Auditing the significance put forward is in being audited by extensive use by sampling , the purpose suggesting that is to audit risk for lessening , swear to audit mass , rise auditing efficiency , to evade legal liability , it arrives at very important application of complete phase It both in auditing plan. With the fact that the whole world range inner audits increasing by failing over the past few years, rise auditing legal action tide, the call for judging that go along studies to auditing significance is more and more high. Auditing significance is that to refer to audit a personnel to the user who unit accounting statement objective reality is audited , may affect accounting statement under specially appointed environment the mistake judging or making policy reports or the order of severity failing to report composes out one kind subjective occupation judges. The main body of a book is emphasized discussing that the concept hits the target in small-scale enterprise auditing significance applying problem. Small-scale enterprise is that one resembles comparatively peculiarly in auditing a marriage partner , have different Yu other type enterprise characteristic. Study these characteristics and their effect to auditing significance level application , be a premise and basis studying the significance how middle to apply to auditing process to small-scale enterprise is conceptual. The main body of a book on this account for point of penetration; breakthrough point , discuss that and here on the basis to auditing the go along exercising the conceptual problem how to wield significance in the entire proceeding, the at last gives a example auditing the concept wielding significance in process in small-scale enterprise out.