
CEO 激励与盈余管理2006 JFE Daniel Bergstresser, Thomas Philippon一、 介绍部分 在过去的15年间,我们看到以股票和期权为主要构成部分的高管薪酬剧增,以此作为激励高管的一种策略。但是这种策略的后果比较复杂,已有研究表明大量的期权组合增加管理者操纵盈余的动机。调节应计项目(增加应计项目减少盈余,减少应计项目增加盈余)是盈余管理的方式之一。正如所显示的一样,过去的20年间,应计项目显著增加,因此作者试图检验:应计项目的增加是否与对高管股权激励有关。此外,Xerox公司的实例表明:盈余管理期间,高管执行的期权价值是其前五年的3倍。本文最后证明:高管股权激励程度越高,通过调节应计项目进行盈余管理的水平就越高,即高管通过大量运用应计项目调节盈余;在高应计项目期间(该期间的盈余大部分由应计项目构成),高管执行其公司的大量期权和出售大量股份。二、高管薪酬盈余管理研究背景(一)高管股权激励与增加公司价值关系的研究一部分研究表明:高管没有动机增加总司价值,如Jensen and Murphy (1990),Ford等);而相反另一部分研究结果表明:增加高管股权激励能够增加公司价值,如 Mehran (1995)等。 而本文的研究却表明,高管股权激励程度越高,其操控盈余的水平越高。(二)高管进行盈余管理的目的的研究会计文献中研究者通常认为管理者进行盈余管理主要是为红利计划(bonus schemes)如Healy(1985),Dichev(1997)等。但Sloan(1996) and Collins and Hribar(2000)研究表明管理者操控盈余也是为了操控资本市场。这些研究都证明在金融市场上存在异常的应计项目。这就暗示着管理者很可能通过运用应计项目来操控其公司的市场价值。特别是,高管人员很可能在超额应计项目小时前出售其所持有的本公司股票。也有研究表明:管理者或其公司在向资本市场出售股票时,操纵盈余。如Beneish and Vargus(2002)发现高应计项目期间通常与内部人出售股票相关,并且高应计项目期间之后紧跟着是低盈余和股票报酬。最后,Burns and Kedia(2003)发现在高管拥有大量期权组合的公司,盈余重述是非常普遍。(三)本文的研究贡献:一方面扩充了盈余管理的文献,通过使用应计项目, 研究高管的股权激励与盈余管理的关系。另一方面,文章证实并且延伸Beneish and Vargus(2002)的研究成果,使用了更多变量度量内部人股份出售 的水平、控制公司特征变量,获得更加稳健的结果。三、研究设计(一)数据来源:本文的数据一部分来源于Compustat dataset,从1993年到2000年高管薪酬数据;另一部分数据来源于证监会从Thomson Financial database获取的1996-2001年的内部文档。(二)变量及其度量文章主要运用了4个关键变量:应计项目(accruals)、高管股权激励(ceo incentives)、高管期权执行(ceo option exercise)、share sales1.应计项目(accruals)的度量第一种方法根据Dechow 年的方法计算总的应计项目: (1)计算出总的应计项目后根据Jones1991 模型公式(2):得到估计系数 、 等 根据公式3和所得估计的系数,计算正常应计项目(不可操控的应计项目) : 根据公式(4)计算得出超额应计项目(可操控的应计项目) : 作者同时也使用了修正Jones模型,用公式(5)替代公式(2) 再根据公式(6),计算出超额应计项目: 结果表明根据修正Jones模型计算出来的超额应计项目和Jones模型计算出来的超额应计项目是相似的。上述方法是根据资产负债表各项目计算的,而且是以持续经营为假设前提,采用这种方法衡量盈余管理在收购、兼并之日容易产生问题,因此作者又引入了第二种方法.根据现金流量表和利润表用息税前利润减去经营现金流量计算总的应计项目,如公式(7),但是文中并未显示研究结果。 2.高管股权激励(ceo incentives)的度量文章研究的第一个问题就是高管股权激励强度与盈余管理之间的关系,选用inventive_ratio变量来衡量股权激励强度,也就是我们所说的激励系数PPS.在高管总的薪酬中包括薪水、奖金、公司赋予的股票期权,因此按照公式9定义激励比率等于高管薪酬中的股权价值除以其薪酬总和。 高管享有的股权价值按照公式8计算 公式9隐含的假设前提是期权的“delta”等于1,Delta值(δ),又称对冲值:是衡量标的资产价格变动时,期权价格的变化幅度。即公司的股价增加1美元,股票期权的价值也增加1美元,这种假设对于价内期权是正确的,但是对于价外期权就不精确了,因此作者为了避免这个问题,根据Core-Guay techinqiue,得出ONEPCTCG 再次计算激励比率,得出公式10 3.高管执行期权的度量作者用高管执行期权的价值:value_option_exercise来度量4.内部人出售股份的度量 作者使用了如下4个变量来度量内部人出售股份的价值:高管出售股份总的价值;高管出售股份净额;内部人出售股份总的价值(ceo,cfo,coo,president and chairman);内部人出售股份净额;(三)研究方法 作者采用OLS回归分析方法,运用应计项目衡量盈余管理水平。 1对于第一问题——高管股权激励的强度与应计项目使用水平之间的关系的检验,构造模型(11): 并且按照公司 资产是否高于10亿美元将样本分成大规模企业和小规模企业,分别使用应计项目的绝对值对股权激励比率进行回归分析。 2对于高应计项目期间,CEO执行期权、内部人出售股份的情况的检验,作者根据Beneish and Vargus(2002)将应计项目十等分的方法,构建模型(12)进行回归分析 四、实证结果(一)根据模型(11),对于高管股权激励的强度与应计项目使用水平之间的关系的检验。表2a给出了小规模公司的回归结果,表2b列示了大规模公司的回归结果,表2b与2a的检验过程一样,对表2a进行详细说明:第一列,在没有控制其他变量时,自变量激励强度:ratio的系数是,而且显著,表明高管股权激励比率每增长1%,应计项目的绝对值增加,这说明高管股权激励程度越高,应计项目的使用就越多,盈余管理的水平就越高。为了进一步证明结果的可靠性,进行下面四组稳健性检验.第二组稳健性检验是在第一列的基础上增加公司规模、公司治理水平、公司年龄、销售增长的稳定性、财务杠杆、市账比的等控制变量,可见,ratio的系数是,且显著;第三列,改变了因变量,用超额应计项目的绝对值作为因变量;第四列仍用超额应计项目的绝对值作为因变量,但是总的应计项目利用利润表和现金流量表计算,再根据jones模型计算超额应计项目;最后一组的稳健性检验,使用Core-Guay技术计算的股权激励比率作为自变量,从回归从各列回归结果可以看出,这几组稳健性检验获得的结果都是显著的,因此我们得出:高管股权程度越高,应计项目的使用就越多,盈余管理的水平就越高。(二)根据公式(12)在高应计项目期间,CEO 执行期权,内部人出售股份情况的检验。表3列示了回归结果:(1)第一列检验的是高应计项目期间,CEO 执行期权的价值。Specification1:在没有控制变量时,系数为,且显著,表明在高应计项目期间,CEO 执行期权的价值要高于其他期间个基点;Specification2:在加入控制变量:公司规模、治理水平、年龄、行业等变量时,结果仍然显著。(2)Specification3:但是在继续增加财务杠杆、市账比等变量时,结果不显著。作者对此又做了稳健性检验,用期初高管持有的期权数量来标准化公式12中的option-exercise 变量,控制内生性问题,结果和表3列示的一样;第二列到第五列分别使用四个不同的因变量:高管出售股份总的价值、高管出售股份净额、 内部人出售股份总的价值、 内部人出售股份净额检验在高应计项目期间,高管、内部人出售股份的情况。从回归结果可以看出:第二列到第五列三种设定中回归系数都是显著的,说明在高应计项目期间,高管销售股份的数量要显著高于其他期间。以上分析结果表明,在高应计项目期间,内部人出售大量的股份。五、研究结论(1)高管股权激励程度越高, 通过调节应计项目进行盈余管理的水平就越高;(2)在高应计项目期间(该期间的盈余大部分由应计项目构成),高管、内部人执行其公司的大量期权、出售大量股份。注:公式都没了,你去找原文贴吧。
摘要: 随着市场经济的不断深化,企业间的竞争也日趋激烈。而薪酬管理作为企业人力资源管理问题的主要内容之一,在现代公司管理中发挥着重要作用,成为经济界和管理界深度关注的问题之一。本文就目前我国大部分公司在薪酬管理中存在的主要问题进行分析,并提出合理有效的对策,以完善公司薪酬管理的不足,从而促进我国企业的发展。
关键词: 薪酬管理;薪酬管理问题;薪酬管理对策
