RECOGNIZING FALSE PROPHETSProve All Things1 Thessalonians 5:21: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.''To recognize false prophets we must heed the above verse and "prove all things." One does not arrive at being an overcomer until he first learns the all important lesson of testing or "proving" the issues of this life. In the hour that we live there are so many things that are false and evil. We must be constantly on guard and "prove" or test things, lest we become ensnared by something that is wicked. Cults are spreading. Eastern idolatrous religions are creeping into our country in very subtle forms, and many Christians are being deceived and have accepted their practices without even being aware of their evil. Some religious groups have existed for years under the guise of Christianity, and yet are far from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Lord warns us of these false teachers and tells us to beware of at Matthew 7:15-23, we find Jesus gives us the guideline for determining false prophets:"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."God's Standard, The BibleCertainly, we are admonished to be on guard. However, some go to such extremes as to become narrow-minded and closed to some beautiful truths in the name of being careful. What should our role as Christians be in regard to acceptance of a new thought, idea or doctrine? We are told to prove all things, not to reject them because they might be strange or new to us. However, we should not receive them either, until we first prove them. How do we prove things? All true Christians are in agreement that our standard is the Word of God, the Bible. God left us this Book as a reference, standard, or gauge so we could know whether something is good or evil, truth or error, right or wrong. (2 Timothy 3:16-17: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.'')One of our major faults as Christians is that we tend to quote men on certain subjects instead of referring to the Book God gave us. We recognize that God gave us men to lead us into the truths of God, but our problem becomes who are the true men of God and who are the false ones that Christ warned us about? Sometimes we tend to evaluate men according to the size of their ministries, their popularity with men, or their endowment of certain gifts, the FruitThe Lord said in verse 20 of Matthew 7 that we would know them by their fruits. What are these fruits? Galatians 5:22-24 defines them as being the fruit of the Spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." We are told to look at their