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Generally speaking, the employees have 3 fastigium, leaving hannigan business adviser said during the probation period with the enterprise employees are not belonging to enterprises. Once the new found the nature of work and expectations, or beyond their ability to work with the boss, or are not, it will immediately had occurred. After two years of on-the-job employees, promotion crisis over a period of time, the work of enterprises, to the job at hand is already familiar with, eager to have more opportunities, greater challenge, so hope to get promoted. Especially if the colleagues, students have no chance of promotion, and he, he will find out eagerly chance, After five years of work of on-the-job crisis, when can predict more slowly, and promotion opportunities for existing enterprise is less and less, "newness", therefore, no such as competent people begin to have the opportunity to find , the loss of talented people in the domino effectWhy some people to join the enterprise "to" happily, but to leave after "to"? When leaving the company from "the behavior of the individual is abnormal for development", "a kind of phenomenon", "a trend", managers should reflect: is not unrighteous or employees? Is the person or employing mechanism strategy has a problem? Is the business idea deviation or enterprise culture change taste?A big problem troubling the enterprise is the loss of talented high-tech enterprise, especially for the talents, and stronger dependence of modern enterprise competition depends mainly on talent competition, this will give the enterprise human resources management, some enterprises brings difficulties in recruiting employees with "only when recruiting talented person, senior don't useful, but the slogan of" and can stop loss of talents, often is in the unit of skilled personnel, in others, in part or collective away the impetus, partial enterprise from the left, it looks like we often say "dominoes".If an enterprise high turnover, will not only influence the daily operation, also caused the "flow" habitual that employees see more of the "everyday", the colleague of enterprise is once, at the first or leave, but thought is not considering strengthening communication etc to solve the problem. Therefore, the turnover will control in benign, within the scope of the enterprise vitality and keep talents, should be left of human resource management is one of the important targets. A turnover in 5%, but is "bad" of the enterprise, the optimum flow of personnel is these talents loss for a long-term development strategy is very important, if the enterprise did not have enough talent reserve, cannot guarantee the continuity of the human resources, let alone to improve enterprise's core competitive ability, so in the enterprise human resources management should take positive human resource strategy, and prevent the loss of talented people in the domino have proved that most employees like this kind of public enterprises and direct approach, it is to give them a sudden attack, they don't have time to decide, not better choice leeway. Whether good or bad, as usual, consistent to respect treatment is very important, but want to become the best office staff mind, need to offer more things. And this is where the unique beauty, force in global CEO from the factory to the assembly line, Laos, every employee works in patients with ease pain, for restored to health and prolong life."We work in the 500 million, benefit of global every 6 seconds, a beauty products. Those patients implanted manufacturing or other industries are proud of the work, but few have enterprise can like us direct benefit patients!" A beauty, force. Staff "When people understand the beauty of humanity, products contribute much, they will understand oneself to send out is a gift of life. This to enhance their sense of enterprise's mission."Fortune magazine voted "America's 100 best companies to work for" eight years as in the seven times! This road and beauty for employees of meaningful work and competitive compensation and benefits are competitive. With these three, the mission and employees of enterprises and one in retaining employees, force works is fruitful, compared with other many enterprises, especially the domestic many enterprises, there is no beauty, as in so attractive force of natural. They have to face a loss of talents directly and increasingly serious talents crisis. We cannot help asking what reason for these enterprises meet so attractive in the problem? To sum up, the enterprise, stay, common reasons and problems are mainly as follows:1, enterprise development strategy and vision problemsEnterprise should have a clear goal for development. Because of the short-term will make staff to see the future of the company, and insecure. But even if enterprise is clear vision, if cannot make staff understand yourself and enterprise vision, oneself in the enterprise to realize this vision of function, also cannot give employees with , the employee's salary and welfare issuesIn all the basic way to Commodity Exchange trading standards as the society, salary is always a very important factors. Because of the employee compensation determines his economic and social status, he's quality of life and activities in relation to the space, all his all. Therefore, the payroll problem is always an employee is concerned. Salary and welfare of the main problem is: salary level and external trade, professional, compared with competitive salary, resulting in the enterprise in the aspects of less attractive. Treatment of internal fairness problem, do not get paid and balance. Employees expect basic pay more than the life of no , business leaders and styleEmployee satisfaction with the boss of employee turnover exist strong correlation. When employees of the boss, the flow tendency will increase. Specific performance such as: poor ability is insufficient or moral managers, employees will be hard to convince, most reluctant to stay employees. If the manager does not work for pay, poor performance of employees do not try to guide, but only in their censure of mistakes or criticism, not a hard-eyed criticized employees, and staff involved in character and other problems, will cause the opposition, when employees stress, will work as a burden, it will consider leaving , the enterprise cultureMany people leave a company, it is to feel the enterprise. Mainly because of the enterprise culture, the entire enterprise without a good atmosphere of unity. Communicate and coordinate also has very many problems, work exchange, mutual cooperation, less useful work well to share information, thus make staff feel like very isolated, and the enterprise no relationship. Thus, the employment system and open to employees working atmosphere is very important, The scientific management system and harmonious working environment is willing to work in enterprise long one important and other factorsThe flow of its employees to pursue lifestyle. Some people enjoy relatively stable way of life, some people don't like drab and stable way of life, like the changeable, in addition, the preference of lifestyle of his staff is likely to cause the city, thereby choice or in the community. Another employee turnover is probably because family, for example, because of their life, take care of their parents or spouses of learning and work flow, etc.