小学生英语词汇教学调查报告 一.调查的提出 英语词汇是语言的建筑材料,与语音、语法、句型、课文相结合;另一方面在听、说、读、写之中体现。要记的词汇很多。《九年义务教育小学英语教学大纲》中明确规定:六年制的学习中必须掌握近1000个单词和相关固定搭配,在口、笔头练习中能够运用。很多学生认为,节节新课有生词,每节课都要记好几个单词或用语,当天记住了,可是过了几天又忘了,而且有些单词或用语很难记,甚至有些单词的构成、读音等看起来十分相似,很容易混淆,确实不容易记,对小学生来说要记住确实有一定的困难。其中显而易见的困难包括: 课时少,重复练习机会少,其他课业重,要掌握的词汇中有许多为较难掌握的常用词。在学生中进行的一次问卷调查中,有64%的学生认为从英语课文中学到的词很有限(黄小萍,2000)。相当数量的学生感到自己掌握的词汇量小,读一篇文章耗时长,读起来难以产生兴趣,因而阅读量就小;阅读量小,学到的词汇就少;学到的少,读起来就慢。许多学生就处在这样的负循环之中。 二.调查过程 (一)调查内容 1.英语词汇自主学习的实质性提高:五年级词汇中的重点词为目标词,这些词课文未曾涉及到,为较难掌握的生词。将课文中出现了的单词在词汇表上一一标出,从而凸现课文中未出现过的单词。选择这些词既可以实验词汇学习方法又可以帮助学生掌握这些较难掌握的词汇。 2.英语词汇自主学习的能力提高:能根据教师的引导,运用教师提供的方法,自我创设情景进行词汇的自主学习。 3.检测教师进行研究的方法的可操作性与实效性:认为有两种措施是可行的:一是给学生挑出重点词并设定明确的记忆目标;二是提供短而有趣且配上图画的短文和短信息。据此,设计了两种词汇学习方法:一是 短句法;二是短文加图画法。 (二)调查对象 全体五年级学生(五年一班为A 组,五年二班为B 组) (三)调查标准 本次调查的因素为英语词汇测试成绩。实验组(A班)使用的词汇学习方法为短文加图画方法,具体的做法是从《21世纪报》等英文报上剪取含有目标词的带图画的小段文章,拼组成页,在目标词下划线,复印发给A班学生去记每份材料中所含的15个目标词 。对照组(B班)使用的词汇学习方法为短句法,其做法是将A班所用材料中的目标词列出,每一词给一个含有该词的句子发给B班去记忆。每次发材料时在两班对目标词作相同的少量讲解。受试在学习阶段结束时的成绩为因变量。 (四)调查方法 1. 本次调查的主要运用问卷法、提问法和谈话法。 问卷法:针对学生对词汇的学习掌握进行测试和衡量,得出较为准确地调查结果。 提问法:通过与学生的实时交流,掌握调查过程中学生对所给学习方法的积极认同和掌握程度。 谈话法:调查学生是否需要此类学习方法及学习之后对自主学习能力的提高是否有帮助。 2. 具体调查步骤: A.调查理论依据 Craik和Lockhart(1972)提出了“加工水平说”(levels of processing),认为感知事物包括在各个层次上对刺激的分析。初始阶段为诸如线条、角度、亮度、声调以及响度等物体的 、感官的特征;后面的阶段涉及到将输入的信息与脑中储存的抽象概念相配,即进行模式的识别和意义的判断。当一个词被识别时,会引发学习者过去对该词的体验、形象和联想。这 一理论又称“深度加工说”(depth of processing)。此处“深度”指更大程度的语义分析 ,亦称深编码法(elaboration coding)。这种深编码法会产生更持久、更强的记忆痕。 ? Craik和Tulving(1975)的研究显示,记忆得以加强与包含目标词的上下文构成一个结合体的程度相关,并指出与被解码的上下文结合有助于词的记忆,因为一个被解码的语言单之所以 构成一体根据的是记忆者以往的经历。这种构成一体的过去的学习记录,在回忆时便能作为提示重建最初的解码。根据这一理论,为学生提供含有目标词的上下文并配上图画可使学生 有 机会进行初始编码和深编码,从而更有效地记忆这些目标词。 B.调查具体实施: 在A班使用方法一,B班使用方法二。每周第一次上课A、B两班各发一组材料;第 二次上课便测试上次发的材料中的目标词,在下课之前分发第二组材料;总共发了6组材料 ,并进行了6次小测试,然后进行总测试。 调查过程中每发一次材料后进行一次小测试,小测的题目可从15个目标词中
Tom is my friend. He eats a lot of healthy food. For breakfast, he likes eggs, bread and milk. For lunch, he likes fish, meat, vegetables and for dinner, he has chicken, tomatoes and noodles. He likes French fries very much, but he doesn’t like ice cream or dessert at all.
