帮你弄一篇吧我选的是第二个题目Information and communications technology to ChinaChina has experienced rapid growth within the information and communications technology (ICT) industry over the past decade, and now plays a leading role in China’s economic development. As a result of China’s ‘opening up’ policy and path of economic reform, China’s electronic communications industry has grown at three times the rate of GDP growth. In 2006, China’s electronic communications industry revenue reached RMB475 billion. The total value of foreign trade reached US$ billion representing over 15 per cent of the global electronics trade, with the output of many electronic products ranked first worldwide. These electronics products include: • colour TVs • mobile phone handsets • computers • electronic watches • calculators • DVDsChina’s accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) provided a transitional period for opening up its telecom sector which lasted until November 2007. Consequently, this has assisted China to develop one of the largest open telecom markets in the world. The Value Added Services (VAS) sector is expected to contribute to this growth, as one of the hottest market entry sectors for foreign ICT companies. Through the Ministry of Information Industry (MII), the Chinese Government administers foreign direct investment into the telecommunications sector. This includes basic infrastructure and value added services, however, with various restrictions on foreign ownership levels. From 1 December 2007, a new set of Categories of Foreign Investment Industry Guidance 2007 Amended Version has been implemented, superseding the previous version issued on 30 November 2004, and providing new levels of guidance on foreign direct investment in the various industry sectors. To ensure China’s telecommunications market operates in a fair, transparent and effective competitive environment, China’s first Telecommunications Law has been drafted and is currently undergoing a process of public consultation before being enacted. This should provide further guidance and protection to both investors and operators, in addition to the various regulations currently in place. With China entering its 11th Five Year Plan period, ICT has also moved from 'enabling and promoting' to 'strengthening industry integration and indigenous innovations'. The key focuses are to:• Continue increasing overall integrated ICT service levels • Increase and improve the development of ICT infrastructure • Strengthen the indigenous innovation in core industries • Focus on incubating strategic industry clusters • Proactively promote the integrated development of all ICT sectors • Strengthen the modernisation of post services • Strengthen the administration of radio communications • Increase the supportive capability of ICT infrastructure to the national economyBy 2010, the targeted penetration levels for fixed telecommunication in China is anticipated to reach 30 per cent of its population to one billion subscribers in operation (SIO), and 45 per cent penetration in mobile communications to 600 million SIOs. Internet users are anticipated to reach 200 million with 15 per cent the first wireless mobile phone base station was installed on 18 November 1987, China reached million mobile SIOs at the end of October 2007. Therefore, China has the highest number of mobile phone subscribers in the world. The vast number of SIOs also generated billion short message services (SMS). Due to China’s large population, mobile penetration in China is still considered low at per cent when compared with most developed countries. This presents substantial growth opportunities for companies within the China communications grew slightly lower than mobile communications with a total of 370 million SIOs, representing a per cent penetration rate. China has over 22,000 registered companies providing Value Added Services to the telecom sector. There are six major telecommunications operators in China:• China Telecom • China Mobile • China Satellite Company • China Unicom • China Netcom • China Railway CommunicationsSoftware and system integrationIn 2006, the size of China’s domestic software market reached RMB480 billion. The total number of registered software companies increased to 15,723 with over million people employed in the software industry. There were over 35 companies with a turnover exceeding RMB1 billion, and 51 companies with turnover in the range of –1 billion. Furthermore, more than 80 software companies had over 1,000 employees. There are currently 38 companies with CMM5 (Capability Maturity Model For Software) certifications, the highest level of an internationally recognized certification program for software companies. In addition, 23 companies achieved CMM4 certifications and over 200 companies were awarded CMM3 certifications. The increasing number of Chinese software companies seeking and achieving CMM certification demonstrates their enhanced software development capabilities and overall product quality to compete in the global market. InternetSince China sent out the first email 'Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world' on 20 September 1987, the diffusion of the Internet in China has grown in parallel with the development and expansion of the overall telecom infrastructure. China has become the world’s second largest Internet user country with an estimated 162 million users behind the US with 211 million users. In addition, at the end of June 2007, China had 67 million Internet connected computers and over million websites. The total bandwidth to the world reached 312,346Mbps with annual growth rate of per China’s Internet industry has achieved significant growth, the penetration is still very low at per cent, as compared with the global average of per cent. There is clear 'unequitable' access to the Internet between urban and rural areas with per cent as compared