基本戚风蛋糕 材料 材料:8寸模1个A.蛋清4个,塔塔粉1/4匙,细砂糖70克;B. 蛋黄4个,细砂糖20克C. 色拉油3大匙,牛奶3大匙;D.低筋粉100克,吉士粉1大匙,盐1/8匙,泡打粉1/4匙,椰子香粉1/4匙(或香草香粉1/8匙), 制作方法 步骤:1. 将B材料混合搅拌至淡黄色(液体变浓),分次加入油和牛奶;2. 将过筛后的D材料放入1中,静置备用;3. 将A材料中的蛋白与塔塔粉搅拌到松发,分三次加入细纱糖;打发至硬性发泡状态;4. 将打发的蛋白分三次加入到2中的面糊中;5. 注模后,用力摔几下,让气泡放出,入炉烤;6. 190度烤40分钟。 Production elements: (1) eggs to be careful, Wu Shi-Zhandao slightest oil, water or egg yolk. (2) Sugar takes two minutes, add the egg yolks, an increase in protein. (3) refueling and milk, it is necessary to join the拌匀a spoonful of the key with another, not all at one go into. (4) after lightly flour sieve into拌匀can, do not force mixing or stirring too long. (5) protein must reach the hard foam, that is, its sharp front ptosis才行be erected not otherwise Kaohao-cake after the collapse. (6) of the bubble and the yolk batter拌匀, to be light and fast action, if the mix for too long or too forced, thin batter volatile. Baked into the furnace, the more dense batter, the cake bulk Kaohao more difficult after the collapse, if the batter was thin soft state is likely to fail. (7) cake model of an Oiler, as chiffon cake batter must build on the strength of adhesion model wall swelling up, the oil will lose its adhesion, so only at the bottom of the model to put to paper at the end. Specifically, as follows: 1. Material: 3 eggs, sugar 7 spoons, butter (salad oil) 3 keys, 5 spoons of milk, 100 grams of low-gluten flour, Fafen a spoon (or use their own instead of 100 grams of powder), salt 1 / 4 spoon, tartar 1 / 4 spoon (no drops of lemon juice or vinegar can be used instead), the electric Mixer, of the key. Second, add egg yolks 4 spoons of sugar, with straight Mixer hit so far was milky white. Third, a spoonful of salad oil a spoonful of accession, together with another force拌匀keys, and then adding milk, the same reason. 4, flour, salt and sieve into the Fafen, lightly拌匀, not to over-mixing, put aside. 5, a protein with Mixer and tartar, to a crude protein bubbles, by adding three spoons of sugar to continue to fight hard foam. 6, from 1 / 3 of the bubble拌匀paste with egg yolk, then the whole set of bubble into the egg yolk paste in拌匀, action should be light and fast 7, will be blowing into the cake batter has a pad of paper model, Ma Ping surface, the table to throw the earthquake within the larger bubbles, into the oven down layer, and bake 180 degrees about 15 minutes and then lowered to 160 Bake for 10 to 15 minutes. 8, after the release of Gekai model with a knife edge, Flip out Chenre removed at the end of paper, on the cooler shelf cooling.