Members and Honored Guests, we are gathered here today from all over the world. I wonder if you realize that our theme of "respect and magnanimity" is already manifested in this pureland called Australia. I have traveled all over the world carrying out missions, and I feel strongly that the Australian government truly honors all races, respects cultural diversity, and provides a great deal of assistance to new immigrants. Therefore it is only proper that we are holding the Buddha's Light International Association's 4th General Conference here with the theme of "respect and magnanimity." Freedom, democracy, and technology are the hallmarks of our modern century. However, misguided freedom has become an excuse for offending others; false democracy has become a weapon for trampling the weak; and unethical technology has become a tool for destroying one's neighbor. In the past freedom, democracy, and technology have been necessities for favorable progress. Now, they are the source of many problems. In these turbulent times, we call upon respect and magnanimity as a way for people of the world to cultivate increased mutual respect for and understanding of one another. It is written in the sutras, "Buddhist practice is found in respectfulness; therefore, Buddhists must cultivate respectfulness." Due to this ideal, Buddhists have the distinction in world history of never having held a war in the name of religion. How do we actualize respectfulness in our daily life? Here, I propose the following four points: Respect the freedom of others. Freedom is priceless. The history of the world is full of martyrdom for the cause of freedom. However, in a modern democracy, misconceptions of freedom can lead to great misfortune and confusion. Freedom requires respect for the freedom of others, and the Buddhist Five Precepts embody this spirit of freedom. No killing means to respect the lives of others. No stealing means to respect the property of others. No lying means to respect the reputation of others. No sexual misconduct means to respect the integrity of self and others. No intoxicants means to respect our own body. Upholding the precepts is honoring the freedom of others. When we examine the penitentiaries, we can see that inmates are being held because they have broken the Five Precepts. A person upholding the Five Precepts is righteous. A family upholding the Five Precepts is harmonious. A community upholding the Five Precepts is prosperous. A nation upholding the Five Precepts is strong. A world upholding the Five Precepts is the Pureland. As Buddha's Light International Association members, we must actively promote the Five Precepts. Not only should we abstain from killing, we must protect all life. Not only should we abstain form stealing, we must be generous and helpful. Not only should we abstain from sexual misconduct, we must honor the relationships of others. Not only should we abstain from lying, we must comfort and encourage others. Not only should we abstain from intoxicants, we must learn to be wise and help others to maintain clear thinking. Respect the value of life. Countless Buddhist poems glorify the value of life. Here are two examples: Animal or human, who's life is worth less? Both are made of flesh and bone. Please do not shoot the little sparrow; Her baby cries for food from the nest. All beings and I share one body. Though we answer to different names, When my flesh cries with pain, you hear. Having one nature, We merely appear as two. Why do we delight in the suffering of others? No need to wait for the final verdict: Our own heart sits in judgement. Life has no price because money cannot buy life. We should respect the value of being alive and of all living beings. Not only should we protect the lives of others, we should also respect our own life. We should be a lamp that illuminates and warms those who surround us. We should be a tree that shelters and comforts. We should be a bridge that guides all beings to the shore of happiness. We should be a raindrop that nurtures both body and mind. Respect the possessions of others. Each one of us owns things, and when we lose our possessions, we feel pain and suffering. This is why we should not build our wealth and happiness upon the loss and suffering of others. We should learn to enjoy without owning and to possess only what is just. For example: We may not have a big mansion, but we can still enjoy the flowers and trees on the roadside. We may not be millionaires, but if our hearts are pure, the moon and stars are our unlimited treasures. The sutras tell us that "Flowing water speaks the words of the Dharma. Mountain and sky are the body of the Dharma." If we see the form of the formless nature and hear the sound of the soundless world, we will posses this boundless universe. We will have no desire either for worldly ownership of material things or for the satisfaction of the senses. We will have the compassion to benefit others and to relieve their suffering. The Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra says: "Treat the wives of others as your mother, and consider the wealth of others as fire. Everyone belongs to our family. This is to have a just and fair view." Members of the Buddha's Light International Association should respect this spirit of justice. We should benefit others, so that we can all live in great happiness. Respect nature. Australia has a very successful environmental policy. This land is lush and green. Even the birds and animals are friendly. Buddhism also has a great sensitivity towards ecology. It is written in the Amitabha Sutra that the Land of Ultimate Bliss is full of trees and the birds and fish sing the words of the Dharma. In the Jataka Tales, the stories of the Buddha's many lives, the Bodhisattva