to per cent , dial-Up and wireless (including mobile phone access) are the three key access methods of accessing the Internet in China. Broadband SIOs have grown very quickly. As at December 2007, broadband users reached 122 million, the largest user country in the world, with a penetration rate of per cent. In 2007, 30 per cent of the new broadband users were from rural areas. In addition, there are also million dial-Up key applications for Internet users in China are searching for news, instant messaging, and entertainment (music, video and games). There has been a growing trend of e-commerce related activities including net-shopping, travel booking, online stock market trading and banking. It is expected e-commerce related applications and services will become one of the key growth areas in the there has been increasing trend of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Internet- related infrastructure, applications and services such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Application Service Provider (ASPs), and Internet Content Provider (ICPs) are yet to open up to foreign providers, and there are strict content management and approval processes in place to ensure that the Internet is used to enhance social responsibility and harmony. The challenges facing China’s Internet industry include:• Equitable access to the Internet between urban and rural areas to break the 'digital divide'. • Level of information and technology knowledge among small to medium enterprises. • Overall quality and applications of the Internet, to improve the productivity and be more competitive on the global market. • Integration of information and communication technologies within all industry development of China’s ICT industry provides opportunities in a number of areas, which include the following:• Telecommunications infrastructure o 3G/4G wireless communications o IP based technologies o Rural telecommunications o Network integration and billing• Value Added Services o e-Learning o Entertainment o Mobile applications• E-Commerce o Online payment and mobile payment o e-Security o Integrated logistics application and management• Industry application o Telematics o Remote metering o Geo-spatial application o Environment and clean technology applications o Finance and banking o Security o Digital content• New Technologies and applications and materials o IPTV o New digital audio systems o Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) o Nanotechnologies o Energy efficiency materialsTariffs, regulations and customsTariffs for ICT products and services vary depending on the category classification and what level of Chinese indigenous component is included. Certain ICT products exported to China are subject to China Compulsory Certification, known as 3CCC certification. As a result of China's commitments for accession into the WTO, China has applied zero tariffs to 256 categories of ICT products. To determine the exact category and the level of tariffs applied, if any, it is recommended that experienced customs brokers specialised in ICT products are consulted. Marketing your products and servicesMarket entryDepending upon your company’s situation and strategic direction, there are various vehicles that can be utilised for entry into the Chinese ICT market. These include: • Wholly owned foreign enterprises (WOFEs) • Joint ventures (JVs) • Value added resellers (VARs) • DistributorsA new and emerging type of entry vehicle, Virtual Entry, has been utilised by many small and medium (SME) companies. A Chinese domain name is registered with all the content translated into the local language, however, operations are conducted offshore in the home country. Each vehicle requires a different set of requirements and investment Chinese Government’s aim is to become more transparent in awarding large projects. A public tender is normally published via media inviting Expression of Interests from interested and suitable companies. In some circumstances, foreign companies find it useful to form a partnership with suitable local companies to promote awareness of their capabilities. Establishing good relationships with key stakeholders are vital so that a company can be in a better position to access information and prepare a submission. However, many other projects are done via local network. In these circumstances it is often necessary to work with a local partner with a similar industry capability and background. If your products or applications do not require local modification and are 'plug and play', you may sell your products and services via a local distributor. This can occur once customs import procedure is cleared and passes through relevant network-access tests if applicable. If your products and applications require localisation, translation, further development and local integration, then a local service integrator needs to be engaged. This can be done via a joint venture partner or a service contractor, prior to selling to the end users, especially in financial and other sensitive most of the cases, except games and English language learning applications, it is most likely that your products and applications will have to be 'localised' to suit the local market environment. This is especially important for accounting, intelligent transportation systems, finance and banking, and security of a company is relatively easy in China once you meet all the requirements. Different company structures require different start-up capital funding. There can be regional variations to company registration requirements. It is recommended that you research well and consult widely before making a final investment decision. 刚才算了一下,大概是1700多字
文章的第一段左右通常是整个文章的最重要的部分得到“just right”。它不仅是一个机会,抓住读者的注意力,同时也有机会来设置文章的其余议程,语气和内容的条款。严格地说,没有单一的“right”的方式开始了一篇文章,只是因为它有可能写了无数主题的文章,所以也有可能开始在很多方面的文章。然而,大多数好的开端,以散文分享一定的素质,如果考虑进去,可以大大提高可另外缺乏的文章前奏。请参见下面的步骤1开始!
