableH-bond. Thus, the activity of TAPM/SiO2 was lower thanthe other samples. On condition that such mechanism isreasonable, the big framework of the organic groups probablycould affect the attacking position of the O atom inmethanol. As a result, TBD of the big framework led tolower isomer selectivity. Thus, both appropriate basestrength and simple framework of the organic groups wereimportant for the high conversion and good selectivity . ConclusionsThe results presented above led to the following conclusions:(1) the efficient ultrasonic technique could successfullyprepare the amine functionalized porous silicacatalysts, (2) the characterization indicated that the aminegroups were grafted onto the silica surface by covalentbond, (3) appropriate base strength and simple frameworkof the organic groups were important for the high conversionand good selectivity to 1-methoxy-2-propanol, (4) thecatalysts could be recovered by filtration and were subjectedto utilization for many cycles with constant activity.

断层摄影术的和在一个液体-固体起床者中的粒子追踪研究Shantanu Roy, Jinwen 陈, Sailesh B. Kumar , M. H. Al-Dahhan,* 和M. P. Dudukovic ′化学的反应工程实验室 (CREL) ,化学工程部, 华盛顿大学,圣路易斯, 密苏里 63130一种液体-固体流通液化床是对潜在反应者的兴趣的多种工业的像精炼的石油这样的程序, 和在好化学药品的综合中, 石化的,而且食品。 这些程序的坚硬催化剂的迅速惰性化使再生和固体的再循环进入起床者区段之内在哪一个主要的反应是完成的。 在这一项研究,我们表示计算机-自动化放射性的粒子追踪(CARPT) 能用来在起床者和固体的那 backflow 中获得固体速度式样在被测试的液体速度存在。 ?-光线计算断层摄影术 (CT) 些微地更高显示专栏的中心的固体集中。 这是与瓦斯-固体的起床者反应者相反在哪固体的集中在墙壁比较高。介绍液体-固体流通液化床快速地得到如选择的反应者的名声在多种工业的程序喜欢好化学药品的综合而且石化的和在精炼的石油 (两 etal。,1995)。 给与动机的程序需求那如此反应者的使用是液体的出现-状态反应物, 典型地是在高度下面的碳化氢压力和低的温度 (汤姆斯,1970), 和一固体-状态催化剂, 快速地拿解除动员(Corma 和 Martinez,1993). 主要的反应是完成的在高 L/D 比的垂直起床者专栏中(在哪一个固体被液化而且传送被液体逐步运行). 再生那解除动员催化剂在一个分开的程序被做, 被加倍对在起床者中的主要反应藉由流通那不断地在一个关闭环的固体。设计和 scaleup 如此的连续-流程液体-固体系统需要流程的知识每时期和状态劫盗的式样分配。 这一个工作的目标将实验式地学习速度和固体的劫盗分配逐步实施实验室-刻度寒冷的流程模型的起床者循环液体-固体的系统。实验的区段一概要的实验室-刻度液体-固体循环液化-床装备在图 1 被显示. 那起床者区段是 15 cm(6 在.) 直径普列克斯玻璃专栏, 藉由大约 210 cm 的高度 (7 ft.)。 玻璃珠子 (直径 毫米) 与平常的轻打一起液化在起床者区段中的水和流通返回那经过漏斗和喷射器的系统。 固体在起床者的块流出被藉由控制维护那液体流程评估过喷射器 (是 precalibrated因为固体流动如一个运动水的功能比率流动比率). 全部的被需要的固体/液体流动比被藉由穿越供应剩余的液体获得经销商在专栏的底部镀金。 