At present, the colleges and universities there are some outstanding problems in vocational education, school education and students employment and the market demand for talents, the separation of teaching effectiveness is poorer, teaching in the embarrassing situation. In adopting sampling survey method, questionnaire investigation, visiting and other methods, the status of the demand for business English professional market, the business English major teaching and the requirements of curriculum development situation has carried on the investigation and analysis, such as for reform of higher vocational education and teaching work.
The demand for business English in the employment market
In the national education system, vocational education is an important part of which cannot be ignored, because it is to promote economic and social development and employment of important ways. Professional education is the employment of education, and social demand is the productivity of education. Only by adhering to the reform and innovation, and adjusting the major in time according to the demand of the market, is the fundamental way for the sustainable development of professional education.
August 20 * * to * * 20 years in September, jilin province department of foreign languages education college course in higher vocational business English professional development and research of the curriculum reform in jilin province, liaoning province, zhejiang province, and Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen, hangzhou, yiwu, dalian and other places for a market demand social questionnaire sampling survey, tries to survey the social demand for business English professional talents, learn some basic situation and the proportion, provide the basis for further development of business English professional, and according to the social demand and employment guidance curriculum development and reform, redesign to the employment as the guidance, the students career planning as the main line of teaching plan, make the specialty and its curriculum more perfect and effective, and meet the needs of the development of contemporary society, with timeliness.
One, about the questionnaire
The question of the survey
The questionnaire was designed by members of the study group. Consists of three parts, namely the basic situation, main questionnaire investigation unit and to investigate the situation of business English professional curriculum, a total of 35 design problem, the research unit and five respondents personal basic situation, market demand and the curriculum research 30 specific problems.
The way of the survey
The questionnaire issued to take one of two ways, one is questionnaire, and the second is, by means of visiting a questionnaire to survey unit directly, face-to-face meetings and interviews with managers, and submit the answer on the spot. The questionnaire and the scope of the survey were sent in 5 provinces and 12 cities in the whole country, with a total of about 500 questionnaires, and a total of 156 questionnaires, including 128 valid questionnaires.
Second, the basic situation
The units of the survey mainly involve state-owned and public enterprises, private enterprises, sino-foreign joint ventures, commercial and joint-stock companies, individuals and private companies. From the scale of the enterprise, large enterprises account for 22, 0 percent, medium enterprises accounting for 31, 5 percent, small businesses accounting for 46 percent and 5 percent. From the economic type, state-owned enterprises accounted for 10, 4%, 23, private enterprises accounted for 5%, a sino-foreign joint venture accounting for 0%, commerce and the joint stock cooperative system 9, the company accounted for 5%, 25, 31, 6% of individuals and private companies.
Investigation to company and enterprise managers as the object, in which the business operators position as chairman of the board of directors, general manager, director, corporate senior deputy accounted for 0% of 26, marketing and human resources manager accounted for 5% of 38, engineers and technical personnel 8, 7%, 17, 5% employees and other positions of 9 and 3%. Men accounted for 64 percent of the 128 people surveyed, 35 percent of women and 9 percent of women.
