
Abstract: Domestic violence occurs in the violence between family members. Growing domestic violence against the victim's physical and mental health, violated the legal rights of victims, the destruction of social stability and development, has attracted nationwide attention. China shortcomings of domestic violence research, and in practice, as people change ideas and social changes, hidden crimes of violence in the family gradually revealed, the family increasingly frequent reports of violence. In order to give victims of domestic violence, more comprehensive, more specific and more appropriate assistance to achieve better social results, we must establish the legal, social, psychological, social support systems at all levels. This situation also requires the academic to research and provide standards for domestic violence, through empirical investigation, analysis of the causes of domestic violence, the corresponding preventive measures, for the legislature to develop and improve the law on domestic violence a crime to provide a theoretical basis. Based on this, hope that more scholars can pay attention to China's domestic violence. 不一定完全准确啊
我觉得你去在线翻译的网站不就行了 一句一句翻译
一千六百多字,凑合吧The Tragedy of Domestic Violence Domestic Violence towards women is a problem that is often overlooked by Society. Violence is defined by the Riverside Webster's Dictionary () as: 1. Physical force employed so as to damage or injure. 2. As an instance of violent action. If this is the case than why is it that so many women are beaten by loved ones each year and little or nothing is done to correct this violent and hostile situation? In this paper I will attempt to answer this question along will a slue of others which place women in these war zones each day. "The battered women is pictured by most people as a small, fragile, haggard person who might once have been pretty. She has several small children, no job skills, and is economically dependent on her husband. It is frequently assumed that she is poor and from a minority group. She is accustomed to living in violence, and her fearfulness and passivity are emphasized above all. Although some battered women do fit this description, research proves it to be false stereotype.''(Walker ) In fact most batte red women have highly lucrative jobs such as doctors or lawyers, Corporation executives and nurses. Most are heavy set women whose assets are controlled by there husbands and cannot defend themselves physically. Battered women are found in all racial, rel igious and ethical backgrounds as well as age groups and educational levels. ''Who are battered women? If you are a women, there is a 50 percent chance it could be you!''(Walker ) Statistical data on battered women is difficult to find because most records are buried in medical records, domestic disturbance calls to the police or the records of social service agencies. During my research I found that characteristics in numerous c ategories for both the batterer and battered were the same. Here is a list of those categories that were the same or in a similar fashion the same for both individuals. Commonly shared characteristics between Battered and Batterer. 1. Has low self-esteem. 2. Believes all myths about battering relationships. 