你 要那方面的 啊
GREEN ACCOUNTING AS AN INFORMATION SYSTEM : *** Green aounting Lead Author: Peter Bartelmus (other articles) Article Topic: Environmental and natural resource aounting This article has been reviewed and approved by the following Topic Editors: Amy Richmond (other articles) and Surender Kumar (other articles) Last Updated: September 17, 2008 :eoearth./article/Green_aounting To What Extent Green Aounting Measure Sustainable Development Author Info Arief Anshory Yusuf () (Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University) Armida Alisjahbana () (Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University) :.
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题目:Analysis on the status of farmers, agriculture and countryside, and development strategies and measures in Tibet autonomous region 作者:Zhong Xianghao 1 , Li Xiangmei 1 and Peng Chuanzhong 1 期刊 Journal of Mountain Science 出版社 Science Press, co-published with Springer-Verlag GmbH ISSN 1672-6316 (Print) 1993-0321 (Online) 期 Volume 1, Number 2 / 2004年5月 =========================== 把相关内容也给你吧。 Received: 20 March 2004 Aepted: 5 May 2004 Abstract Coordinated and sustainable development of farmers, agriculture and countryside (FAC) is key to realize the national objective of prehensively developed well-off society. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, outstanding achievements have been made in FAC work. However, pared with East and Middle China, there still exists a big gap. The farmers’ ine per capita in 2001 was 1,404 yuan, 962 yuan lower than the nation’s average. In late 90’s the farmers’ ine growth slowed down. Agricultural industrialization is at low level, technologies play a *** all role in agricultural development, rural infrastructure is weak, the rural grass root anization is much underdeveloped, and construction of towns is behind the other regions of China. Based on the problems of FAC development there, this paper proposes FAC development strategies and measures for aelerating rural development in Tibet. Keywords Tibet Autonomous Region - farmer - agriculture and countryside (FAC) - strategies - measures ============================== ps,在springer里面搜到的。
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YanGuoBin .《discussed shallowly new economy aounting personnel》 quality modern aounting" 2009 (2)。 LuoHong ZhuKaiXi ."do not do false aount" education "with aounting quality aounting friends of 2008(1)。
寻关于旅游的英文参考文献 这个问题又是很大,天知道哪一个适合你。 : 这里面有很多条目,你自己看看吧。 Disabled touri *** Hostel travel Resort Travel agency Travel advisory Traveler Business trip Lonely Pla Wanderlust Volunteer vacation Travel Space travel Hypermobility (travel)
Scarlett O'Hara(全称:斯嘉莉.郝思嘉) 全英的,有各国语言转化,就是没有中文……书和电影都有,资料近乎全! Gone with the Wind is a 1936 American novel by Margaret Mitchell set in the Old South during the American Civil War and Reconstruction.[1] The novel won the 1937 Pulitzer Prize and was adapted into an Academy Award-winning 1939 film of the same name. It was also adapted during the 1970's into a stage musical titled Scarlett; there is also a 2008 new musical stage adaptation in London's West End titled Gone With The Wind. It is the only novel by Mitchell published during her lifetime, and it took her ten years to write it. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies (see list of best-selling books). Over the years, the novel has also been *** yzed for its symboli *** and treatment of mythological archetypes. [2][3] Contents 1 Title 2 Plot summary Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five 3 Characters Butler household Wilkes household O'Hara household Other characters 4 Setting 5 Politics 6 Inspirations 7 Gee Trenholm as Historical Basis for Rhett Butler 8 Symboli *** 9 Sequels 10 Adaptations 11 See also 12 References 13 Bibliography 14 Scholarship 15 External links
Ai *** itt, S. (2002), “Tax and aounting rules: some recent developments”, European Business Review, Vol. 14 Alley, C. and James, S. (2006), ”The Use of Financial Reporting Standards-Based Aounting for the Preparation of Tax Returns”, International Tax Journal, Vol. 31 Brautigam, D. (2008), “Introduction: Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries”, In: D. Brautigam, O. Fjeldstad and M. Moore (eds.), Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries: Capacity and Consent, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Boynton, ., Dobbins, . and Plesko, (1992), “Earnings management and the corporate alternative minimum tax”, Journal of Aounting Research, Vol. 30 Blake, J., Akerfeldt, K., Fortes, H. J. and Gowthorpe, C. (1997), “The relationship beeen tax and aounting rules – the Swedish Case”, European Business Review, Vol. 97 Carmona, S. and Ezzamel, M. (2009), “Ancient Aounting”, In: J. Edwards and S. Walker (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Aounting History, London and New York, Routledge Collins, J. H, Milliron, V. C. and Toy, D. R. (1992), “Determinants of Tax Compliance: A Contingency Approach”, Journal of the American Taxation Association, EC [EUROPEAN COMMISSION] (1992), Ruding Report. Aessed in February 14th , 2011 Ezzamel, M. (2002), “Aounting and redistribution: the palace and mortuary cult in the Middle kingdom, ancient Egypt”, Aounting Historians Journal, Vol. 29 Francis, J., Schipper, K. and Vincent, L. (2002), “Earnings announcements and peting Information”, Journal of Aounting and Economics Freedman, J. (2008), “Financial and Tax Aounting: Transparency and 'Truth'.“, University of Oxford Faculty of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Working Paper Nº 02/2008, Aessed in April 3rd, 2011 Freedman, J. (2004), “Defining Taxpayer Responsibility: In Support of a General AntiAvoidance Principle”, British Tax Review Green, S. (1995), “Aounting Standards and Tax Law: Complexity, Dynami *** and Divergence”, British Tax Review, Nº 5, Hanlon, M. and Heitzman, S. (2010), “A review of tax research”, Journal of Aounting and Economics, Nº 50, . Hoogendoorn, . (1996), “Aounting and Taxation in Europe – A Comparative Overview”, The European Aounting Review, Vol. 5 Lamb, M. (2009), “Taxation”, In: J. Edwards and S. Walker (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Aounting History, London and New York, Routledge Lamb, M., Nobes, C. and Roberts, A. (1998), “International Variations in the connections beeen Tax and Financial Reporting”, Aounting