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The principle of fairness also said the principles of justice, the principles of justice, fairness principle that the law will always pursue and is pursuing a kind of values, is one of the fundamental principles of civil law. China's "General Principles of Civil Law" in a fair responsibility would like to express provision is made in line with the interests of the community and the broad masses of the people's will and aspirations. "Contract Law" to the principle of equity determine the rights and obligations of the parties, made up for a lack of legislation in China in the field of the market economy has an extremely important role. First, the concept of the principle of fairness and responsibility for the contents include Fair purported fair and reasonable. Fair responsibility principle is that the perpetrator and the victim are not at fault, the fact that damage has occurred in the circumstances, a fair consideration as a value judgment criteria, in accordance with the actual situation and possibilities, from the parties a fair share loss attribution principles. It specifically includes the following aspects: (1) the parties voluntarily, equality, civil Ontology participate in the civil-tim moving to equal opportunities. The two sides equal opportunity to participate in civil activities, the dominant position of equality, freedom of expression means. Not to race. Gender, age, status to the rights and obligations of the two sides. (B) civil entities in the enjoyment of civil rights and obligations of civil commitment to equality, and not显失公平. The establishment of a socialist commodity exchange on the basis of equality, no country has the right not to pay the price obtained free of charge property of others, who do not improper means to be not equivalent to the exchange. "Contract Law" pursuit of the rights and obligations equivalent transactions, in the conclusion of the contract, it was stressed that the two sides equal obligations,显失公平behavior parties can apply for the people's court or arbitration body withdrawn, social morality will permit the parties in the signed contract, only no rights or obligations not only enjoy the right to undertake obligations. Embodied in contract law, namely, the balance of interests as a value judgment to adjust the standard contract between the main commodity exchange, the right to determine their contract obligations. Unequal rights and obligations, the economic damage to the interests of the disadvantaged did not originate from its own strength, but from man-made discrimination, and this is an obvious unfair. On the contrary, the other party by virtue of human factors and not pay the price can get asymmetric interests, this is not only contrary to public morality, but also prohibited by law, it will weaken the damage to the motives for innovation.显失公平that exist between the interests of the parties "significant imbalance", which has destroyed the normal moral standards, contrary to good faith. The principle of equivalence paid, resulting in the loss of the contract according to the requirements necessary for the entry into force of the "fairness" of. (C) civil entities in the civil liabilities to fair and reasonable. Civil legislation to safeguard the principle of fairness, each person entitled to civil rights, regardless of whether fault, as long as there exist facts cause damage, they should share the civil liability according to the actual situation, and shared responsibility to be fair and reasonable, not arbitrary to blindly responsibility and the other party liability relief, not by race, rank all factors. Fully embodies the principle of fairness, so that the parties can achieve genuine equality of opportunity, equal status. The rights and obligations of equality, shared responsibilities fair, reasonable, avoid abuse of the rights and obligations increase. In real terms from the general fair to fair. Second, the principle of the responsibility is different from the fair principle of the responsibility and fault unerring principle of the responsibility of a liability principles. China's civil law system at the same time there are three principles of attribution principle that is at fault. No-fault principle, fair