代表性科研论文(*通讯作者)Yongmei Qi, Yingmei Zhang*, Yingxia Liu, Wenya Zhang. Nonylphenol decreases viability and arrests cell cycle via reactive oxygen species in Raji cells. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology. 2011, doi: (SCI)Yongmei Qi, Ailing Li, Dejun Huang, Yihong Tian, Yingmei Zhang*. Exogenous S-adenosyl-L-methionine could inhibit c-myc overexpression induced by As2O3 in normal human liver HL-7702 cells. Journal of Health Science. 2011, 57(2):188-191. (SCI)Yingxia Liu, Wenya Zhang, Xiaoning Zhang, Yongmei Qi, Dejun Huang and Yingmei Zhang*. Arsenic trioxide inhibits invasion/migration in SGC-7901 cells by activating the reactive oxygen species-dependent cyclooxygenase-2/matrix metalloproteinase-2 pathway. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2011, 236: 592–597. (SCI)Wenya Zhang, Yingxia Liu, Zhen An, Dejun Huang, Yongmei Qi, Yingmei Zhang*. Mediating effect of ROS on mtDNA damage and low ATP content induced by arsenic trioxide in mouse oocytes. Toxicology in Vitro. 2011, 25(4):979-984. (SCI)Minyi Feng, Peng Chen, Xue Wei, Yingmei Zhang*, Wenya Zhang, Yongmei Qi. Effect of 4-nonylphenol on the sperm dynamic parameters, morphology and fertilization rate of Bufo raddei. African Journal of Biology. 2011, 10(14): 2698-2707. (SCI)Wantong Si, Weihong Ji, Feng Yang, Yue Lv, Yiming Wang, Dejun Huang, Yingmei Zhang*. The function of constructed wetland in reducing the risk of heavy metals on human health. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, (DOI ). 2011/1/5 Online first. (SCIE). (SCI).Li Su, Yuantao Deng, Yingmei Zhang*, et al. Protective Effects of grape seed proancyanidin extracts against nickel sulfate-induced apoptosis and oxidative stress in rat testes. Toxicology Mechanism and Methods. 2011, 21(6): 487-494. (SCI)Chuan Yan, Dejun Huang, Yingmei Zhang*. The involvement of ROS overproduction and mitochondrial dysfunction in PBDE-47-induced apoptosis on Jurkat cells. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology. 2011, 63(5):413-417. (SCI)Tao Liu, Wenting He, Chuan Yan, Yongemi Qi, Yingmei Zhang*. Roles of reactive oxygen species and mitochondria in cadmium-induced injury of liver cells. Toxicology and Industrial Health. 2011, DOI: (SCI)Che Chen, Yingmei Zhang*, Yong Wang, Dejun Huang, Yaming Xi, Yongmei Qi. Synergic effect of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and arsenic trioxide in suppressing hepatoma cells. Anticancer Drugs 2011, 22(5):435-443. (SCI)Yimin Wang, Peng Chen, Ruina Cui, Wantong Si, Yingmei Zhang*, Weihong Ji. 2010. Heavy metal concentrations in water, sediment, and tissues of two fish species (Triplohysa pappenheimi, Gobio hwanghensis) from the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River, China. Environ Monit Assess. 165: 97-102. (SCI)Junling Wang, Yingmei Zhang*, Haojun Zhang, Ke Zhang, Zhewen Zhang, Jin Li. 2009. Toxic effects of fluoride on reproductive ability in male rats: sperm motility, oxidative stress, cell cycle, and testicular apoptosis. Fluoride. 42(3): 174-178. (SCI)Ming Jun Yang, Jing Wu, Zhong Duo Yang*, Ying Mei Zhang*. 2009. First total synthesis of paecilodepsipeptide A. Chinese Chemical Letters. 20: 527–530. (SCI)Gen Chen, Jie Qin, Dazhong Shi, Yingmei Zhang*, Weihong Ji. 2009. Diversity of soil nematodes in areas polluted with heavy metals and polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lanzhou, China. Environmental Management. 44: 163-172. (SCI)Wang YJ, Meng FG, Zhang YM*. 2009. Expression, purification and characterization of recombinant protein tyrosine phosphatase from Thermus thermophilus HB27. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 41: 689-698. (SCI)Huang DJ, Zhang YM*, Qi YM, Chen C, Ji WH. 2008. Global DNA hypomethylation, rather than reactive oxygen species (ROS), a potential facilitator of Cadmium-stimulated K562 cell proliferation. Toxicology : 43-47. (SCI)Che Chen, Yingmei Zhang*, Yanchao Li, Huiyuan Chu, Yaming Xi. 2007. In vivo and in vitro anti-tumour response of selenium-protein polysaccharide extracted from rich selenium Agaricus blazei. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 18(2): 139-149. (SCI)Huang DJ, Zhang YM*, Song G, Long J, Liu JH, WH. Ji. 2007. Contaminants-induced oxidative damage on the carp Cyprinus carpio collected from the upper Yellow River, China. Environmental Monitoring and : 483-488. (SCI)Huang DJ, Zhang YM*, Wang YJ, Xie ZY, Ji WH. 2007. Assessment of the genotoxicity in toad Bufo raddei exposed to petrochemical contaminants in Lanzhou Region, China. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. 629 (2): 81-88. (SCI)Zhang YM*, Huang DJ, Zhao DQ, Long J, Song G, Li AN. 2007. Long-term toxicity effects of cadmium and lead on Bufo raddei tadpoles. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 79(2):178-183. (SCI)Yang Liu, Yingmei Zhang*, Jianghai Liu, Dejun Huang 2006 The role of reactive oxygen species in the herbicide acetochlor-induced DNA damage on Bufo raddei tadpole liver, Aquatic Toxicology , 78:21-26.(SCI)Y. Zhang*, L. Ruan, M. Fasola, E. Boncompagni, Y. Dong, N. Dai, C. Gandini, E. Orvini and X. Ruiz 2006 Little Egrets (Egretta Garzetta) and Trace-metal Contamination in Wetlands of China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,118:355-368. (SCI)Jianghai Liu, Yingmei Zhang*, Dejun Huang, Gang Song. 2005. Cadmium induced MTs synthesis via oxidative stress in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mollecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 280:139-145.(SCI)Y. M. Zhang*, D. J. Huang, Y. Q. Wang, J. H. Liu, R. L. Yu, J. Long. 2005. Heavy Metal Accumulation and Tissue Damage in Goldfish Carassius auratus. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 75: 1191-1199.(SCI)S. Lambiase, Y. Zhang, P. Morbini, M. Fasola, G. Bernocchi, E. Roda,1 A. Grigolo. 2005. Tissue damage after acute intoxication by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in cockroaches Blattella germanica, European Journal of Histochemistry, 49:83-92.(SCI)Mauro Fasola, Paolo Galeotti, Nianhua Dai, Yuanhua Dong and Yingmei Zhang. 2004. Large Numbers of Breeding Egrets and Herons in China. Waterbirds. 27(1): 126-128. (SCI), , , , & . 2004. Residues of organochlorinated pesticides in eggs of water birds from Tai Lake in China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 26: 259-268.(SCI)Yingmei Zhang*, Luzhang Ruan, Dongqin Zhao, Yanhua Dong. 2002. The ecology of the Little Egret as a bioindicator for Tai Lake, China. 23rd International Ornithological Congress. Abstract Volume. 129, YM, Lambiase S, Fasola M, Gandini C, Laudani U & Grigolo A. 2001. Mortality and Tissue Damage by Heavy Metal Contamination in the German Cockroach, Blattella germanica (Blattaria, Blattellidae). Ital. . 68: 137-145.(SCI)Fasola M, Zhang Y, Zhao D, Dong Y, Wang H. 2001. Age-assortative mating related to reproductive success in Black-crowned Night Herons. Waterbirds. 24(2): 272-276.(SCI)Lambiase S, Conforti E, Fasola M, Grigolo A & Zhang YM. 2000. Fat body, gonads and prothoracic gland fate in adults of Blattella germanica L. (Blattaria: Blattellidae). Ital. J. 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