一常数高度在专栏中流动比率和水的头而且在喷射器插入物被藉由流通它维护经过一个泵和储藏箱, 在一个关闭环中。实验被运行使用 CARPT(计算机-自动化放射性的粒子追踪了) 和 CT(计算机断层摄影术) 设备在化学物质发展了反应工程实验室,华盛顿大学,圣路易斯, MO(Devanathan,1991; Kumar,1994)。 它可能被注意系统在研究之下是非常密集的和狂暴的, 和唯一的非侵入的 flowmonitoring方法喜欢 CARPT 和 CT 能够正确地测量固体速度和集中。现在的装备被设计以便起床者区段可能在 CARPT-CT 被为研究安装月台。在固体-状态流体力学的研究之前,住宅时间分配测量被引导在液体的状态中。 液体的导电率状态在脉膊之后在策略的位置被检测KCl 解决的注入。 这一项研究的结果是报告其他地方 (Roy 以及其他人。,1996)。 一般发现液体的状态实际地在塞子流程流动, 由于小的散布产生。 无尺寸不一致那* 着作到谁所有的通信应该被演说。 液体追踪者电子曲线总是被跳跃在 下面.图 1. 概要的液体-固体起床者装备。4666 Ind。 Eng。 Chem。 关于。 1997,36,4666-4669S0888-5885(97)00292-3 CCC: $ 1997 美国的化学社会对于 CARPT 研究 (Devanathan,1991; 杨以及其他人。,1992), 追踪者粒子被藉由介绍准备一放射性的 Sc-46 粒子 (力量 350 í Ci 和 halflife83 天) 在空的铝球体大小而且密度与玻璃粒子一起相配在液化。 透过一个精细的口径测定程序在 CARPT 方法中用了 (杨以及其他人。,1992), 那粒子被放在大约 200-300个已知的位置之内在测试区段和一张口径测定地图中被获得对于距离-放射线关系的强烈对于每个发现者。 一经口径测定是完全的,被需要的液体表面的速度是组和维护, 和粒子被允许自由地移动在流程领域中, 模拟典型玻璃的运动粒子。 追踪者粒子的位置被记录如一个时间的功能, 以光子的形式计数从发现者, 在长时期内. 低劣的而且变动速度成份,喧嚣叁数,而且坚硬粒子的动能可能是后来藉着过滤计算而且处理那生的肉数据 (Devanathan,1991; Larachi 以及其他人。,1997)。 这是第一次 CARPT 的使用是在一个系统成功地示范哪里追踪者粒子定期地休假和再进入区段被发现者质问。在 CREL ,华盛顿大学的 CT 扫描仪, 圣路易斯 , MO,使用狂热者-光线的几何学作为测量变薄 ?-放射线当做它经过过那给予的物体, 在这情况起床者区段。 生的肉变薄测量然后用来重建代表性时间平均劫盗分配时期。 来源是被装入胶囊的 100 mCi Cs-137个同位素 , 和 11个 NaI 发现者的有角排列(最大值) 作为变薄测量。 那以最大值为基础的判断-最大值化的运算法则可能原则,(兰格和卡森,1984)作为来自发射的图像重建测量。 软件和硬件的细节CREL 扫描仪的方面被 Kumar 讨论以及其他人。 (1995) 而且 Kumar 和 Dudukovic ′.(1997)目前研究, 测试区段 (液体-固体起床者) 向前在四个策略的轴位置被扫描专栏。结果和讨论实验在多种的液体被运行表面的速度, 从 12 到 23 cm/s。 在这一项研究,典型的结果藉由跑系统获得了在一20 cm/s 的液体表面速度被报告。 所有的实验与玻璃粒子一起运行 毫米直径,与喷射器水流动 25 gal 的比率/最小。 33 gal/最小的水流程率被维护在起床者的底部维持一种全部的液体在专栏中的 20 cm/s 的表面速度。图 2 方位角地平均是情节和 timeaveraged光线的固体劫盗 (固体集中)分配,在四个轴的位置测量了, 在一种液体20 cm/s 的表面速度。 一般观察那固体劫盗的大小非常不改变重要地 (最大的变化是 4%) 由于逐渐增加的除了减少之外的光线位置些微地以轴的位置(最大的 4%). 固体劫盗, 在任何的给予轴的位置,些微地在专栏的中心比较高当做与墙壁相较。 这是一个有趣的结果,就它而言在瓦斯-固体的起床者中广泛地被报告那那相反的趋势被观察 (Rhodes 和 Geldart,1989;Rhodes,1990). 在固体劫盗中的光线倾斜度分配在这里也是非常小的。图 3 表演固体速度领域当做评估从 CARPT 实验。 图 3 一是速度无线电诱导情节, 这清楚地表示, 在次平均的感觉, 固体状态有循环成环: 固体上在专栏的中心而且降在墙壁。 图 3b 表演相同的事实数量地根据时间-平均了轴的成份固体速度, 在中央的四个位置那专栏。 它可能被注意那当 downflow的时候固体的速度在墙壁是小大小当做与 upflow 速度相较, 总块在 downflow 的固体仍然是可感知的 ( 在这情况)图 2. 