
军事高技术论文篇二 “高技术”的嬗变 [摘 要] 论述技术因素在书籍发展过程中的重要作用与意义,指出现代书籍设计呈现“高技术”化倾向,并指出“高技术”概念是一个包含多种语义、具有丰富内涵的特殊概念,由此从不同角度论述现代书籍设计的新发展,重点阐释现代书籍设计核心的思想问题,目的是为现代书籍设计实践提供理论性的参考与指导。 [关键词] 高技术 书籍 书籍设计 机械 美学 审美价值 [中图分类号] G232 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-5853 (2014) 06-0033-05 Change of “ High-Tech ”: the New Development of Modern Book Design Gu Yuanyuan (School of Fine Arts, Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing,210023) [Abstract] Technical factors play a very important role in the process of books ,“High-Tech” becomes a remarkable feature of the modern book design.“High-Tech”is a concept with rich connotations. Applying this concept to modern book design leads to a lot of different book binding paper studies the development of modern book design from different aspects, and explains the core problems of modern book design. It is to provide a theoretical reference and guidance to modern book design. [Key words] High-Tech Book Book design Mechanical aesthetics Aesthetic value 技术作为人类肢体、感官和大脑的补充和延伸,是实现人类特定目的的一种有效手段,也是调节和变革人与 自然 的物质力量。在人类社会的发展进程中,书籍作为知识存续与 文化 传播的重要中介和平台,首当其冲地受到新科学与新技术的影响与制约,如造纸术和印刷术直接作用于书籍的发展,从而改变了书籍的基本形态,同时书籍形态的变化又折射出技术的发展,成为人类技术发展的一个缩影。从纸莎草到羊皮卷,从甲骨到线装书,直至今日形式多样的数字、电子、多媒体出版物,书籍成为展示人类新技术的重要窗口和舞台。现代书籍设计,更加注重新技术的合理运用,突出工艺性的细节,并有意体现科学技术的象征性意义,极力宣扬机器美学和新技术的美感,崇尚“机械美”,以另类的视角,重新诠释现代文明,呈现出“高技术”的特征。比如韩湛宁先生设计的 国际 平面杂志《》(图1),采用锡箔纸作为书籍最外围的包装,银色的锡箔显示出一种强烈的现代科技感,读者在撕开书籍包装的过程中,锡箔外形发生改变,产生一种不规则的形态,扭曲、折叠和撕裂的锡箔通过对光线的反射、折射,营造出一种独特的视觉效果,体现了机械美学的特征。从书籍创作的角度而言,这是对书籍形态的“再设计”,在这个过程中,读者参与了书籍形态的“二次创作”,并呈现多元化的设计效果。 严格意义上讲,“高技术”即高技派(High-Tech),亦称“重技派”,发轫于建筑设计领域,从20世纪60年代开始,这种建筑风格得到很大的发展。“高技术”建筑运用精细的技术结构,讲究现代工业材料和工业加工技术的运用,对技术化的视觉元素加以夸张处理,常将建筑结构、框架、设备、管道等暴露在外。同时,“高技术”建筑强调施工工艺的时代感,重视工业化的象征性特点,赋予建筑新的美学含义。最具代表的“高技术”建筑是法国巴黎蓬皮杜文化中心、香港中国银行等。这种风格在现代建筑史上具有重要影响,且一直延续和影响到今天。作为系统化的文化生态环境,现代书籍设计必然会受到同时代“高技术”建筑风格的影响,呈现“高技术”化的特征。这是由于书籍作为文化中介和载体,具有极强的导向性,它的视觉形态极易受到同时代先锋、前卫艺术的影响,并呈现出一定的风格倾向。另一方面,由于书籍与建筑同为三维立体结构,有着极为相似的空间形态,不论是在整体的构建思想上还是在具体的表现手法上,书籍与建筑之间都有一种内在的契合性,因此,现代建筑艺术中的新发展更易影响现代书籍设计,并使之呈现特定的艺术风格。正如吕敬人先生所言:“我认为书籍设计应该是一种立体的思维,是注入时间概念的塑造三维空间的书籍‘建筑’。”[1] 现代书籍设计不仅受到同时代建筑技术与艺术的影响,还受到社会经济、文化与艺术等多种因素的影响与制约。“高技术”风格的书籍设计在逐步发展与成熟的过程中,“技术”本身的内涵也在不断改变,它不再是一种单纯的工具理性和科学物化,也不再只是一个不带任何感情因素的中性词汇,它已经被人为地赋予更多主观的意义和个性的色彩,逐步嬗变成一个包含多种语义,并与各种感性因素相融合的新的审美标准。“高技术”不仅代表着高的技术水准与工艺水平,更意味着现代书籍设计追求的高艺术感与高审美性,设计的高标准与高准入,读者的高需求以及书籍最终呈现的高品位、高情感与高补偿。从本质而言,这种嬗变不只涉及物质表层,更直指人类精神内核,它是现代书籍设计思维模式的变化,也是设计方法的改变,更是审美观念的转变。客观而言,这是一种积极的变化,体现了现代书籍设计的新发展。 1 书籍设计的高技术与高工艺 现代书籍设计同建筑设计一样强调系统设计(Systematic Planning)和参数设计(Parametric Planning),强调运用结构体系中的模数化、构件化、标准化,书籍设计师借助先进的加工设备与条件,将现代 工业设计 和建筑设计中的新材料、新技术与新工艺等大量“移植”到书籍设计中,并使用工业化的处理手法、机械化的视觉元素和技术化的语义符号,对书籍的装帧形态、结构和样式做出大胆的创新与革命性的处理。书籍设计的面貌为之一新,呈现“高技术”的风格倾向,并逐步演变成一种独立的艺术形式和审美形态。 现代书籍设计基本纸张的尺寸和开本,如大度、全度纸张完全符合工业化大生产的需要,书籍的开本在此基础上再进行细分,整本书就是由相同尺寸的标准纸张在空间维度上重复搭建而成。此外,书籍编排设计中的母版、段落样式、字体样式的设定完全建立在标准化与构件化的基础上,这些元素可以进行系统化的参数构建,基本元素一经设定即可重复调用,从而实现整本书在视觉形式上的严格统一。页眉、页脚、页码位置,天头、地脚、订口、切口、分栏的距离,字体、字号、字距、行距的大小等,也都可以在设计中进行严格规范,从而实现标准化设计。在书籍的整体构建上,设计师常采用对比、类推、共生、重复、秩序等方式重构书籍的空间结构,力图展现技术的合理性和空间的灵活性,同时对书籍的各个局部,如封面、封底、护封、腰封、书脊、勒口、环衬、扉页等进行再设计,通过暴露书籍内部模数化的标准构件,营造特殊的空间结构。 现代书籍设计极其强调材料特性的表达,除使用传统纸张外,还大量使用木材、金属、塑料、陶瓷等特殊材料,通过各种材料的穿插、组合与并置,产生强烈的视觉对比与视觉反差,从而营造特殊的空间效果,体现“高技术”的特征。