微晶玻璃的初始原料矩阵 (标记)3S0粉煤灰Liepajas钢工厂” metalurgs”(拉脱维亚)和泥炭脱灰里加煤炭发电 站,以及limeless粘土,据其他地方 [1]10]。黏土增加一条,作为一个夹具提高焊接等 粒子之间的性能在紧迫的过程。 这些废料含有同样的主要化学元素:是的, 钙、铝、铁、锌、镁、铅以及微量的狭义相对论、锰、 镍、铜、镉和锡[11]。在过去的研究报道 [11、12),粉煤灰包含尖晶石(ZnAl2O4)闪锌矿中 (ZnS)、赤铁矿(2)和palmerite(K2Pb(SO4)2),而 泥炭灰分包含方解石(碳酸钙),硬石膏(CaSO4), 刚玉(氧化铝)、钠长石((钠、钾)AlSi3O8)和石英 二氧化硅)。生态相容元素领先, 储存在粉煤灰、已经发现包括在吗 palmerite阶段。二氧化矽含量相对较高的泥炭 灰表明应用的可行性,使用这种浪费成分 发展玻璃矩阵,在复合材料 名义上的最优微晶玻璃的化学成分 矩阵已经决定了在过去的研究[1、第十条、第十一条]。作为 另外,chamotte加固的提及 黏土使用。Limeless泥土存款Liepa(拉脱维亚) 治疗是900暖热在时间中,持续1(h和研磨使用吗 球磨机24小时平均粒度10毫米。 微粉的密度矩阵和 chamotte:由他pycnometry号, cm3 和克/ cm3,分别。从开始glassceramic 作文(3S0)上两批 复合混合物加20进行了 30 wt. % chamotte,这些都是标记的成分 3S2和3S3,分别。结合10成分 20 wt. % chamotte和增加10 wt. % 废玻璃(从Valmiera玻璃纤维植物、拉脱维亚
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呃,太专业了 == 头大了
杜绝机译,保证质量,请楼主审阅。The starting materials for the glass-ceramic matrix(labelled 3S0) are fly ash from the steel plant ‘‘Liepajasmetalurgs’’ (Latvia) and peat ash from the Riga coal powerstation, as well as limeless clay, as reported elsewhere[1,10]. 如在其他地方报道的那样,微晶玻璃基体(玻璃陶瓷基体)的初始材料(标号3S0)就是来自拉脱维亚“Liepajas Metalurgs”钢铁厂的飞灰和来自里加煤电站的泥炭灰,以及无石灰粘土[1,10]。“Clay was added as a binder to improve the bondingproperties between particles during the pressing waste materials contain as main chemical elements: Si,Ca, Al, Fe, Zn, Mg, Pb as well as trace amounts of Sr, Mn,Ni, Cu, Cd and Sn [11]. “添加粘土是作为结合剂来改善加工过程中颗粒之间的粘结性能。废料所含的主要化学元素为:Si,Ca, Al, Fe, Zn, Mg, Pb,还有痕量的Sr, Mn,Ni, Cu, Cd and Sn [11]. As reported in previous studies[11,12], the fly ash contains spinel (ZnAl2O4), sphalerite(ZnS), hematite (Fe2O3) and palmerite (K2Pb(SO4)2), whilepeat ash contains calcite (CaCO3), anhydrite (CaSO4),corundum (Al2O3), albite ((Na,K)AlSi3O8) and quartz(SiO2). 如在以前的研究中所报道的[11,12],飞灰含有尖晶石(ZnAl2O4), 闪锌矿(ZnS), 赤铁矿(Fe2O3) 和磷钾铝石 (K2Pb(SO4)2), 而泥炭灰则含有方解石 (CaCO3), 硬石膏(硫酸钙) (CaSO4), 金刚砂(Al2O3), 钠长石((Na,K)AlSi3O8) 和石英 (SiO2). The ecologically incompatible element lead, whichis contained in the fly ash, has been found included in thepalmerite phase. 在飞灰中含有的生态上不相容的元素铅已经发现是包含在磷钾铝石相中。The relatively high SiO2 content in the peatash indicates the feasibility to use this waste composition todevelop glass matrices for composite materials, and thenominal chemical composition of the optimal glass-ceramicmatrix has been determined in previous studies [1,10,11]. 在泥炭灰中相对较高的SiO2含量表明了采用这种废组分来开发玻璃基质用于复合材料的可行性,而且最佳微晶玻璃基体的标称化学组分已经在以前的研究中有了确定[1,10,11]。