(2) the deep reasons employee turnoverAfter analyzing the flow of employees in general, we must explore these reasons, namely the reasons behind the deep reasons. In the deep reasons, we must from the basic principle of human resource management. Human resources management is the most essential thing is, with the appropriate capacity, at the right time, arrange to appropriate post. Further, the essence of human resource management, or supreme is: the person hillock adapter! Human resources management in various problems, are essentially is not caused by adaptation hillock. High turnover is one of the low degree of adaptation hillock. Man does not fit the way popular hillock is wrong, wrong hire hire is the real reason behind the loss of talented people. At least make mistakes often hire employees to be performance of 20% lower or trivial obtain employee turnover in the real reason why not easily. Many managers do not consider the employees often experience weeks or months before deciding to consider leaving. Firstly, the staff appraisal and compliance with his work expectations. Once the disappointment, first thought might be leaving. At this time, employees may spend time thinking about looking for a new job, then, find appropriate action, evaluation, and now the work completed the above steps, compared to decide exit interview about reason for leaving the company, the employee will be appropriately answer "in order to better development opportunity." He would not open demission reason is understandable, it also makes the exit interview information obtained more superficial. Therefore, the managers in exit interview only contact to staff decided to leave, and understand its real reason, eventually lost the chance to talents need good work. The reason is very simple. People think that work is not ideal, either slacking, either. The occupational health market, they are more likely to choose the latter. As soon as possible in order to find the real cause of the employee turnover, and take the third exit interview proved way is a kind of very effective way possible. Take a third-party exit interview way because of concerns from employees and concerns, and can obtain employee objective reasons for leaving. The enterprise to understand and grasp the truth of the staff have realistic , human resources management is the most essential thing is right, the ability of personnel, at the right time, arrange to appropriate post. The essence of human resource management, or supreme is: the person hillock adapter! According to this principle, the enterprise should can skillfully three ability, accomplish a person to fit, will receive guards the actual effect of divided into three types: wisdom, knowledge and self management characteristics. Wisdom is the behavior, have certain aspects of intelligence work more easily than others. Wisdom cannot teach, so you have to choose. Someone once said: "you can learn to climb trees, but teach Turkey." more convenient employ squirrels, The trick is to choose the appropriate talents and the appropriate work, challenge and expected results, remember to match with other members of the team, the way consistent, full of talents team in goal. The second kind of ability is needed to work. Must first make clear what the employee must possess knowledge and experience to achieve the desired results. Professor or through learning knowledge can be obtained, this practice or intelligence and different. Self-management characteristics are the key factors to the ", "in many cases is to determine whether two colleagues or new employee can get along well with other members of that team for the key elements.(3) is the core enterprise of brain drainIn the 1960s, Argyris (1960), Levinsonetal. (1962), 1965), Schein (first put forward the concept of psychological contract. The psychological contract is as an employee and organizational exchange relationship and mutual responsibility of a kind of psychological expectations. The psychological contract of employees and organization is between mutual understanding and trust. Such as employee may think that he has been organization has promised to pay, competitive advantage to ascend, vocational training work, in the heart of the staff as equal exchange for the organization's development is to contribute their energy, time, technology and sincere. With the economic contract is different, the psychological contract have implied, personalized, informal and perception of psychological contract, although not formed text, but not the binding legal contracts than. It is agreed between the organization and the implicit contract provisions, give the other party and party expect from the other party. When both sides expectations, both the match was recent years, the competition in the globalization process reengineering, strategic alliance, outsourcing and merger and reorganization, organization structure under the influence of such environment flattening of psychological contract, known as the "hidden" the concept is a qualitative change, not only in the enterprise, the enterprise, also including Japan European enterprises, companies are rushing to cut through the sale of strategic resources and to pursue efficiency. The traditional psychological contract - to work hard and employee loyalty, organization provides work organization guarantee stability and permanent, more and more in the context of unprecedented impact. While some new content, such as for flexibility, impartiality, innovation, the psychological contract of increasing weight, because of this, in silence after 20 years, from the middle of 1980s, management of the psychological contract in the field of research and a new psychological contract of construction can realize people's development, avoid the autonomy organizations and members of the information asymmetry between the ", "because of lack of work efficiency. Due to the existence of information asymmetry, members of the organization's commitment only through the establishment of the psychological contract, intrinsic motivation to achieve. The process of constructing the psychological contract, is also a full members of the organization of the enthusiasm and creativity and intelligence, is that produce a high level of employee commitment (intrinsic motivation and mainly for high-energy, lengthen working hours, to do more to work with passion, etc.), is the process of constructing the organizational members' community of life ", is the process of cohesive tissue. From the modern sense, the organization's operations, members of the life and development, more important is the member of self-realization, its fundamental goal is growing and developing members of the organization.
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