如韩家英先生设计的《深圳平面设计03展作品集》(图2),就如“高技术”建筑裸露结构、框架和管线一般,将书脊局部或全部暴露在外,通过内部的规则锁线与外部的透明胶水把分散的书页结合成书,装订线与整齐的书帖自然地显露出来,每一个书帖的折叠部分呈现不同的印刷颜色,多色的书帖整齐地并置在一起,构建成一个三维立体结构。这与传统书籍整齐、规整和封闭的装帧风格完全不同,既满足书籍保护的需要,又营造特殊的工业化视觉效果,体现了机械美学的内在含义。又如王粤飞设计的《正泰集团简介画册》(图3),在设计中通过使用金属或仿金属材料,辅助压凹凸、模切、烫金银等印后工艺,为书籍营造特殊的金属效果,赋予书籍新的美学含义。 2 书籍设计的高艺术与高审美 技术与艺术,分别从属于物质生产和精神生产的不同领域。但是它们又作为构成要素,共同融入设计产品之中[2]。现代书籍设计师借助技术化的语言来实现“高艺术”化的视觉效果,技术是实现的路径与手段,艺术价值的提升才是设计师追求的目标。正如尹定邦先生所言,当设计解决了物质技术产品的技术课题与使用功能,艺术便成为它永无止境的追求[3]。事实上,技术与艺术之间存在相互转化与融合的关系,“当技术上升到一定程度就成为艺术”。从某种程度而言,在现代书籍设计中,技术就是艺术,“高技术”意味着“高艺术”。 在书籍装帧技术与加工工艺不断发展的背景下,传统书籍的内涵与外延都发生了变化,书籍视觉形态进一步独立。“高技术”的介入,使书籍的角色发生改变。书籍除了肩负传统的文化传载与承续功能,还承担更多的任务,有更强的艺术性、趣味性与交互性,变得更加可读、可知、可赏、可玩和可感,犹如一件件高品位的清赏与雅玩,常令读者爱不释手。吴勇为电视剧《画魂》设计的宣传画册(图4),采用特殊的三角形结构,完全颠覆了四边形书籍的传统形态,并且采用模切、压痕等印后工艺,具备很强的艺术性和趣味性。朱赢椿设计的《不裁》(图5),充分结合书籍的具体内容在形式上做出相应的变化,形成一种内在契合。在该书的扉页上配有一把小纸刀,读者在翻阅每一页前都要借助小纸刀将粘连在一起的页面裁开。阅读看似变得更加复杂,但却充满互动的乐趣,读者在阅读过程中享受了更多书籍设计带来的惊喜与快乐。此时,书籍已经超越功利化的色彩,嬗变成为一种纯艺术的形式,犹如一件高品质的艺术品,具备 收藏 、鉴赏和审美的价值,书籍的视觉形式具备了独立的美学价值和意义。因此,评判现代书籍设计优劣,不能停留在传统的话语体系内,而应该转换视角,更新观念,重新认识书籍作为艺术品的角色,重视书籍视觉形式自身的价值。正如徐鲁在《封面上的书卷气》中所言:“真正的爱书人,绝不是把书的生命和美质仅仅寄托在可读上的。有时恰恰相反,当某本新书一拿到手,先不考虑其内容价值,而仅仅从外表就感到它的美和可爱,这样的书,往往也能引起爱书人收藏和把玩的 兴趣 。”[4] 审美价值的提升,为书籍艺术化的表现提供了广阔的空间,“高技术性”逐步演变成一种“高艺术感”。设计“以科学技术为创作手段……这并没有损害设计的艺术特性,反而使得现代设计具有了科技含量很高的现代艺术特性,如全新的材料美、精密的技术美、极限的体量美、新奇的造型美、科幻的意趣美等”[5]。设计师将艺术因素融入书籍设计领域,从而创造出更多、更具艺术韵味和精神内涵的“艺术品”。杜威()指出:“为使作品成为真正的艺术作品,作品也应该是审美的,也就是说,应该创造得使人在欣赏它时感到愉快。”[6]现代书籍极高的审美价值也激发和唤起读者更多的思考与想象,读者更多地参与到书籍的“二次创作”中,从而实现书籍设计审美价值的持续提升。 3 书籍设计的高标准与高准入 书籍设计的“高技术”并不只是简单地为书籍披上一件高技术化的外衣,而是在书籍的编辑设计、编排设计、装帧设计和信息视觉化设计等几个方面整体性的提升[7]。实现书籍设计的高技术目标需要设计师进行缜密的策划编辑、巧妙的图文编排、合理的装帧技术和有效的信息传达等,从某种程度而言,“高技术”意味着“高标准”。 实现书籍设计的“高标准”涉及众多因素,设计师的创新欲望是实现这种“高标准”的内在驱动力。信息时代提倡创新,鼓励冒险,宽容失败,这种开放的社会风潮为书籍设计的创新提供了广阔空间,尝试性、实验性和前瞻性的书籍设计探索不断涌现,成为书籍设计不断深化发展的动力。同时,设计师本体意识的觉醒和自我价值的确证,为这种创新活动的深化提供了强劲的动力。在创作过程中,设计师不希望受到过多外界因素的干扰与影响,不愿书籍设计完全沦为书籍内容的附庸与标签。设计师给自己提出了更高的标准与要求,很多设计师苦心孤诣,将书籍当成一种独立的审美对象,通过独立的设计来实现自己的审美理想,通过展现设计自身的魅力来营造一种“有意味的形式”,正如吴冠中在艺术创作中反复强调的,要学会表现出自己的感情,不择手段,择一切手段,表达视觉美感及独特情思[8]。 在书籍设计审美标准普遍缺失的情况下,技术特征极易演变成一种设计质量的评价标准。“高技术”体现的是一种实现过程的“高准入”、“高区隔”与“高门槛”,这种实现的“高难度”在一定程度上代表了设计的“高品质”,能够提升作品的附加值。因此,提高书籍设计实现的困难度,从一个角度体现了设计师的工作价值。这也是当下“高技术”风格的书籍设计流行并逐渐成为一种新的设计风潮与 时尚 ,成为一种设计的方向与选择的重要原因。当然,对“高技术”的过度喜爱容易演变成一种对技术的盲目崇拜,沦为唯技术论或者技术至上主义,或者一味地炫耀技术发展,演变成为所谓的“炫技派”。这对书籍设计的发展而言,是走向另外一个极端。 4 书籍设计的高需求与高品位 作为终端消费者的读者,希望通过阅读获取知识与信息,并通过观看获得独特的审美愉悦与视觉享受,实现精神的升华与心理的满足。在消费社会,书籍是文化消费的产品,书籍设计则作为一种消费的符号和标志存在,具备象征和隐喻的功能。在书籍消费过程中,读者被分为不同的阶层与群体,并通过书籍消费,显示出各自的身份与地位,体现个体的存在。 随着社会发展,读者的审美标准不断攀升和提高,视觉“阈值”不断被刷新,读者呼唤有更多、更新和更美的书籍设计作品出现,从而满足人们日益增长的个性化、多样化和差异化的审美需求。读者对他们常见的书籍设计形态提出了更高的审美标准,对他们感觉陌生的视觉形态展现了更强的包容性。与以往书籍朴素、自然、含蓄和内敛的视觉风格不同,当下荒诞、怪异、离奇和另类的书籍设计风格层出不穷,呈现出多元化的风格趋向。现代书籍设计风格经历着巨大变化,这种变化的背后,其实是人类求新、求异和求变的心理本能体现,也正好契合了形式主义美学中关于“陌生化”理论的阐释。“陌生化”是俄国人什克诺夫斯基(Viktor Shklovsky)首先提出的,他认为艺术通过将事物“陌生化”,从而增加读者感受的难度和延长读者感受的时间,让人们对平日视而不见的寻常世界产生一个全新的体验,艺术如果要避免衰老、退化,就要不断地追求“陌生化”,从而满足读者的审美需要。由此我们就容易解释今天种种另类风格书籍存在与发展的相关问题。 1978年,詹・克朗(Joan Kron)和苏珊・斯莱辛(Susan Slesin)在他们的著作《高科技》中对“高技术”概念进行了系统的阐释:“这个术语在设计中特指两个不同层次的内容”,“一是技术性的风格,强调工业技术的特征(technology);二是高品位的(high style)。”