Music papers:State the relationship between poetry and music【China】 relationship between poetry and music to add date :2006-1-7"The relationship between poetry and music", in recent years seems to have become the "school of learning", in poetry, words, music, and "Poems", given the academic conference, this issue often referred to as academic topics will be, perhaps it is the first time today. So many participants, but there are many middle-aged and young scholars, it is very exciting."The relationship between poetry and music," the meaning of the phrase we all understand, but "poetry" in the word itself contains the "music", so this formulation can fix what is not? Or it can be said: "Poetry in the relationship between poetry and music," or direct, said: "the relationship between poetry and music." I personally used to be divided into two sentences, the sentence is: "Singing in 'text' and 'music' of the relationship" - singing, is the "text" and "music" combination; longer sentence is: "verse and the relationship between music "- although any verse (or prose) can be put into singing, but in reality, there are some genres and works of verse for singing and writing is read some of the text book, many times to participate in the academic will be, it can be said is that the content of "the relationship between verse and music"; accordingly, all of which the author of the text book, which will be launched in the academic and who presided over almost all of the participants are "text world" scholars. For example, on the so-called "Voice of Poetry", on "the relationship between words and music" are the text of profession and research. The subject, of course, not only for the text sector, should also be the same for music. Music, but also study "music" and "text" of relationships, but mainly when the songs today "Music image" and "mood lyrics" or "melody" and "voice" of the type of relationship; rarely entered involved in the study of the text as "text, music relations," the breadth and depth, at least not fully carried out our national music and traditional verse study of the relationship phenomenon is natural. China is a "poetry of the state," For thousands of years, the development of national traditional verse height and depth, far better than the music - this is our country and foreign countries such as European history is very different reality. Just look at a phenomenon perhaps can understand about: singing is "the text, music," The combination of these in our country is the "music" left (forget, homes) has been abandoned as a stay of mass through the ages "(rhyme) the text" -- "Poetry" show, Fu, Fu, poetry, words, (North-South) and other songs; while the European countries do? You can sing the "text (the word)" and to throw aside the "music" as a separate music device (in this case only in our country, "Qin", but it is not Guoqin within the scope of our study ). In China, the verse form, as noted above many of the chapter in the composition and style sentence, Metrical structure; music then? Never seems to have the "body music", "music" type of concept (not ancient); exactly the opposite in Europe, Lok body, music style, from the phrase, Le Duan, harmony, counterpoint