当今,由于人类社会的发展,生活节奏的加快,对于中年人群体老年疾病提前到来。中年人由于疾病的缠身,生活质量的下降等原因,给家庭和社会带来了很大的负面影响。下面是我带来的医学类英语 文章 ,欢迎阅读!
Chemicals commonly found in beauty products such as nail polishes, hair sprays andperfumesmay increase risk of diabetes for some women, new research suggests.
Chemicals commonly found in beauty products such as nail polishes, hair sprays andperfumesmay increase risk of diabetes for some women, new research suggests.
Researchers analyzed urine samples from 2,350 women who participated in the long-runningNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a nationally representative sampleof Americanwomen. They were looking for concentrations of chemicals known as phthalates,which are oftenfound in personal care products and in adhesives, electronics, products used tomanufacture cars, toys, packaging and even some coatings for medications.
Phthalates are considered "endocrine-disrupting" because they can alter normal regulationofcertain mechanisms in the body, including hormone regulation, and have been tied inpreviousresearch to diabetes and obesity risk, Dr. Kenneth Spaeth, director of theOccupational andEnvironmental Medicine Center's department of population health at NorthShore UniversityHospital in Manhasset, ., told HealthPop. He was not involved in the study.
The researchers found that women with the highest concentrations of two types of phthalates -mono-benzyl phthalate and mono-isobutyl phthalate - were nearly two times more likely tohavediabetes compared to women with the least amounts of these chemicals. Women withmoderatelyhigh levels of the phthalates mono-n-butyl phthalate and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalatewere 70 percent more likely to have diabetes compared to their counterparts.
The findings were published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a journal published bythegovernment's National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
"This is an important first step in exploring the connection between phthalates and diabetes,"saidDr. Tamara James-Todd, a researcher in women's health at Brigham and Women's HospitalinBoston, said in a press release. The researchers could not prove that phthalates causeddiabetes orhaving diabetes increased concentrations of the chemicals in a person's body.
"We know that in addition to being present in personal care products, phthalates also existincertain types of medical devices and medication that is used to treat diabetes and this couldalsoexplain the higher level of phthalates in diabetic women," she added. "So overall, moreresearch isneeded."
One of the problems is that chemicals like phthalates are practically unavoidable, accordingtoSpaeth.
"These chemicals are unfortunately ubiquitous," Spaeth explained. "It's pretty clear fromstudiesthat we're exposed all day long to these various household or personal care products."
Spaeth says it's a real challenge to reduce phthalate exposure because sometimes thechemical is ametabolic byproduct of another ingredient or a product label may not say itcontains phthalatesonly for phthalates to be found in the packaging the product came in, whichdoes not need to bementioned on a product label.
"It's really hard to make informed decisions about these kinds of things," he said. "Maybe we'llgetto a point when the health effects are more widely recognized, that there will be incentivetochange how products are made and packaged."
However Spaeth did say research has shown phthalates can find their way into householddustand people sometimes ingest them that way, so simple steps like frequent vaccuming anddusting, or washing your hands regularly before eating may decrease risk.
Even relatively clean-living Singaporeans who regularly eat burgers, fries and other staplesof fast food are at a raised risk of diabetes and more likely than their peers to die ofheart disease, according to an international study.
at a raised risk of diabetes:提高患糖尿病的风险
But Asian fast foods, such as noodles or dumplings, did not bear the same risk, the studypublished in the journal Circulation said.
bear the same risk:承受同样的风险
the journal Circulation:《循环》杂志
With globalization, fast food has become commonplacein East and SoutheastAsia. The study looked at more than 60,000 Singaporeans of Chinese descent.
"Many cultures welcome (Western fast food) because it's a sign they're developing theireconomics," said Andrew Odegaard, from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health,who led the study.
the University of Minnesota School of Public Health:明尼苏达大学的公共卫生学院
"But while it may be desirable from a cultural standpoint, from a health perspective theremay be a cost," he told Reuters Health.
a cultural standpoint: 文化 角度
The study participants were interviewed in the 1990s, then followed for about a decade.
