亚龙湾热带天堂森林公园 蜈支洲岛 大东海 槟榔谷 呀诺达热带雨林 南山寺 大小洞天风景区 天涯海角 神州第一温泉“珠江南田温泉” 西岛 皇后湾 情人弯 牛车湾 鹿回头 五指山热带雨林 分界洲岛 南湾猴岛 在海边观海景吃海鲜成了旅客的必然选择。海鲜种类很丰富,除了鲍鱼、梅花参、海胆等海中三珍外,像青蟹、血蚶、蠔、龙虾、马鲛鱼、螃蟹、石斑鱼、鲡鱼、扇贝、鸡腿螺、剪刀贝等也是必食之珍。在海边观海景,吃海鲜,即捞即煮即吃,别有一番风味。黎族竹筒饭和苗族五色饭以及南山素斋更能体现三亚的美食特色。 祝您生活愉快
1、要注意吃 到海南旅游当然要吃海鲜,海南本地有海鲜大排档,各种档次都有,有些自秤的海鲜饭店您一定要把好秤,否则经常缺斤少两,除非你不在意这些吃饭的费用。海鲜品种众多,但价格可大不一样,在点餐之前要先问好价钱再让店方上菜,否则被人宰了自己还理亏,这是特别要注意的。 2、要注意晚上的活动 海南又丰富多彩的夜生活,但您一定要和旅行社联络或通过公开的资讯去找,紧记不要和您不认识的陌生人去,不然就会出现很多问题。出门在外,安全是首位。 3、游泳应注意 在您旅游了一天时间后到了酒店,感觉肯定很累了,如果您是住在海边的酒店游泳一定要在有保护圈范围内,每年几乎都有游客被大海无情卷走。 4、用车应注意: 在用车方面,包车的费用一般在每天150--700元左右,不要坐50--80的车,小部份游客可能看在廉价的车费使用这些车,结果出现了许许多多的问题,如被司机带到一些不正规、不安全的消费场所,造成高额的支出还不敢支声。莫因小而失大。市内搭的士(TAXI)的交通费用一般是5--10元。 5、购物方面: 如您来海南购物一定要去规模大一些的自选超市,那里货种齐全,价格公道。其实来海南购物买的都是一些海产品,水晶、珍珠、土特产、热带水果等一些特色产品,年轻的您还可以选上一件海南岛服,感受一下东方夏威夷的度假气息。 晒黑的问题答案是肯定的,多涂点防晒霜吧,还可以带一把防紫外线的伞挡挡阳光。
海南东海岸气候属热带海洋和热带季风混合型气候,长夏无冬,终年溼润,最佳的旅游时节在11月至次年的三月,这时正是其他地方寒风瑟瑟之时,但这里还是一派阳光明媚、树木葱郁的夏日景象。海南西海岸一带受海洋寒流影响,气温较东海岸要低一些。还有一点要考虑的就是,要避开如春节、元旦等人比较多,房价也比较贵的时间。 最后需要提醒的是,尽管海南很温暖,但在冬天来这里旅游,还是得带上一件毛衣。 海南的美景无数,气候宜人,民族众多。在这里你感叹大自然的鬼斧神工,也能领略少数民族的古朴风情。这里绝对是一个你一生一定要来的地方。
短租房 建议你还是再网上找找 很方便的,并且价格都是能交流的,价格相信应该不会很贵的。
海南地处热带,位于东经108°37′-111°05′,北纬18°10′-20°10′之间,是我国最具热带季风气候特色的地方。年平均气温23-25℃,最冷的时间为2月份,平均气温在18-24℃,最热为8月份,平均气温为28-32℃。春季平均气温16-24℃,夏季平均气温28-35℃,秋季平均气温22-28℃,冬季平均气温18-26℃。夏季紫外线指数强,对面板有较大伤害,尽量避免上午10点.到下午4点暴露在阳光下。穿衣指数适宜穿以短袖衫、短裙、短裤、薄形T恤衫为主的盛夏服装。穿衣建议以短裙、短裤、短套装、T恤等夏季服装为主,秋冬季节适当增加长袖衬衫及防风外套。年老体弱者宜穿长袖衬衫和单裤。出门必带品:1、高SPF的防晒霜, 晒后镇定修护露,美白晚霜,美白面膜,面霜, 爽肤水, 眼霜2、遮阳帽,防紫外线的遮阳伞,太阳眼镜,雨伞3、泳衣,泳帽,泳镜,耳塞4、沙滩鞋或合脚的拖鞋, 防水手表,弹簧秤, 手电筒(基本没用),如果方便可以带望远镜5、餐巾纸, 溼纸巾,女性用品,替换内衣裤,吸油面纸,纸牌6、牙刷牙膏,隐形眼镜,药水, 毛巾,擦汗巾, 泡芙, 保鲜袋,吸管,筷子勺子7、洗面奶, 洗发乳,护发精华素, 梳子, 剃须刀8、抗过敏药,止泻药,感冒药,止痛药,邦迪创可贴,消毒棉球,鼻舒,人丹9、纸,笔,旅游攻略; 如果带膝上型电脑,千万要带上网线,南风不提供网线10、手机(临行前不要忘了交费)及充电器,DV及充电器,DC及大容量的储存卡、充电器,相机、三角架。11、 现金(多带些,除酒店住宿一般都用现金);信用卡,身份证,返程机票不要弄丢12、六神花露水,邦迪止痒凝露(很好用,特别推荐);不用带驱蚊器之类的东西。 13、水果刀,瑞士军刀(注意:如果要带必须托运)14、衣服,选轻薄、吸汗、好洗、易干,最好有一件深色带袖子的长袖上衣(阻隔紫外线,如果防晒工作做得好也不用带)15、预备一个大的旅行包,那种漂亮的帆布大挎包就很好,照相都很漂亮16、笔记本、DV等贵重物品如果出门不带时可以存在前台那里,最好不要放在房间,出门时要锁好洗手间窗户、阳台门
==Touri *** == As Hainan Island is not heavily industrialised, its greenery, together with its beautiful beaches and clean air, make it a popular tourist attraction. The island is aessible through ferry links with Guangdong province, as well as air links. There are o airports, Meilan Airport in Haikou, and Phoenix Airport in Sanya. In December 2004, the Guangdong-Hainan passenger railway link opened, connecting Guangzhou