Hot Deformation Behavior of metal an important aspect of research is to study the metal in the process of hot deformation behavior of the flow stress, as well as changes in the law of the mechanical properties of the macro-response behavior is the flow stress. According to the theory of deformation, the flow stress of metal materials in a one-way refers to the deformation conditions sufficient to achieve plastic deformation of the stress intensity. Metals and alloys in the plastic working process, the flow stress determined the deformation of the size of equipment needed to load and the size of the required energy consumption. Generally speaking, the impact of the metal flow stress factors in general can be divided into internal factors and external factors. The main external factors, including deformation temperature, strain rate and strain (deformation), they are internal factors of the flow stress of metallic materials. Deformation temperature on the impact of flow stress as follows: flow stress with deformation temperature lower, but reduced somewhat different, that is, the higher strain rate, with the increase in deformation temperature, flow stress gradient reduced more Great. Strain rate on the impact of flow stress: the higher the strain rate, the greater the value of flow stress, and increase the flow stress with temperature changes, temperature, the higher the lower the rate of increase. The rate of increase of flow stress is not maintained at a fixed value, but as the strain rate changes. Internal factors include the chemical composition of metals, metal the microstructure changes such as dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization, such as work hardening. High-temperature mechanical deformation of metallic materials from high temperature creep behavior of metals on the basis of developed. Metals and alloys the existence of thermal processing thermal activation process, the strain rate thermal activation process control. Deformation under different conditions using different expressions, but also related to thermal activation, the dislocation movement, such as the micro-mechanism. This paper AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet for the study, the RG-based microcomputer-controlled universal testing machine, metallographic microscope and scanning electron microscopy tools, research and analysis of magnesium alloy at different temperatures forming performance, flow stress and microstructure changes in the law. The following conclusions: 1. Extrusion, cross-rolling, cold-rolled, hot-rolled, as well as the level of casting AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet metal microstructure is equiaxed structure, the grain size of 5 ~ 25μm; 2. Extrusion of magnesium alloy sheet metal grain size is about 5 ~ μm, the strain rate is less than , the deformation temperature is higher than 150 ℃, the extension rate of greater than 45%, and with the strain rate lower or raise the temperature of the peak flow stress also be reduced accordingly. When the temperature is 425 ℃, then the peak steady-state flow stress is almost equal to the flow stress at the time that the peak stress does not appear, and its value in between 18 ~ 20MPa, and the extension rate of 132%. 3. Cross-rolled sheet metal so that the peak flow stress decreased significantly increased plasticity. (And can reduce or eliminate the anisotropic material to improve the performance of its punch, so that elongation of the material significantly increased for deep-drawing deformation even provided a good internal organization.) At a temperature of 425 ℃, strain rate is less than , the elongation δ> 225%, alloy shows superplasticity. 4. 250 ~ 425 ℃ temperature range, semi-continuous casting + annealing cold-rolled sheet before and after the stress - strain curve changes little elongation δ are greater than 65%. Cold-rolled sheet can be used directly in temperatures greater than 250 ℃ forming thermal processing. 5. At a high temperature to soften and as a result of the role of dynamic recrystallization results of horizontal continuous casting + anisotropic cold-rolled sheet has been significantly improved. At 250 ℃ when the sheet are an extension of the rate of 118 percent, the smallest anisotropy alloys. 6. At a temperature less than 220 ℃, the fracture morphology of the main axis for large and small dimples, such as composition, surface tear edge clarity, and depth of dimples smaller size; When the temperature is greater than 240 ℃ when the equiaxed the edge of dimples appear fine grains, the occurrence of a fracture. Magnesium alloy at high temperature phase of the basic fracture along fracture, with the strain rate increased, the fracture mode transformed to the ductile fracture trend. AZ31 magnesium alloy in the plastic deformation occurred during the dynamic recrystallization and grain growth.