Third, the requirement of business English specialty
In the survey, there were 60 or 9 per cent of the units chosen to "have" when asked whether they had introduced a business English talent programme. The absence of consideration was 23, 4 and 15, and 6 percent. This shows that the demand for business English graduates is more important, and the prospect of cultivation is optimistic. Survey, think is the most popular with the enterprise of business English major graduates type is "good grades, and have strong ability of social" (60%), followed by 9% of 27, "social skills", and "good grades" of 12, 1%, the graduates of high comprehensive quality is the most popular type.
Asked for the specific requirements of business English graduates (multiple), put forward the "good spoken English" the most proportion of 61, 6%, in turn, is 53, accounting for 8% of "communicative competence", "has a solid foundation of basic skills, business ability" accounted for 6% of 42, "has a certain business practice ability" accounted for 5% of 40, "English + business accounted for 19%," graduates "to English level 4" accounted for 5% of 18, "national secondary computer certificate" accounted for 3%, 10, "has a good professional ethics and employment concept" of 5, 6%, of the top image temperament of 3, 1%.
Excellent examples of excellent examples of English survey report
For professional qualification certificate of graduates is an important issue, said important investigation unit, 45% think not too important, practical ability of accounting for 7%, 54. Thus can see that unit of choose and employ persons tend to value the practical ability of graduates and level, but from the statistics of proportion of also can see that at present many units are attaches great importance to the graduates have a variety of certificates.
Fourth, the requirement investigation for business English major student teaching and course development
In this survey, the survey unit was concerned about the issue of business English majors and curriculum. When asked whether basic English courses in business English need to be used for learning materials, 82 and 5 percent of the units chose to agree. Disagreeing and disagreeing are 12, 3 and 5 and 2 percent respectively. This shows that the basic English courses in business English are in accordance with the requirements of the market.
In the course of business English professional teaching should be taught in English or with the aid of Chinese issues, agree with the highest percentage of teaching of Chinese business accounted for 3% of 45, agreed to use English to tell the proportion accounted for 6%, 33, don't agree with it is not against the proportion of 21, 1%. It is shown that the importance of learning business knowledge by using native language is not very important.
Asked for business English majors in college what should be taught as well, there are 31, 5% of the operator is suggested to open "business English intensive reading" and "business English" courses; The requirements for "international trade practice", "business etiquette" and "marketing" are also larger than 25, 6, 14, 1 and 10, and 9 percent. "Business English writing" accounted for 18%, 3% of 16, "e-commerce", "international finance" 15, 3%, accounted for 6% of 14, "economics", and put forward for "sociology" and "management", etc.
The main problems and Suggestions for improvement
Through the investigation understands, unit of choose and employ persons have higher demand to training students for the school, which thinks that schools should train students to deal with all kinds of people, with strong communication skills up to 43, the proportion of 5%, the second is: to cultivate students with strong practice ability (21, 5%), cultivating ability and knowledge that pay equal attention to students (19, 3%) is unclear or no advice (15%).
Asked "can you as a unit of choose and employ persons, business English major students in vocational college, put forward some valuable opinions and Suggestions", some investigation showed a strong sense of social responsible for unit, put forward many constructive comments and Suggestions, sums up the following aspects; 1) improve the overall quality of students; 2) cultivate students with good moral values; 3) students are required to be fluent in English, fluent in oral English and strong in business practice. Schools should pay attention to the quality of teaching; 5) find a practical unit, take part in social practice study, and carry out the practical type education. 6) to train students to have certain written and translation abilities; 7) encourage students to increase their confidence; 8) cultivate students' ability to socialize and improve their overall image.