固体劫盗 (集中) 分配在不同的轴的位置 (液体的表面速度 )20 cm/s).图 3. 在液体表面速度的固体速度领域20 cm/s: (一) 速度矢量情节; (b) 轴的低劣速度描绘轮廓。Ind。 Eng。 Chem。 关于。, 第 36 册,11,19974667 号由于一个流程的比较高的部份区域在一比较棒的光线的位置。关于固体劫盗的一个意见在水平描绘轮廓在专栏的 33 cm 井然有序。 这一个水平, 仅仅在上面在专栏 (图 1) 中的经销商和喷射器, 是混合地域的部份, 和显然地表示一不规则的较低的劫盗描绘 78 cm 水平轮廓胜于。 这是也藉着 CARPT 结果确认了: 图 3 一清楚地出示固体速度矢量任意地被指示在哪一消除, 当更高地向上的时候在专栏中一清楚的循环环能被识别。 因此, 流程在 33在专栏的 cm 仍然正在发展而且表示一显然偏离常规的行为当与其余者相较了专栏。使用一本小说接近, 固体住宅时间在起床者区段的分配 (RTD) 被计算间接地从 CARPT 数据。 自从追踪者以后粒子被认为是一个典型的零零散散的状态实体哪一个重复地拿流通返回起床者区段, 在起床者中被它花费的时代的分配在它的每一次拜访期间的区段是对它的 RTD 的衡量。在连续的拜访期间的这些 " 住宅乘 " 是在图 4 中计画翻译如一个柱状图了。 唤起 ergodic假设, 这给坚硬的状态的 RTD。最后, 在图 5 中, 那轴地平均低劣的轴的固体的速度被呈现如一个液体的功能表面的速度。 在不同人被做的实验情况指出大小的全部增加中线和墙壁 (downflow) 速度。 这是, 当然, 在自从一个较高的动力以后被期望液体的状态会传授较多的动力到经过 interphase 累赘的坚硬状态, 带领到固体的比较高的低劣速度。 纯粹地基于这些实验, 结果似乎建议那固体-状态速度到达某种 " saturationprofile"以增加液体的表面速度。 然而,如此结果的严厉确认等候未来实验。总结评论液化的床和起床者的设计练习使今天相等停留在传统的 " 经验法则 " 上。 真实人如此的系统的现象更加复杂比较藉着启发式方法捕获了被用当做那设计相等的基础。 因此, 使用者和液体-固体起床者的设计者应该最后有益于从改良基本理解那如此的系统的流体力学。 现在的研究是想要在实验的定量化中是一个第一个步骤一样的。在 CREL, 工作是在进步方面在学习起床者方面在多种操作情况之下的装备而且使用一种粒子的光谱按规定尺寸制作。 短期居留者的调查如此的系统的现象也被计画为在那未来。 较进一步的数据的处理将会被做在命令计算动能,狂暴的修剪压迫力 , 和狂暴的散布系数在那固体状态。 这一个研究努力的全部目标是发展主要变数的理解感人的液体-固体起床者的表现和发展更以基本上为基础的刻度-提高规则。 那实验的数据也被期望担任基点对于计算流动动态模型那液体-固体起床者流动。承认作家谢谢工业赞助者那化学的反应工程实验室 (CREL) 在为支持在圣路易斯的华盛顿大学这计画。命名法Ul) 表面的液体速度, cmZ) 在起床者中的水平, cm文学引证Corma, 一。; Martinez , A. 化学,催化剂和程序为Isoparaffin-石腊的烃化: 真实的情形和未来趋势。 Catal。 牧师-Sci。 Eng。 1993,35,, 在泡沫的液体流体力学的 N. 调查专栏经由计算机自动化放射性的粒子追踪(CARPT). 。 论题,华盛顿大学,圣路易斯,MO,, S. 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A raw materials to make, after oxidation, synthetic B, expected to change the order, first A completely dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution, and then dropping oxidants C, nitro compounds and avoid the substantial contact with oxygen, an explosion, the reaction process Safe and easy to control, and because raw materials soluble in alkaline solution, the reaction completely, substantially reduce the amount of C, the optimal amount of A C Moore four times, to of the yield of a B. Products in more than 99 percent.

