
逆向物流为何在中国企业遭冷遇近几年来,基于可持续发展的逆向物流引起了国内外专家学者的普遍关注,并对其进行了系统而深入的研究,同时国外一些著名公司已开始逐步实施逆向物流管理。然而在国内,反映绿色和生态思想的逆向物流还未引起人们的足够重视,也鲜有企业着手开展逆向物流活动,这不能不引起我们的忧思。透视逆向物流我们通常所说的物流一般是指“正向物流”,但一个完整的供应链除了包括正向物流之外,还应包括逆向物流。“逆向物流”最早是由Stock在1992年给美国物流管理协会(CLM)的一份研究报告中提出,之后许多研究机构和学者从不同角度对逆向物流进行了不同的诠释。正向物流是货物从生产到消费的实际方向上的物流,与供应链的运作方向一致;而逆向物流则与之相反,它是以市场和顾客为导向,以信息技术为基础,通过渠道成员将物资从消费点返回到原产地的过程,包括退货、不合格品退回、维修与再制造、物料替代、物品循环利用、废弃物回收处理等流程,从而使这些物资重新获得价值并得到正确处置。从微观上看,逆向物流具有提高顾客价值、增强竞争优势、降低物料成本、增加企业效益、改善环境行为、塑造企业形象等显性和隐性作用;从宏观上看,逆向物流有利于社会资源的合理流动、节约资源、改善环境和经济的可持续发展等。因此,实施“逆向物流”顺应了时代发展的要求。逆向物流顺潮流而动迈入21世纪,人类将面临人口膨胀、资源短缺、环境恶化等重大危机,而作为大量消耗能源、原材料,产生许多废弃物的物流业,必然会在发展中遭遇很强的环境制约,因此,“走循环经济道路”将成为物流业承诺和追求的主要目标。这在客观上把逆向物流从黑暗的后台推向了炫目的聚光灯下。同时,在经济一体化的背景下,企业之间的竞争已不再是公司与公司之间的竞争,而是整体供应链之间的竞争,所以企业除了考虑自身的利益外,更需要考虑整体供应链的竞争力和利益,这就要求企业必需建立一个新的运作模式——供应链体系。为了优化供应链体系、提升整体供应链的竞争力,我们不但要重视正向物流运作,而且要搞好逆向物流运作。随着人们环保意识的增强,政府环境立法的加快和法规约束力度的加大,逆向物流正在被社会各界越来越多的人士所认识和重视。而基于人口、资源、环境和谐发展的要求和提升企业竞争优势的目标(如蓝带啤酒通过开展啤酒瓶回收,成本可降低20%-40%),逆向物流必将成为企业运营中的重要一环。目前,一些国际知名企业,如通用汽车、IBM、惠普、西门子、飞利浦、西尔斯等已先行一步进入逆向物流领域,产生了良好的经济效益和社会影响。然而在中国,逆向物流仍然未能引起企业界的普遍重视,绝大多数企业也都对逆向物流退避三舍。中国企业缘何冷落逆向物流对大多数中国企业来讲,在正向物流系统中创造并持续应用最佳业务实践已经是非常艰巨的任务了。因此毫不奇怪,没有几家企业愿意全心全意地应对逆向物流的挑战。那么,是什么原因导致中国企业对逆向物流“横眉冷对”的呢?(1)对逆向物流的认识存在误区。从形成因素来看,逆向物流一般是由对不满意产品的退货,不合格材料和残次品的退(召)回,包装品的循环复用,废弃物的处理,有害物品的回收等引起的。因此,大多数企业认为逆向物流是负面的,把其看作是一件麻烦事,既劳民又伤财,而且成功几率也比较小,导致企业对逆向物流“三缄其口”。(2)企业高层的重视不够。通常企业都乐于在正向物流上投入资金、下大功夫,相比之下,高层领导对逆向物流普遍不够重视,并将其排除在企业经营战略之外。一项针对物流经理的调查显示,40%的人认为导致逆向物流失败的首要因素是管理阶层觉得其相对不重要;35%的人认为是缺乏相关政策和处理系统;其余的则认为是疏忽管理和缺乏人力资源。(3)对逆向物流的操作存在困难。正向物流通常是在人们的计划和掌控之下,基本按照规定的时间和数量从某一点流出,终止于另一点;何时出发、数量多少、从哪里出发、流往何处基本上是已知的和可控的。而对逆向物流,其产生的地点、时间和数量几乎无法预料,人们难以掌控。(4)缺乏相应的技术和管理手段作支撑。正向物流的处理方法一般比较规范,而逆向物流的处理系统与方式则复杂多样,不同的处理手段对恢复资源价值的贡献差异显著。一般的物流管理信息系统都具有对正向物流的管理功能,但是却鲜有对逆向物流的处理与管理功能。(5)企业综合素质差。运作逆向物流对企业的生产能力、物流技术、人员素质、管理水平、组织结构等方面的要求非常高,并且需要投入大量的人力、物力、财力,使得企业对逆向物流的成本控制、经济效益以及成功几率等持怀疑态度。因此,大多数企业对开展逆向物流比较消极。另外,逆向物流业务是由供应链上各个企业共同运作的,因而企业开展逆向物流需要与供应链上其他企业充分合作、协商,并结合整个供应链的业务能力集体做出决策,这对缺乏合作精神和供应链整合能力比较差的中国企业而言是一个不小的挑战。让逆向物流在中国不再沉默当我们还在为挤干正向物流中的水分而费尽心机之时,一些世界著名的大制造商已经开始向逆向物流要效益了。在经济全球化的今天,当供应链管理时代向我们走来的时候,中国作为世界制造业中心和全球供应链的源头,岂能坐失逆向物流孕育的无限商机?诚如零售巨头西尔斯公司的物流副总裁所言:“逆向物流也许是企业在降低成本中的最后一块处女地了”。当前,中国每年因退货、过量生产、不合格品退回、报废和损坏等产生的损失正在以惊人的速度增长,因此开展逆向物流对资源相对贫乏、遭遇巨大的资源和环境制约的中国而言,前景诱人。然而,真正尝到逆向物流之甘甜的中国企业却不多见,在此情况下,如何让逆向物流不再沉默,成为我们思索的主题。(1)学习逆向物流知识,树立现代逆向物流理念。目前,多数中国企业对逆向物流的认识还不够全面,也没有认识到逆向物流潜在的经济价值。在以顾客为导向和绿色主义盛行的市场环境下,企业建立退货、缺陷产品退回或召回、物料循环利用、报废品和有害品回收处理等逆向物流系统,是提高顾客忠诚度、促进技术创新的来源之一,对企业节约资源、降低成本、塑造环保形象、增强显性和隐性竞争优势等具有积极意义。所以,必须通过系统学习逆向物流知识,使企业树立正确的逆向物流思想,同时提高逆向物流业务水平。(2)加大政府环境立法进程和环保执法力度。在工业化世界中,政府的环境立法迫使企业对其所制造产品的整个生命周期负责。目前,在美国,日本、西欧等发达国家大都出台了关于残次品的退回、包装材料的循环利用、废弃物的回收处理等法案,这在很大程度上推动了企业逆向物流的开展。而在中国,立法滞后、执法不严是导致逆向物流遭冷遇的主要原因之一。(3)重视逆向物流通道建设,提高供应链整合能力。一个完整的逆向物流流程是由消费者或其他逆向物流源,通过零售商、批发商、配送中心、生产商和供应商几个节点逐级回溯的过程。由于逆向物流需求量和流程长度的不确定性,我们必须重视逆向物流通道的建设和选择问题,这对合理减少逆向物流量,缩短逆向物流在途时间和流程,为其他渠道成员节约资源、降低成本具有重要影响。因此,要加强企业对供应链上的渠道成员的整合能力。(4)促进企业物流的管理创新和技术进步。鉴于逆向物流的复杂性和不确定性,实现逆向物流运作的规范化,企业必须有先进的信息技术和运营管理系统作支持,采取一系列计划控制手段和措施,以提高资源利用效率和投资回报率。比如,建立具有逆向物流管理功能的新型物流管理信息系统和业务运营模式;制定逆向物流成本管理的会计制度,解决成本可视性问题;实施业务流程再造等。(5)引入第三方逆向物流管理。一般来说,第三方物流公司在专业技术、综合管理和信息等方面具有显著优势,通过把逆向物流业务外包给第三方企业,实现专业分工、提高运作效率。据悉,国际物流巨头如UPS、联邦快递等已经进入逆向物流服务领域,第三方逆向物流将成为逆向物流发展的趋势。另外,我们要重视和发挥工业同盟或行业协会在管理逆向物流中的独特作用,加强这些组织对企业实施逆向物流的管理和引导,将类似的很多企业整合起来共同面对逆向物流的挑战。