lives and see if these fruits are predominant in them and examine if they are living the crucified life. Of course, we must allow for imperfections that have not been overcome yet; but we should readily see the fruit of the Spirit in more abundance than the imperfections. One way we can check this is to notice the words that a man speaks. The Scripture says in Matthew 12:33-35, "Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.''Pride and Lustful LifestylesMany people have been led astray when they could have recognized the wrong spirit simply by the braggadocios and prideful words of men who exalted themselves instead of Christ. Others would have been spared if they had examined the lifestyles of certain men who claim to be God's anointed. Their lifestyles are far from being temperate, reflecting the most expensive and extravagant clothes, diamonds, homes, cars, etc. This is not referring to well-dressed men and women, nice homes, and quality things but the extremes which reveal anything but the nature of Christ. Of course, neither is the other extreme of poverty the nature of Christ. Men of God should live temperate, moderate lives, overcoming poverty and avoiding extreme wealth. Jesus always went about giving to the poor. He never stored up His wealth even though He apparently handled a lot of money, thus the need for a treasurer, Judas (John 13:29). He gave away the things He could have used on Himself, yet He never lacked as He went about ministering. He should be our example today. The affection and lust for the things of this world do not portray the Spirit of Prophets Reflect JesusExamining the conversation of these leaders can quickly reveal the God they serve. Do they speak of God's kingdom, His righteousness, and His love; or does their conversation center on the things of this world and life? Are they peacemakers, sowing mercy and love? Are they gentle and patient, or do they lose their temper easily? Do they walk in faith, or are they continually looking to other men for their needs to be supplied? Are they always pressuring people for money, or do they simply receive those gifts of money as unto the Lord? Do they have the joy of the Lord, or do they minister out of duty? Are they truly joyous with that joy spilling over to others, or do they continually complain and gripe over all the things that are not pleasing to them? Is goodness evident in their lives instead of evil? Do they put people in bondage by always threatening them with the wrath of God, or is freedom of choice extended with the warning of the penalties of sin? Jesus