虽然约旦空气质量标准将颗粒空气中的空间问题,也没有对节能电流限制,中心定位或大规模的重金属微粒由于装载排放。本研究的目的是量化的金属浓度和分布的浓度在围绕在水泥厂干沉降区城市Fuhais,约旦,并比较这些结果与那些发现类似的干沉降从联合国收集的样本受影响的区域。 Momani等。 (2000)和Jiries等。(2002年)记载了屋顶灰尘中重金属含量安曼,载于微量浓度的原料材料用于制造水泥(Serclerat等。,2000)。在由此产生的粉煤灰的浓度重金属水泥生产增加了燃料的来源不同(菊池,2001)。AbdelRazaq等。 (1999年)研究了影响水泥工业粉尘排放对氮,磷,病毒含量在Al植被Rashadia,约旦。法蒂玛等。(2001年)研究了在印度的染色体畸变inmen及相关的结果,暴露于水泥粉尘。遗赠等。 (1998)发现高统计signi?的关系坎斯,船舶在人类之间的呼吸道症状的效果和靠近水泥窑。铝和硅是主要的水性反应,水泥粉尘和一些调查堂费报道了不利影响,生物系统中铝(阿乔伊等。,1990;比拉勒等。,2004;加鲁托等。,1984)。 Nickiforov等。 (1979)多边环境协定,相信在绕身体组织积累heavymetals,在水泥厂附近排放位,负水泥粉尘中有毒金属的影响在数量和规模植物的特征已展开调查(伊克巴尔和沙?克,2001)。材料和方法干沉降样品采自屋顶的在Fuhais房子在一个分布式的系统的模式在附近四,2004年thesummer水泥厂方向象限(见图1)的影响进行调查该水泥厂TSP的排放对周围的城市。那个取样战略考虑到了主导风向迪rection(西北)除重transportationmove,精神疾病的研究领域。因此,网站位于南部和东部的点源污染(即JCF)是空气中污染物比较的主要目标,儿子,样品采自远程参考网站,在这里缺乏水泥行业?uences和人为限制活动的主要条件。屋顶灰尘存款每个站抽样(由图1中的星号)通过使用一个干净的塑料桶,以捕获尘埃沉积。字母a清洁的塑料簸箕,刷子和铲被用来清除样本的桶。

高性能、Anode-Supported,微管能从Single-Step-Fabricated SOFC准备,Dual-Laye微管能固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFCs)近年来研究开发了主要是由于其高表面积和快速热循环。此前,伪造的微管能SOFCs是通过multiple-step流程。[1 - 3]一个支持层,例如一个阳极的支持,首先是准备和presintered提供机械强度的燃料电池。电解液层然后放置和烧结优先于最终涂层的阴极层。每一步都涉及到至少一个高温热处理,使细胞制造耗时且昂贵,不稳定的控制细胞的质量。对于一个更经济SOFCs制备微管能与可靠性和适应性的质量控制,一个先进的dry-jet wet-extrusion技术,即,一个阶段inversion-based共流程,开发了。使用这种技术,电解液/电极(无论是阳极和阴极)双层中空纤维(HF)可以形成一个单一步骤。通常,电解质与电极材料分别混合溶剂、聚合物粘结剂、添加剂等因素形成的外层和内部层旋转停赛,分别之前,同时通过triple-orifice种吐丝器,穿过一个气隙,最后进入一个无外部凝固浴。同时,一连串的重点是提供内部混凝剂通过中央的圆孔喷。两层的厚度,很大程度上取决于所用的设计,还可以调整相应的挤出速率,而不当或形态的准备高频前体能够控制的调整粘度等参数共暂停,气隙、流量的内部混凝剂。双层的高频前体然后co-sintered获得一旦在高温去除聚合物粘合剂和形式之间的边界陶瓷材料。在以往的研究中,[4 - 6]一个双层微管能SOFCs高频支持,其中包括电解质外层的大约80μm支持非对称阳极内部层状空隙长度35%,成功地捏造使用共和cosintering过程。单个细胞获取的沉积后的多层阴极到双层高频功率密度产生最大的 W厘米2°C−在570年[6]的改进结构的双层HFs是由减少电解液层厚度薄如10μm和最大功率密度相应的细胞显著增加到约 W厘米2°C−在600年。

方差分析显示没有统计 signi 因为吗? 在 cance,由重金属含量的方式的变化象限浓度,α = 和 级别,过-都是从这项研究在 Fuhais 中的每个金属含量被较干燥的尘土中发现的平均浓度沉积,以引用远程站点。 在在 heavymetals 的所有的浓度找高 中比在参考网站中所示的 Fuhais 天台图 3。 themean 值中的浓度的变化金属 (铅、 铜、 锌、 镍、 铁和锰) 之间的尘土中的发现 Fuhais 和引用远程站点位置统计上是 signi 吗? 不一个级别的 α = (P = ,铅 ,铜 ,锌 ; ,镍 ; ,铁 ; ,锰),·,铬,和公司的区别是 signi 吗? 不能的级别α = (、 和 ,分别)。 干沉降样本进行分析的结晶内容使用 x 射线衍射的矿物。 这些分析矿物,估计的从高度的峰值。 白云岩,方解石、 石英和石膏,作为主要矿物174 et al。 