in Guangdong province on the mainland to Hainan Island. The plete trip, which includes crossing the Qiongzhou Strait by ferry, takes a total of 12 hours. The project cost $583 million US and is expected to greatly enhance Hainan's touri *** and economic development. This is important because Hainan currently lags well behind Shenzhen and Zhuhai special economic zones, which border Hong Kong and Macao, respectively. Hainan Island is often divided into eight regions for touri *** purposes: Haikou and area (Haikou, Qiongshan, Ding'an); the Northeast (Wenchang); the Central East Coast (Qionghai, Ding'an); the South East Coast; the South (Sanya); the West Coast (Ledong, Dongfang, Changilang); the North West (Danzhou, Lingao, Chengmai); and the Central Highlands (Baisha, Qiongzhong, and Wuzhishan/Tongzha). Haikou is the province's capital and contains interesting historic sites. Also known as Coconut City, Haikou is a major port. The Five Official's Temple consists of five traditional temples and halls that were built in honour of five officials of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties. These officials were banished to Hainan for periods ranging from 11 days to 11 years for speaking out against what they felt were wrong practices by the Emperors. (It is perhaps significant that the establishment of the Five Officials Temple in the late 19th century coincides with a time when China's territorial integrity was under threat, and that several of the officials honoured here were exiled for espousing aggressive policies on the recapture of the north of China from the Jurchens during the Southern Song dynasty.) Xiuying Fort Barbette was built in 1891 to defend the southeastern corner of China during the Sino-French War. The Xiuying Fort Barbette covers about a third of an acre. Its five large cannons are still intact and viewable at the site. Hai Rui Tomb is a key national cultural protection site. Hai Rui was a passionate and popular official of Hainanese origins who lived during the Ming Dynasty. He was famous for his lifelong honesty and his willingness to speak out on behalf of local people. In later life, Hai Rui was persecuted and fell out of favour with the emperor. His admirers built the Hai Rui Tomb after his death to memorate his great works. Construction of the tomb began in 1589. Perhaps the best known tourist attractions of Hainan Island are its world class beaches, luxurious hot springs, and