and Business Research, Vol. 28 Manzon, . (Jr) (1992), “Earnings Management of Firms Subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax”, The Journal of the American Taxation Association, Vol. 14, McKerchar, M. (2007), “Tax Complexity and its Impact on Tax Compliance and Tax Administration in Australia”, The IRS Research Bulletin, Publication 1500 Milliron, . (1985), “A Behavioral Study of the Meaning and Influence of Tax Complexity”, Journal of Aounting Research, Noguchi , M. (2005), “Interaction beeen tax and aounting practice: Aounting for stock-in-trade”, Aounting, Business & Financial History, Vol. 15 Porcano, T. and Tran, A. (1998), “Relationship of tax and financial aounting rules in Anglo-Saxon countries”, The International Journal of Aounting, Vol. 33, Nº 4 Sampaio, M. F. (2000), Contabilização do Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Sociedades, Vislis Editores, Li *** oa. Weinman, . (1981), “Conformity of Tax and Financial Aounting”, The Tax Magazine, Vol. 59
[1] , , Philip James [J]. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006 [2] Mark Wutka,Alan Moffet,Kunal Mittal.Sams Teach Yourself JAVAServer Pages with Apache Tomcat in 24 Hours[M].Sams Publishing,2003 [14]James Turner,Kevin Bedell. Struts Kick Start[M]. SAMS,2004 [15] Kong Michael. An environment for secure SQL/Server puting [M].Oxford University Press Inc., 1993: 149 [3] Tsui,Frank F. JSP EM DASH A RESEARCH SIGNAL PROCESSOR IN JOSEPHSON TECHNOLOGY[C]. IBM Journal of Research and Development,Vol24, No2,1980:243-252 [4] Sanden, Bo. SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING WITH JSP:EXAMPLE - A VDU CONTROLLER[C]. Communications of the ACM,Vol28,No10,1985:1059-1067 [5] Burgess, R. S. DESIGNING CODASYL DATABASE PROGRAMS USING JSP[C]. Information and Sofare Technology,Vol29,No3,1987:151-158 [6] Javey. S. CONCEPT OF 'CORRESPONDENCE' IN JSP[C]. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Science,Vol2,1987:14-22 [7] Markus Aleksy,Axel Korthaus, Martin Schader. Use Java and the CORBA realization distribute type system [J]. Journal of Pingxiang College, ,2005:104-105 [8] Jon Titus. ECN Technical Editor:The Eclipse of stand[J]. Journal of Zhongkai Agrotechnical College,, , 2006:32-35 [9] Markus Aleksy,Axel Korthaus, Martin Java and the CORBA realization distribute type system[J]. Journal of Pingxiang College,,2005:104-105 [10] W.Clay,Richardson, Donald,Avondolio. The Java high class weaves a distance:JDK 5[J]. Scientific & Technology Book Review,, 2006:17-18
绿色会计可持续发展论文:绿色会计引导企业可持续发展摘要:可持续发展在我国经济快速发展的同时,环境问题变得日益突出,企业实现可持续发展就需要以反映和控制企业环境污染、环境破坏及环境保护活动为核心内容的绿色会计的引导。本文首先分析绿色会计与企业可持续发展的关系,指出企业实施绿色会计面临的难点问题,最后提出实施绿色会计引导企业可持续发展的建议。关键词:绿色会计 难点和问题 人力资源管理21世纪经济的飞速发展带来了现代经济的繁荣景象,但同时资源的大规模开采、污染使得环境的日益恶化,生态平衡也受到了破坏等。因此,可持续发展已成为了全世界关注的问题。我国应大力倡导绿色会计的理念,使企业快速建立起绿色会计的核算体系,对于企业的可持续发展具有十分重大的现实意义。绿色会计与企业可持续发展的关系(一)企业可持续发展理念的产生及内涵企业可持续发展是在1984年世界环境管理工业会议上提出来的,保护环境是人类社会可持续发展的客观要求。企业就必须放弃危及企业生存和发展的不文明生产方式,进行严格的环境管理,才能使企业在竞争日益激烈的市场上长期发展。由于这一理念的提出,企业可持续发展的内涵由此产生,所谓企业可持续发展,也称企业可持续成长,是指在企业的生产经营活动中,既要考虑近期市场的扩大和利润的增加,又要考虑企业总价值的不断提高和企业长期稳定健康的发展,并且企业在实现效益、利润增长的同时,做到与人口、环境、生态相一致的发展。(二)绿色会计和企业可持续发展的关系从绿色会计本身来讲,它是在经济可持续发展战略下提出的,也就是以“可持续发展”为目标。因此,企业的可持续发展与绿色会计之间也有着密不可分的关系。