[9]在数字媒体时代,数字出版物取得了长足的进步,但是并没有消弭纸质书籍的发展,数字出版与传统印刷出版共同发展、并行不悖,纸质书籍仍然展现了强大的生命力,在快餐化消费的读屏时代,相对于数字出版物而言,纸质书籍本身就意味着“高品位”。 在快节奏的今天,读者对于纸质书籍的阅读方式也发生了改变,不再仅是直线性阅读,而出现了更多非线性与多线程的阅读方式。也就是说,读者的阅读状态是离散与混沌的,阅读节奏是跳跃与无序的,阅读心境是随性与随意的,阅读的前后次序被打乱,阅读的状态变得不可确定,阅读的进程变得不可控制,阅读的方式变得更加多样。这种变化对书籍设计提出了更高的要求,设计师需要对书籍的整体与局部都进行恰当的设计,通过设计来激发读者的阅读兴趣,满足读者的心理期待。比如,设计师弗朗西斯卡・普列托(Francesca Prieto)为诗人尼加诺尔・巴拉(Nicanor Parra)的诗歌集设计的精装书(图6),内容看似支离破碎,但若把它们撕下来,进行折叠、拼贴和组装,就能看到完整的诗歌内容,这种极富 想象力 的书籍设计,既反映了诗歌的内在精神,更激发了读者的阅读热情。丰子恺先生曾说,善于装帧者,亦能将书的内容精神翻译为形状与色彩,使读者发生美感,而增加读者的兴趣[10]。读者对书籍进行触碰、轻抚、摩挲、把玩、翻阅和审视,并借助视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉五感进行更加深入的沟通,实现与作者跨时空的交流,从而获得独特的审美愉悦和心理满足。 5 书籍设计的高情感与高补偿 美国未来学家约翰・奈斯比特指出:“无论何处都需要有补偿性的高情感。我们社会里高技术越多,我们就越希望创造高情感的环境,用技术的软性一面来平衡硬性的一面。”[11]“高技术”不是设计的目的,而是设计的手段,当“高技术”发展到一定程度,更需要“高情感”的投入和“高心理”的补偿。“高技术”应该与“高情感”相融,使作品呈现出技艺高超又感人至深的特殊景象。设计师通过高情感的设计来柔化和软化高技术带来的片面性,实现对人性的抚慰与心灵关怀,使读者获得更多的心理满足与情感关照,从而产生一种亲切感和温暖感,借助设计的力量实现平衡与调适。由此可见,“高科技”转化为“高情感”,“改造自然”转变为“适应自然”,才是未来设计的主题,关注人的本质需求才是设计的终极课题。 现代书籍设计热衷于用金属、塑料、玻璃等工业时代的材料来重新设计书籍,强调工业化的材质,极力宣扬机械美学和新技术的美感。“高技术”阐述工业化带给人们审美的重大改变,并突显生产技术带给人的现代、冰冷、科技的感觉。这种看似冰冷的机械美学,在今天被赋予更多人性的色彩,戴上了情感的光环,它以一种建立在设计师理性推理之上的片段存在,充满调侃、戏谑和 游戏 的意味。在温润的书籍中应用机械美学中那种冷漠、冰冷和生硬的视觉形式变得更为常见,并逐步成为一种特殊的视觉审美形式,成为书籍设计风格的一种选择。书籍自身特有的书卷气息,与看似冷漠的机械美学之间形成一种非常有趣的冲突与反差,产生一种独特的视觉张力,构成现代书籍特有的戏剧性效果。吴勇为2008年北京奥运会设计的《中国印・舞动的北京》画册(图7),就很好地结合了北京奥运代表性建筑元素,同时采用极其特殊的装帧工艺与材料,完美地体现了“人文奥运、绿色奥运和科技奥运”的核心理念,具备强烈的视觉冲击力和吸引力。现代书籍设计的这种匠心独运,其实就是一种“高情感”的投入与“高心理”的补偿。通过人本思想重新审视现代书籍设计中高技术的运用会发现,未来更加需要关注新技术影响下书籍设计本体语言的 拓展 ,使之更符合人性化设计和情感化设计的需要。 6 结 语 “技术”是书籍设计发展的决定性因素,在书籍发展过程中起着重要作用。现代书籍设计由于受到同时代“高技术”建筑的影响,呈现出工业化的特质,体现了独特的机械美学特征。但在发展过程中,“高技术”概念发生嬗变,演变成一个包含多种语义、内涵丰富的特殊词汇,代表着高艺术、高标准、高品位与高情感等。因此,书籍设计呈现多元化的风格倾向,同时,在发展过程中,书籍设计超越功利性的色彩,具备独立的审美价值和意义。 今天,荒诞、怪异、离奇和另类的书籍设计风格,很多是设计师个人的行为。事实上,书籍设计同电影艺术一样也存在“类型化”的分类问题。对实验性、概念性和尝试性的书籍设计,应该给予更大的包容与更多的自由,鼓励其成长,因为,今天的“前瞻性”设计极有可能就是明天的“实用性”设计,“创新”是设计产业得以持续发展的源动力。此外,我们需要客观地审视不断涌现的新技术,大胆地引入新技术,并将这些技术合理地融入书籍设计中,不断拓展书籍设计的发展空间。同时我们必须明确,情感与精神性的需要永远是书籍设计的最终落脚点,采用高技术的形式和手法,都源于对人们精神需要和情感需要的满足,因此,在设计过程中应该更多地思考设计的价值与目的,真正做到“以人为本”。 注 释 [1]吕敬人.书艺 问道 [M].北京:中国青年出版社,2006:5 [2]徐恒醇.设计美学[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2006:27 [3][5]尹定邦.设计学概论[M].长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,2003:43,43 [4][10]孙艳,童翠萍.书衣翩翩[M].北京:三联书店,2006:51,423 [6]莱德尔.现代美学论文选[M].北京:文化艺术出版社,1988:140 [7]吕敬人.书籍设计基础[M].北京: 高等 教育 出版社,2012:12 [8]吴冠中.笔墨等于零[M].南京:江苏文艺出版社,2010:196 [9]王受之.世界现代建筑史[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1999:377 [11][美]约翰・奈斯比特.大趋势:改变我们生活的十个新方向[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1984:1 看了“军事高技术论文怎么写”的人还看: 1. 军事高科技论文范文 2. 材料与军事高技术论文 3. 军事理论的论文范文3000字 4. 军事高科技论文 5. 军事高科技战争论文 a("conten"); 共2页: 上一页 1 2 下一页
楼上说的似乎都太小儿科了,楼主想必是要发表的那种,当然要正式一点.这里的一篇是偏向交作业的下面一个是正式发表的双语版本张彧典人工证明四色猜想 山西盂县党校数学高级讲师用25年业余时间研究四色猜想的人工证明。在借鉴肯普链法和郝伍德范例正反两方面做法的基础上,独创了郝——张染色程序和色链的数量组合、位置(相交)组合理论,确立了仅包含九大构形的不可免集合,从而弥补了肯普证明中的漏洞。现贴出全文(中——英文对照)及参考文献的英译汉全文。欢迎各位同仁批评指正。最后特别感谢英国兰开斯特大学、兰州交大张忠辅、清华大学林翠琴、上海师大吴望名四位教授的无私帮助。附:论文用“H·Z—CP“求解赫伍德构形张彧典 (山西省盂县县委党校 045100)摘要:本文根据色链的数量和位置组合理论,用赫伍德染色程序(简称H—CP)和张彧典染色程序(简称Z—CP)找到一个赫伍德构形的不可避免集。关键词:H—CP Z—CP H·Z—CP《已知的赫伍德范例》〔1〕对求解赫伍德构形有两大贡献。其一,提供了H—CP,使我们用它找到了赫伍德染色非周期转化的赫伍德构形组合;其二,范例2提供了赫伍德染色周期转化的赫伍德构形,使我们发现了Z—CP,解决了这种构形的正确染色。