to the music, music, symphonic music, opera and so on, and the integrity of the specification, while the "text (words)" do? In addition to the so-called "sonnet", they are not of the verse (the formation) to identify and standardize the "style" of. Is it so?In recent years, the research community there is a saying that: the development of my style (such as words) is decided by the music style and the rhetoric is "speech filled by music," "Music Literature", the word body composition is: "in accordance with Qu set body, in accordance with paragraph Tablets music by song shoot for the sentence, as far as rhyme cavity, pre-trial use of the word sound, "and so on, there is no such a thing can not have. That is, to the Song Dynasty, the poet of thousands, for tens of thousands of words, of course, is the "culture" for; "music" then? In addition to Jiang, in its more than Whitehead's first "song from the degree of" word for word the edge there is not complete (do not know in the course have been copied wrong) other than the music symbol, a sound is not to stay. And those who "self-degrees Qu," Jiang said Mr. Bai Shilao its own, is his early, and then to Law Society" from the word (and then only those who did), and there first, "music" and then "fill in speech" thing? Because it is not fact is, both in history and today, our range of genres, singing in the style "text" and "music" of the relationship between, on the whole is: "Culture" mainly, "music" from. A little more specific that is four:First, to the text of articles, chapters for the music papers, chapters;Second, to the text of "Music (broken)" Department for the music of "live" - roughly the equivalent of this is known as "Le-paragraph";Third, the text of the "sentence (off)" Department for the music of "Dayton" - this is known as a very rough "phrase";Fourth, in order to sentence the "step-by-step section" for the phrase in the "Music Festival" to promote thinning疾徐portfolio;More than four, a rare exception, in that the premise of four, in the specific diction, sentence, word and music to combine the melody of the relations, can be divided into two categories:One is: in order to stabilize the melody or the fundamental stability (what I call the "fixed cavity") Level and Oblique Tones enough to sing a variety of informal tone of diction;One is: The word text word phrases to help Reading Level and Oblique Tones voice tone into the music, and constitute a melody;The former I call the "mass cavity speech" is a typical "sub-paragraph section body spectrum Song", such as a large number of "folk songs, minor," and today's songs. Such as "Lan Hua Hua" can be used in whole or in basically the same as the melody to sing the "Green Line Line Line Line that Lan Lan months to adopt English-English" and "You die to the early death."The latter, I call it "line sound chamber according to the word" typically "sing song", such as "The Peony Pavilion Peony" Luo gowns soap〕 〔The first sentence: "the original opening times colorful," the music must sound from the word "Pingkai / Pingkai / to ∧, the ∨,-, Pingkai /- to ∧" ups and downs of the music into a melody for group into above two categories, however, in our