dares not raise his voice to scare others, walks softly so as not to trample the ground, and would never pollute the land and streams with garbage and toxic waste. The ancient monasteries were always situated in the wilderness. Monks have always protected the environment and surrounding natural resources. Based on the spirit of compassion, Buddhism promotes vegetarianism to provide refuge for all living beings. As Buddhists, we should put forth our best effort to protect all life. Truth is magnanimity. It can encompass all. How should we promote the teachings of magnanimity for the sake of world peace? Have magnanimity for those who are different. Because of differences in environment, customs, and languages, it is not surprising that we have disagreements. Still, the Diamond Sutra says that in order for a Bodhisattva to develop a great heart and deliver all beings from their suffering, the notion of self, other, group, and identity must first be eradicated. We should develop a mind of no-self and honor those who are different. Otherwise, how can we liberate ourselves from suffering, to say nothing about trying to liberate others. Buddhism is a religion of magnanimity. The Buddha promoted the idea that "People from all castes who renounce the world become the family members of Shakyamuni." From nobles to commoners, even heretics to prostitutes, in fact, anyone who becomes a believer, will be accepted into the sangha. After his conversion to Buddhism, King Ashoka reduced taxes, refrained from the habit of killing, and respected all religions. Not only did he win the praise of his subjects, but his nation also became prosperous and strong. Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty divided into eight schools, yet Buddhism's popularity and development continued to grow. Competition actually ushered in an age of splendor for Chinese Buddhism. Thus, honoring differences does not lead to division; on the contrary, it increases vitality and fosters growth. The five fingers of a hand are of differing lengths, yet together, they can grasp an object. The five senses function differently, yet together they produce cognition. Magnanimity and unity are strength. Magnanimity and cooperation bring about results. Have magnanimity for those who are suffering. Prior to undergoing surgery in April of this year, I told my doctor, "As a monk, I have no fear of death. I just worry that the pain will ruin my image and self-respect." My doctor replied, "A healthy person has an image, but a patient also has dignity. Is not shameful to be in pain. Patients should be shown respect." A doctor can be a Bodhisattva, relieving not only the suffering of the body, but also easing emotional fear and hurt. Kshitigarbha tolerates the greed, hatred and ignorance of beings in hell. He is a light of hope in the darkness of misery. Amitabha Buddha tolerates the ignorance of all beings. Even with negative karma we can be reborn in the Pureland of Ultimate Bliss. Avalokiteshvara tolerates the turbulence of this world. She aids those who are in need. Because of the compassion and magnanimity of these Bodhisattvas, they have honored places on the altars in our homes. It is only when we have magnanimity for both good and bad, success and misfortune, the part and the whole, that we can posses the entire world. Have magnanimity when insulted by enemies. The highest teaching of the Buddha is that we are all equal. When the Buddha became enlightened under the bodhi tree, he exclamation: "All beings already possess the wisdom to realize their Buddha nature." The Lotus Sutra speaks of a particular Bodhisattva who respected and praised all creatures saying, "I dare not have contempt for you, you will all be a Buddha one day." Some people teased him with sticks and stones, but the Bodhisattva still praised and respected his tormentors. Beings who dwell in the Avatamsaka Pureland realize the oneness and equality of all. No quarreling or fighting arise. All beings contribute their boundless compassion and steadfast vows, and also their mutual respect and magnanimity, shining in the completeness and fullness of the Avatamsaka Pureland. Our saha world is comprised of "half-and-half": half are Buddhas and half are unawakened, half are male and half are female, half are good and half are bad, half are wise and half are foolish. We live in world of half-and-half. One cannot have just the beneficial "half" and abandon the adverse "half." It is only through magnanimity and acceptance for all, that we can realize the fullness of existence. Hatred never cures injustice. We can only open to the misfortunes of life with compassion and fairness. By being magnanimous towards hatred and discord, we can bring respect, love, and fullness into our lives. Have magnanimity for unintentional mistakes. We are not saints: we all make mistakes. But correcting the mistakes we make is the best virtue. No one wants to make mistakes, and mistakes are not necessarily bad. Learning from our mistakes builds the foundation for success. We should be strict with ourselves, yet go easy on others. We should diligently correct our own faults, yet tolerate patiently the shortcomings of others. We should give others an opportunity to find a remedy, guiding them with kindness and wisdom, so that they, too, can develop the right understanding. In confronting other's mistakes, we should try to exchange places with them. We should exhibit magnanimity rather than resentment, understanding rather than hatred, encouragement rather than scorn, care rather than negligence, unity rather than division. If we can do that, society will make favorable progress, and life will be just that much better. Our achievement is proportional to the size of our heart. If we can show magnanimity towards those