Chapter 6 The Funnel: Connecting O and C 论文的开局(" O pening", including abstract and introduction),要由一个大的问题(problem),逐步具体到一个小的问题(" C hallenge", that is, a specific question)。方法是通过介绍密切相关且逻辑连贯的背景文献。 介绍背景文献不是做全面的文献综述,而是有选择性地对那些与所关心的问题密切相关的前人研究的索引。文献综述的主要目的是总结已知,而论文背景介绍的目的是 引出未知 。 介绍背景不是做文献堆积(Data-dump)/文献罗列的工作,而是通过将前人的工作整理,综合成一个具有逻辑连贯性的故事或认知框架,发见已知的边界(The boundaries of What is Known),进而提出认知空白/认知缺口("knowledge gap", that is, what is unknown)。其关键在于能否敏锐地觉察出众多论文之间的逻辑关联性。“By defining a knowledge gap, unmasking a hole in the wall of knowledge, you create unexpectedness“,这句话的关键词是“define”。 “define”意指这是一个人为事件。也就是说,所谓“问题”,都是人为界定的。 通过将不同的论文贯穿成逻辑连贯的故事框架,你就可以自己去界定哪里有"knowledge gap"。你发见了一个gap,就可以提出一个问题。那些没有发见的人,就会惊呼,“哦,原来这里也可以是问题”?! 所以,能否提出一个让人信服的科学问题,关键在于有没有能力将过往的论文组织成一个逻辑连贯但又不完备的故事框架。而这种能力,取决于平时读论文时有没有有意识地去发见不同论文之间的逻辑关联性。 这里顺带讨论一下, 什么是具有高价值的论文阅读的方式呢?简言之,如果每读一篇论文都是在原有的认知网络中添加一个具有多重连接的节点,而不是独立地线性地增加绝对数目,那么这种阅读才是具有高价值的。 人类的认知源自将不同的要点整合成组织化结构化的体系,否则只能算是独立的观察。除非你自信正在开创一个全新的领域,否则这种在逻辑上,认知上的系统性连贯性是研究人员提出令人信服的认知空白/认知缺口,或科学问题的前提。 以下摘录两段精彩议论: “Framing the knowledge gap taps into core elements of the SUCCES formula for a sticky story, particularly the U and E elements, unexpectedness and emotion. By defining a knowledge gap, unmasking a hole in the wall of knowledge, you create unexpectedness: I didn’t realize that we didn’t know that! By closing with a question, you create curiosity: what is the answer? Then you can tell us how you solve the problem and satisfy our curiosity." "The vital elements of an Introduction are the opening and the challenge. Those are the “dots” that you must connect by filling in the background and forming the funnel. That material has only one purpose: to show a reader why answering your questions is essential to making progress on the overall problem. By the time readers reach the challenge, they should feel that your questions are the obvious ones, even if they had never thought about them before."