singing, "diction" status in general has always been first. On the one hand, that our country above (at least in history) there is no "free speech song," and, on the one hand, even in the "to (defined in singing) speech cavity Biography" in singing, if the melody and the words read music voice contradictions occur too often, often singing voice to make some adjustments on the so-called "cavity-Run," "small cavity" voice time to adapt to the word. More some of the problems can not be here , back to fellow musicians who would like a word: I think there are two phenomena can not be ignored and neglected: First, the past century, Western music (the ideas, concepts, ideas, theories and even the terminology used) comprehensive coverage of our country; and then one of our music, "We own verse and music of ethnic relations", "Singing in the relationship between text and music," concerned about the lack of music, we learn the "culture" of the text are far less enthusiastic community school "music." Is not it?
今是一个流行社会,对正处于青少年的我们来说,追逐潮流,崇尚歌星,听自己喜爱的流行音乐是我们色彩纷呈的精神世界中的重要组成部分。因此,我以流行音乐展开了一次调查。 “追星族”这个名词从20世纪80年代就出现了,在英文里叫做“FANS”,意思就是一群疯狂着迷的人。“追星”,是每个人的自由,每个人都有权选择自己喜欢什么人、讨厌什么人。“追星”也体现了我们的价值观、审美观和兴趣倾向,是一种合情合理的现象。我知道,流行音乐之所以会流行,全仰仗于青少年的好奇心,一传十,十传百,加上如今迅速发达的传媒行业,久而久之,不流行变成了流行,如果人人都不赞成, 那就没有“流行”可言了。 试问,整个人群中喜欢流行音乐的人有多少?喜欢古典音乐的人又有多少?这是一个不问即知的问题,喜欢流行音乐的占绝大多数,喜欢古典音乐的寥寥无几。大家可以看一看港台歌星,大陆歌星的演唱会,歌星往台上一站,眼睛一闭,台下人山人海,群情亢奋,有时简直到了疯狂的地步。而演奏古典音乐呢?情况就大不相同了,演奏厅里静悄悄的,人也少得多,最多在一曲终了,有些掌声,这个反差太大了。人们为什么喜欢流行歌曲?为什么不喜欢古典音乐?这是非常值得思考的问题,这反映出了现代人的内心世界。透过这个现象我们可以发现许多问题。流行歌曲在过去叫做下里巴人,它是一种很浅白的音乐。可是古典的音乐呢?情况就不同了,比如我们听贝多芬的《月光奏鸣曲》,你不静下心来,你不认真的去感受,你根本就不知道这首乐曲的主题是什么。音乐和歌曲都是为了抒发内心。流行歌曲较古典音乐在表达上虽然更加直截了当,但是,正如古人所说:书不尽言,言不尽意。对于很深沉的内心世界,对于复杂的感情,这种很浅白的旋律是没有办法表达的。可是大家为什么还要这样偏爱它呢?从这样一个喜好,我们可以感受到 ,现代人的浮躁心理,现代人的急功近利,不愿意静下心来感受什么,体悟什么。青少年喜爱流行音乐的问题,也引起了社会、学校、老师、家长等多方面的关注与担心。因此,我在家长与青少年之间关于是否赞成喜爱流行音乐的问题进行了一次调查,以下为调查结果: 赞同 无所谓 不赞同 其他 家长 4 3 1 2 青少年 7 3 0 0家长发面,有的说,自己年轻的时候也喜爱流行音乐,看着自己的孩子对音乐的热爱就想到了当年的自己,流行音乐也没什么不好的;有的说,只要他们别太过分,不要钱去看演唱会,学习还可以,那也不会阻止的;还有的说,小孩子的任务就是读书,不要崇尚流行,等他们长大了,想怎么样就怎么样。至于青少年方面,赞成的居多,没有不赞成的人。可见,关于这个问题,家长之间还存在着分歧。流行音乐的爱好者之间,也存在着派别,有的人喜欢摇滚,有的人喜欢民歌,有的人喜欢hip-hop等等。以下是关于青少年喜欢的流行音乐的类别调查: 港台流行 5票 大陆流行音乐 0票 欧美流行音乐 5票 网络歌曲 5票 摇滚乐 13票 朋克 3票 布鲁斯 5票 金属 7票 爵士 9票 其他 1票以上为多项投票,大部分的青少年都喜欢节奏感强的音乐,如摇滚乐、爵士等,也有些人喜欢抒情的。 现在我们总结一下人们对流行音乐的想法,许多人都对流行音乐习以为常了,都觉得是生活中的一部分。但是,又有多少人是真正地懂得欣赏呢?想必,许多人都是追逐潮流,根本不懂音乐,这也就不难解释为什么大家都喜欢流行音乐而不是古典音乐了。而人们喜欢的歌手,几乎都是偶像派的,只在乎于外型,而不是歌曲的水准,这种现象不就可定为盲目吗?为此,我觉得在生活中,我们要学会感受音乐,欣赏音乐,并感受流行音乐对自己的影响,分析追赶潮流的利与弊,不盲目追随,相信这不但有助于提高我们的欣赏水平和内涵,而且好的音乐、歌曲会像雨后春笋一样冒出来,那样,我们的生活才是真正的有意义,真正的享受。
Jean as the king of Musical Instruments, after three hundred years, its evolution and development of artistic performance achieved high realm, piano accompaniment is separated from which a special kind of independent academic discipline. The 18th century later, with the Musical Instruments of pop, piano accompaniment is widely used in vocal music art in other styles, piano accompaniment is not generally in the sense of "TuoQiang protect tone," but as a unique artistic form in vocal music occupies an important of our country middle and primary school textbooks of years sing just with accompaniment spectrum is rare, is almost entirely single melody. Facing