We often meet two kinds of situations while translating, one is when Chinese describes a certain thing, for use word seem beautiful aureole, people carry on the high-level generalization and abstract to thing or characteristic of personage often. If translate to often feel to the sentence that it is very difficult to start, then treatment need to melt to the sentence in fact at this time at this moment, for the readability of the translation. There is kind that is while translating allusion or particular incident of Chinese, if translate to readers directly and often scarcely know what one has said, it is improper to add a lot of notes, need to state the truth emptily at this moment, this text issues some one's own views on this question. Aim at making readers hold this kind of English and translate the common thesis of mine is cut from some special examples, give several examples and let readers understand what is changing and necessity that the actual situation change of the actual situation first. Change the actual situation as the research object and then, enumerate the common treatment method out one by one. The direction of collecting materials is translation skill this one common in English. The frame of the thesis: 1 proves what is that the actual situation changes 2, meaning the actual situation that the actual situation change change in reality using timid example that state in fact taking to state timid 3 odd of example that take change the common situation with the actual situation in fact : timid to state in fact taking daily application application among some article of folk adage state timid to take, employ 4 in the ancient Chinese prose in fact. The actual situation changes results regarding folk adage is translated is translated Q&A met and meets the situation that can't be translated: state specifying 5 timid to melt in fact, 6 summary of full text, references thesis this direct against real to carry on deep research and discuss interchangeably while being timid, carry on concrete analysis to the concrete situation, adding a large number of embodiments proves, enable reader's understanding that this kind of commonly more used method has the general idea when translating.