李 娜 李振春 黄建平 田 坤 孔 雪 刘玉金
(中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院,青岛 266555)
摘 要:横波分裂是识别波传播介质的各向异性的中重要标志,快慢横波的分裂时差和快横波的偏振方 向是评价横波分裂的两个主要参数。在含定向平行排列的各向异性介质中,横波分裂时差及快横波的偏振方 向能反映裂隙的密度、宽度、体积、走向及介质的性质等裂缝信息。为检测定向裂隙介质中横波分裂的方位 属性特征,分析分裂时差随极化角及Thomsen弱各向异性参数的变化规律,本文采用交错网格高阶有限差分法,PML吸收边界法,得到VTI介质绕x轴逆时针旋转不同角度时的三分量记录,研究得到如下主要结论:(1)从能量角 度,极化角为45°时,分裂的快慢横波能量对比最强,是观测横波分裂的最佳角度;(2)同时对单道波形进行对比,定量分析,得到分裂时差随qP波各向异性强度参数ε的增大而减小,随qS波各向异性强度参数γ的增大而增大,随连接纵横波速度的过渡性参数δ的增大而增大;(3)同等强度下,qS波各向异性强度参数γ对横波分裂时差的影 响最大,δ的影响最小。快横波速度只由γ决定,由此可通过快横波速度判断γ的取值范围,而qP波速度由ε决 定,故可通过qP波速度判断ε的取值范围。并且,当ε与δ数值相近时,横波分裂时差随角度没有明显变化趋势,反之,横波分裂时差随极化角度变化呈递增或递减趋势,进而,对表征横波分裂的分裂时差有了深入认识。
The Quantity Study of The Shear-wave Splitting for The Carbonate Karst Reservoir
Li Na,Li Zhenchun,Huang Jianping,Tian Kun,Kong Xue,Liu Yujin
(School of Geoscience of China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266555,China)
Abstract:The most diagnostic effect of anisotropy is shear-wave splitting,routine measurements of shear-wave splitting are the delay time between fast and slow wave and the polarization of the fast shear two measurements of shear-wave splitting in stress-aligned seismic anisotropy reflect the density,width,size,strike of the cracks and the property of the anisotropy detect the azimuthal attributes in stress-aligned cracks and analyze the rules of the time delay changes with polarization angle and the anisotropic parameters,this paper gets three-component records when VTI media is rotated to different angles in anti clockwise direction,using staggered-grid high-order finite difference with PML absorbing layer research results shows the following conclusions:(1)From the point view of energy,the fast and slow shear wave are both have strong energy when polarization angle goes to 45°,so we can make it the best angle to observe shear-splitting;(2)At the same time,through comparative analysis between single-waveform and qualitative research,we get that the delay time decreases with increasing εthat characterizing the qP anisotropy intensity,increases with increasing γ that characterizing the qS wave anisotropy intensity and increases with increasing δ that related the velocity of qP wave and qS wave;(3)At the same intensity,γ has the biggest influence on the delay time and δ has