principle of the responsibility. Fair responsibility principle is the principle of an independent attribution. First, it is not from the perpetrator of the psychological state, that is not the perpetrator subjective fault people determine their liability, but based on the concept of socialist ethics and fair people living together rules and requirements. Secondly, the fact that in the event of damage there, according to the property status of the parties and other specific circumstances magistrate. If a housing tenancy will be engaged in operations to B, B in the agreement with the consent of a housing for a certain decoration, the two sides agreed in the agreement: "contract termination, B housing will be returned to the owner within decoration." both parties to fulfill the contract completed, a renovation that B should be free return, and B consider themselves into the housing decoration materials, wages, this should be a price compensation. Both sides have a dispute. The author believes that the imperfections of the contract on the renovation so that the two sides have a major misunderstanding on the return, B the right to apply for the relevant authorities to withdraw this clause. In addition, the market economy, can be embodied in any acts of values, B input materials, provided labor, it should be paid. If returned to a free decoration, it is bound to cause great losses to the B and A does not pay any price to get a substantial interest, which is clearly inequitable. Therefore, B requested a compensation price of the decoration ideas should be supported. Support B at the request of China's civil legislation in line with the spirit of fair is a concrete manifestation of the principle of the responsibility. Third, the equity principle of the responsibility to make up for the shortcomings of tort law, the tort legislation is a development. Fair principle of the responsibility to people living together rules and the fairness of socialist ethics concept to the level of civil legal norms, in line with the broad masses of the people's will, aspirations. The tort theory is the development and perfection. The theory of tort liability for mistakes made in the no-fault principle and the principle of the responsibility arising from the principle of responsibility before the fair. Therefore, the principle of fairness in practice responsibility not fully reflected. This contract resulted in a party irreparable harm facts. For example, A to B to help work for an accident should happen, to a physical injury, from the responsibility of the fault. The two sides were not at fault, it had never had down-fault principle of the responsibility to look at the whole scope, the damage to a only a personal commitment. From the perspective of fairness, according to both property status and other circumstances, a fair and reasonable sharing of responsibilities, the loss will be a relatively reduced, and also embodies the moral aspects of the principle of fairness. There defects in the legislation, often from the moral values of equity, to supplement the inadequate legislation. China's "civil law principle" and "Contract Law" will be fair principle of the responsibility to clear and the principle of fairness as the rights and obligations of the parties premise of the legislation on tort added that development. Fourth, China's civil legislation will be fair principle of the responsibility to determine the liability for an independent principle, the existing legal basis, but also the needs of judicial practice. "General Rules of Civil Law" Section 4 provides that: "the civil activities shall abide by the voluntary, fair, equivalent compensation, a principle of faith." The law also stipulates that显失公平the civil acts, a party may apply for the people's court or arbitration body to repeal or change. "General Rules of Civil Law" Section 132 provides that: "the parties are not at fault caused the damage, according to the actual situation by the parties share the civil liability." "General Rules of Civil Law" Section 133 provides that: "the guardian's responsibility to the guardianship may be appropriately reduce his civil liability." Embodied 132 fair principle of the responsibility. Secondly, in judicial practice, both parties were not at fault tort damages, in the absence of the principle of a liability to be adjusted, so that the victims will not only suffer have to bear all the losses contrary to the spirit of legislation. Precisely for this reason, fairness in the judicial principle of the responsibility to practice fully reflected the spirit of the legislation is not only in our country, is the need of reality. 