为下面讨论方便,先给出〔1〕文中赫伍德构形的最简单模型。如图1所示:四色用A、B、C、D表示,待染色区V用小圆表示,其五个邻点染色用A1、B1、B2、C1、D1表示,形成的五边形区域叫双B夹A型中心区。中心区外有A1—C1链、A1—D1链(因它们的首尾分别被V连成环,故叫环,以便与开放链区分),其中还有B1—D2链、B2—C2链,A1、A2被C2—D2链隔开。其余赫伍德构形类同。在我们所设的模型中,再添加一些不同的色链后就构成许多不同的标准三角剖分图(记为G′)。当借助H—CP对它们求解时发现,其中色链的不同数量组合和相交组合直接影响解法上的差异。现在具体确立赫伍德构形的不可避免集。在后面图解中,画小横线者表示环,画粗线者表示两点以上染色互换的链,B(D)等表示一个点的染色互换。如图2: 设图1中有B1-A2链、D1-C2链(也可以是B2-A2链)存在时。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成新的A—D环(生不成情形归于下一种构形),再作A—D环外的C、B互换,可给V染C色。如图3:设图1中有C1-D2链、D1-C2链存在时。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成新的A—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作A—C环内的B、D互换,可给V染B色。如图4:设图1中有C1-D2链、B2-A2链存在时。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成新的B—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作B—C环内的D、A互换,可给V染D色。如图5:设图4中B1-D2链与A1-D1环相交,这时有B1-A3、C1-A3生成。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成新的B—D环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作B—D环外的A、C互换,可给V染A色。如图6:设图5中C1-D2链与A1-C1环相交,为简单起见,将C1-D2链在A1-C1环外的D色点均改染B色,见图中B(带圈子的)。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成新的A—D环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作A—D环内的C、B互换,可给V染C色。如图7:设图6中B1-D2链再与B1-A3链相交,为简单起见,将B1-A3链在B1-D2链内侧的A色点均改染C色,见图中C(带圈子的)。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环内的D、A互换生成新的A—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作A—C环内的B、D互换,可给V染B色。如图8:设图7中有B1-D2链与C1-D2链在A1-C1环内相交。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环内的D、A互换生成B—D环;作B—D环外的A、C互换,生成新的B—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作B—C环内的D、A互换,可给V染D色。图9:设图8中有B2-A2链与A1-D1环相交。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环内的D、A互换生成B—D环;作B—D环外的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环内的C、B互换,生成新的B—D环;(生不成情形归于下一种构形)再作B—D环内的A、C互换,可给V染A色。如图10:这是一个十折对称的赫伍德构形。即在图3中,按图6的相交组合方式设C1—D2链与A1—C1环相交,D1—C2链与A1—D1环相交,C1—D2链在A1—C1环外的D色点与D1—C2链在A1—D1环外的C色点均改染B色,见图中B(带圈子的)。;再设改染成的C—B链、D—B链对称相交。这个赫伍德构形就是〔1〕文中范例2的拓扑变换形式。对于图10如果沿用图2—9的求解方法,就会产生四个周期转化的赫伍德构形,无法得解。但是,四个连续转化的赫伍德构形有一个共同的染色特征,即都包含A—B环,于是产生了如下特殊的Z—CP:若已知的是第一(或三)图时,先作A—B环外的C,D互换,生成新的A—C,A—D(或B—C、B—D)环,再作B(D)、B(C)[或A(D)、A(C)]互换,使五边形五个顶点染色数减少到3。解如图10(1)和图10(3)。若已知的是第二(或四)图时,先作A—B环外的C,D互换,生成了新的B—C(或A—D)链,再作B—C(或A—D)链一侧的A(D)[或A(C)〕互换,使五边形五个顶点染色数减少到3。解如图10(2)和10(4)。下面从理论上证明图2—10组成的不可避免集的完备性。在已四染色的G’中,由A、B、C、D四色中任意二色组成的不同色链共C42(=6) 种。反映在赫伍德构形中,有始点终点均在中心区且相交的A1-C1环、A1-D1环,还有始点在中心区,终点在A1-C1、A1-D1二环交集区域边缘上的B1-D2、B1-A2(B2-A2)、B2-C2、C1-D2(D1-C2)四种链。这四种链在赫伍德构形中的不同数量组合共四组:B1-A2、B1-D2、B2-C2、B2-A2B1-A2、B1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2C1-D2、B1-D2、B2-C2、B2-A2C1-D2、B1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2而六种色链中任意两种色链的不同位置组合共C62(=15)组。其中有三组不可相交组合:A-B与C-D、A-C与B-D、A-D与B-C;还有12组可相交组合:A-B与A-C、A-D、B-C、B-D;A-C与A-D、B-C、C-D ;A-D与B-D、C-D;B-C与B-D、C-D;B-D与C-D。我们把上述六种色链的不同数量组合(4组)及不同位置组合(12组可相交的)作为两大变量,一共可得到16种不同组合的赫伍德构形;然后在“结构最简”和“解法相同”的约束条件下逐一检验,具体归纳为:图2——4体现四种不同数量组合,其中图2体现前两种组合;图5——9体现依次增多的相交组合,其中图9已包含了12种相交组合;图10体现特殊的数量组合和相交组合。到此,我们用“H·Z—CP”成功地解决了赫伍德构形的正确染色,从而弥补了肯普证明中的漏洞。参考文献:〔1〕、Holroyd,F.C.and Miller,R.G..The example that heawood shold have given Quart J Math.(1992). 