It is the University's policy to establish and administer salaries in line with its compensation Salary Ranges Newly-Hired Employees Merit Increases Promotion Upward Reclassification Lateral Transfer Demotion Special Salary Adjustments Temporary Assignment of Responsibilities in Higher Classification Rehire Recall/Transfer from Layoff Status Salary RangesEach salary grade has an established salary range. These ranges define the minimum and maximum salaries to be paid for a job, but also allow sufficient latitude for an individual to progress through the salary range as a result of merit increases. Salary ranges are reviewed annually, and may be adjusted periodically to respond to economic and market members are paid at least the minimum of the appropriate salary range, but not more than the maximum of the salary range except in special approved members whose salaries are at or above the maximum of their assigned salary ranges are not eligible for regular merit increases. They are, however, eligible to receive half of their recommended merit increase as a base building increase and the remaining half as a non-base building increase. The salary adjustment will be based on performance and the guidelines issued by Human Resources for merit increases. Exceptions to this policy must be requested in writing and approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Provost of the Newly-Hired EmployeesThe salaries of new employees are set based on the classification of the position, the salaries paid in the market, and the applicant's education, skills, and previous related experience. When an individual meets the minimum qualifications of the position, the salary is normally set at the minimum of the salary range. However, if an individual has directly related prior job experience, or if the market warrants, the salary may be established above the minimum. Starting salaries are not normally set above the midpoint of the salary range. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Manager of Compensation and Merit IncreasesThe University recognizes and rewards individual performance by awarding merit increases. The funds available for merit increases vary from year to year depending upon budgetary considerations, salaries paid in the identified marketplace and economic conditions. The University develops merit increase guidelines which establish ranges for individual merit increases based on performance increases are usually awarded on an annual basis and are normally effective on July 1. Merit increases are recommended by supervisors to Salary Coordinators and Human Resources based on the supervisor's evaluation of performance and other salary considerations. Merit increases are not subject to the grievance PromotionA promotion is an authorized reassignment from one position to another position in a higher salary grade. Upon promotion, an employee is eligible for a salary increase. Promotion increases are determined on an individual-case basis within guidelines that range from 7 to 15 percent or the minimum of the new salary grade, whichever is generally considered when determining a promotion increase are previous experience or education which might now be relevant, the salary range of the new position, internal salary relationships, and length of service. Promotion increases outside of the guidelines occur only in exceptional circumstances and must be approved by the Director of Personnel Services for the Central/Science campus, the Director of Human Resources for the School of Medicine, or the Director of Library Personnel Services for the Library. In no case shall the new salary exceed the maximum of the new salary grade. Promotion increases are not subject to the grievance : OPM Upward ReclassificationWhen a position is reclassified upward into a higher salary grade as a result of a job audit, the incumbent may be eligible for a salary adjustment depending upon the position of salary within the new range. Such increases normally should not exceed 7 percent