in our family, we can be leaders in our homes. If we can show magnanimity towards those in our community, we can be leaders of our communities. If we can show magnanimity towards those in our nation, we can be leaders of our nation. If we can get beyond all opposites, appreciate everything in the universe, and help where it is appropriate, we will be as free as the king of the Dharma realm is. It is said: "Bamboo packs tightly, but water can still flow through it. The mountain is high, but clouds are not stopped by it." If we have magnanimity, we can be like clouds and water, penetrating all obstructions. We will be able to travel freely throughout the universe. In this age of technology and close interaction, respect and magnanimity are essential. We should respect the freedom of others by upholding the Five Precepts, instead of taking advantage. We should respect the value of life by being generous and charitable, instead of killing. We should respect the possessions of others by sharing, instead of being selfish. We should respect the vitality of nature by protecting, instead of exploiting. Furthermore, we should have a large heart that honors all our differences. We should have the compassion to tolerate the pride of those who are hurting. We should have the wisdom to forebear insults from enemies. We should develop the right understanding so that we can be patient when unintentional mistakes occur. If we work and interact with respect, serve and help all beings with magnanimity, it is only matter of time before this world will become a pureland. I sincerely pray that the blessings of the Buddha will shine over all of you, that you will have much fortune and happiness, and that this conference will be a great success. 从里边摘点吧希望对你有用
① 网上聊天越来越流行 ② 有人反对它,有人赞同。 ③ 我的看法 With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people. However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional. But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful. As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it. So long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it scientifically and properly without its bad effects. 议论文范文 2 As students, we always have a lot of exams/tests every term. Tests are used nowadays to check/examine/measure how well /effectively students study. Exams are a very useful and important educational tool of measurement. However, exams have some side effects of their own. First, some exams can’t reflect the real progress students make. Second, too difficult or too many exams force students to cheat in exams. Too many exams force students to study for the sake of exams only, to name just a few. In my opinion, advantages of exams far outweigh their disadvantages. Despite their side effects, exams can on the whole check and show how well students study scientifically and accurately. At least so far there has been not any method that take their place in education. Besides, exams seem to be fair to all students as they are objective and everyone is equal before test results. To conclude, exams may continue to exist in our education for a long time before they are replaced by some better measurement methods. 记叙文范文 Eye-witness account of a traffic accident 假如你在某日某地某时目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书如下: 1. 车祸发生的时间和地点 2. 你所见到的车祸的情况 3. 你对车祸原因的分析 I witnessed a traffic accident on the street at about . yesterday. Here is my account of it. It happened at . yesterday at the Xiao Zai intersection when I was on my way back to my school. A taxi ran into a cycling boy riding across Chang An Road near the crossroad. When the taxi pulled up abruptly after the driver realized what had happened, the boy was already lying on the ground, bleeding and crying aloud. In 5 minutes, an ambulance came and took away the wounded boy. There is no knowing how it came about. But I suppose it was because the boy ran the red light and the taxi driver took it for granted that there would be no pedestrian or cyclist would cross the road at that moment. This accident warns us of the danger of ignoring traffic regulations. 图表文范文 1. 描写该图并用数字说明 2. 分析其原因及未来的趋势 3. 结论 With the rapid economic growth in China, there has been an increasingly great demand for fuel resources. Among them, natural gas is clean, convenient and inexpensive. The above graph shows the output of natural gas in China between 1991 and 1995. As can be seen from the graph, there had been a steady increase in its output since 1991. In 1991, there was only billion cubic meters of natural gas produced in China. After that, almost every year witnessed a steady increase by billion cubic meters. By 1995, the output had increased to billion cubic meters, an increase by about 13% over that of 1991. There are many factors leading to this sharp increase in its output. To name only a few, the greater industrial demand, demands from daily life, convenience and cleanness in itself, etc. stimulate its output increase. In conclusion, we can safely predict the output will continue to increase in the foreseeable future because of the greater demands for it. Sample 5. A Letter of Complaint Directions: Write a letter of no less than 120 words to your neighbour, who lives above your apartment in the same building and makes a lot of noise recently at night. Your letter should be polite but tell him or her clearly that you want him/her to stop making noise at night and why. Write a letter in the space provided on the Answer Sir/Madam: I am your neighbor living downstairs under your apartment in the same building. I am writing you to make a complaint to you./I am writing you to complain of the noise you make during the night. Recently you are making noise during the night that has disturbed my rest. Almost every night, there comes some noise from your