1、启动带有引人注目的一句话。 当你的文章可能(或者,诚然,可以不)是有趣的你,作家,它不一定有趣的读者。读者,总的来说,是关于他们所读内容有点挑剔,他们做了什么没有。如果一件作品不会立刻吸引他们的注意力在第一段,有一个很好的机会,他们不会懒得看它的其余部分。正因为如此,它往往是开始的作文与从一开始就命令读者注意一个句子一个好主意。只要这第一句话就是逻辑连接到文章的其他部分,有一个在成为引人注目的右出了大门没有羞耻。
您可能要开始一个迷人,鲜为人知的事实和统计抓住读者的注意力。举例来说,如果你在儿童肥胖的危险与日俱增全世界写一篇文章,你可能会这样开始:"Contrary to the popular idea that childhood obesity is only a problem for rich, pampered Westerners, the WHO reports that in 2012, over 30% of preschool-age children in developing countries were overweight or obese、"在另一方面,如果它适合你的文章更具逻辑性,你可能要启动一个特别扣人心弦的图像或描述。关于暑假的文章,你可能会这样开始: "When I felt the Costa Rican sun filtering through the jungle canopy and heard the sound of howler monkeys far off in the distance, I knew that I had found someplace very special、"
2、让你的读者进入你的文章的“meat” 。一个伟大的第一句话可以吸引读者的注意力,但是如果你不把读者拉进你的文章里,她还是会很容易失去兴趣。按照你的第一句话,一个句子或两个逻辑连接的注意抓住“钩”在第一句中的其余部分作为一个整体。通常,这些句子将在第一个句子的狭窄范围内扩展,将特定的快照放在一些更大的上下文中。
例如,在你的肥胖文章中,你可能会遵循如下第一句话:“In fact, childhood obesity is a growing problem that is increasingly affecting rich and poor countries alike、”这句话解释了第一句中所描述的问题的'紧迫性,并给出了更广泛的内容。
为你的假期的文章,你可能会跟你这样的第一句话是: "I was deep in the jungles of Tortuguero National Park, and I was lost in more ways than one、" 这句话告诉读者在第一句的意象从哪里来,带领读者走进其余的文章嘲笑它最终将被揭示的旁白是“lost”。
3、告诉读者你的文章是什么 。大多数时候,文章不是纯粹的描述-他们不存在完全告诉你什么是基本的,事实上。通常情况下,他们有一个特定的目的以外的。这几乎可以是任何东西。这篇文章可能是为了改变读者对某个主题的想法,说服读者采取行动,为某个不被很好理解的事情,或者简单地讲述一个令人深思的故事。在任何情况下,第一段的基本目的是要告诉读者什么是文章的目的是。这样,读者就可以快速选择是否继续到其余的文章或不。
在你的肥胖文章中,你可能会总结出这样的事情:“The purpose of this essay is to analyze current trends in childhood obesity rates worldwide and recommend specific policy initiatives to combat this growing problem,”这清楚地告诉什么文章的目的是。这里没有混乱。
为你的假期的文章,你可以试着这样的话: "This is the story of my summer in Costa Rica, a summer that neither spider bites, nor rotten plantains, nor Giardia could keep from being life-changing、" 这告诉读者,他们会在戏弄的具体细节在文章体店就是阅读一个人的旅行到外国帐户。
4、或者,你的文章结构概要 。有时,它是适当的走一步的介绍来描述你的文章的计划来实现其目的。如果你的文章能够很容易地被分解成不同的,特定的部分,这将是有用的,将使主题更容易掌握的读者。如果你是一个学生,你知道如何做到这一点也很有用,因为一些老师会要求你这么做的。然而,具体地概述了不同的文章在介绍中的文章并不总是一个好主意。在某些情况下,特别是对轻心的文章,这可能是有点机械读,可以通过提出太多的信息,对读者的威胁。
5、如果有必要,包括一篇论文 。在论文写作中,一个句子是一个句子,这是一个简单的句子,尽可能清晰、简洁地描述文章的“要点”。一些文章,特别是五段为学术作业或是标准化考试的一部分而写的论文,或多或少都要求你将论文陈述部分作为开篇的一部分。即使不需要这篇文章的文章也能从一个大胆的命题陈述的简洁的目的性中受益。一般情况下,在第一段的结尾处或附近包含论文陈述,虽然没有硬性规定,具体地说,论文陈述必须是。
6、为你的文章定一个合适的基调。 除了你的空间,讨论你将要谈论什么,你的第一段,也是一个空间,以确定你将如何谈论它。你写的你写的声音是什么鼓励部分(或阻碍)你的读者阅读你的文章。如果在你的文章开始的基调是明确的,愉快的,和适合的主题,你的读者会比如果它的混乱更容易阅读,变化很大,从句子的,或是不在手边的话题。