3. Is a traditionalist about the home, strongly believes in family unity and his or her roles in the family unit. As with the women all racial, religious, educational levels equally represent the men, cultures socioeconomic groups. "Batterers typically deny that they have a problem, although they are aware of it; and they become enraged if their women should reveal t he true situation." (Walker ) "Researchers Eisenberg and Micklow found 90 percent of the batterers in their study had been in the military. Twenty five percent received dishonorable discharges." (Walker ) These are some alarming facts and characteristics about both the battered a nd the batterer. I was unable to collect any data on the cause for this percentage of violence by men of the military. Although it being a school of violence might have some weight on the effects of this violence on women. Some of the reasoning behind the se acts of physical and mental neglect may be societies acceptance of such violence. We as a society are always calling for more violence on television in the theater and on other individuals. We pay for these sorts of entertainment, ask the government to apply force on other nations and as the saying goes "sex and violence sell." It is glorified in all forms of the media. Why do battered women stay with there significant others? The answer has many different angles; some stay for financial reasons others for the traditional reasons. The fact is that they stay, but when is enough? "After you live so many years, and you wak e up one day, and your body has just about had it, you say, 'My God, I just can't take another punch.' That's what happened to me. I just reached a point where I said, 'No more. Nothing is worth it.' I decided I would rather struggle and see if I couldn't make it, so I just up and left, and that's been it." (Langley and Levy ) This was the victim of spouse abuse for seventeen years. In another case a women from Maryland described her experience. "Being beaten up is the most degrading, humiliating, cr ushing kind of thing that could happen to a person." (Langley and Levy ) in most cases the women feel that they are the ones to blame for there battering and also apologize for being beaten. "A women's decision to stay or go to seek help or suffer in silence is often determined by the frequency of her beatings." (Langley and Levy ) When women do come to the end of the line and have finally worked up enough courage to do it, to leave the one she loves so dear where does she go? Well I would like to tell you that she calls for help via the police or local athorities and receives the compassion and understanding that she so deserves and needs in this time of uncertainty and doubt. But, all too often she is meet with hostility and cynicism. "Usually, the police, attorneys, prosecutors, public defenders, and even judges feel they should not get involved in so called family problems." (Langley and Levy ) One Detroit police officer is even quoted as saying, "there are no rewards for refereeing a family fight." (Langley and Levy ) One of the problems is the offense can be both criminal and civil matters. There are in fact only three states that have l aws that deal directly with spouse abuse, California, Hawaii, and Texas which make it an automatic felony for a husband to beat his wife. The system however does not work in the favor of the battered but rather in the favor of the batterer. "Assault is a crime in every state. Since wife beating is a form of assault, then wife beating is a crime in every state. In practice, however, wife beating is not treated as a crime but as a civil matter. Prosecutors deliberately look the other way even when a man adm its to wife beating." (Langley and Levy ) When the judicial system fails to help the abused, the abused must turn elsewhere. Places such as crisis centers, church, or shelters. But in many places there are no such places or organizations to help the abused, then the abused must depend on communi ty help as well as family and friends to help. Mostly with support groups and just by giving the abused the compassion and support once sot by the abused in the judicial system. One example of this disappointment in the system was found in the Detroit Free Press, in an article headlined " Emergency Number Still Has Kinks," reported: " near-breathless women, beaten by her husband, dialed 911 to ask for police assistance. 