In recent years, based on the sustainable development of reverse logistics experts and scholars at home and abroad has aroused widespread attention, and its system and in-depth research, while some well-known foreign companies have begun to gradually implement reverse logistics management. But at home, reflecting the green and ecological thinking of the reverse logistics have not yet cause for adequate attention, few companies have embarked on reverse logistics activities, which can not but arouse our Yousi. Perspective reverse logistics We usually say the logistics generally refers to "forward logistics," but a complete supply chain logistics in addition to including the forward, should also include reverse logistics. "Reverse logistics" is the earliest in 1992 by the Stock to the United States Association of Logistics Management (CLM) in a research report that after many research institutions and scholars from different angles on the reverse logistics for a different interpretation. Logistics is positive goods from production to consumption of the actual direction of logistics, supply chain and the operation of the same direction, and reverse logistics, by contrast, it is the market and customer-oriented, with information technology as the foundation, through the channel members Consumer goods will return to the point of origin of the process, including returns, failed to return goods, maintenance and re-manufacturing, material substitution, use of recycled materials, waste recycling, and other processes, so that these materials be re-value and Proper disposal. From the micro perspective, a reverse logistics improve customer value and enhance competitive advantage, reduce material costs and increase enterprise efficiency, improve the environment, shape their images, and other overt and hidden role from the macro perspective, reverse logistics is conducive to social The rational flow of resources, conservation of resources, improve the environment and the sustainable economic development. Therefore, the implementation of "reverse logistics" in line with the development of the times. Reverse Logistics-trend and Entered the 21st century, mankind will face a population explosion, resource shortages and environmental deterioration, and other major crises, and as a large consumption of energy, raw materials, waste generated many of the logistics industry will inevitably encountered in the development of strong environmental constraints, therefore, "Walk the road of economic cycle" will become the logistics industry commitment and the pursuit of key targets. This objective of the reverse logistics from a dark background to a dazzling spotlight. At the same time, in the context of economic integration, competition among enterprises is no longer the company and the competition between the companies, but the overall competition between the supply chain, enterprises, apart from considering their own interests, but also need to consider the overall supply Chain and the competitiveness of interest requires that enterprises must establish a new mode of operation - the supply chain system. In order to optimize the supply chain system, improve the overall supply chain competitiveness, we must not only be positive attention to the logistics operation, but also to do a good job in reverse logistics operation. With the enhancement of environmental awareness among the people, the Government's environmental legislation and regulations to speed up the efforts to increase the binding, reverse logistics community is being more and more people are understanding and attention. And based on population, resources, environment and harmonious development of the enterprises enhance the competitive advantage goals (such as Blue Ribbon beer bottles of beer, through recycling, the cost can be reduced by 20% -40%), reverse logistics enterprises will surely become a key operator in Central. At present, some internationally famous companies such as General Motors, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Siemens, Philips, Sears, etc., have