7、砍去追逐! 介绍的最重要的规则之一是,更短的几乎总是更好的。如果你能把所有的信息都传达给你,你需要五个句子,而不是六个。如果你可以用一个简单的,每天的话,在一个更不起眼的字(例如,“start”与“initiate”),做它。如果你能把你的信息传达给十个单词而不是十二个,那就去做吧。在任何地方,你可以在不牺牲质量和清晰度的情况下,把你的介绍性通道缩短,这样做。记住,你的文章开始是让读者进入文章的肉,但它的嘶嘶声并不是文章本身的肉,所以保持简短。
如上所述,而你应该力求简洁,你不应该缩短你介绍这么多,它变得不清楚或不合理。例如,在你的肥胖文章中,你不应该缩短这句话:“In fact, childhood obesity is a global problem that is increasingly affecting rich and poor countries alike”。……这句话:“In fact, obesity is actually a big problem、”这句话并不能告诉整个故事,这篇文章是关于全球儿童肥胖的发病率上升,而不是肥胖对你来说是不好的。
经过观察,我们发现,抽取的样本按照其表达的功能,基本可以分为四类,即“声称中心地位”、“评述以往研究”、“概括研究话题”和“提出存在的问题”(Swales 1990)。
1、 声称中心地位,20例(40%)
[1] Structural damage detection and health monitoring is very important in many applications、
[2] Combustion noise can make a significant contribution to overall turbofan engine noise at low-power settings, , which are typical of approach flight、
[3] Research on flow control has been one of the major topics in fluid mechanics in the past couple of decades、
[4] Surface flow visualization is useful for understanding flow in many applications and can be used to complement and validate computational studies of complex flow、
可用的序列有,xxx be important, xxx play an important/a significant role in, xxx be of particular interest等、
2、 评述以往同类研究,15例(30%)
[5] Over the last number of decades, a multitude of research efforts have been directed toward understanding the physical mechanisms, or at least the surrounding factors, behind the appearance of symptoms typically associated with nonlinear axial combustion instability in solid-propellant rocket motors (SRMs)、
[6] The effects of applying an electric field on a flame have been studied since the early 1800s(1) when Brande noticed an effect on the heat and mass transfer of a diffusion flame between electrodes, which was then later verified in 1931 by Lewis (2)、
此外,这一分类里的大部分例子都使用现在完成时。供参考的短语序列有,xxx has/have been studied, previous/recent studies show/have shown, it has been shown等。
3、 概括研究话题,14例(28%)
[7] Many flows of technological interest occur at high Reynolds number and are often characterized、
[8] The Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire (HCW) equations describe the relative motion of a chaser with respect to a target while both vehicles orbit a central gravitational source、
4、 提出当前研究中存在的问题,1例(2%)
[9] Airborne propagation of directed energy suffers consequences including reduced range, precision, and overall effectiveness, due to the interaction with varying refractive indices within the fluid medium through which it is propagated (1–3)、
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