Participants were between 45 and 74 years old at the outset. During the study period, 1,397 died of cardiac causes and 2,252 developed type 2 diabetes.
died of cardiaccauses:死于心脏病
Those who ate fast food two or more times a week had 27 percent greater odds ofdiabetes and 56 percent higher risk of cardiac death than those who ate little or no fast food,the researchers found.
greater odds of:更大的几率
Among 811 subjects who ate Western-style fast food four or more times a week, the riskof cardiac death rose by 80 percent.
Western-style fast food:西式快餐
The findings held even after the researchers adjusted for other factors that could influencehealth, including age, sex, weight, smoking status and education level.
In fact, the Singaporeans who ate Western fast food often were more likely to be younger,educated and physically active, and were less likely to smoke, than those who stuck to a moretraditional diet.
physically active:体力活动
Odegaard's team found that Eastern fast foods, such as dim sum, noodles and dumplings,were not associated with more cases of type 2 diabetes and cardiac deaths.
dim sum:中式点心
be not associated with:与……无关
"It wasn't their own snacks that was putting them at increased risk, but American-style fastfood," he said.
The profile of the fast food eaters differs markedly from that of the average fast foodconsumer in the United States, he added, with eating fast food in countries like Singapore astatus symbol and a way of "participating in American culture".
a status symbol:身份象征
The findings hold serious implications for recently developed and emerging countries, saidSara Bleich, an assistant professor of health policy at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of PublicHealth in Baltimore.
hold serious implications for:对……有严重影响
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health:约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院
"The big multinational fast food companies are increasingly looking to maximize profitoutside the United States, and they're looking to emerging economies like Singapore to dothat," she said. "So at the global level, the health implications are very strong."
maximize profit:追求利润最大化
emerging economies:新兴市场国家
胖子的 记忆力 思考力下降快
Fatter people are more likely to lose their memories and brain power quicker than thosewho are thinner, according to British research.
Those who are obese, and have other health problems such as high blood pressure andhigh cholesterol, lose their memory and thinking skills almost a quarter faster, foundresearchers at University College London.
Their study was based on almost 6,500 Whitehall civil servants, whose health wasmonitored between the ages of 50 and 60.
They were weighed and measured, their blood pressure and cholesterol levels were taken,and they were also asked what medication they were taking.
In addition, they were asked to perform mental tests three times during the decade,which were used to assess memory and other cognitiveskills.
此外,研究对象在这十年时间里还要参加三次智力测验,这些测验结果将作为评估记忆和 其它 认知技能的依据。
Of the 6,401 civil servants in the study, nine per cent (582) were obese. Of those, 350 werealso classed as “metabolicallyabnormal”- meaning they had two additional risk factors such ashigh blood pressure, high cholesterol, were taking medication for either condition, or werediabetic.
The researchers found the obese tended to lose their mental powers faster than theirthinner colleagues, while those who also had additional conditions lost their memory andthinking skills fastest of all.
The latter group experienced a percent faster decline on their cognitive test scoresover the decade than those who were healthy.
Archana Singh-Manoux, of the Paris research institute Inserm, who contributed to thestudy, said their results indicated the idea that people could be obese but still healthy wasflawed.
巴黎研究机构Inserm的辛格-曼诺(Archana Singh-Manoux)负责这项研究。他说,他们的研究结果表明胖子是健康的这一看法是站不脚的。
Shirley Cramer, chief executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “We do not yet know whyobesity and metabolic abnormality are linked to poorer brain performance, but with obesitylevels on the rise, it will be important to delvea little deeper into this association.
英国老年痴呆症研究所的主管雪莉·克莱默(Shirley Cramer)说:“目前我们还不知道为什么肥胖与新陈代谢异常这两方面会和脑力衰弱有联系。但是随着肥胖程度的增加,进一步深入探究它们之间的关联将变得很重要。”
“While the study itself focuses on cognitive decline, previous research suggests that ahealthy diet, regular exercise, not smoking and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol inmidlife can also help stave off dementia."