在 difractogram(Figure 4) 中所示。 所有的 previouslymentioned 矿物质可以是组件的水泥厂埃米-使用研究,而不是为这些矿物质的自然源水泥生产。结论 这项研究的结果显示,浓度,在住宅屋顶收集尘土中重金属Fuhais 的城市为高 (适用于所有的金属测定钼除外)发现一个远程引用中的重金属含量比-简化站点。 整体高的重金属含量在 Fuhais 中的天台屋尘上有代表性的恶棍-租为主的空气质素的水泥厂业务这座城市。 一个 signi 吗? 不能中铅、 铜浓度差这座城市的西北象限中发现,是 represen-在 traf 的咨询呢? c 模式和水泥业。 在矿物成分的某些干沉降示例显示石膏、 白云石、 方解石,石英,是否存在,指示对干 deposi-水泥厂的贡献区的 tion。 所有这些结果,本研究建议从 Fuhais 城市干沉降样本是强烈的呢? u-enced 由该水泥厂,而不是自然的排放源。认收书 作者 和 theNaturalRecourses当局在约旦进行 x 射线衍射分析在他们的实验室。









土木工程的英文是Civil Engineering ,直译是民用工程,它是建造各种工程的统称。它既指建设的对象,即建造在地上,地下,水中的工程设施,也指应用的材料设备和进行的勘测,设计施工,保养,维修等专业技术。土木工程随着人类社会的进步而发展,至今已经演变成为大型综合性的学科,它已经出许多分支,如:建筑工程,铁路工程,道路工程,桥梁工程,特种工程结构,给水排水工程,港口工程,水利工程,环境工程等学科。土木工程共有六个专业:建筑学,城市规划,土木工程,建筑环境与设备工程,给水排水工程和道路桥梁工程。土木工程作为一个重要的基础学科,有其重要的属性:综合性,社会性,实践性,统一性。土木工程为国民经济的发展和人民生活的改善提供了重要的物质技术基础,对众多产业的振兴发挥了促进作用,工程建设是形成固定资产的基本生产过程,因此,建筑业和房地产成为许多国家和地区的经济支柱之一。.古代的土木工程有很长的时间跨度,大致从公元前500年新石器时代出现原始的土木工程活动到16世纪末意大利的文艺复兴,导致土木工程走上迅速发展的道路为止,前后经历了两千多年。在这段时间内,由于科学理论发展及其缓慢,土木工程也没有突破习惯的发展。从17世纪中页开始到20 世纪40年代第二次世界大战结束为止的300年间,国外的建筑取得了长足的进步。土木工程进入了定量分析阶段。一些理论的发展,新材料的出现,新工具的发明,都使土木工程科学日渐完善和成熟。到了近代,二战结束之后,许多国家经济起飞,现代科学日益进步,从而为进一步发展提供了强大的动力和物质基础。人们生活水平的不断提高,必然要求越来越舒适的居住环境,在这种情况下,建筑的发展直接推动了土木工程的发展。总的来说土木工程是一门古老的学科,它已经取得了巨大的成就,未来的土木工程将在人们的生活中占据更重要的地位。地球环境的日益恶化,人口的不断增加,人们为了争取生存,为了争取更舒适的生存环境,必将更加重视土木工程。在不久的将来,一些重大项目将会陆续兴建,插入云霄的摩天大楼,横跨大样的桥梁,更加方便的交通将不是梦想。科技的发展,以及地球不断恶化的环境必将促使土木工程向太空和海洋发展,为人类提供更广阔的生存空间。近年来,工程材料主要是钢筋,混凝土,木材和砖材,在未来,传统材料将得到改观,一些全新的更加适合建筑的材料将问世,尤其是化学合成材料将推动建筑走向更高点。同时,设计方法的精确化,设计工作的自动化,信息和智能话技术的全面引入,将会是人们有一个更加舒适的居住环境。一句话,理论的发展,新材料的出现,计算机的应用,高新技术的引入等都将使土木工程有一个新的飞跃.English is the Civil Engineering Civil Engineering, civil engineering is literally, it is the construction of the project collectively. It means building objects that the construction on the ground, underground, water works facilities, equipment and materials to use in surveying, design construction, maintenance, repair and other professional skills. Civil Engineering with the progress of the human society, has been transformed into large integrated disciplines, it has a number of branches, such as : construction, rail projects, road projects, bridge projects, special project