the velocity of the fast shear wave is controlled by γ only,so we can measure γ through the velocity of the fast shear wave,The velocity of the qP wave is controlled by ε only,so we can measure ε throughthe velocity of the qP 's more,the delay time has no noticeable shift when εsand δ have low difference in value,otherwise,the delay time shows increase or decrease of these help us have deep insight into the time delay of shear-wave splitting.
Key words:shear-wave splitting;anisotropy;VTI media;time delay
1 引言
地球介质的各向异性是普遍存在的。研究地震波在各向异性介质中的传播规律与成像方法是地震学 和勘探地震学研究领域的前沿课题。实际地球介质引起地震各向异性的因素很多、成因很复杂。许多地 球物理学家和地震学家通过对地震波在地球介质中的传播现象进行观测,对地震波在各向异性介质中的 传播规律和形成机理方面做了大量的研究工作[1~10],认识到地球介质存在各向异性;而横波分裂是诊 断各向异性最有效的方法[4]。综合起来,地下岩石的地震各向异性成因主要来源于三个方面:固有各 向异性、裂隙诱导各向异性和长波长各向异性。
裂缝诱导各向异性的机制十分复杂,由于受到应力场的作用,岩石中形成择优取向排列的裂缝、裂 隙和孔隙,这些裂缝、裂隙或孔隙可能充满气体或流体等充填物,地震波在裂隙岩石中的传播相当于在 均匀弹性各向异性固体中的传播。通过理论与实验室研究证实,地壳中大多数岩石中存在定向排列的流 体充填的裂隙,可广泛引起横波分裂。
随着西部裂缝性碳酸盐岩储层逐步成为石油勘探的重点,基于各向异性的正演模拟方法最近也得到 了长足的发展。Byun(1984)、Tanimoto(1987)、Chapman(1989)等研究了基于Cerveny(1972)的 射线理论,以波动方程的高频近似为前提的射线追踪技术;Mora(1989)、Tsingas等(1990)、Igel等(1995)研究了利用有限差分方法进行各向异性介质地震波正演模拟问题;Kosloff(1989)、Carcione等(1992)研究了伪谱法地震波场正演。在国内,何樵登教授等人采用有限差分法、有限元法、傅里叶变 换法等对各向异性的正演问题进行了的研究[1;牛滨华(1994、1995、1998)利用有限元方法研究了 EDA介质中的地震波场、横波分裂现象和P波各向异性;阴可(1998)、董良国(1999)等在各向异性 弹性波的物理模拟方面做了深入的研究。
图1 波在各向同性与各向异性中传播时的三维图解比较[1]
对横波分裂的研究,裴正林[16]利用交错网格高阶有限差分 法研究了层状各向异性介质的横波分裂现象;吴松翰等[20]设计 了含垂直定向裂隙的各向异性介质物流模型,研究了分裂横波的 传播速度和传播时间与裂隙方位的关系。郭桂红等[9]利用伪谱法 分析研究了横波分裂时差、偏振方向与裂隙密度及方位的关系。
所谓横波分裂,是指横波在各向异性介质中,沿不同方向 的射线路径会分裂成两个偏振方向垂直,速度不同的波,快横 波的偏振与裂隙走向一致,慢横波的偏振方向平行于裂隙的排 列方向。快慢横波的分裂时差是表征横波分裂的主要参数之一。
本文从能量角度研究了分裂时差随极化角度的变化规律,同时,通过改变Thomsen弱各向异性参数建立不同的模型,得 到单道波形并从中拾取快、慢横波的峰值时刻进行对比,得到 横波分裂时差与Thomsen参数的关系。
2 TTI介质二维三分量弹性波动方程
x,y为水平方向(平行于地表),z方向为垂直方向,沿深度走向。具有垂直方向对称轴的VTI(横向各向异性)介质绕x轴旋转得到TTI介质(称为极化各向异性),TTI介质的对称轴与坐标轴z轴 的夹角称为极化角。
观测横波分裂现象随极化角的变化需要旋转观测坐标系,但是利用常规二维弹性波数值模拟方法旋 转后仍然无法观测到,这是因为VTI介质模拟的裂隙走向是平行于y方向的,快横波的偏振方向与裂隙 走向一致;因此,本文采用二维三分量的方法,增加了y方向对x,z的偏导,更真实的模拟空间波场。二维三分量用到三维各向异性弹性常数张量矩阵中除了第二行与第二列以外的全部弹性参数,考虑了影 响横波各向异性强度的弹性常数c66,更精确的反映横波分裂现象。
设速度向量为v=(vx,vy,vz)′,体力向量为f=(fx,fy,fz)′,应力向量为(σxx,σzz,σyz,σxz,σxy)′,ρ 为介质密度, ,于是,TTI介质二维三分量应力-速度弹性波方程可以表示为
式中,cij表示空间微分算子和弹性常数矩阵Cx中的元素,求取方法如下。三维VTI介质弹性常数矩 阵为
3 模型试算
定量观测极化角0°~90°变化对横波分裂时差及能量的影响。均匀横向各向异性模型参数(方位角 90°):ρ=1000kg/m3。