came to set us free, not to bring us under the bondage of us prove all leaders and see if their fruit is good fruit. Do they love and not hate, have joy instead of depression, and promote peace instead of strife? Are they longsuffering (patient) or impatient, gentle or harsh? Do they show love and tolerance for those that oppose them? Do they walk in faith, or doubt and unbelief? Are they meek, giving God the glory for their talents and gifts, or do they pridefully talk of all they are doing or their group is doing? Does temperance prevail not only in their lifestyle, but in their personal habits as well, or do extremes exist that do not glorify God? In essence they will not live for themselves, but for others as Jesus did. Do they reflect Jesus? They will live a crucified life that glorifies God! Proverbs 20:11 says, "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.''Examining lives by this standard we must be careful not to go to extremes ourselves and expect total perfection of all ministers. There are many godly men and women who are called of God, who have overcome in many areas, although they still have some weak areas. They are believing as they walk with the Lord that these too will be perfected. We are especially called to be patient and loving towards our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
论沈从文的宗教情怀 现代意义上的宗教精神是指深入探究人类命运问题,渴望减轻人类苦难,并且恳切希望将来会实现人类美好前景的一种终极关怀态度。沈从文正是这样一位具有深沉宗教情怀的文学家。在他的文学世界中饱含着博爱的基督教精神,天人合一的道家精神和追求心性自由的佛教精神。 一、沈从文的基督教情怀 基督教虽然在16世纪末就传入了中国,但基督教文化对中国现代文学的影响,在留学欧美的作家身上表现更为普遍。而自诩为“乡下人“的沈从文既没留过学,甚至没受过正规的现代教育,基督教文化却对他产生了不可忽视的影响。 沈从文接触基督教是从读《圣经》开始的。1922年夏,二十岁的沈从文只身来到北京,虽满怀文学救国的崇高理想,却连基本的标点符号的使用都不熟悉,更何谈文学创作!当时身边唯一的师傅是一部《史记》,随后不久从燕京大学朋友处偶然得到一本破旧的《圣经》,他立即喜欢上了《圣经》“那接近口语的译文”和“部分充满抒情诗的篇章”,并从“反复阅读中”,“得到极多有益启发,学会了叙事抒情的基本知识”。可以说,沈从文作品自然、流畅、平白的风格,与《圣 经》有一定的传承渊源关系。而《圣经》所蕴涵的仁爱、善良、怜悯也成为他精神的寄托与支柱之一,他从中找到了不属于任何宗教派别的精神安慰,支撑他战胜一切困难与挫折。后来,沈从文认识了著名的教会学校燕京大学的一帮学生,如董秋斯、张采真、司徒乔、韦丛芜等。沈从文在与他们的交往中也间接地受到基督教的影响,这使他对教会生活、基督教知识有一定了解。1925年7月至1926年间,沈从文在其亲戚———曾任民国总理的熊希龄办的北京香山慈幼院里做事。慈幼院是一个慈善和救助机构,具体由中国基督教非圣职人员经办,沈从文在做事中也与不少基督教信仰者有往来,耳濡目染,受到一定影响。他因此写了一系列有基督教影响的作品,如《蒙恩的孩子》、《第二个狒狒》、《用A字记下来的事》等。 基督教“最根本的精神永远是爱———一种完全无私的精神,一种尊重他人并为他人寻求最高的善的行为”沈从文接受的主要就是基督教的博爱精神,他在1933年回答有人提出的问题“你为什么要写作”时说:“因为我活到这世界里有所爱。美丽,清洁,智慧,以及对全人类幸福的幻影,皆永远觉得是一种德性,也因此永远使我对它崇拜和倾心。这点情绪同宗教情绪完全一样。”沈从文爱美丽,也爱永恒;爱世界,也爱人类。这种爱完全是一种宗教行为,闪烁着关爱人类未来的宗教情怀。 沈从文之所以接受基督教的博爱精神,是因为他一直生活在一个充满仇恨和冷酷的世界里。在湘西,沈从文难以忘记的是军队中那些血淋淋的杀人场面,无数无辜百姓被军队长官以“土匪”的名义杀掉;在北京,沈从文体验最深刻的是都市中人与人之间的虚伪和冷漠。从湘西到北京,生活空间的位移并未改变现实的严酷。人们之间缺少温情,找不到爱繁衍的土壤。既然现实中已经不存在爱,那么,爱又在何方呢?沈从文想到了《圣经》———一本充满爱意的圣书。他非常欣赏耶稣的“博爱”精神,并从中找到了永恒的精神慰籍。 