43 (2),67-71附英文版Using H·Z-CP Solves Heawood ConfigurationZhang Yu-dianYu Xian Party School, Yu Xian 045100, Shanxi, ChinaAbstract: In this text, One Heawood configuration’s inevitable sets is found by using Heawoods-clouring procedure (abbreviated as H-CP) and Zhang Yu-dian clouring procedure (abbreviated as Z-CP), based on quantity and poison combination theory of coloring chain. And, one new procedure is found, which is named as H· words: H-CP Z-CP H·Z-CPIntroduceThesis [1] made two main contributions to solving Heawood configuration. One is H-CP, by using it Heawood-coloring aperiodic transform’s Heawood configuration sets was found. The other one, in example II[1], provided Heawood-coloring periodic transform’s Heawood configuration. With it, Z-CP was found, and solved correct coloring for this the convenience of discuss, the simplest Heawood configuration model is given in [1] as shown in Fig. 1, A, B,C ,D denote four colors, one roundlet denotes section V to be dyed, A1, B1, B2,C1 ,D1, denote five adjacent points border upon V, the pentagon area that forms is defined as pairs of B & A embedded area. Outside of V is A1-C1 chain and A1-D1 chain (because the head and trail is looped by V separately, so called loop, in order to distinguish with others). And there are B1-D2 chain and B 2-C2 chain also. A1, A2 is separated by C2-D2 chain. The other Heawood configuration is this model, if add another coloring chain, many distinct normal triangle section map is formed(is G′). When to find the solution of map, it is found that distinct quantity combination and intersectant combination have effect on solution’s follows, the detailed Heawood configuration’s inevitable sets is is defined in latter figure as: a small transverse thread denotes a loop, a thick thread denotes a chain in which two or more coloring changed. B(D) etc. denotes that one point’s coloring is shown in Fig. 2, if there are B1-A2 chain and D1-C2 chain in Fig. 1(can also be B2-A2 chain):Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed (if it can’t be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with C shown in Fig. 3, if there are C1-D2 chain and D1-C2 chain in Fig. 1:Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed (if it can’t be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-C loop, B and D is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with B shown in , if there are C1-D2 chain and B2-A2 chain in Fig. 1:Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed , in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with D shown in , if B1-D2 chain and A1-D1 loop is intersectant in Fig. 4, new B1-A 3 loop and C1-A 3 loop are solution is:in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with A shown in , if C1-D2 chain and A1-C1 loop is intersectant in Fig. 5, for simplicity, D can be dyed with B color in C1-D2 chain outside A1-C1 loop. See ○B in solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-D loop, C and B is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with C shown in , if B1-D2 chain and B1-A3 loop is intersectant in Fig. 6, for simplicity, A can be dyed with C color in B1-A3 chain inside B1-D2 chain. See ○C in Fig. solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-C