Agricultural resources management and agricultural environment protechon in ge rmany 德国的农业资源管理和 农业环境保护
Analysis of the problems and prevention countermeasures in the agro - environment protection of fujian province 浅析我省 农业环境保护 存在的问题及应对措施
The development of precision agriculture will faciptate solutions to major issues in population , resources and environment and benefit china in high efficiency utipzation of agricultural resources and environmental protection 精确农业的研究与发展将有助于我国人口、资源与环境方面重大问题的解决,有助于农业资源的高效利用和 农业环境保护 。
People ' s governments at various levels shall draw up plans for regionapzation of agricultural resources , programmes for agricultural environmental protection and plans for the development of rural energy , and organize the rehabiptation of the agricultural ecological environment 各级人民 *** 应当制订农业资源区划、 农业环境保护 规划和农村能源发展计划,组织农业生态环境治理。
Article 2 " agro - techniques " mentioned in this law refer to the scientific research results and practical techniques to be appped to crop cultivation , forestry , animal hu *** andry and fishery , including techniques of breeding good strains , applying fertipzers , preventing and controlpng plant diseases and insect pests , as well as plant cultivation and animal hu *** andry ; techniques of processing , preserving , storing and transporting products and by - products of agriculture ; techniques of agricultural machinery and agricultural aviation ; techniques of irrigation and water conservancy , soil improvement and water and soil conservation ; techniques of water supply and energy utipzation in rural areas and agricultural environmental protection ; techniques of agricultural meteorology , and techniques of agricultural management and administration 第二条本法所称农业技术,是指应用于种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业的科研成果和实用技术,包括良种繁育、施用肥料、病虫害防治、栽培和养殖技术,农副产品加工、保鲜、贮运技术,农业机械技术和农用航空技术,农田水利、土壤改良与水土保持技术,农村供水、农村能源利用和 农业环境保护 技术,农业气象技术以及农业经营管理技术等。