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帮你弄一篇吧我选的是第二个题目Information and communications technology to ChinaChina has experienced rapid growth within the information and communications technology (ICT) industry over the past decade, and now plays a leading role in China’s economic development. As a result of China’s ‘opening up’ policy and path of economic reform, China’s electronic communications industry has grown at three times the rate of GDP growth. In 2006, China’s electronic communications industry revenue reached RMB475 billion. The total value of foreign trade reached US$ billion representing over 15 per cent of the global electronics trade, with the output of many electronic products ranked first worldwide. These electronics products include: • colour TVs • mobile phone handsets • computers • electronic watches • calculators • DVDsChina’s accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) provided a transitional period for opening up its telecom sector which lasted until November 2007. Consequently, this has assisted China to develop one of the largest open telecom markets in the world. The Value Added Services (VAS) sector is expected to contribute to this growth, as one of the hottest market entry sectors for foreign ICT companies. Through the Ministry of Information Industry (MII), the Chinese Government administers foreign direct investment into the telecommunications sector. This includes basic infrastructure and value added services, however, with various restrictions on foreign ownership levels. From 1 December 2007, a new set of Categories of Foreign Investment Industry Guidance 2007 Amended Version has been implemented, superseding the previous version issued on 30 November 2004, and providing new levels of guidance on foreign direct investment in the various industry sectors. To ensure China’s telecommunications market operates in a fair, transparent and effective competitive environment, China’s first Telecommunications Law has been drafted and is currently undergoing a process of public consultation before being enacted. This should provide further guidance and protection to both investors and operators, in addition to the various regulations currently in place. With China entering its 11th Five Year Plan period, ICT has also moved from 'enabling and promoting' to 'strengthening industry integration and indigenous innovations'. The key focuses are to:• Continue increasing overall integrated ICT service levels • Increase and improve the development of ICT infrastructure • Strengthen the indigenous innovation in core industries • Focus on incubating strategic industry clusters • Proactively promote the integrated development of all ICT sectors • Strengthen the modernisation of post services • Strengthen the administration of radio communications • Increase the supportive capability of ICT infrastructure to the national economyBy 2010, the targeted penetration levels for fixed telecommunication in China is anticipated to reach 30 per cent of its population to one billion subscribers in operation (SIO), and 45 per cent penetration in mobile communications to 600 million SIOs. Internet users are anticipated to reach 200 million with 15 per cent the first wireless mobile phone base station was installed on 18 November 1987, China reached million mobile SIOs at the end of October 2007. Therefore, China has the highest number of mobile phone subscribers in the world. The vast number of SIOs also generated billion short message services (SMS). Due to China’s large population, mobile penetration in China is still considered low at per cent when compared with most developed countries. This presents substantial growth opportunities for companies within the China communications grew slightly lower than mobile communications with a total of 370 million SIOs, representing a per cent penetration rate. China has over 22,000 registered companies providing Value Added Services