loop, B and D is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with B shown in , if B1-D2 chain and C1-D2 chain is intersectant inside A1-C1 loop in Fig. solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with D shown in , if B2-A2 chain and A1-D2 loop is intersectant in Fig. solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, in A-D loop, C and B is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with A Fig. 10, it is a ten-fold symmetrical Heawood configuration. Namely in Fig. 3, according intersectant combination method in Fig. 6,if C1-D2 chain and A1-C1 loop intersects, D1-C2 chain and A1-D1 loop intersects, D color point at C1-D2 chain outside A1-C1 loop and C color point at D1-C2 chain outside A1-D1 loop are both exchanged with B coloring, see ○B in Fig. 10. And then presume the exchanged C-B chain and D-B chain are symmetrically intersectant. This Heawood configuration is the topology transform form in example II [1].For Fig. 10, if using the solution way in Fig. 9, 4 periodic transform’s Heawood configurations will come into being, and will be no result. But there is a common coloring character for the 4 sequence transform Heawood configurations, namely, they all contain A-B loop. And then, as follows Z-CP comes into Fig. 10(1) or 10(3) is known, firstly, C and D outside A-B loop interchanged, the new A-C loop and A-D loop(or B-C loop and B-D loop) come into B(D) & B(C) (or A(D) & A(C)) interchange. The coloring number at the point of the pentagon is reducing to 3. Its conclusion is shown in Fig. 10(1) and Fig. 10(3).If Fig. 10(2) or 10(4) is known, firstly, C and D outside A-B loop is interchanged, the new B-C (or A-D) chain come into being, then A(D) (or A(C)) at the side of B-C (or A-D) is interchange. The coloring number at the point of the pentagon is reducing to 3. Its conclusion is shown in Fig. 10(2) and Fig. 10(4).The self-contained inevitable sets composed of Fig 2 to 10 will be proved as the 4 color dyed G’, the quantity of distinct coloring chain formed by two colors in A, B,C ,D four colors have C42(=6) kinds totally. It is reflected in Heawood configuration, there are intersectant A1-C1 loop and A1-D1 loop whose start-point and end-point are all in center area. And there are B1-D2, B1-A2(B2-A2), B2-C2, C1-D2(D1-C2) 4 chains , whose start-point is in center area, and end-point is on the verge of the intersection area of A1-C1 loop and A1-D1 loop. There are 4 groups in total for the 4 kinds of chain’s distinct quantity combination in Heawood configuration:B 1-A2、B 1-A2、B2-C2、B2-A2B 1-A2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2C 1-D2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、B2-A2C 1-D2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2There are C62(=15) kinds of two different situation’s combination in 6 kinds of chains, among them ,there are 3 kinds of not intersectant combinations:A-B and C-D、A-C and B-D、A-D and B-C;Otherwise there are 12 kinds of intersectant combinations:A-B and A-C、A-D、B-C、B-D;A-C and A-D、B-C、C-D ;A-D and B-D、C-D;B-C and B-D、C-D;B-D and C-D。