When we can use the network correctly, the correct understanding of the network has become a must learn. It should be a more difficult to understand the network correctly, because no matter who will form an inherent understanding of the network, once formed, it is difficult to change.
As the old saying goes, you can't change who you are. I guess that's the way it is. I don't have any good advice on how to change the perception, but what I'm pushing is to form the right network perception at the beginning, which is hard for one person.
of course, so I think one should start to contact the network should be careful to ask around the network is very good to the people. It'll keep us from going the wrong way.
For example, when I started typing, I didn't follow the correct typing posture. When I got into the habit of typing, I found it difficult to correct it, because the original typing position has formed a subconscious in my mind.
it is difficult to change the subconscious things, the network is the same, so we must not let the wrong knowledge in our mind into the subconscious.