apartment just as I go to bed and am on my way to a dream. I wonder what the noise is. Are you repairing your furniture? Are you doing physical exercises? However, whatever you do at that time of the night, you have to take your neighbors and their rest into consideration. In a word, you are disturbing both your other neighbors and me. Therefore/So, please stop making noise at night. Take care. Yours friendly neighbor Sample 6. Natural Gas Output in China With the rapid economic growth in China, there has been an increasing demand for fuel resources. Among them, natural gas is clean, convenient and inexpensive. The above graph shows the output of natural gas in China between 1991 and 1995. As can be seen from the graph, there had been a steady increase in its output since 1991. In 1991, there was only billion cubic meters of natural gas produced in China. After that, almost every year witnessed a steady increase by billion cubic meters. By 1995, the output had increased to billion cubic meters, an increase by about 13% over that of 1991. There are many factors leading to this sharp increase in its output. To name only a few, the greater industrial demand, demands from daily life, convenience and cleanness in itself, etc. stimulate its output increase. In conclusion, we can safely predict the output will continue to increase in the foreseeable future because of the greater demands for it. Sample 7. The Importance of Interpersonal Communication. 1. 人人需要与他人交流 2. 人际交流的重要性 3. 结论 Entering the 21st century, man is now in an age of information and knowledge. In such an age, interpersonal communication plays an increasingly important role and all people have to communicate with others. Why is interpersonal communication so important? First, it helps people understand each other better. Second, it helps people get more information and knowledge. Third, without interpersonal communication, our life would become a desert of emotion and friendship. Last but not the least, communication between people makes our life lively, interesting and lovely. In a word, humans, as social animals, have to communicate with each other, the importance of which can never be overemphasized. Why is interpersonal communication so important? Interpersonal communication is just like a bridge of understanding between people. For example, it helps students to learn more effectively if one can communicate more with his teachers and classmates. In a family, communication makes the family members understand each other better and get closer. In the workplace, communication between the employer and the employed creates a friendly and helpful working 8 How to Study Effectively As students, we have to study almost every day. However, how can we study effectively? Probably not everybody knows. Have a look at the following graph and we may know better about this. This graph shows the relationship between the amount of study efficiency and the hours spent in studying in a day. From it, we can see that more hours of study do not necessarily result in better or higher study efficiency. In the graph, the best amount of efficiency or the optimum of efficiency comes when one has studied for about hours. However, the efficiency begins to drop as he studies longer than . By the time when one has studied for 10 hours in a day, his efficiency of study may become nothing or zero. In conclusion, there is always a maximum of efficiency and time for study in a day. More time spent in study doesn’t always mean better efficiency. This may tell us how we can study effectively.
A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?
Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise. At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn't bear much analysis.
To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness. All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure.
Secondly, different tasks and duties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life. Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service professions just can't be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the society will be in a mess. Even for some people in the same occupation, they cannot have the same holidays entitled to them due to many factors out of human control, such as special assignments, and health conditions etc, then not to say people in different fields.
Suppose we, as teachers do, all have three months' holiday in a year. Then factories have to employ considerably more workers because some of them are enjoying happy 's obviously against the principles of doing business at lower cost and efficiency.
If we have only three days off in a year, then all the people in our country will be working day after day. No one can squeeze time to visit those tourist resorts leisurely. It goes without saying that the tourist trade and catering industry thus cannot develop rapidly and healthily.
Last, the development of science and technology allows the ways of work to be changed. Computer experts make their programs, doctors give patients diagnosis and tutors give students instructions at home through optical fabric cable 's how the new term SOHO bore. In other words, the way people work is not fixed so that they need different holiday phases.
Some people need more time to recover from the fatigue of labor. And some people cannot make ends meet though they work for 365 days in a year, for whom holiday is a waste of time.
It is neither possible nor necessary for people with different jobs to have the same amount of holiday off. Holiday is a kind of bonus, just as the Chinese idiom goes, distribution according to
简 评
It's a true story in the summer of 1998 when I was attending a youth conference in L. A... and it feels so good to rewind it in the recollection...