Above 6 kinds of chain’s different quantity combinations(4 groups) and different situation combinations (intersectant 12 groups ) are two major variables, 16 kinds of Heawood configurations in different combination can be found totally. Then, on the “simplest structure” and “same solution” restrictive condition, verifiyed one by one, detailed conclusion is: Fig. 2 to Fig. 4 indicate 4 kinds of different quantity combinations. Among them, Fig. 2 indicates the former 2 groups. Fig. 5 to Fig. 9 indicate intersectant combination increased in turn. Among them, Fig. 9 contains12 kinds of intersectant combinations. Fig. 10 indicates specific quantity combinations sand intersectant this time, correct coloring for Heawood configuration is solved. The procedure which solve the problem, we name it H·Z-CP. The conclusion renovate the leak of kengpu :〔1〕、Holroyd,F.C.and Miller,R.G..The example that heawood shold have given Quart J Math.(1992). 43 (2),67-71
Top Ten Reasons People Are FatThe Washington Post points us to a report in the International Journal of Obesity whose authors looked at more than 100 studies on potential contributors to obesity, besides diet and exercise, The experts concluded that there was at least some scientific support for the following ten reasons:1. Inadequate sleep. (Average sleep amounts have fallen, and many studies tie sleep deprivation to weight gain.)2. endocrine disruptors, which are substances in some foods that may alter fats in the . Nice temperatures. (Air conditioning and heating limit calories burned from sweating and shivering.)4. Fewer people smoking. (Less appetite supression.)5. Medicines that cause weight . Population changes. (more middle-agers and Hispanics, who have higher obesity rates.)7. Older birth moms. (That correlates with heavier children).8. Genetic influences during . Darwinian natural selection. (Fat people outsurvive skinny ones).10. Assortative mating, or "like mating with like," as Allison puts it. Translation: fat people procreating with others of the same body type, gradually skewing the population toward the heavy the way it feels, losing weight isn't a mysterious process. It's a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.
Obesity is the accumulation of excess body fat caused by the phenomenon, not seen as "healthy" logo. Obesity not only affects the physical beauty, but also to the inconvenience of life, more importantly, is likely to cause a variety of complications, accelerated aging and death. No wonder people say that obesity is a precursor to the disease, signs of aging. First, it is the enemy of health and longevity According to statistics, obesity incidence of cerebral embolism and heart failure than normal weight doubled, to more than twice the risk of coronary heart disease than normal weight, the incidence of hypertension than normal-weight two to six times more than those with diabetes increased about four times normal, cholelithiasis were higher than normal four - six times more serious is obesity life can be significantly reduced. It is reported that 10 percent of overweight 45-year-old man, whose life than normal-weight to shorten the four-year, with Japan standard mortality