6, the importance of the principle of fair responsibility. Fair is the spirit of civil law, contract law but also the spirit. In implementing the principle of equity entered into a contract to fulfill. Accountability, and other contractual relationship from start to finish. The principle of the responsibility to establish a fair dual between the parties of the right and obligation to remedy the inadequate legal provisions, so that further legal ethics commodity economy, not only effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests, but also to promptly resolve disputes and prevent the incident from expanding and contradictions sharpening, promoting stability and unity, stability, social order. Practice has proved that the principle of fairness is the responsibility of our judicial practice needs, but also the common aspiration of the majority of the people. Fair fault with the principle of the responsibility to the principle of the responsibility, the principle of no-fault liability adjustment from different aspects of the tort damages arising from civil legal relations and resolving the different types of civil legal disputes in civil legal relations with its importance.公平原则也称公正原则、正义原则、公道原则,是法律始终奉行和追求的一种价值观,也是民法的基本原则之一。我国《民法通则》中对公平责任愿则作了明文规定,符合社会利益和广大人民群众的意志和愿望。《合同法》以公平原则确定各方的权利义务,弥补了我国立法上的不足,在市场经济领域有着极其重要的作用。 一、公平责任原则的概念及包括的内容 公平的本意是公平合理。公平责任原则,是指加害人和受害人都没有过错,在损害事实已经发生的情况下,以公平考虑作为价值判断标准,根据实际情况和可能,由双方当事人公平地分担损失的归责原则。它具体包括以下几方面内容: (一)当事人自愿、平等,民事本体参加民事恬动的机会要均等。双方参加民事活动机会平等,主体地位平等,意思表述自由。不以种族。性别、年龄、地位等来约定双方的权利义务。 (二)民事主体在民事权利的享有和民事义务的承担上要对等,不能显失公平。 社会主义商品交换建立在平等的基础上,谁也无权不付出代价来无偿取得他人财产,谁也不得以不正当的手段谋求不等价的交换。《合同法》追求权利义务的等值交易,在合同订立中,强调双方义务均等,对于显失公平的行为当事人可以申请人民法院或仲裁机构予以撤消,社会道德也不允许当事人在签订合同时,只享有权利不承担义务或者只承担义务而不享受权利。体现在合同法中,就是以利益均衡作为价值判断标准来调整合同主体之间的商品交换关系,确定其合同权利的义务。权利义务不对等时,利益受损方经济上的不利地位并非源自其自身的实力,而是来自人为的歧视,这是明显的不公平。相反,另一方凭借人为因素,不付出代价即可取得不对称利益,这不仅有悖于社会公德,而且也为法律所禁止,更会削弱受损方创新的动因。显失公平使当事人之间的利益存在“重大失衡”,破坏了正常人所具有的道德标准,违背了诚实信用。等价有偿的原则,以致于合同丧失了据以生效所必须要求的“公平”性。 (三)民事主体在承担民事责任上要公平、合理。 为维护民事立法的公平原则,每个享有民事权利的人,不问有无过错,只要有造成损害事实存在,就应当根据实际情况分担民事责任,且分担责任要公平合理,不能盲目地随心所欲地让一方承担责任而另一方减免责任,更不能受种族、级别诸因素的影响。充分体现公平原则,才能使双方当事人真正达到机会平等、地位平等。权利义务平等,分担责任公平、合理,避免权利滥用和义务加重。从一般公平到实质公平。 二、公平责任原则是不同于过错责任原则和无过错责任原则的一个归责原则。 我国民事法律制度中同时存在三个归责原则即过错原则。无过错原则、公平责任原则。公平责任原则是一个独立的归责原则。首先,它不是从行为人的心理状态出发,即不以行为人主观过错人确定其赔偿责任,而是依据社会主义道德的公平观念和人们共同生活规则的要求。其次,在有损害事实发生时,根据双方当事人的财产状况及其他具体情况裁判。如甲将房屋租赁给乙方搞经营,乙方在征得甲的同意后对房屋进行了一定装修,双方协议中约定:“合同终止时,乙方将房屋的内装修返还给甲方。”双方履行完毕合同,甲认为乙的装修应是无偿返还,而乙认为自己装修房屋投入了材料、人工,甲对此应该作价补偿。双方对此产生争执。笔者认为,合同的不完善使双方对装修返还上产生重大误解,乙方有权申请有关机关予以撤消此条款。另外,市场经济中,任何行为都体现价值观念,乙投入材料,提供了劳务,就应该得到报酬。如果装修无偿返还给甲,势必给乙造成很大损失,而甲却不付任何代价就得到一笔可观利益,这明显有失公平。所以,乙要求甲对装修作价补偿的主张应该得到支持。支持乙的请求符合我国民事立法精神,更是公平责任原则的具体体现。 三、公平责任原则弥补了侵权行为法理论的缺陷,是对侵权行为立法的一个发展。 公平责任原则把人们共同生活规则和社会主义道德的公平观念上升为民事法律规范,符合广大人民意志、愿望。也是对侵权法理论的发展和完善。侵权法理论中的过错责任原则及无过错责任原则产生于公平责任原则之前。因此,公平责任原则在实践中不能充分体现。这就导致合同一方当事人发生损害事实时无法弥补。例如甲给乙帮忙干活,因出现意外,使甲人身受到伤害,从过错责任来看。双方均无过错,从无过错责任原则凋整范围看,甲受到的损害只能由甲个人承担。如果从公平角度出发,根据双方的财产状况及其他情况,公平、合理地分担责任,甲的损失就会相对减少,也体现了道德范畴的公平原则。在立法上出现缺陷时,往往是道德观念起衡平作用,以补充立法上的不足。我国《民法原则》及《合同法》将公平责任原则予以明确并将公平原则作为双方当事人权利义务的前提,是对侵权立法的补充、发展。 四、我国民事立法将公平责任原则确定为一个独立的归责原则,既有法律依据,也是司法实践的需要。 《民法通则》第4条规定:“民事活动应当遵循自愿、公平、等价有偿、诚实信用原则”。法律也规定,显失公平的民事行为,一方可以申请人民法院或仲裁机构撤消或变更。《民法通则》第132条规定:“当事人对造成损害都没有过错的,可以根据实际情况,由当事人分担民事责任”。《民法通则》第133条规定:“监护人尽了监护责任的,可以适当减轻他的民事责任”。体现了132条的公平责任原则。其次,在司法实践中,对于双方当事人都无过错的侵权损害,如果没有一个归责原则加以调整,将会使受害人既蒙受损害又须承担全部损失有悖于立法精神。正因为如此,公平责任原则在司法实践中充分体现,不仅符合我国立法精神,是现实的需要。 六、公平责任原则的重要性。 公平是民法的精神,也是合同法的精神。公平原则贯彻于合同的订立、履行。责任的承担等合同关系的始终。以公平责任原则确立双力当事人之间的权利和义务,补救法律规定的不足,使商品经济道德规范进一步法律化,不仅有效地保护当事人的合法权益,又能及时解决纠纷,防止事态扩大和矛盾激化,促进安定团结,稳定社会秩序。实践证明,公平责任原则是我国司法实践的需要,更是广大人民的共同愿望。公平责任原则与过错责任原则、无过错责任原则从不同方面调整着侵权损害中产生的民事法律关系,解决着不同类型的民事法律纠纷,在民事法律关系中有着其重要性。









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先找中文文献,在用谷歌在线翻译翻,1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。


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