of current salary or the minimum of the new salary grade, whichever is greater. In no case shall the new salary exceed the maximum of the new salary grade. Reclassification adjustments are not subject to the grievance Lateral TransferA lateral transfer is a change in job assignment within the same salary grade. Because the assignments are in the same salary grade, the same salary range applies. Lateral transfers do not result in a change in salary. There are, however, certain rare situations that may justify salary adjustments, which must be requested in writing and approved in advance by the Manager of Compensation and : OPM DemotionA demotion is a reassignment from one position to another position in a lower salary demotions may occur if work is eliminated, abolished or reorganized, or if a staff member is unable to perform the work satisfactorily and is involuntarily reassigned. The salary for an individual who is involuntarily reassigned to a position in a lower salary grade will be established by the Manager of Compensation and Classification for the Central/Science Campus, the Senior Compensation Representative in the School of Medicine, or the Director of Library Personnel Services. In no case will the salary exceed the maximum of the new salary for an individual, who, for personal reasons, chooses to take a vacant position in a lower salary grade, will be based on previous related experience and internal equity considerations and determined by the Manager of Compensation and Classification, the Senior Compensation Representative in the School of Medicine, or the Director of Library Personnel : OPM Special Salary AdjustmentsCertain rare and exceptional circumstances may occur from time to time that warrant special salary adjustments. Such adjustments are not part of the normal compensation plan for staff. Requests for special salary adjustments must be made in writing to the appropriate Compensation Representative and require the approval of the Manager of Compensation and Temporary Assignment of Responsibilities in Higher ClassificationAdditional compensation is appropriate when an individual is assigned, in writing, a major component of a job at a higher salary grade and is held accountable for the full scope of the job on a temporary basis in the absence of another member of the organization. All employees are expected to fill in for vacations and other short-term absences; however, when the temporary assignment exceeds 30 calendar days, additional temporary compensation is warranted. The amount of compensation will typically range between 7 to 15 percent of the employee's current base salary. Requests for additional compensation must be made in advance and in writing to the Compensation and Classification Sections of Human Resources or Library Personnel : OPM 414 and RehireA former Yale employee who is rehired as a regular employee is not automatically reinstated for privileges and benefits unless returning from layoff. Rehired employees must qualify for privileges and benefits as new hires except that in certain circumstances past service may be counted for pension purposes, for the scholarship plan, and for vacation a person is rehired into a different job classification, regardless of the length of time since the previous termination, the new starting salary is determined in the same manner as it would be for a new Recall/Transfer from Layoff StatusAn employee who has been laid off and who is recalled while on layoff status for the same position in the same department, will receive the previous salary or the minimum of the salary grade, whichever is greater, with full privileges and an employee on layoff status is offered and accepts a voluntary transfer to a different position, the salary will be determined in the same manner as it would be for a new : PPP
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