to the telecom sector. There are six major telecommunications operators in China:• China Telecom • China Mobile • China Satellite Company • China Unicom • China Netcom • China Railway CommunicationsSoftware and system integrationIn 2006, the size of China’s domestic software market reached RMB480 billion. The total number of registered software companies increased to 15,723 with over million people employed in the software industry. There were over 35 companies with a turnover exceeding RMB1 billion, and 51 companies with turnover in the range of –1 billion. Furthermore, more than 80 software companies had over 1,000 employees. There are currently 38 companies with CMM5 (Capability Maturity Model For Software) certifications, the highest level of an internationally recognized certification program for software companies. In addition, 23 companies achieved CMM4 certifications and over 200 companies were awarded CMM3 certifications. The increasing number of Chinese software companies seeking and achieving CMM certification demonstrates their enhanced software development capabilities and overall product quality to compete in the global market. InternetSince China sent out the first email 'Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world' on 20 September 1987, the diffusion of the Internet in China has grown in parallel with the development and expansion of the overall telecom infrastructure. China has become the world’s second largest Internet user country with an estimated 162 million users behind the US with 211 million users. In addition, at the end of June 2007, China had 67 million Internet connected computers and over million websites. The total bandwidth to the world reached 312,346Mbps with annual growth rate of per China’s Internet industry has achieved significant growth, the penetration is still very low at per cent, as compared with the global average of per cent. There is clear 'unequitable' access to the Internet between urban and rural areas with per cent as compared to per cent , dial-Up and wireless (including mobile phone access) are the three key access methods of accessing the Internet in China. Broadband SIOs have grown very quickly. As at December 2007, broadband users reached 122 million, the largest user country in the world, with a penetration rate of per cent. In 2007, 30 per cent of the new broadband users were from rural areas. In addition, there are also million dial-Up key applications for Internet users in China are searching for news, instant messaging, and entertainment (music, video and games). There has been a growing trend of e-commerce related activities including net-shopping, travel booking, online stock market trading and banking. It is expected e-commerce related applications and services will become one of the key growth areas in the there has been increasing trend of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Internet- related infrastructure, applications and services such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Application Service Provider (ASPs), and Internet Content Provider (ICPs) are yet to open up to foreign providers, and there are strict content management and approval processes in place to ensure that the Internet is used to enhance social responsibility and harmony. The challenges facing China’s Internet industry include:• Equitable access to the Internet between urban and rural areas to break the 'digital divide'. • Level of information and technology knowledge among small to medium enterprises. • Overall quality and applications of the Internet, to improve the productivity and be more competitive on the global market. • Integration of information and communication technologies within all industry development of China’s ICT industry provides opportunities in a number of areas, which include the following:• Telecommunications infrastructure o 3G/4G wireless communications o IP based technologies o Rural