beautiful scenery. With white sand beaches, tranquil green waters and areas of lush vegetation, Hainan has much to offer. Some scenic sites are Yalong bay National Resort; Dadonghai Tourist Resort; Qizhi Shan (Seven Finger Mountain), Guantang Hot Spring Resort, Shishan Volcanic Garden; Wanquan River, Baishi Ridge Scenic Zone and Baihua Ridge. Visitors should be aware that once they get to Hainan, there is a dearth of tourist information in English (or Mandarin), so finding how to get to the tourist sites is not always easy. Compounding this is the abundance of inferior tourist attractions that are rapidly springing up to take advantage of the new touri *** economy. China announced in Oct. 2007 that it would build its fourth space launch centre, just a week after it fired off its first lunar orbiter. The new launch centre, to be built on the southern island province of Hainan, is scheduled to be pleted in 2012 and start operating in 2013. The location of the launch centre in Hainan, a low-latitude region, will displace more than 6,000 residents that will be relocated to make way for the space centre, which will oupy 1,200 hectares. The site will be mainly used for launching various kinds of satellites and large space stations, the plan has been approved by the government. A 407-hectare space themed park will also be constructed near the new launch centre. Some attractions in Hainan include: Qiong Opera Yalong Wan (亚龙湾 Crescent Dragon Bay), Sanya City, southern Hainan: seven-kilometre beach. The province has initiated a visa-upon-arrival policy for foreign tourist groups from enty-one countries in 2000, in order to attract visitors. It received 380,000 overseas tourists in 2002.
第一,千万别忘记去看看海,推荐去三亚的亚龙湾沙滩,有这么一句话:三亚归来不看海,除去亚龙不是湾。所以亚龙湾不得不去。 第二,如果是初次到三亚,天涯海角不可不去,虽然说是两块大石头,不过毕竟是名义上的祖国最南的标志,合影是必不可少的。 第三,南山。拜南山108米的金观音。吃南山漂亮的不忍动筷的素斋。 第四,蜈支洲岛,一个小岛,不过做旅游做的很成熟。上面玩的也非常多。以潜水为重。 第五,还有万泉河漂流。特别美的景色,还能看到那些丛林里隔绝于世的黎族人民的锅灶,晾晒的衣服。 第六,博鳌会址。其实也没有什么好看,不过气势还蛮雄伟的咧。 第七,五指山。有时间就爬一下。在山顶的感觉特别好。 第八,呀诺达雨林,很有原始森林的感觉,一大片原生态雨林。呀诺达就是海南话123的意思。可以参加它的踏瀑戏水拓展活动,很 *** ,很有意思。 第九,文昌的东郊椰林,虽然椰林是越来越少,不过还是很有看头。 D1:海口-儋州,洋浦古盐田,热作两院植物园;儋州-昌化,宿昌化 D2:昌化-棋子湾-东方 D3:东方-白查村-黄流-莺歌海盐场-住宿尖峰镇 D4:尖峰岭,住宿尖峰镇/通什 D5:五指山市(通什)-民族博物馆-番茅苗寨-三亚 D6:崖州古城+水南村+大小洞天。 D7:遛马湾出海(淘宝预订) D8:蜈支州岛+珠江南田温泉1日游 D9:三亚湾等地婚纱照一日,18:30观日落 D10:亚龙湾游玩,住宿:丽思卡尔顿 D11:亚龙湾游玩,住宿:丽思卡尔顿 D12:亚龙湾游玩.住宿三亚湾 D13:三亚-文昌-东郊椰林,住宿百莱玛度假村. D14:东郊椰林-铜鼓岭-文昌,住宿文昌 D15:文昌-演丰-东寨港红树林-海口,老城区、火车站参观,住宿海口 D16:石山火山口公园游玩,海口-上海