发表的有代表性的论文:1. Kuang Jiacai Wang . et al., Fracture Toughness of CNTs/AlN Ceramics Tested by Indentation,Advanced Materials Research,2011 (177): 151~. 龙颖,匡加才等, 高熔点复合氧化物陶瓷的相可控低温烧成, 硅酸盐学报,2010,38(5):55~ Kuang, Li Yiming, et al, Hot-Pressed Sintering of AlN Ceramics, Rare Metal Mtaterials and Engineering, 2008, 37(z1): 236~. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Influence of carbon content on microstructure and wear resistance of Si-Mn-B bainitic cast steel, Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment,2007(6): . JiaCai Kuang, et al, A New Technique for Synthesizing Nanoporous Silica Films, Solid State Phenomena, 2007,6(121-123):81~. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Formation and characterization of cubic AlN crystalline in a carbothermal reduction reaction. Mater. Letts., 2005,59(16):2006~. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Influence of processing parameters on synthesis of nanosize AlN powder prepared from a low temperature combustion precursor. J. Crystal Growth, 2004, 263:12~. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline aluminum nitride from a low temperature combustion precursor. J. Mater. Sci., 2004, 39:3167~. JiaCai Kuang et al, Preferential orientation of bulk textured AlN by hot pressing. ., 2004,39:923~. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Synthesis of high thermal conductivity nano-scale aluminum nitride by a new carbothermal reduction method from combustion precursor. J. Crystal Growth, 2003, 256:288~291.