telecommunications o Network integration and billing• Value Added Services o e-Learning o Entertainment o Mobile applications• E-Commerce o Online payment and mobile payment o e-Security o Integrated logistics application and management• Industry application o Telematics o Remote metering o Geo-spatial application o Environment and clean technology applications o Finance and banking o Security o Digital content• New Technologies and applications and materials o IPTV o New digital audio systems o Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) o Nanotechnologies o Energy efficiency materialsTariffs, regulations and customsTariffs for ICT products and services vary depending on the category classification and what level of Chinese indigenous component is included. Certain ICT products exported to China are subject to China Compulsory Certification, known as 3CCC certification. As a result of China's commitments for accession into the WTO, China has applied zero tariffs to 256 categories of ICT products. To determine the exact category and the level of tariffs applied, if any, it is recommended that experienced customs brokers specialised in ICT products are consulted. Marketing your products and servicesMarket entryDepending upon your company’s situation and strategic direction, there are various vehicles that can be utilised for entry into the Chinese ICT market. These include: • Wholly owned foreign enterprises (WOFEs) • Joint ventures (JVs) • Value added resellers (VARs) • DistributorsA new and emerging type of entry vehicle, Virtual Entry, has been utilised by many small and medium (SME) companies. A Chinese domain name is registered with all the content translated into the local language, however, operations are conducted offshore in the home country. Each vehicle requires a different set of requirements and investment Chinese Government’s aim is to become more transparent in awarding large projects. A public tender is normally published via media inviting Expression of Interests from interested and suitable companies. In some circumstances, foreign companies find it useful to form a partnership with suitable local companies to promote awareness of their capabilities. Establishing good relationships with key stakeholders are vital so that a company can be in a better position to access information and prepare a submission. However, many other projects are done via local network. In these circumstances it is often necessary to work with a local partner with a similar industry capability and background. If your products or applications do not require local modification and are 'plug and play', you may sell your products and services via a local distributor. This can occur once customs import procedure is cleared and passes through relevant network-access tests if applicable. If your products and applications require localisation, translation, further development and local integration, then a local service integrator needs to be engaged. This can be done via a joint venture partner or a service contractor, prior to selling to the end users, especially in financial and other sensitive most of the cases, except games and English language learning applications, it is most likely that your products and applications will have to be 'localised' to suit the local market environment. This is especially important for accounting, intelligent transportation systems, finance and banking, and security of a company is relatively easy in China once you meet all the requirements. Different company structures require different start-up capital funding. There can be regional variations to company registration requirements. It is recommended that you research well and consult widely before making a final investment decision. 刚才算了一下,大概是1700多字