entered the first step in the field of reverse logistics, produce good economic returns and social impact. However, in China, the reverse logistics business has not been caused widespread attention, the vast majority of enterprises are also on the reverse logistics Tuibisanshe. Why cold-shouldered Chinese enterprises reverse logistics Speaking for the majority of Chinese enterprises in the logistics system to create positive and sustained application of Best Practices is a very arduous task. Not surprising, therefore, not a few companies are willing to wholeheartedly respond to the challenges of reverse logistics. So, what are the reasons for Chinese enterprises to reverse logistics "Hengmeilengdui"? » (1) awareness of the existence of reverse logistics errors. From the formation of factors, reverse logistics in general is not satisfied with the products of the return, Canci substandard materials and goods retreat (response) back, the cycle of packaging materials reuse, waste disposal, the recycling of hazardous materials Caused. Therefore, the majority of enterprises believe that the reverse logistics is negative, as one of their troubles, both the people and injured money, but also relatively small chance of success, resulting in business-to-reverse logistics "to remain silent." (2) paid insufficient attention to the high-level enterprises. Often companies are happy to invest in the forward logistics funds, under great efforts, compared with the leaders of the general lack of attention to reverse logistics, and out of the business strategy beyond. A logistics manager for the survey, 40 percent of the people that led to the failure of reverse logistics management of the primary factor is that its relatively unimportant; 35 percent of people think that is the lack of relevant policies and treatment systems; rest are considered to be negligent management And the lack of human resources. (3) the operation of the reverse logistics difficulties. Logistics is usually positive people in the planning and control, in accordance with the basic requirements of the time and the number of outflow from a certain point, another point in the termination; when starting, of the numbers, starting from where, where the flow is basically known to And controllable. And the reverse logistics, the location, time and the number is almost impossible to expect it difficult to control. (4) the lack of appropriate technologies and management tools and support. Positive ways of handling the logistics generally norms, and reverse logistics system and way of dealing with the complicated and diverse, different treatment methods to restore the value of the contribution of resources significantly. General logistics management information systems have to forward logistics management capabilities, but seldom on the treatment and reverse logistics management capabilities. (5) poor overall quality of enterprises. Reverse logistics operation of the production capacity of enterprises, logistics, personnel quality, management, organizational structure and other aspects of the request is very high, and requires a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to make business-to-reverse logistics cost control, cost-effective and Success probability, and other skeptical. Therefore, the majority of enterprises to carry out reverse logistics relatively negative. In addition, the reverse logistics supply chain operations by the various co-operation of enterprises, thus enterprises need to reverse logistics and supply chain of other enterprises to cooperate fully, in consultation with the whole supply chain and the