英语翻译论文 范文 一:中西方 文化 在英语翻译方面的差异性
“一方山水养一方人”,不同的地域和环境必然造就不同的民族文化。中国是一个幅员辽阔、地大物博、物产丰富的农业大国,这就使我国形成了一种典型的农耕文化。中国人注重人与自然、人与人之间的和谐与统一,故在许多 成语 中都与土地有关,如“土豪劣绅”“、土生土长”和“土崩瓦解”等。而英国则是一个典型的岛国,其四面被海水环绕,故其航海技术一直处于世界领先地位,这也促使其所形成的文化中都与水或航海有一定的联系,如在比喻一个人挥霍金钱的时候,会用“Spendmoneylikewa-ter”(挥金如土)来加以描述;在形容一个人的形体单薄、虚弱的时候则用“asweakaswater”(弱不禁风)来加以描述;而在告别友人的时候则会用“haveagoodsailing”(一路顺风)来加以描述等。因此,只有掌握了中西民族文化之间的差异性,才能够正确对语句进行理解和翻译。
中西翻译的差异性。因此,为了提高学生对于英语翻译的认识度和理解度,教师需要在英语翻译教学的过程中为学生们导入到量的异国文化。通过将英语翻译与文化学习二者进行有机地结合来提高学生们英语翻译的水平。但是特别需要注意一点就是,教师在导入异国文化的过程中要始终本着由易到难、由浅入深的原则。此外,教师除了要为学生们普及一些西方文化知识外,还需要为学生们普及一些西方文化习俗的来源。例如,英语中有“raincatsanddogs”的习语,这句话用汉语可以表述为“倾盆大雨”,但是如果按照直白的翻译就会理解为“下猫跟狗”,这样就明显偏离了翻译的本意。这句习语主要来源于北欧的神话 传说 ,传说猫跟狗对于风和雨等天气具有很强的预测能力。又如“asstrongasahorse”(壮如牛),但是如果单纯的按照意思来理解则成了“壮如马”了等。如果学生对于这个文化背景不了解,则会出现上述可笑的误译现象。
英语结构区别于汉语结构,其重视主题句和主体结构的构成以及 句子 结构连接过渡词的作用,并且侧重用介词和连词来表示句子和词组之间的逻辑关系,这种现象在汉语中则很少用或几乎不用。另外,英语表述中特别忌讳重复,如果出现重复的问题,通常用省略、替换或代词的形式来加以表示,但是我们汉语中常用重复来表示强调。
在学生掌握了上述英语翻译的基本知识之后,教师需要为学生讲解一些常用的翻译技巧,从而让学生们学会如何通过删减或增加词语来使语句变得更加通顺。常用的翻译技巧主要包括词类转换、增删词语以及拆分语句等手段。首先,词类转换作为一种有效的翻译手段,其主要是将那些由动词转化来的名词或具有动作意义类型的名词后接of的形式按照汉语中动宾 短语 来进行翻译即可。其次,英语和汉语之间的结构表述有所不同,只有通过增加或删减词汇才能够使意思更加忠实原文的含义。
英语翻译论文范文二:生物 医学英语 翻译得体性原则
“得体”一词在《现代汉语词典》中的释义如下:“(言语、行动等)得当;恰当;恰如其分。”其他词典的解释与此大体相类。这是一种宽泛意义上的解释。难以确切理解其内涵,不大好把握,运用起来常常带有不同程度的盲目性、随意性。从修辞学理论的高度来衡量,离规范性、科学性相距甚远。王希杰先生在《修辞学通论》中则指出:语言的“得体性指的是语言材料对语言环境的适应程度。脱离了特定的语言环境,就没有得体不得体的问题。”他说:“修辞的原则只有一条,那就是得体性原则。一切其他的原则都从属于这个原则,都是这个最高原则的派生物。这个最高原则制约着和控制着一切其他的原则。”[1]王先生的定义简洁、明确,认为得体是语用的最高原则。聂炎[2]在《得体性原则两题》一文中对语言表达如何适应语体进行了 总结 :“每一种语体一般来说都有表现自己本身特点的不同的语料和表达手段,即常常有自己的专用词语、专用句法结构和篇章结构、语言风格等等,这是该语体区别于彼语体的重要之点。言语思维主体在选词 造句 时只有同语体和谐一致,即得语体之“体”,才可能有良好的表达效果。”翻译是一种跨文化、跨语言的交际活动,翻译过程可以定义为理解原文并创造性地运用另一种语言再现原文的过程,即语言使用的过程。[3]而得体又是语用的最高原则。因此,得体性语用原则在翻译中的适用性不言而喻。翻译的语用问题,归根到底,强调的是语言信息所采取的形式,必须由使用该语言的环境来决定,其根本是语言表达切合语境的得体性。[4]
《现代汉语》指出:科技语体讲究论证的逻辑性,要求语言规范。[8]例1Electroporationisusedtomakesmall,temporaryholesinthemembranesoDNAcanpassin.译1:电穿孔用来在细胞膜上形成小的獉獉、暂时的孔洞獉獉獉獉獉从而使DNA通过。译2:电穿孔用来在细胞膜上形成瞬时微獉獉獉孔獉从而使DNA通过。例2Thesefindingssuggestthatoralim-munemodulationmayrepresentanattractivether-apeuticapproachtoatherosclerosis.译1:这些结果表明口服免疫调节剂代表了一种诱人的獉獉獉治疗动脉粥样硬化的新 方法 。译2:这些结果表明口服免疫调节剂代表了一种引人注目的獉獉獉獉獉治疗动脉粥样硬化的新方法。以上两例中的“小的、暂时的孔洞”以及“诱人的”用语不正式,且读来疲软。而译2中的“瞬时微孔”及“引人注目的”用语平稳、凝重、冷穆,符合科技英语的特征。
例4Theabilityofmonoclonalantibody(mAb),treatmentwithmAba-lonehasonlyachievedverylimitedsuccessintheclinic.译1:体外实验中单克隆抗体(mAb)特异定位于肿瘤组织的能力为癌症治疗提供了一种引人注目的治疗方法。然而单独使用mAb治疗在临床上取得了非常有限的成功獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉。译2:体外实验中单克隆抗体(mAb)特异定位于肿瘤组织的能力为癌症治疗提供了一种引人注目的治疗方法。然而单独使用mAb治疗在临床上收效甚微獉獉獉獉。例5Asimmunologybecomesbettercharac-terized,immunomodulatorhasprovenasoneofthemostprevalentareasinthedevelopmentofnewpharmaceuticals.译1:随着免疫学变得更富特征獉獉獉獉獉獉,免疫调节剂已成为药学研究中的一个最流行的领域獉獉獉獉獉獉。译2:随着免疫学的进一步发展獉獉獉獉獉,免疫调节剂已成为药学研究中的一个 热点 獉獉。以上两例中译2优于译1之处在于:译2表达正式规范有力,且更符合汉语习惯。由于英汉词组的构成和功能差异较大,所以总的要求是在“信”的前提下,既要充分表达原意,又要符合译入语语言形式上和修辞的和谐。科技英语中存在大量惯用和非惯用的四字词组,如asshowninfigure(如图所示),withoutlossoftime(不失时机),convertwastesintousefulmaterials(废物利用)等。合理使用这些四字词组,能起到精确紧凑,简洁明晰的效果,为译文增色不少。