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主题:是一个年轻人学习交流的美国英语网站 功能:每天不同的网上课程,以美国流行文化为主题 特色:可以学到很多美国俚语和方言 对象:面向年轻人 主题:丰富齐全的商业性英文网站 功能:语法讲解,练习,参考资料,教师材料 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 Englishpage 主题:针对英文基础较好的学习人士和教师的网站 功能:阅读,游戏。语法讲解,讨论等 特色:深入讲解了时态用法,每周有新课程推出,旧课程可以在存档中找到 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 The English Zone 主题:非商业性英文学习网站 功能:语法讲解,练习,小成语讲解,英文笑话,阅读和写作 对象:学英语人士 ESL Flow 主题:内容组织得很好的英文网站 功能:语法讲解,口语,英语对话,阅读和课程安排 特色:用流程图的方式讲解英语语法概念 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 ESL House 主题:内容广泛,参考资料甚多 功能:大量词汇讲解,课程安排和参考资料 特色:多媒体中心可播放课程 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 ESL Partyland 主题:自学和互相交流 功能:75个互动式测试和15个论坛,让学生互相交流,教师可以下载课程材料 特色:互动式 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 ESL STUDY HALL 主题:由George Washington University的Professor Christine Meloni维护的ESL链接网页 功能:有学多学习英语的链接 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 To Learn 主题:内容广泛,资源丰富,值得一看 功能:聊天室,语法讲解,练习,小测试,图片,论坛 特色:做完练习可以得到评语,老师可以在线制作试题 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 LinguaCenter Home Page 主题:包括了网上学英语的一些最基本的内容 功能:语法讲解,练习,互动式3听力训练,笔友交换,教师参考 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 Longman English Language Teaching 主题:为中国朋友所熟知的朗曼英语教学方法 功能:测试,专题文章,链接,小窍门 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 Parlo - Language, Culture, Life 主题:学语言的网站 功能:对语言结构,国际文化作出探讨 特色:教你怎样学语言,而不仅是英语 对象:ESL教师和学英语人士 Peak English 主题:在线的远程英语学习网站 功能:词汇,阅读,听力(用REALAUDIO),语法课程, 特色:所教英语是用于美国的 对象:学英语人士 Schmooze University 主题:英语学习个网站,可以一对一或分小组进行对话 功能:在线字典,语言游戏,USENET 对象:学英语人士 Tower of English 主题:非常友好的英文学习网站 功能:设计专业的网站,大量的有用资源 对象:学英语人士 注明:以上每个网站都有可取之处。取其精华,去其糟粕吧。 宏越听霸 V2002 *** 是一款优秀英语学习软件,给学习者在语言听力和自我测试方面提供了多项实用工具。具有良好开放性、趣味性、灵活性、可学习性、科学性等特点。 点击下载 精准发音指南 语音资料 **** 点击下载 王玉梅TOEFL词汇朗读 *** 点击下载 点击下载 新概念英语 ***** 听力教材rm格式的,从第一册到第四册 点击下载 高级英语听力 ***** 听力教材mp3格式的。 点击下载 中级英语听力 ***** 很好的听力教材. 点击下载 名称 不知不觉背单词 **** 尺寸 介绍 只要运行本软件,就会在电脑屏幕上出现一个浮动条,里面有要背的单词及其汉语释义,不断更换,字体、大小、位置、更换间隔时间都可以任意设置。然后你就可以干自己的事,只要一有空,就可以看看浮动条上面的单词,能不能记住都没有关系,多看过几次后,印象自然会加深。 软件下载:点击下载 破解文件: 点击下载 名称 明明白白背单词 ** 点击下载 名称 计算机专业英语学习软件 * 包含计算机专业词汇3000余条,采取汉翻英、英翻汉、缩略词翻译等多种学习方式,并且还提供自我测试功能和用户添加词汇功能。该软件可以作为计算机专业人员的随身字典。 点击下载 东方快车 XP 想背就背 ** 从东方快车 XP 里分离出的背单词软件,非常小巧,可以独立运行! 点击下载 我恨背单词 * 一个帮助您利用在电脑屏幕前的闲暇时间来记忆单词的软件。 点击下载 英语词汇逻辑记忆2002 *** 点击下载 破解下载 软件简介 用它背单词想忘都困难,一本可以倒列查找的大字典,运用逻辑记忆法+构?史?正列倒列等方法,最大限度防止遗忘。 疯狂美语口语绝招 ***** 疯狂美语口语绝招 疯狂美语口语绝招 疯狂美语口语绝招 疯狂美语口语绝招 (疯狂美语口语绝招下载说明:使用Flashget下载,将琏接粘贴到 Flashget中即可,直接下载可能无效!按我的方法,绝对可以使用) 圣经(简体中文,繁体中文,及英文版) ***** 普通本 中英文对照圣经豪华版 英文圣经英王钦定本 英语八级 ***** A面 B面 钟道隆逆向法 ***** 文件1 文件2 文件3 文件4 大学英语自学教程 ***** 大学英语自学教程》辅导软件,按自考大纲要求,分别进行基础单词、《大学英语自学教程》上、下册单词及课文、语法的学习,是自考英语(一)、(二)者的福音,可实现单词按课、按组、按字母的学习,达到单词、语法、课文的全面复习。 点击下载 Lettra 注册版 * 一个非常有趣的英语单词学习小游戏! 下载原版 下载英文字库 name:ttdown city:china code:3112767870 IELTS LISTENING (8盒磁带,14M) ***** 新概念英语(绝对美音版)mp3 ***** 第一册: 新概念英语第一册1-37课.mp3 新概念英语第一册38-72课.mp3 新概念英语第一册73-110课.mp3 新概念英语第一册110-144课.mp3 第二册: 新概念英语第二册1-31课.mp3 新概念英语第二册32-54课.mp3 新概念英语第二册55-76课.mp3 第一册第二册录音: 第三册 GRE计算机专项考试手册 *** 指导性手册,打开后为.pdf格式英文。 点击下载 ¼;ÆËã»úרÏî.zip 单词扫雷 * 英语单词助记学习软件, 暂时无注册码。点击下载 µ;¥´ÊɨÀ×.zip SpellAllDict Spelling Dictionary * 拼写检查软件。 点击下载 Ð;¡ÃÛ·ä.zip IELTS SPEAKING-2盒磁带 ***** 磁带1A 磁带1B 磁带2A 磁带2B 如影随形学单词 ** 让用户随时的很容易的有意无意的学习单词! 点击下载 破解下载 CuteBDC 注册版 ** 小巧玲珑的背单词软件。 原版下载 破解下载 读霸 注册版 ** 读霸是以汉语普通话为标准发音的实时校对朗读软件。原版下载 破解下载 我也爱背单词2002+ 语音白金版 ***** 一款最为小巧精悍的绿色英语单词辅助记忆软件!信息量极大(125347词条),含有GRE逆序、红宝书、GMAT、TOEFL、雅思、四六级、新概念、太傻单词用户自定义等六十三本字典数据,可随时扩充,唯一同时具有独特的大/小窗口自动浏览功能。软件功能极具人性化,可以设定单词浏览速度,按照正序/逆序/默认浏览记忆,自动记录学习进度,随时查找单词。并且同时支持TTS发音和真人语音。我也爱背单词2001+是您背诵英语单词的“利器”,与ETS“激战”不可缺的法宝,也是每个G友T友的必备工具! 下载地址: 原版下载 破解下载 真人语音库 108662KB 英语口形教师 *** 点击下载 英语句句通 *** 里面收集了上千句英语日常用语,500多句速成英语口语,600多句外贸谈判用语,600多句商务交流英语以及近千句英语谚语,为您的英语学习提供了一个强大的辅助工具。 点击下载 美女词汇本 * 最有魅力的词汇本,严重温柔的界面设置,超棒的词汇记录和查询功能,支持所有语言! 点击下载 脱口而出说英语 *** 非常实用、有效的英语口语学习软件,其中包含9大类5000余句日常英语会话例句。
3、Web of Science数据库是国际公认的反映科学研究水准的数据库。检索精确到文献被收录的期刊、出版公司、作者、日期、页码等。
按照字面的意思,参考文献是文章或著作等写作过程中参考过的文献。然而,按照GB/T7714-2015《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则》的定义,文后参考文献是指:为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关文献信息资源。
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