图2 炮记录(旋转20°);上:x分量;下左:y分量;下右:z分量
图3 炮记录(旋转70°);左:x分量;中:y分量;右:z分量
从图2~图4可以看出;(1)当震源偏振方向与介质的对称轴存在一定夹角时,就会产生横波分裂现 象,从波场快照中沿裂隙方向可以明显看到快横波(qS1波);(2)从炮记录可以看出能量的强弱变化: x,z分量随着极化角从0°到90°变化,快横波逐渐增强,慢横波(qS2波)逐渐减弱,所以45°左右是 观测横波分裂的最佳角度,快慢横波能量相当;(3)另外,从炮记录中还可以看到,每个角度的横波分 裂时差相差不大,没有明显增大或减小的现象。
图5为抽取x =250网格线的单道波形,得出快慢横波峰值时刻,定量观测横波分裂时差。
可以看出除了0°及90°,随着极化角的增大,快横波初至减小,而慢横波初至增大,使得横波分裂 时差增大,时差变化了39ms,呈递增趋势;由单道记录可以看出,qP波初至随极化角增大而减小。
图4 旋转45°时炮记录(上)和波场快照(下,t=500ms);左:x分量;中:y分量;右:z分量
由图6可见,快慢横波初至均减小,分裂时差总体呈减小趋势,变化最大为6ms,相对上个模型小 了很多,这是因为,虽然横波各向异性强度参数未变,但是联系纵、横波的参数变了,由此影响到横波 的分裂时差;从单道波形上可以明显观测到,由于qP波各向异性强度参数变小,其初至随角度的变化 幅度减小。
由图7可见,随着角度增大,分裂时差逐渐减小;由于γ未变,所以快横波的变化趋势同图5(a),6(a)一样;而慢横波峰值时刻随极化角改变减少的多;另外由单道记录可知,qP波初至随角 度增大而减小。
对比图5(b),6(b)及7(b)可知,快横波初至由γ决定,γ不变时,快横波峰值时刻的变化 基本不变;qP波初至由ε决定,慢横波初至由ε,δ共同决定,其初至随极化角度的变化取决于ε,δ 的大小;当两参数数值接近时,慢横波初至变化缓慢;而两参数相差大时,慢横波初至变化明显,随角 度递增或递减,进而影响分裂时差的变化趋势;因此,分裂时差随极化角度的变化趋势可以测定ε,δ 的大小关系,同时,由快横波的初至或峰值时刻可以判断γ的范围。
Thomsen参数:ρ=1000kg/m3,vp=2450m/s,vs=1414m/s,ε= 1/3,δ= 1/6,γ=。
由图8可见,ε增大,横波分裂时差减小,总幅度为38ms;ε的变化基本未影响快横波的初至,但 是慢横波的初至逐渐减小。另外,由单道波形图可以看出,qP波的初至也逐渐减小,变化较慢横波大,这验证了ε为表征qP波各向异性强度参数。
由图9可见,随着δ的增大,分裂时差增大,内增大的幅度为13ms,相对于ε对分裂时差的 影响,δ对分裂时差的影响小了很多;另外,从单道波形可以看到,δ主要影响慢横波,快慢横波初至 均增大而qP波初至减小,但是qP波与快横波的初至变化都很小,在3ms内。
由图10看出,随着γ增大,分裂时差增大,内分裂时差的变化达到138ms;另外,从单道上 可以看出,γ的变化对快横波影响较大,慢横波初至变化很小;其对qP波没有影响,没有引起qP波初 至的变化。
图11 同等强度下ε,δ,γ与横波分裂时差的关系
4 结论
本文通过二维三分量交错网格高阶有限差分法,对横向各向异性介质不同极化角度下横波分裂时差 的研究,得到如下几点主要认识:(1)ε增大,横波分裂时差减小;qP波与横波的初至均减小,并且ε 只影响qP波与慢横波的初至,对快横波的影响很小,其峰值时刻的变动范围在2ms以内;(2)δ增大,横波分裂时差增大;慢横波初至增大,δ只影响慢横波初至,对qP波和快横波的影响很小,其峰值时 刻的变动范围在3ms以内;(3)γ增大,横波分裂时差增大;快横波初至均增大,且γ只影响快横波初 至,qP波不受影响;同时结合(1)、(2)可知,快横波也只受γ的影响,由此,可以通过快横波的速度来 判断γ,同时,qP波只由ε控制,故可通过qP波的速度判断ε的取值范围,最后由qP波与慢横波速 度确定δ的取值范围;(4)由图11可知,同等强度下,γ对横波分裂时差的影响最大,而ε,δ对其影响 较平缓,当两者数值接近时,分裂时差随极化角变化较小,可能没有递增或递减的现象;当两者数值差 别较大时,随极化角改变剧烈的对分裂时差起主导作用,影响分裂时差的变化趋势,ε使得分裂时差随 角度减小,而δ使其增大;(5)从能量角度,45°左右时观测到的快慢横波的能量对比最强,是研究横波 分裂的最佳角度;x,z分量快慢横波的能量随角度变化呈现一定的规律变化,0°时只观测到相当于慢横 波的波,90°时只观测到相当于快横波的波,因在0°与90°时横波不分裂,两个波的速度相同,称为SV 波,SH波。
Crampin[3~5]经过多年理论研究与实践证明,方位各向异性是广泛存在的,常与裂缝有关且伴有横 波分裂现象。对于碳酸盐岩地区,裂缝与渗透率以及油气的聚集和运移密切相关,因此,利用横波分裂 研究碳酸盐岩裂缝具有重要意义。但由于地下裂隙发育层位的厚度通常较小,快慢横波往往混叠在一 起,由此,提取分裂时差与裂隙方位成为难点。本文仅讨论了均匀各向异性介质下分裂时差与裂隙方位 的关系,对于更为复杂的裂隙介质还需要结合能量比法、波形特征最相似法、最小熵旋转法[11]等多种 方法来确定分裂时差,以取得更好的研究效果。
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