语段是比句子高一级的语法单位,通常是由两个或两个以上的句子构成的语义整体。衔接是语段的重要特征,衔接的优劣,关系到话语题旨或信息是否被接受者理解和接受[10],译文若不能正确反映原文中的衔接关系,就反映不出生物医学英语的逻辑性和条理性。例9ThebiosynthesisofRNA,calledtran-scription,proceedsinmuchthesamefashionasthereplicationofDNAandalsofollowsthebasepairingprinciple.(5)Again,asectionofDNAdoublehelixisuncoiledandonlyoneoftheDNAstrandsservesasatemplateforRNApolymeraseenzymetoguidethesynthesisofRNA.(6)Afterthesynthesisiscomplete,theRNAseparatesfromtheDNAandtheDNArecoilsintoitshelix.译1:RNA的生物合成,也称为转录,以獉和獉DNA复制的相同的模式进行獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉,同样也遵循碱基 配对 原理。DNA双螺旋的一段解螺旋,只有一条链作为RNA聚合酶引导RNA合成的模板。在合成完成后,RNA从DNA上分离,DNA再次形成双螺旋结构。译2:RNA的生物合成,也称为转录,和獉DNA复制的模式大致相同獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉獉,同样也遵循碱基配对原理。同上所述獉獉獉獉,首先獉獉,DNA双螺旋的一段解螺旋,其中一条链作为RNA聚合酶引导RNA合成的模板。在合成完成后,RNA从DNA上分离,同时獉獉,DNA重新形成双螺旋结构。译2通过许多连接词(如同上所述、首先、同时)清晰流畅地讲述了DNA转录的过程,较之译1更富有条理性和整体感。
生物医学英语翻译与文学翻译在语言的运用上,在修辞手段的选择上,是有区别的。文学作品个人风格明显,感情色彩较强,翻译时多注重形象思维,讲究语言上的形象和表达上的生动;而生物医学英语个人风格较少,感情色彩罕见,翻译上注重 逻辑思维 ,讲究语言上的规范和表达上的准确,在选择译文语言时,译者的游刃余地是不大的。得体是语用的最高原则,但在不同文体中侧重不同,生物医学英语翻译的得体性表现为忠实于源语的内容和风格,同时符合汉语的表达习惯。同时生物医学英语翻译也同 其它 文体的翻译一样,是一种既具艺术性,又具创造性的艰苦的脑力劳动。它要求创造性地运用中外文两种语言知识和专业知识。而要达到这一点,只能靠大量的实践和不断的探索,别无捷径可走。
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s why more and more people are being active in various kinds of sports and exercises.
If people follow these three ways of keeping fit. Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run. Every morning many people get up early and take much exercise.
First, block the flow of blood, and therefore should be given up, walk or dance to music. This strengthens the heart. They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish.
Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health, it is essential to do the following. Some play basketball or volleyball or table tennis? Different people may give different answers to this question. Unfortunately few people follow this advice. Through sports and exercise, people bee healthier and stronger;s health a great deal. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure one'. Fat can build up in the arteries. That'.