As reinforcing addition, chamotte made from the mentionedclay was used. Limeless clay from deposit Liepa (Latvia)was thermally treated at 900 8C for 1 h and milled using aball mill for 24 h up to an average particle size of 10 mm.由所提及的粘土制得的粘土熟料被用作为增强添加物。来自拉脱维亚Liepa矿床的无石灰粘土,在900 ℃下热处理1小时,并用一台球磨机研磨24小时,直至颗粒尺寸达到10mm。The density of the powdered glass-ceramic matrix and thechamotte, determined by He pycnometry, are g/cm3and g/cm3, respectively. From the starting glassceramiccomposition (labelled 3S0) two batches ofcomposite mixtures were prepared by adding 20 and30 wt.% of chamotte, these were labelled compositions3S2 and 3S3, respectively. 粉末状微晶玻璃基体和粘土熟料的密度用He测比重术确定,分别为 g/cm3和 g/cm3。从初始微晶玻璃组分(标号3S0),通过添加20和30质量分数(wt%)的粘土熟料制备了两批复合混合物,它们分别标示为组分3S2 and 3S3。Combined compositions with 10 and 20 wt.% of chamotte and the addition of 10 wt.% ofwaste glass (from Valmiera Glass Fibre Plant, Latvia) werealso investigated, these samples are labelled 3SVand 3SV2,respectively. 对由10和20质量分数粘土熟料和添加10质量分数废玻璃(来自拉脱维亚Valmiera玻璃纤维厂)的组合的组分也进行了研究,这些样品分别标号为3SV和 3SV2。The density of the waste glass was determinedto be g/cm3. Mixtures in dry state were milled usingagate mills for 20 min and subsequently water was added (8–12 wt.%). 废玻璃的密度确定为 g/cm3。在干燥状态下的混合物用一台gate研磨机(不知有没有打错,如果是grate mill,那是格子模)研磨20分钟,然后加水(8-10质量分数)。The humid powders were screened (screenaperture: 3 mm) by keeping the moisture content at a levelof 12–14%. 潮湿的粉末被保持在12-14%的湿度含量下进行过筛(筛孔径:3mm)。The sintering behaviour and thermal changes ofthe mixtures were determined by heating microscopy (LeicaWetzlar 38818) and differential thermal analysis (DTA)(STA 409C) in the temperature range 20–1300 8C.混合物的烧结性状和热变化通过加热显微镜(Leica Wetzlar 38818)和差热分析(DTA)(STA409C)在20-1300℃的温度范围内确定。Cylindrical samples (diameter = 20 mm; height = 4 mm)were uniaxially pressed at room temperature using pressures of 50 MPa. The powder compacts were sintered in air, the heating rate was 8 8C/min and sintering time was 60 min.圆柱型的样品(直径=20mm;高度=4mm)在室温下用50MPa的压力被单轴压缩。The sintering temperature was varied between 1000 and1120 8C. Rectangular test bars (25 mm 5 mm 5 mm)were also fabricated by sintering at the optimum temperaturefor each composition. The sintered bars were used forbending strength tests, as described below.烧结温度在1000和 1120 ℃之间变化。矩形的试验棒(25 mm 5 mm 5 mm)也是通过在每种组分的最佳温度下烧结而制造的。烧结后的棒用于进行如下所述的弯曲强度试验。
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