'Does he have a weapon?' the operator asked. " She answered he did not. "Then I am sorry. We won't be able to help you,' the operator said to the dismayed women." (Langley and Levy ) This lack of confidence in the judicial system in return sends women a message of desperation, fear and frustration. Many women in turn take the law into there own hands, in a study done by the Department of Justice between 1987 and 1991. "Approximate ly one in four attacks involved the use of a gun or knife, according to the study. Young, black and Hispanic women were especially vulnerable, as were poor single women with low education levels who lived in inner cities. The findings were drawn from more than 400,000 interviews." The Acting Bureau Director Lawrence A. Greenfeld stated that "the number of women attacked by spouses, former spouses, boyfriends, parents or children is more than 10 times higher than the number of males attacked by such people ." It is clear to me that all of us living in this great nation need to join hands in the fight against Domestic Violence in the home, not just against women but children and men as well. But for the purpose of this paper I would like to focus mainly on the women of the American household. We as a society should take action and compose social as well as political laws to rectify this situation. There are no set standards, in fact police officers are told to not arrest in cases of domestic violence calls. The reasoning is once again the civil matter of domestic violence being a "family problem". In concluding this simply alarming and terrifyingly eye opening subject matter I would like to suggest five areas in which we as a society and human beings could help in altering the violence. Not just on women but on women, children and minorities as w ell. 1. The expression of violence is most commonly seen in the context of relationships 2. Current policies to address personal violence are outdated and superficial. 3. Violence does not effect everyone equally-it is ingrained in cultural expressions of power and inequality. 4. Prevention of violence entails on the positive in the context of the relationships, not just focusing on individual weaknesses or deviance. 5. Youth are important resources and are part of the solution. I strongly believe in these five seemingly simply and yet necessary areas. Not as a way of solving the domestic problems of society today but as a way of depleting the number of cases of domestic violence each year until a suitable set of guidelines or st andards can be developed. Works Cited Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Box 6000 Rockville, Maryland 20850 David A. Wolfe Christine Wekerle Katreena Scott Alternatives to Violence Empowering Youth to Develop Healthy Relationships Sage Publications 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 Evan Stark, ., . Anne Flitcraft, . Women At Risk Domestic Violence and Women's Health Sage Publications 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 Roger Langley Richard C. Levy Wife Beating: The Silent Crisis A Sunrise Book . Dutton 201 Park Avenue South New York, . 10003 Lenore E. Walker The Battered Women Harper & Row, Publishers New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London
