以Experience为主题的Essay写作技巧 这类题目在学校申请中比较普遍,问题形式多样,可以分为: background:描述你的成长经历,包括学术上、生活上和人际交往上的爱好。 For example:a. Please describe your previous academic work in your proposed field of study and include a personal statement regarding your goals for graduate study and a professional career. In your response, list memberships in honor societies and professional organizations; scholarships, prizes, honors, or other recognition; and give titles of publications, major papers, or theses of which you are author or co-author (if published, give citation). Please also describe any relevant research experience and what you have learned from it, and other educational and life experiences that you feel are important and relevant. If you have specific interests in your proposed field of study or are interested in working with any particular faculty members, please tell us about them. Please limit your response to 1500 words. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校) b. Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (Duke University)c. Describe a situation when you faced an ethical challenge in an academic environment. What was the impact of your decision on you and your classmates? (Boston University MS in Mathematical Finance) meaningful/forgettable experiences: 描述你最深刻、最难忘的人或事,并说明原因。For example:a. Throughout our lives, we experience significant experiences or "milestones" that have a lasting impact on us. Briefly describe such an event and its impact on you. (Case Western U )b. Indicate a person who has a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. (Duke University)c. Provide a brief summary of your relevant professional and/or educational background, highlighting your skills and what you consider to have been important influences and experiences. (Illinois Institute of Technology MBA) experiences: 说明是什么推动自己现在选择留学、以及选择的学校和专业。 For example:a. Discuss your post-MBA professional goals, beginning with the MBA specialization you plan to pursue. How did you decide on this career path, and why do you feel these goals are realistic for you? ( Arizona State University MSF)b. Please tell us something about yourself, your experiences, or activities that you believe would reflect positively on your ability to succeed at Penn State. This is your opportunity to tell us something about yourself that is not already reflected in your application or academic records. We suggest a limit of 500 words or fewer. ( Penn State University宾州州立大学) :描述自己过去几年中取得的进步,并对未来的学习做规划。For example:a. How will your involvement in undergraduate extracurricular activities contribute to your learning in this program, as well as the learning experiences of your classmates?(Pepperdine University Master of Science in Applied Finance) b. What aspects of your intended path of study made you decide that the program at the McCallum Graduate School was the right one for you? Please be as specific as possible. (Bentley University Finance) 创作Experience类型的Essay时,要注意的是,这类Essay切忌只是简单的罗列一些事情经历或过程,否则就是和简历没有什么区别了。招生委员会之想了解你的经历,但更想知道你是怎么去体验的,你有什么感想,你是怎么去看待过去的这些经历的,有什么收获,对你的人生,未来构想和申请的方向有什么影响,这些经历如何引导你下一步的行动,等等。这些才是描写经历类Essay的核心。 ★以Motivation为主题的Essay写作技巧以Motivation 为主题的Essay,学校通过这类题目问你关于你对学校或对专业的选择,学校可以通过你的回答看到你的学习动机,以及你对选择这所学校读大学的认真度和向往度。