operational capacity of collective decision-making, the lack of cooperation Spirit and supply chain integration relatively poor ability of the Chinese enterprises is a big challenge. Let reverse logistics in China is no longer silent When we are Jigan positive for the logistics of water and Feijinxinji the time, some of the world famous big manufacturers have begun to reverse logistics to the benefits. In the economic globalization today, when the supply chain management to the era before us the time, China as a world manufacturing centre and the source of the global supply chain, how can we miss the reverse logistics孕育unlimited business opportunities » Just as retail giant Sears, vice president of the logistics company said: "reverse logistics enterprises may be in lower costs in the last piece of virgin land." At present, China in each of the returns, excessive production, failed to return goods, such as abandoned and damaged the loss is growing at an alarming rate, to reverse logistics for the relative lack of resources, experience tremendous resources and environmental constraints of China, Enticing prospect. However, the real taste of the sweet reverse logistics enterprises in China are rare, in this case, how to reverse logistics is no longer silent, we become the subject of reflection. (1) study and reverse logistics knowledge, establish a modern concept of reverse logistics. At present, most Chinese enterprises to reverse logistics understanding also is not comprehensive enough, and no understanding of reverse logistics to the potential economic value. In customer-oriented and green of the prevailing market environment, the establishment of return, refund or recall defective products, the use of recycled materials, goods and scrap recycling of hazardous materials, such as reverse logistics system is to improve customer loyalty and promote One of the sources of technological innovation, enterprise resource conservation, reduce costs, create environmental image and enhance the dominant and recessive competitive advantage, and so is of positive significance. Therefore, we must reverse logistics through a systematic study of knowledge to enable enterprises to establish a correct ideological and reverse logistics, while increasing the level of reverse logistics business. (2) Increase the process of environmental legislation and environmental law enforcement. In the industrialized world, the Government's environmental legislation by forcing companies to manufacture products in charge of the entire life cycle. At present, the United States, Japan and most Western European and other developed countries issued a refund on Canci goods, packaging materials recycling, waste recycling, and other bills, largely promoted the development of reverse logistics enterprises. In China, legislation lagged behind, leading to lax enforcement reverse logistics Zaoleng Yu is one of the main reasons. (3) to reverse logistics channel construction, improve supply chain integration. A complete reverse logistics process by consumers or other source of reverse logistics, through retailers, wholesalers, distribution centers, manufacturers and suppliers several nodes back step by step process. As demand for reverse logistics and the flow length of the uncertainty, we must reverse logistics channel to the construction and selection, which is a reasonable reduction of reverse logistics, reverse logistics reduce the time and passers-by in the process, as members of other channels to save resources, reduce costs Has an important influence. Therefore, in order to strengthen business-to-supply chain on the ability to integrate members of the