从此次调查问卷可以看出,用人单位对毕业生和学校的要求都具有较强的实用性和针对性的特点,既要求学生有较高的英语语言技能,尤其是英语口语水平,又需要学生具有较好的商务实践和商务沟通能力,也对学校提出了培养学生的综合素质和提高教育教学质量的要求。这些调查结果应引起我们极大的关注和重视,有待在今#from 本文来自高考资源网 end#后的商务英语专业教学中进行调整和强化,它也是进行商务英语专业课程开发和课程设置改革的重要依据,具有宝贵的参考和实用价值。
Can be seen from the survey questionnaire, and unit of choose and employ persons to graduate school requirements has stronger practicability and pertinence, the characteristics of both require students to have higher English language skills, especially in spoken English, and students need to have good business practices and business communication, also put forward to the school to cultivate the students' comprehensive quality and improve the teaching quality of education. These findings should cause our great concern and attention, to be in this # from this article from the college entrance examination after the net resource end# to adjust and strengthen business English professional teaching, it is also for business English professional curriculum development and the important basis of the curriculum reform, has a valuable reference and practical value.
问卷调查范本(英文版)- - To assist in increasing charitable donations from companies, by taking a few minutes to complete this short survey, you will help the charity to receive more charitable giving. Your information will be greatly valued and of course will be strictly confidential. Please reply this questionnaire before 5th, May and contact with Bulanker of Marketing indicate your answer please CIRCLE the number alongside the answer that comes closest to your opinion or write your answer in the space . Do you have an awareness of charities?1. Yes, very 2. Yes, only a few of them 3. No4. Not at allQ2. Have you conducted any personal charitable giving before?1. Yes, more than 3 times 2. Yes, 1-3 times 3. No, neverQ3. Do you think who should be the main source for the charitable giving?1. Individual2. Government3. Corporation 4. ElseQ4. Do you know that our company has a corporate social responsibility policy?1. Yes Go to Q52. No Go to Q6Q5. Do you know there are any terms about charity group or charitable donation in this policy?1. Yes 2. No Q6. Do you think the social responsibility is necessary?1. Yes 2. No Q6. Does your company have a special department to manage and deal with the affairs about charitable donation?1. Yes Go to Q82. No Go to Q73. I don’t know Go to Q7Q7. Do you think it is necessary to set up a special department to deal with the things about donation?1. Yes 2. NoQ8. In your opinion, what is the main motivation for our company to make the charity-related policy?1. Making our company be more popular 2. Bearing the required social responsibility 3. Lightening the pressure from society and media4. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ___________________________________Q9. Do you think whether our company should donate to charities?1. Yes Go to Q102. No Go to Q12Q10. How frequently do you think the company should donate?1. Average 1 time a year2. Average 1 – 3 times a year3. More than 3 times a year Q10. Do you think that the current charity-related policy of our company is perfect? (Please indicate how much the current charity-related policy of our company is perfect on a scale of 1 to 5 with “1” meaning “not at all” and “5”meaning “very perfect”) Not at all ----------------------------------------------------------- Very perfect 1 2 3 4 5Q11. Do you think that our company should establish a plan of institutional and fixed charitable donation?1. Yes 2. NoQ12. Do you think that corporate donation will have any affection on our company?1. Yes, absolutely Go to Q92. Yes, but a little Go to Q9 3. No Go to Q104. Not at all Go to Q10Q13. What is the most important affection on company?1. Improving the corporate image 2. Advancing the relation between our company and the society 3. Extending the market space4. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ________________________________________Q14. Do you think the company can reach the expected motivation?1. Yes, sure2. Yes, only a little3. NoQ15. Do you think that corporate donation will have any affection on you?1. Yes Go to Q162. No Go to Q17Q16. What is the main affection on you?1. Being proud of the corporate donation2. Making myself pay more attention to the charities 3. Leading myself to have a charitable giving4. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ___________________________________Q17. What is the major factor that may affect our behavior of charitable giving?1. To return the society and help the others 2. To decrease the level of taxation 3. To color the corporate image4. To relax the pressure from the media and society5. To follow the other companies6. Else (PLEASE SPECIFY) ________________________________Q18. What is the major factor that may affect the level of our charitable giving? 1. Sale 2. Benefit3. Expected effectQ19. Which field should our company donate to? 1. Education 2. Deformity3. Sport4. Disaster5. Social welfare6. Else Q20. Should our company donate to the special charities directly or the corresponding agencies indirectly like Chinese red Cross? 