Fog swirls, swallowing the car in front of us. Dense, impenetrable, the wall of white throws back the lights into my eyes. There are four of us in a family van that is creeping along the free way from downtown L. A. to Lancaster. Fog gets even stronger and spreads out like a blanket over the flat land. It's Noah's turn to drive with complaints about the couldn't be lower visibility. But he is whispering so that Eugene and Kikki can sleep still. With eyes slightly closed, I am playing Bob Dylan on the disk, whose rhythm echoes the midnight prays.
Well, we've truly had enough prayers just now. Being off from the annual Vineyard Church International Yough Conference, I find myself deeply buried in the ferment that kids create from all over the world. There are cries and whisper, laughter and tears, bless and pain, confidence and disbelief mixed together, building up a confession of the detours of soul. Bible has recorded all this since centuries ago. It's about God, but it's not all time religion.
A boy from Panama asked me if I eat turkey as an Irish Catholic when pastor David was presenting his speech. I smilingly nodded my head and turned back to Mr. David. He is an authentic English with dark blue pupils, eyes right fixing into his listener while talking. He has truly handsome chins that show up his decency of smile and subtleness of wit.
"There is only one door into heaven and Jesus said, 'I'm the door' (John 10: 9), he quoted, "The way you enter is by expressing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus is a commitment to the one whose life becomes your life and his life within you makes you a new person."
There was a dead silence for praying before a burst of weeping broke the ice. A blonde girl threw herself into the arms of the peer beside her, hiding her face. A boy of crew cut on the first row was bending his knees, forehead down to the ground,whispering his regrets. A black girl standing right beside me was shivering her lips with tears hanging up in her eyes, showing a piece of uncertainty. It was truly heart wrenching when more and more kids were peacefully touched by the power of God,harmonizing their words with tears, rather than screaming out their logo as "we love Jesus yes we dm we love Jesus how about you."
It hasn't been long before I am used to the way of praying here in the States. The melancholies in the air soon put me on the way of figuring out the fact lying behind the tears. It numbed me to see the fear and solitude that root deeply in this materially rich world. There is a false security that drastically reshapes the country by drug, crimes, pre marital sex and racism. And it seemed here every tiny little souls were certain victims. Jesus wasn't truly there, but the void became the savior.
It was then that the mother of pastor David rose to sing "Ave Maria". She came up to piano in a gentle pace, took a breath, closed her eyes, and delivered the goods. Well, never have heard the song offered with more feeling, more passion and fervor. She was seventy years old and magnificent. The plain voice flowing in the air was neither scratchy nor dramatic that you might expect from an aging third rate opera singer. This was actually the voice of a grandmother distilling her life into the music to honor what she loved and believed in. when the last lovely note faded and silence held us firm, the "grandma" opened her eyes, smiled at us, and said, "my lord be with you."
That is basically what received from the journey of soul. I told out my sins with once-in-life-time honesty. I may never get a chance to bump into Pastor David and I truly miss this mid aged gentleman of deep sea pupil, although he didn't succeed making me believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin and paid my sin debt in full.
Noah is now too sleepy to drive. It's my turn to stay awake in this misty of midnight Los Angeles. Fog stands still when we are inching along the road of this spiritual trip. I don't know what keeps me in such a wild and peaceful excitement. Well, if the fog doesn't lift, may we at least have some lines and reflectors put down along the road to guide us.
简 评
Lectures and Discussions
1. 大学里有讲座式和讨论式两种授课方式。
2. 两种授课方式各有利弊。
3. 我的看法。
There are mainly two styles of teaching at universities -- lectures and discussions. Each has its own characteristics.
Lectures are actually the teacher's talk to a class for the purpose of teaching. In this kind of class, the teacher plays a central role, while the students are mainly the listeners. Compared with lectures, discussions are more flexible. Students can examine and argue about a subject with each other in this kind of class. Lectures are especially suitable for big classes hecause it will be easier to keep the students under control, while discussions are typically for small classes for the reason that they are more likely to go out of control.
In a word, lectures and discussions are two quite different styles of teaching, so we should choose either of them or combine them together reasonably according to the circumstances.
Science and Human Beings
1. 科学使人类进步,生活得更美好。
2. 科学有时也会带来负面效应,如原子能毁掉一切。
3. 就科学与人类的关系谈谈你的观点。
Science enables human beings to progress rapidly and lead a better life. For example, Edison's invention of the light bulb brought our gloomy life to the end and created a bright world for us. Another case in point is Watt's discovery of the steam engine, which triggered the industrial revolution in the western countries, and later all over the world.
Meanwhile, sometimes science does have some side effects. A good illustration of this is atomic energy, which can destroy human beings completdy when used in nuclear weapons.