structure, water drainage works, the port project, water, environmental engineering disciplines. A total of six professional Civil Engineering : architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, construction and environmental engineering equipment, water drainage works and road bridge Engineering as an important foundation subjects, its important attribute : an integrated, social, practicality, uniformity. Civil Engineering for the development of the national economy and improve the living standards of the people provided important material and technological foundation for the revitalization of many industries played a catalytic role in the construction of fixed assets is a basic production process, the construction and real estate in many countries and regions become a pillar of the economyAncient Civil Engineering has a long time span, roughly 500 years before Christ from the original date in civil engineering activities to the 16 century Italian Renaissance, resulting in the rapid development of the Civil Engineering on the road today, and has experienced more than 2,000 years. During this period, due to the development of scientific theories and slow, there is no breakthrough in civil engineering from 17 pages to 40 years in the 20th century end of the Second World War 300 years, foreign construction made great strides. Civil Engineering has entered a phase of quantitative analysis. Some theoretical development, the emergence of new materials, new tools of invention, the Civil Engineering Science is perfection and maturity. In modern times, after the end of World War II, many countries economic takeoff, the increasing advances of modern science, so as to provide a powerful impetus to further development and material basis. People's living conditions continue to improve, more and more comfortable living environment for the inevitable in the circumstances, the construction of development directly to the Civil Engineering development.



(最好)不要某宝,不要个人,一定要选一个正规的润色机构——服务有保障,有售后,北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 终身满意。

















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