浅论家庭暴力----对“李阳家暴”的关注与法律思考摘要:随着李阳家暴事件的愈演愈烈,“家庭暴力”这个冷酷残忍的词又再一次走入公众的视野。当前,不论是发达国家还是发展中国家,家庭暴力都不同程度的存在,这严重地侵扰着家庭的安宁,破坏了社会的稳定和发展,并且使妇女、儿童、老人和残疾人成为首当其冲的受害者。因此,预防和制止家庭暴力,维护和保障人权,特别是从法律的角度保护妇女的合法权益,已成为一个亟待解决的全球性课题。关键词:家庭暴力 成因 法律保护 法律思考9月4日是个疯狂的日子,“疯狂英语”创始人李阳对外籍妻子KIM实施家庭暴力的消息,在微博及多家论坛疯传,引起众多网友围观。微博中,“丽娜华的Mom”如此解释李阳的名言“我热爱丢脸”: 我热爱丢脸= 我热爱打我老婆的脸。署名“丽娜华的Mom”的网友发微博称:“李阳,你需要帮助。家庭暴力是一个严重的问题。我担心我丈夫和我家庭的未来。你孩子需要她们的爸爸。我不知道怎么办!”微博中还附有一个外籍女子额头被打肿的照片,以及膝盖、耳朵受伤的照片。在微博上,“丽娜华的Mom”多是用英语在写微博,翻译成中文后,言语比较哀怨,如“It would be easier if love had just disappeared the minute that your hand struck my face, but it did not. Seeing that you were having make up applied for TV appearance while I was in hospital hurts more than your slamming my head on the floor.”(如果爱可以消失在你的手击中我脸的那一分钟,一切将会简单得多,可惜没有。当我在医院的时候你却涂脂抹粉为了在电视上亮相,看到这样的你比你让我的头撞击地面更让我受伤。)“李阳妻子遭遇家暴”的消息引起众多网友关注。同时又引发了人们对家庭暴力的深刻思考。家庭暴力已成为全球公害而为世界各国所关注。有资料显示,中国每年有10万个家庭因家庭暴力而解体;美国每年有4百万女性遭受家庭暴力;泰国曼谷50%的妇女经常遭受丈夫的肉体摧残;我国台湾地区有20%—30%的上层家庭存在暴力行为。在我国国内,广东省妇联在广州等11个城市1389个家庭进行入户抽样调查表明:有的家庭存在家庭暴力,其中有存在丈夫对妻子施暴。郑州市妇联在近3年所接待的上访投诉中,近1/3是家庭暴力案件。只有了解了家庭暴力的成因和现状,才能对症下药,防治并最终根除家庭暴力。一、 家庭暴力的成因在我国,一般认为家庭暴力是指以婚姻,血缘和法律关系为基础而构成的家庭中,家庭成员以暴力,胁迫,折磨或其它手段侵害家庭成员身体,精神和性等人身权利的强暴行为 。目前我国最高人民法院《关于适用<中华人民共和国婚姻法>若干问题的解释》第一条对“家庭暴力的概念解释为:家庭暴力是指行为人以殴打,捆绑,残害,强行限制人身自由或其他手段,给家庭成员的身体,精神等方面造成一定伤害后果的行为。导致家庭暴力的原因多种多样,结合中国的国情,其原因归纳起来有以下几点:1、几千年的封建残余的男尊女卑,夫权统治思想中国几千年的封建社会,“夫为妻纲”的古训在一些人的观念中根深蒂固。虽然新中国的法律规定了男女平等的原则,但“夫权”观念却不是短期内就能改变的。 而且“男主外,女主内”的千古遗训一直控制着某些人的思想,在这种观念下,女性的全面发展受到抑制,自然要依附男性;男性自身也认为自己是家庭的主宰,要担起养家的重担,这种思想注定了男性在家庭中说一不二的局面。 同时重男轻女思想也在家庭暴力中凸现出来。在遭到丈夫的虐待案例中,由于妻子没有生育男婴或女方丧失生育能力的占相当比例。2、婚姻家庭个性方面的原因婚姻质量差,婚姻基础不牢固。夫妻之间的关系处于一种松散和仇视状态,这为家庭暴力的发生埋下了隐患。如第三者插足、二奶现象。当其他家庭成员难以容忍酗酒、吸毒、赌博等恶习的时候,可能采取极端的行为。由于心理变态而发生的家庭暴力,这种情况可分为:无情型变态人格,子女往往成为家庭暴力侵害的主要对象;偏执型变态人格,容易怀疑配偶不忠,并采取暴力行为“教育”。3、法制观念淡薄,受害者软弱,不会维护自己的合法权益人们的法制意识不强,与家庭暴力形成有很密切的关系,他们通常认为夫妻之间打架不犯法,一般公民认为俩口子打架是私事,说什么:“天上下雨地上流,两口子打架不记仇,白天同吃一锅饭,晚上睡觉同枕头。”往往在夫妻之间打架时,邻里朋友劝上几句了事;而基层干部则是:大事化小,小事化了,甚至夫妻打架报警,警察来了也是一样,认为“清官难断家务事”。在处理问题上有法不依,缺乏公正力度,导致家庭暴力不仅得不到有效制止,反而助长了施暴者的威风。4、我国的法律救助略显薄弱我国现行法律打击和控制家庭暴力方面处于消极和被动状态,虽家庭成员遭受到遗弃、虐待或伤害已纳入犯罪范畴,但这些案件仅是自诉案件,司法机关是不告不理,只有造成重伤或死亡时,司法机关才主动追究,那么,出现重伤以下的案件,由于受害方慑于强者的威性不敢告发,司法机关就决不多管“闲事”。大多数家庭暴力案件告到基层司法部门,均认为“家务事不好管”一劝了之,侵害方不会受到任何制约和制裁,受害者的权益得不到有效司法保护,回家之后,反遭之报复,迫使受害者忍气吞声,致使侵害者更加有持无恐。二、 我国目前有关家庭暴力的法律制度现状我国目前制止家庭暴力的法律有:《妇女权益保障法》中规定“禁止歧视、虐待、残害妇女”“妇女生命健康不受侵犯”等条文,《婚姻法》中第三条规定“禁止有配偶者与他人同居。禁止家庭暴力。禁止家庭成员间的虐待和遗弃。”第四十三条规定“实施家庭暴力或虐待家庭成员,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会以及所在单位应当予以劝阻、调解。 对正在实施的家庭暴力,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会应当予以劝阻;公安机关应当予以制止。 实施家庭暴力或虐待家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,公安机关应当依照治安管理处罚的法律规定予以行政处罚。”目前,我国《宪法》、《刑法》、《婚姻法》、《妇女权益保障法》、《治安管理处罚条例》等法律法规,虽然对家庭暴力行为都有禁止性规定,但缺乏明确的认定和制裁条款,民法中处罚和赔偿条款依据不足,刑法中没有“家庭暴力罪”等罪名来惩治,以致伤害未达到轻伤以上的无法追究法律责任。这些规定的可操作性较差,对家庭暴力惩治不力,没有针对家庭暴力的专门证据法规则。三、关于反家庭暴力的法律思考1、加强反家庭暴力行为的立法,依法预防家庭暴力。从社会发展需要出发,我国应当从整体上规划反家庭暴力的立法,其中可以从两方面进行:完善现有的法律制度,增加反家庭暴力的内容和力度和建立具有中国特色的《反家庭暴力法》。从保护家庭成员的合法利益出发,应当对实施家庭暴力的行为进行科学的界定和必要的法律干预,加强对家庭暴力行为的打击力度,通过健全的法律来预防家庭暴力危害的扩大。2、发挥警力在家暴中的特殊作用。经过多年来的努力,我国已经形成了多元化的家庭暴力预防和处置机制,这些机构的积极作用显而易见,但配合的不协调,从目前看,为强化家庭暴力行为的处置机制,还有必要强化警察在处理家庭暴力中的作用。现实生活中。公安司法机关对实施家庭暴力构成违法犯罪的行为,应当依法严厉打击:对已有杀人动机但未着手实施者,可先行治安拘留,实行边拘留边教育。3、促高社会道德水加强道德教育,提高全民素质,树立良好风尚。通过多种教育活动形式加强国民的道德教育,准,制止、减少甚至消除对妇女的家庭暴力。通过教育,借助舆论的力量,倡导良好的婚姻道德风尚等以制止和消除对妇女的家庭暴力,使不道德者受到应有的舆论谴责,同时也通过教育使每个人懂得彼此尊重对方的人格和尊严的重要,充分认识到只有尊重别人的人,才能获得别人对自己人格尊严的尊重。另外,通过多种渠道对弱势群体———妇女进行“自尊”、“自信”、“自立”、“自强”的教育,使她们提高自身素质,拥有独立的人格和尊严,从根本上摆脱家庭暴力。笔者认为,完善的立法能够为家庭暴力问题的解决提供最为坚实的基础和后盾,完善的司法能够为家庭暴力问题的解决提供最为有力的执行力保障;有效的司法干预机制能够以法律为受害人擎起没有暴力的蓝天。认真对待家庭暴力的产生和激化,正确运用法律手段对待施暴者,并加强对施暴者和受害者的法律教育,家庭暴力就会得以制止,社会也会更加和谐。参考文献:1、江珊:《家庭暴力缘何阴影不散》,《兵团工运》,2006年第一期2、丁海霞:《家庭暴力的表现形式及预防》,《解放军健康》,2006年第三期3、李思奇:《论家庭暴力的特征原因及解决方法》,《法制与社会》,2009年第三期 4、张秀玲:《农村家庭暴力探析》,《甘肃农业》,2007年四月版 5、赵丽葳:《关于家庭暴力的立法思考》,《理论研究》,2005年第二期
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