statistics show that the percentage of 100%, obesity mortality rate was . Second, the impact of labor and vulnerable to injury Obese people tend to heat intolerance, sweating, fatigue, lower extremity edema, varicose veins, skin folds suffering from dermatitis, severely obese people, slow, difficult walking activity has little activity flustered shortness of breath, which affects normal life, serious and even lead to loss of labor. Because obesity action slow response, but also vulnerable to a variety of injuries, car accidents, fractures and sprains and so on. Third, prone to coronary heart disease and hypertension Obese adipose tissue increases, oxygen consumption increased cardiac work capacity, myocardial hypertrophy, in particular left ventricular burden, a long time easy to induce hypertension. Lipid deposition in the arterial wall, resulting in luminal narrowing, hardening, easy to coronary heart disease, angina, stroke, and sudden death. Fourth, the susceptibility to endocrine and metabolic diseases With the obesity caused by metabolic, endocrine abnormalities, and often can cause a variety of diseases. Diabetes can cause abnormal glucose metabolism, fat metabolism can cause hyperlipidemia, nucleic acid metabolism can cause hyperuricemia. Obese women due to ovarian dysfunction may cause menstrual irregularities. Fifth, have adverse effects on lung function Lung function is to supply oxygen to the body and expel carbon dioxide. Obesity due to weight gain requires more oxygen, but not the attendant increase in lung function, while the accumulation of abdominal fat and obesity restrict respiratory movement of the lung, it can cause hypoxia and difficulty in breathing, leading to heart and lung failure. Six easy to cause liver and gallbladder disease Because obesity hyperinsulinemia make endogenous triglyceride synthesis hyperthyroidism, it will result in the accumulation of triglycerides synthesized in the liver and thus the formation of fatty liver. Obese compared with normal bile acid cholesterol levels increased more than the bile solubility, so obese easily with a high proportion of cholesterol gallstones, gallstones has been reported suffering from 50 to 80% of women are obese. At the time of surgery, about the height of obesity associated with about 30% of gallstones. Cholelithiasis in the following cases the onset of many: obese women, aged over 40, compared to the incidence of gallstones in obese women with normal weight were about six times higher. Seven, will increase the difficulty of surgery, postoperative infection Obesity increases the risk of anesthesia and post-operative wound dehiscence easily infected fall chance product of pneumonia complications than those who do not as much fat. Eight, can cause joint disease Weight gain can make many joints (such as the spine, shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle joints) wear or tear caused pain. Nine concurrent hernia Obesity may be complicated by a number of hernia, in which the upper part of the stomach to the chest translocation of hiatal hernia is the most common
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