桩基础 has the widespread application domain, is the high-rise construction, the large-scale bridge, the deep water wharf as well as the marine petroleum platform and so on use main foundation form. In recent years, 桩基 the project quality question influence construction structure normal use and the safe instance were very many. The pile construction has the high hiding as well as the pile construction quality has very many not definite factor, looked from 基桩 the quality examination angle, the improvement examination method and the method, improve the examination work quality and the examination evaluates the result the reliability, to guarantees 基桩 the project quality and safely has the vital significance, also is 桩基 one of domain research hot low strain reflection method main function examines the pile body structure integrity, like the pile body flaw position judgement, 施工桩 long proofreading and the concrete intensity rank qualitative estimate and so on, the use obtains the reflected wave curve signal accurately to delimit breaks the pile body quality, removes the project hidden danger, to 基桩 the quality carries on the appraisal. This article has conducted the research to the Kelvin non-linearity elastic material 料桩 body integrity examination low strain reflected wave new method. Establishes the Kelvin non- line elastic material 料桩 question the unidimensional undulation new model; Produced has controlled the body the dynamic equation, the use unidimensional non-linear elasticity this construction relations infers the pile axial force and the axial strain relations, proposed the unidimensional non-linear elastic undulation question new algorithm; Uses the FORTRAN language coding, the value simulation 基桩 桩顶 speed (or displacement, acceleration) responds the time interval curve profile; Finally 基桩 builds each kind of profile storehouse to the complete existence question, will use in 基桩 the complete examination service for later. As well as low strain reflection method; The pile body integrity examines 2 words