VI设计(企业形象识别系统设计,品牌形象识别系统设计)是企业文化的视觉符号,企业价值观的视觉载体。在塑造一个团队的过程当中,代表了一个团队的信念、理想、抱负。它所形成的统一而鲜明的品牌形象,使企业与市场沟通更直接有效,帮助消费者对企业及其产品建立好感与信心,加强市场号召力。 VI (Vision Identity) design (Corporate Identity Design, Brand Identity Design) is the visual symbol of corporate culture and visual carrier for corporate values. In moulding a team, it represents the faith,goal and aspiration of the team. The uniform and bright brand image it shapes up facilitates the communication between the firm and market, and helps to win consumer’s good impress and confidence on the corporate and the products, strengthening the market appeal. 随着企业家品牌意识的重视度的提高,设计一套能够真正代表企业整个面貌与理念的CIS系统无疑是品牌战略的首先必要实施的步骤,然而,创作出一套具有专业水准的VI不是那么容易的,这次乐天VI设计的毕业设计课题,既是自己对VI创作的初步尝试,又是对三年所学全面的总结. With the increasing awareness of the importance for corporate brand, it is undoubted that designing a set of CIS(Corporate Identity System) that can truly present the enterprise’s whole appearance and logos is the primary and necessary step implemented in the brand strategy. However, it is no easy to create a set of professional VI. This graduation design project on Letian VI is not only my preliminary attempt on VI creation, but also a comprehensive summary for what I have learned in the past three years. 我所设计VI的乐天集团是以旅行社产业为主,本篇论文大致展示了乐天旅行社VI系统中几个重要的方面,如主要标志,标准字,标准色,辅助色,名片,信封等等方面既其创作过程解析. The Letian Group, which I have design VI for, gives priority to tourist industry based on travel agency. This essay generally presents several important aspects in the VI system for Letian Travel Agency, such as major symbols, standard word, standard color, complementary color, business card and envelope, etc. and the analysis for the creating process. 毕业论文要认真对待啦,呵呵~中文最后一行“既其”应该是“及其”吧还有,“摘要”的英文是Abstracts,一般都要写的