美国是全球最早推广绿色会计的国家,以企业为主导,政府协助,逐步实行绿色会计体系。日本也是绿色会计实行较早的国家,仅次于美国。早在1999年日本Fujitsu(富士通)电子集团成为了日本第一家使用绿色会计的企业,之后包括日本的IBM、NEC、SONY、RICOH和MATSUSH电子等20余家企业也开始实行,到2001年,日本约有1100家企业引入或正在研究引入绿色会计,比2000年一年就增加了150家。由此可以看出,绿色会计对企业的可持续发展有着至关重要的影响,企业要提高长远的经济效益就要坚持可持续发展,要坚持可持续发展就必须实行绿色会计。(三)绿色会计是引导企业可持续发展的保证企业要持续发展,离不开绿色会计的引导和支持,两者之间的关系是密不可分的,绿色会计是企业可持续发展的重要保证。环境成本的控制是企业实现持续发展的重要因素,但是环境成本的投入和收益往往不能在短期内实现平衡,会给企业造成不同程度的经济损失,这也是为什么许多企业对环境成本并没有加以重视的原因。但企业要想实现持续发展就必须从长远来看,企业应该将环境成本的核算列入企业内部会计核算体系中,对环境成本信息进行计量核算,正确的对待企业面临的环境问题,才能最终保证企业经济的持续发展。企业实施绿色会计面临的难点和问题在现阶段,绿色会计还是一个比较新的概念,其理论和实务的成熟需要一个漫长的过程,在这个过程中,难免会遇到这样那样的问题来阻碍绿色会计在企业的发展。现阶段,企业承担环境责任的理念有了一定的提高,但那似乎成了企业对外宣传的一种手段,而企业内部对环境成本的核算是否真的规范化,还有待考察。据调查,有相关数据表明,公众对企业的环保满意度由2008年的分提高到了2009年的分,在短短一年内,有了很大幅度的提高,这说明企业对于环保的重视有了很大的突破,甚至由被动管理转为了主动管理。但这仅仅是从整体来看,如果经过仔细调查,不难看出,国内企业和国外企业、合资企业相比,环保意识和环保行为是远远落后的,民营企业环保意识淡漠,国营企业的环保满意度下降,这说明国内一些大型企业对环境成本的重视程度都是很低的,没有形成环境责任的理念。目前企业环境成本的现状是不容小觑的,近年来接连发生的重大公共安全事件就是对企业的一种警戒,必须对环境保护引起重视,严格规范的实施绿色会计。制定具体的措施和办法,让其真正融入到会计核算中。构建绿色会计引导企业可持续发展的建议(一)构建绿色会计科目传统会计的科目主要包括资产类、负债类、所有者权益类、成本类和损益类等,目的是为了向信息使用者提供决策有关的财务信息,而企业对空气、水体等环境造成的破坏产生的资源环境要素传统会计往往不予考虑。这就是绿色会计所要核算和计量的自然环境的开发、维护及使用成本,包括其收益和补偿,是针对传统会计在核算过程中对环境问题的无能为力而产生的。绿色会计的核算体系是在现有会计核算体系基础上所做的调整,增设了“绿色资产”、“绿色负债”、“绿色成本”等环境会计科目。1.绿色资产。绿色资产是指企业从已经发生的事项中取得或加以控制的,能以货币计量的,可能带来未来效用的环境资源。主要包括土地、能源、金属、非金属矿等自然资源性资产和土地、森林等生态环境资产。具体账户的设置应借记“绿色资产——X X项目”,来核算企业所拥有的绿色资产的总量,还需要贷记“绿色资产损耗”科目来计算企业绿色资产的损耗程度,从而得出会计主体的绿色资产净值。2.绿色负债。绿色负债的形成是由于企业以往的经营活动和其他事项对环境造成的破坏和影响所应当承担的责任,需要以资产或劳务进行补偿。绿色负债包括的内容和绿色资产是相对应的,具体要在绿色负债的科目下设置明细科目,包括“应付环保费”“应付工资——应付环保人员工资”“应付环境补偿费”“应交资源税”等,来具体核算企业对环境造成的影响。3.绿色成本。绿色成本又称环境成本,是指在某一项商品生产活动中,从资源开采、生产、运输、使用、回收到处理,解决环境污染和生态破坏所需的全部费用。绿色成本包含的项目很多,例如,环境维护费、环境治理费、环境补偿费、环境罚款支出、排污费支出还包括职工环境保护教育费等等,一般应设置“管理费用——X X费用”科目进行财务处理。“环境成本”属于损益类科目,期末转入“本年利润”。(二)构建企业环境成本核算经济学家对环境成本的定义大体有以下四种:(1)因企业对环境和社会造成影响而引致的成本,这些成本在法律上并不要求企业负责;(2)企业因环境管制而导致的财务负担;(3)环境业绩的成本;(4)所有与环境管理相关的成本。企业可持续发展的内容涉及很多方面,建立和实施环境成本的核算是整体战略的重要组成部分,企业环境成本核算的目标是向信息使用者提供决策有关的环境成本信息。核算的内容应包含企业环境成本的确认、企业环境成本的计量和企业环境成本的记录报告。通过对企业环境成本的核算来进行环境成本的管理,有计划地进行预测、决策、控制、核算、分析和考核,从而形成一种完善的环境成本管理体系。如图1所示:目前,我国在环境核算的标准方面还是空白的,对企业来讲环境成本的核算是非常必要的,它可以为企业控制环境成本,帮助企业提高经济效益和环境效益,实现企业的持续发展。(三)构建企业环境效益评价企业绿色会计的实行必须依靠对企业环境效益作出正确的评价,由于企业的各项环境指标引起的经济价值难以量化,所以只能模糊的对环境效益进行评价。企业可以把被环境影响的各个领域根据属性进行分类,再把每项环境指标归属到每个领域中,从而进行定量的分析,实现对环境效益的科学评价。企业作为盈利组织,必须要考虑到环境效益的提高,所以只有对环境效益进行正确的评价,才能促使企业对环境问题引起重视,这不仅关系到企业自身的发展,更关系到整个社会的长远发展。参考文献【1】余和明,可持续发展条件下的绿色会计[J],会计之友2008,11:34-35。【2】周英涛,论绿色会计与企业可持续发展[J],科技资讯2008,36:126-128。【3】陶月英,我国绿色会计实施存在的阻碍因素及其对策分析[J],经济研究导刊2009,23:122-123。【4】孙兴华,中国企业绿色会计指南初探[J],会计之友2008,10:4-6。
GREEN ACCOUNTING AS AN INFORMATION SYSTEM accountingLead Author: Peter Bartelmus (other articles)Article Topic: Environmental and natural resource accountingThis article has been reviewed and approved by the following Topic Editors: Amy Richmond (other articles) and Surender Kumar (other articles)Last Updated: September 17, 2008 What Extent Green Accounting Measure Sustainable DevelopmentAuthor InfoArief Anshory Yusuf () (Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University)Armida Alisjahbana () (Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University)
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