例如:“In an essay of 300 words or less, please discuss your academic interests and/or professional goals.”(Purdue University)“What aspects of your intended path of study made you decide that the program at the McCallum Graduate School was the right one for you? Please be as specific as possible.”(Bentley University)“Describe your motivation for pursuing a master's degree. How have your academic, career, or life experiences prepared you for this program?”(Case Western Reserve University)在回答这类问题时,你应该向学校展示出你对就读这所大学的渴望,展示这所大学在你眼中独特而吸引你的地方,但是需要注意的是,在描述大学的优势时,不要太过于笼统,这样体现不出你的诚意,另外,还要注意的是你要确保你所描述的优势是这所大学真的存在的,而不是自己杜撰出来的。在写以Motivation为主题的Essay时需要注意的几点是:a.更好的自我认识将有助于你回答这类问题,因为你需要写出你的专业目标和梦想,解释为什么该大学的学院/专业能帮助你实现你的目标。如果你期望学习的是社工专业,而你申请的学校正处于一个繁华的城市,那么你除了可以谈该校在这个领域方面的成就等,还可以谈一下该校的地理位置将会如何为你创造一个更好融入这个社会的条件;b.在写作前要对所申请的大学的学院做充分的了解,如果你选择这所学校仅仅是因为它的排名很靠前,或是因为是你父母帮你选择的,那你会感到很难下笔。你必须去挖掘更深层次的原因,除了在网页上看到的该学院的具体优势,还可尝试是否能通过其他渠道了解到该学院的一些信息。在回答时,可适当地强调你所描述的条件是除了这所学校以外的其他学校所不能提供的;c.结合你的个人经历来谈你的专业兴趣是如何形成的,这也是这类Essay中常见的问题,那么你可以像讲述一个故事一样描写你是因为什么事情在什么时候开始对这个领域产生了兴趣,这一兴趣是在什么样的情况下渐渐地加深的。 ★以Objective为主题的Essay写作技巧以Objective为主题的Essay在这里指关于阐述你的长远期职业目标的Essay。这也是商学院必问的一个重要的问题。具体的问题形式较多样,但是内容大多数是,在完成学业后,你未来几年内的职业计划是什么,或者是你过去的经历与你将来的职业目标有什么联系等等。例如:“Please attach a statement in which you discuss your career goals and plans for achieving these goals. Please also discuss any relevant educational and professional experiences that will contribute to your success in the program, and in your career.”(Clark University)“What are your short and long-term career objectives? How will the program assist you in pursuing your career objectives?” (De Paul University)“Discuss why you want to be a social worker. What personal, academic, volunteer and/or work experiences have influenced this choice? If you have worked in other fields, please discuss the reasons for this change.” (Columbia University)这类题目其实是很难回答的,因为有很多申请可能对于自己的职业目标尚未有清晰的认识,这样,写出来的文章就很难打动人心,因此,在写之前,你需要对你的职业目标做一个深入的思考。无论问题的形式是怎么样的,你的回答需要包含的内容有以下几方面:你的长短期职业目标,你过去的相关背景,对你目前情况和你的目标之间差距的分析,在这个学校的学习将能在哪些方面帮助你在现在的基础上实现你的目标。这类的问题通常都不是单独问你的目标,而是结合你的成就或是优缺点来问,所以,回答时不要局限于陈列出你的目标,最好是结合你的经历和目标来论述。在写以Objective为主题的Essay时需要注意的几点是:a.在过去经验的基础上对你未来的目标加入陈述,而不要单纯地说出你的理想——你想成为一名总裁,而是要描述你的目标是如何在你的经历中塑造起来的,这样写出来的文章才不会空洞与生硬;b.为了体现出你的理性与逻辑,建议你把你的目标分成阶段性地论述,通常会分为:毕业后的短期目标、中期目标和长期目标。这样分段地构思会比较有说服力,同时,能为你选择这一专业提供合理的解释。在制定自己的目标时,建议你可以参考该学校最近的毕业生从业情况以前所申请专业的就业前景,这样才不会脱离现实;c.对于你的长期目标,你不需要将它写得过于具体与明确,只需要指出所感兴趣的领域与工作技能。 ★以Creativity为主题的Essay写作技巧以Creativity为主题的Essay的问题形式更为广泛,院校通常会让选择某件事物——一位名人、 一件国家大事、一次假期、你最喜欢的书或老师。较常见的一类是通过问学生关于对一些社会现象和历史事件及人物的看法,来了解学生的创造力与洞察力,同时还能了解到学生的知识面的广泛度。例如:“Discuss an issue of national or international importance and its concern to you. This essay should be no more than 600 words.” (Johns Hopkins University)“Briefly discuss a current social issue of great concern or interest to you.” (New York University)“Do you believe there’s a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others.” (Denison University)在写以Objective为主题的Essay时需要注意的几点是:1. 在这类Essay中,你可以表达通过你的个人观点来展示你的创造性思维与你的独特之处,但是切记,所描述的内容不应太过夸张;2. 这类问题的中心其实都是选择,你需要选择一个问题,也肯定需要选择回答的内容。学校通过观察你的选择方式来了解你,而你的选择体现的是你个人的偏好、价值和思考方式。因此,你需要选定一个合情合理的主题,选定论据,真诚地写出每一件事,续写细节、突出重点;3. 虽然在谈及这类问题时,如你对种族歧视、贫困问题、世界性的饥荒等时事热点的态度,你会有自己的个人情绪在里面,但是,请尽量保持客观,从多个角度和方面去分析这件事情,会显得你更加成熟,避免使用一些过于陈旧和大众化的观点。