channel. (4) promotion of business logistics management innovation and technological progress. Given the complexity of the reverse logistics and uncertainties, and reverse logistics operation of the standardized, enterprises must have advanced information technology and operations management system to support, adopt a series of plans and control methods and measures to improve the efficiency of resource use and return on investment . For example, the establishment of a reverse logistics management capabilities of the new logistics management information systems and operations model developed reverse logistics cost management accounting systems, cost visibility to solve the problem, such as the implementation of business process reengineering. (5) the introduction of third-party reverse logistics management. In general, third-party logistics companies in the professional and technical, management and information has a significant advantage, through to reverse logistics outsourcing to a third party business, and professional division of labor, improve operational efficiency. It is learnt that the international logistics giants such as UPS, Federal Express, and so has entered the field of reverse logistics services, reverse logistics will become the third-party logistics reverse the trend of development. In addition, we must attach importance to and play industrial union or trade association in the management of reverse logistics in the unique role to strengthen these organizations on the implementation of reverse logistics business management and guidance, many enterprises will be similar to the integration of common reverse logistics challenges.
Based on the reverse logistics mode air conditioning products were studied. According to "what is positive, reverse logistics in air conditioning? - why are reverse logistics interaction model design of air conditioning products? -- -- how to implement interactive mode of reverse logistics is?" This is a logical sequence is 13 main replied, "what is the air conditioning and reverse logistics in domestic air conditioning? Why are products of reverse logistics interaction pattern design?" These two problems. The author first for positive logistics and reverse logistics fields related literature review, and discusses the related concepts and their interaction pattern design method. Then describes the domestic air conditioning products are reverse logistics and the characteristics of the interactive content such as driving latter part of the article on "how to implement the air conditioning is reverse logistics, namely the interaction modes of reverse logistics is air conditioning specific interactive mode is discussed in this part of the content. The air conditioning, combining with some characteristics of reverse logistics in China and air conditioning production enterprises, the actual situation in air conditioning enterprises should be established for the core of reverse logistics network and using the method of RFID technology is the reverse logistics model was established, and the integration of model. Then through the concrete analysis can also see constitute the reverse logistics cost and its positive elements of the differences between the logistics cost of air conditioning is reverse logistics. Specific interactive mode is discussed, the article also analyzed the domestic air conditioning implement reverse logistics enterprises can produce some difficulties, and separately from the government, enterprises and the consumer's point of view, how to promote the development of air reverse logistics is proposed.仅供参考
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