Anyhow, it is men who develop science. And science, in turn, will do us good in general. As for its side effects, I believe human beings will be rational enough to avoid them or keep them under control.
中考英语作文 英语作文模板:图表作文的框架as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases), significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____。 From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________。 There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______。 On the one hand, ________。 On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________。 In addition, ________ is responsible for _______。 Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________。 But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing。 As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______。 I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded。 中考英语作文 英语作文模板:实用性写作(申请信) Your address Month, Date, year Receiver's address Dear 。。。, I am extremely pleased to hear from you。/ to see your advertisement for the position in 。。。。 And I would like to write a letter to tell you that。。。/ I am confident that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising。 。。。/ I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed。 On the one hand, 。。。。 On the other hand, 。。。。 I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference。 I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview。 I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience。 Best regards for your health and success。 Sincerely yours, X X X中考英语作文 英语作文模板:议论文的框架 (1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 ) There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____。 But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person。 A majority of people think that _ 观点一________。 In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______。Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____。 So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____。 People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter。 Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______。 In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______。 On the other hand, ____原因二_____。 Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______。 As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一 或二______。 It is not only because ________, but also because _________。 The more _______, the more ________。 (2)利弊型的议论文 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______。 In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____。 Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows。 Firstly, ___优点一______。 And secondly ___优点二_____。 Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects。 To begin with, ___缺点一______。 In addition, ____缺点二______。 To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time。 In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___。 ( 3 ) 答题性议论文 Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ 。It is really an important concern to every one of us。 As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem。 As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem。 First of all, __途径一______。 In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____。 Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of various ways。 But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, ____方法_____。 ( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文 It is well know to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study。 It means ____谚语的含义_______。 The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows。 ( also theoretically ) A case in point is ___例子一______。 Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____。 With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____。 The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job。。中考英语作文 英语作文模板:说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1. 说明事物现状 2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life。 Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows。 First ----------------(A的优点之一)。 Besides -------------------(A的优点之二)。 But every coin has two sides。 The negative aspects are also apparent。 One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点). Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones。 Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法). (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in。 Only by this way, ---------------(对前景的预测).)议论文是作者对某个问题或某件事进行分析、评论,表明自己的观点、立场、态度、看法和主张的一种文体。议论文有三要素,即论点、论据和论证。论点的基本要求是:观点正确,认真概括,有实际意义;论据的基本要求是:真实可靠,充分典型;论证的基本要求是:推理必须符合逻辑。 英语议论文的结构一般较为固定,通常包括以下三部分: 1。 在导语部分提出需要议论的议题; 2。 在正文部分对所提出的问题进行议论; 3。 在结论部分对以上的讨论进行总结和归纳。 写议论文要考虑论点,考虑用什么作论据来证明,怎样来论证,然后得出结论。它可以是先提出一个总论点,然后分别进行论述,分析各个分论点,最后得出结论;或者先引述一个故事,一段对话,或描写一个场面,再一层一层地从事实中分析出道理,归纳引申出一个新的结论;也可以在文章开头先提出一个人们关心的问题,然后一一作答,逐层深入;还可以把两个不同事物以对立的方式提出来加以比较、对照,然后得出结论。 在具体写作中要注意下列几点: 1。 议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。 2。 议论时可以采用不同的方法。如:可以摆出正反两方面观点,进行对比;也可引经据典论证作者自己观点的正确性,从而使读者接受自己的观点;亦可提出一种错误的观点然后论证其错误,最终提出正确的观点。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比较法等。 3。 在结论部分必须表明作者的观点,对讨论的问题做出总结。 4。 注意连接词和过渡词等词语的使用,以增强文章的条理性和逻辑性。常用的过渡词和连接词包括:first, second, third, finally, in addition, furthermore, besides, what was worse, more importantly, in contrast, because, since, now that, therefore,consequently,in that case, as a result/consequence, in conclusion, to sum up等等。 请看下面的范文: Shall we send children to study abroad? With more and more people becoming rich in recent years, it is a new tendency for them to send their children to study abroad。 But I don’t think it is a good idea。 First of all, children are too young to look after themselves。 Second, the language barrier is a serious problem。 Many children are not proficient in the foreign language before going abroad。 As a result, they have difficulty in understanding what the native speakers are talking about。 Third, they may get into trouble when dealing with various situations for lack of knowledge of the customs in the strange land。 Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, which might cause a heavy burden to the family。 In conclusion, there are more disadvantages in sending children to study abroad。 So, we’d better not do it。
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