在以后的生活中,这种爱逐渐内化为作家的一种心理内趋力,形成沈从文特有的“爱人类”“爱有生”“爱善”“爱美”的“爱的哲学”,伴随着沈从文漫长的一生。 二、沈从文的道家情怀 作为一种文化哲学体系,道家是中国传统文化中最富有个性的一派。崇尚自然,强调以自然为本体的天人合一是道家哲学的一个重要观点。老子认为:“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。”人应当效法自然并且顺应生命的自然,这样才能保持人的纯正本性,保持人性的健全和恒久。强调“天道自然无为”,推重自然人性观是庄子和老子哲学的共通之处。道家的人生观为生命的存在方式和存在质量提供了一个理想的范式,对后世作家产生了广泛而深刻的影响,京派作家身上或多或少都闪现出道家文化的影子,尤以沈从文为代表。 湘西古朴原始、神秘奇丽、浪漫洒脱的苗族文化氛围喂养滋润了沈从文的心灵和感情。这种地域性文化呈现出某些和道家文化相同的价值取向,如对自然的顺应,对与自然相契的人性的凸现等。沈从文拥有浓烈厚重的乡土情结,在他笔下的湘西世界里,人们终日与古朴、宁静、和谐、美妙如画而又充满灵性的大自然为伴,拥有原始、野性、蓬勃旺盛的生命力。他们的人性、人情、道德与孕养他们的大自然保持着一种异质同构的关系,完全是自然孕育造化的精灵。他们性情所至,率力而为,不受任何陈规陋俗羁绊,也不为任何世俗礼法约束。四狗和阿姐在山雨洗净了的大自然中“撒野”(《雨后》),儿子特意筑路以方便母亲去庙里与和尚相会(《沅陵的人》)。湘西民间的道德处于一种自由自在的状态,这种道德是纯审美的,它体现了人们的习惯、乐趣和愿望,反映了生命的需求和生命的趋向,完全符合人的生理自然和心理自然,彰示出生命的自由,生存的洒脱。 对人性的歌颂是庄子哲学的要义所在,沈从文的生命观、价值观明显受到道家文化的影响。其对健康的人性有着天然的倾心,他在《从文小说习作选集代序》中明确了自己的立场:“这世界上或有想在沙基或水面上建造崇楼杰阁的人,那可不是我。我只想造希腊小庙,选山地作基础,用坚硬石头堆砌它。精致,结实,匀称,形体虽小而不纤巧,是我理想的建筑。这神庙供奉的是‘人性’”[4]在他笔下,农民、兵士、水手、娼妓、童养媳等等,都具有一种生命本性的美。他还在《水云》一文中宣称:“我是一个对一切无信仰的人,却只信仰‘生命’。”[5]他笔下的画面与庄子“以自然为宗”的思想很相似,庄子思想中宣扬清淡无为、反对约束、恢复本性等特点在沈从文的小说中均有体现。沈从文笔下的主人公大都是“风日里长养着”的自然之子,这里的女子心地善良、温柔却刚强,体现着自然人性中和静柔美的一面;这里的男子诚实勇敢、,带有自然原始发力量与生命的冲动。这就是沈从文所认可的自然的人性和生命的本真状态,自然健康的人、人性是沈从文写作的起点,也是他的终点。 三、沈从文的佛教情怀 佛教虽然产生于印度,传入中国后却得到了创造性的发展,并形成了中国本土特点的禅宗。从文化学的角度看,禅宗是一种摆脱烦恼、追求生命自觉和精神自由境界的文化理想。沈从文深受佛教文化的影响,佛教的“心性论”为他思考“人”的问题提供了一个独特视角,使他掌握了人类自身的独特思维方式-———反视内心,从而体现出他对人类生命本质 认识的深刻性。沈从文最早接触到佛教,是他还在陈渠珍部下当兵的时候,当时他正处在精神上极度苦闷和困惑之中,内心有股难言的苦恼和寂寞需要向人倾诉,并希望有人能对他精神上紊乱的思绪进行疏导和启发。这时候,他饱读诗书的姨父聂仁德适时地出现在他的生活中,为沈从文带来了儒家理学、佛学、西方近代哲学等以前他闻所未闻的人类文化精华。他在《从文自传》写道:“(聂仁德)为人知识极博,而且非常有趣味,我便常常过河去听他谈‘宋元哲学’,谈‘大乘’,谈‘因明’,谈‘进化论’谈一切我所不知道却愿意知道的问题。”这种谈话显然也使他十分快乐,因此每次所谈的时间总很长很久。但这么一来,“我的幻想更宽,寂寞也就更大了。”这里提到的谈话内容,根据沈从文后来思想的发展轨迹来看,其中佛学对他的影响最大,后来他读了大量的有关佛教经典。他在一本抗战时期出版的盗印本《月下小景》上的题字中写道:“(在武汉大学教书时)教书时间既不多,因此有四分之一时读书,有机会把碛砂藏内诸故事经卷大致看过一次或二次。”他很多作品如小说集《月下小景》中的小说、散文《七色魇》等都是直接以佛经故事为题材。 追求心灵自由是沈从文对佛教精神最深的感悟。个体生命是有限的,要摆脱个体生命的束缚,达到永恒的自在状态,必须扩张个体的心灵,追求心灵的无限自由。沈从文所感悟到的心灵自由是有“神性”的生命,也只有这样的生命才可以与日月同辉。他在追求心灵自由时主要凭借文学创作的方式,因为“凡知道用各种感觉文字去捕捉住此美丽神奇光影的,此光影在生命即终生不灭。”也就是说,文学创作是 心灵自由遨游的一种方式,而且感悟心灵自由时必须在一个清静的地方,同外物完全隔绝,“心有所悟,若有所契,无渣滓,少凝滞,”从而进入心灵自由的境界。正因为沈从文执着于生命的“神性”,才使他在现实的“人”的生活中感到精神上有无穷的困惑,不时发出“人生可悯”的慨叹! 综观沈从文的“神性”思想的全部内涵,其最核心部分就是要摆脱日益使人性异化的虚伪、堕落的社会生活,葆有一颗真心,恢复人之为人的神性生命。佛教心性论的明心见性思想为他提供了直指内心的思维方式,而大乘佛教的入世精 神又使他不逃避现实社会,呈现出一种天真、勇敢的进取精神。佛教对他毕生都产生了重大的影响,他晚年还说过:“七四年六月过苏州重买《法苑珠林》一部,作为纪念。四十年人事变迁极大,童心未失,和所读诸佛经有相当关系。”童心未失,生命的“神性”常在,这是沈从文的人格魅力所在,也是他的作品永恒的艺术魅力所在。参考文献:1、(英)詹姆士.里德.基督教的人生观[M].上海:三联书店, 19892、沈从文.沈从文全集(第9卷)[M].北岳文艺出版社, 20023、郭国昌.论沈从文的宗教精神.西北师大学报(社会科学版). 2000年5月4、袁启君,论沈从文的宗教情怀,辽宁行政学院学报,2007年第11期
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