Getting rid of bad habits like *** oking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy, reduces the chance of heart attack. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. In my opinion, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day, and cause a heart attack or stroke. In the afternoon, others go in for gymnastics or track events,there are also many people keen on sports, and helps lower blood pressureHow to Keep Healthy
Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy, they greatly improve their health, jog
All people in urban and rural areas will enjoy basic medical care and health services by increasing government responsibility and spending, we will also encourage greater participation of private capital from both home and abroad in the reform covers a wide range of subjects including insurance, drug manufacturing, distribution and supervision, and legislation of medical put into place basic medical and health care systems covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure that every resident has access to safe。
The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits. 令人不安的现象引起了广泛的社会关注。
In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price. 在我看来,现在应该采取紧急措施来改善目前的形势了。首先,医生应该对病人的期望值,并把人的生命放在其他任何东西上面。
The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits.
In my view, it's high time that urgent measures should be taken to improve the present situation. First, doctors should live up to patients' expectations and put saving people's lives above anything else. Second, the authorities should shoulder its responsibility to ensure that hospitals provide people with high-quality medical care at a reasonable price.
Campus Life 有关校园生活的英语作文
Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has e true. But how do we college students like our campus life?
Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.
As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me pany, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Inter.
My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started. The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road. I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is o characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates. Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high school's intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream. At the present, steps into the university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is plex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system'e69da5e6ba903233363533362s requirement *** ysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS sofare is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, o needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a pletely aiding decision system are required.。
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