1. Directly Go to Q162. Indirectly Go to Q173. Both Go to Q16Q21. If you have a clear awareness of charities, do you think which kind of charities should our company donate to? 1. Having a strong background of government 2. Using the donation efficiently, openly and rationally3. Having some special relations with our company4. No special limitsQ22. In your opinion, which is the optimal form for the charitable donation? 1. Cash 2. Products3. Concrete matter4. ElseQ23. Why should we adopt the above form of donation? ___________________________________________________________________Would you please give us some information about yourself for overall statistical purposes only? Your answers will be strictly confidential and will be of considerable help to . How long have you worked in this company?1. Less than 1 year 2. 1 – 3 years3. More than 3 yearsQ25. Are you a director or an ordinary staff?1. Director 2. StaffQ26. Which department are you from?1. Public policy department 2. Marketing department3. Financial department4. Public relationship department5. Human resource department6. Research & Development department7. ElseThank You for Your Time and Valuable Feedback! Explanation of the questionnaire:At first, I will give some notes about the above questionnaire. Why we choose these questions? In general, this questionnaire includes five topics. The first one is about the audiences' awareness of charities, which includes the questions of Q1 to Q3. The second one researches their attitudes toward the social responsibility policy or charity-related policy, which brings the questions of Q4 to Q8. The third one investigates their attitudes toward corporate charitable giving, which gives the questions of Q9 to Q11. The forth one searches the impact of charitable giving on company and employees, which offers the questions of Q12 to Q16. The last one seeks for the views of employees on corporate charitable giving, which shows the questions of Q17 to Q23. In order to avoid misleading the audiences, the practical questionnaire does not have such obvious division. Besides, the personal information about the audiences (Q24-Q26) is also very necessary for this self-completion , the first question “do you have an awareness of charities” is a warm up question in that everyone has his or her own idea of charities and can answer it easily. At the same time, this question will help the respondents enter into the topic of charities , this questionnaire contains some routings in that the respondents conclude varied types of employees such as directors and staff from different departments. Therefore, these routings can filter respondents clearly and ensure that they are not discouraged to answer the unanswerable questions. In addition, this questionnaire includes closed questions, open-ended questions and scales questions. The closed questions, with predetermined answers, are very helpful and convenient for our research, and they become the major of this questionnaire. Besides, the open-ended questions such as “Why should we adopt the above form of donation”. The respondents will be free to reply to these questions in their own words rather than being limited to choosing from a set of alternatives. Because it is difficult and expensive for researcher to analyze these open-ended questions, this questionnaire only has few open-ended questions. Besides, some closed questions in this questionnaire also allowing respondents to answer in their own words if there is no enough pre-judging of response. Take the question of Q8 for example. There is a choice of “else” and a notice of “PLEASE SPECIFY”, which allows the respondents to write down their own answers that haven’t been presented by the designer. At last, the scales questions are also very necessary for determining how the respondents feel, such as the question of these questions, we can know the detailed feeling of the respondents for some special , this is a self-completion questionnaire, which needs the respondents to finish it by themselves. Choosing this type of questionnaire, I only want to have the respondents finish their questionnaires independently and accurately without any disturbance from researcher or someone else. Besides, in order to ensure the questionnaire can be withdrawn in time, I firstly left my contact details and a concrete deadline in the questionnaire. Finally, I presented three questions to acquire the personal details about the respondents such as their positions and departments, which will help me classify the respondents and their withdrawn questionnaires. At last, I will present some information about the sample of this questionnaire. All the audiences come from our company and include both the directors and staff. Therefore, all the questionnaires are distributed respectively to every employees of our company including the directors of every department and all the staff of our company in the 30th April, and withdrew in the 8th May.
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