the ChanSheng department songs can be found everywhere, many music teachers teaching material to spontaneously impromptu accompaniment offers form, creatively made every song have multi-tone accompaniment factors. But as to the present music teachers' basic primary impromptu accompaniment offers, it seems, the situation is not optimistic. For now in singing piano accompaniment situation, vocal piano accompaniment ability the enhancement become particularly this paper, only singing from the piano as the accompaniment of Angle, through instruments of vocal piano accompanist to remove adjustable basic quality (technical mastery, piano touching clavier processing, solo part playing skills as well as to the comprehension of the pieces) and piano accompanist and the singer cooperation (piano accompaniment and singing breathing coordination, piano accompanist and the singer cooperation process) two aspects to talk about in vocal music, piano accompaniment perfect correspondence with the singing.
1 利用英文歌曲促进英语教学 张洁 职业技术 2006/20 2 挖掘潜力 激发活力 提升功效——英文歌曲在大学英语教学中的运用 马兰芳 科技资讯 2006/29 3 浅谈英文歌曲在英语教学中的运用 丛爱农 教学与管理 2006/31 4 小学英语中的韵律儿歌教学 胡维明 全球教育展望 2005/05 5 用英文歌曲促进英语教学 王爱莲 天津市经理学院学报 2006/03 6 试论音乐手段在英语教学中的运用 常永才 民族教育研究 2006/05 7英文歌曲教学语言文化分析 卢宁 湖南科技学院学报 2006/09 8浅谈英语歌曲在英语教学中的运用 李解人 山东教育 2006/Z5 9广开渠道 轻松交际——培养小学生英语口语能力的实践 李广艳 山东教育 2006/Z4 10浅谈英语歌曲在高职高专学生英语听说课中的运用 甘丽华 科教文汇(下半月) 2006/02 12文化素质课《英文歌曲欣赏》与英语教学 王琴琴 大学时代(B版) 2006/06 13英语歌曲与大学英语听力教学 廖英 宜宾学院学报 2006/05 14英文歌曲在高中英语教学中的妙用 李琳 中等职业教育 2006/06 15英语歌曲在英语教学中的作用 刘计萍 徐州工程学院学报 2006/04 16英文歌曲与高职英语听力教学探索 梁昆 卫生职业教育 2006/08 17英语歌曲与高职英语教学 朱伟芳 文教资料 2006/05 18利用英文歌曲加强听力教学 郑爱仙 中国科技信息 2006/03 19谈有效发挥英文歌曲在听力教学中的作用 黄文洁 牡丹江教育学院学报 2005/06 20歌曲在小学英语教学中的作用 黄敏 湖南教育 2005/24 21试为农村中学英语教学开妙方——初探英语歌曲在教学中的有效应用 王灵祖 贵州教育 2005/18 22英文歌曲在大学英语教学中的应用 侯艳萍 宁波工程学院学报 2005/03 23歌曲在英语教学中的作用和应用 方芳 山东师范大学外国语学院学报(基础英语教育) 2005/03 24英文歌曲在英语教学中的作用 李斯洁 中国轻工教育 2005/03 25让歌声伴随小学生学习英语 张小英 教育实践与研究(小学版) 2005/Z1 26英文歌曲教学效用的探析 陈金莲 中山大学学报论丛 2005/03 27英语教学中实施教唱英文歌曲的实验研究 邵玲 湖北教育学院学报 2005/04 28对一节课的课堂评析 徐月筠 河北教育 2005/Z2 29英语歌曲与大学外语教学 邓昌勇 贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版) 2005/04 30西方歌曲,我们是否应该把它们列入英语教学计划(英文) 胡甜甜 广西大学梧州分校学报 2005/02 31英文歌曲在多媒体大班英语教学中的应用 马俊波 沙洋师范高等专科学校学报 2005/04 32唱着歌儿学英语 吴幼琦 教育文汇 2005/06 33体验成功 享受乐趣——《快乐英语》第二册 Lesson 8 教学 王玉梅 小学教学设计 2005/12 34高校英文歌曲教学探讨 孙博 内江科技 2005/02 35用英语歌曲辅助英语教学 李湖江 教学与管理 2005/13 36英文歌曲在教学中的作用 蔡晓莉 教育艺术 2005/03 37如何在英语听力教学中有效应用英文歌曲 邓春燕 广西教育学院学报 2005/02 38外语歌曲在听力教学中的运用 蒋南 西昌学院学报(人文社会科学版) 2004/01 39浅谈英语歌曲与英语教学 贺岚 长春师范学院学报 2004/03 40英语听力课教学方法浅谈 惠霞 延安教育学院学报 2004/03 41英语的语言与歌曲 马英 安阳师范学院学报 2004/06 42英语教学中音乐的选择与应用 李德新 教育实践与研究 2004/07 43论英语歌曲及其教育功能 马英莲 天水师范学院学报 2004/03 44英文歌曲在大学英语听说课中的应用 袁京 唐山师范学院学报 2004/02 45英语歌曲在大学英语听说教学中的作用 叶桦 浙江科技学院学报 2004/02 46寓英语教学于优美的旋律中——漫谈听歌学英语 陈小花 教育实践与研究 2004/01 47英语歌曲中蕴含的语言潜能和实践机会 陈文觉 小学教学研究 2003/02 48英文歌曲在英语教学中的运用 居加妹 上海商业职业技术学院学报 2003/03 49从歌曲的强弱拍看英语语音教学 廖建平 广东外语外贸大学学报 2003/04 50歌曲及歌谣在小学英语教学中的地位与作用 李锋伟 基础教育外语教学研究 2003/07 51歌曲在少儿英语教学中的作用 李慧杰 基础教育外语教学研究 2003/06 52英语歌曲在教学中的作用 魏文清 江西教育学院学报 2003/06 53简论学唱英语歌曲对英语学习的作用 冯永莉 成都教育学院学报 2003/07 54论英文歌曲在英语教学中的有效应用 杨晓莉 中国职业技术教育 2003/13 55英文歌曲教学与英语口语的提高 苏玉洁 温州师范学院学报 2003/03 56赏析英文金曲 提高学生语言文化素质 鲍汉峰 山东教育 2003/Z5 57英语教学的“学、说、逗、唱” 管培军 山东教育 2003/13 58从二语习得看多媒体英语歌曲教学 吴雪花 南京工业职业技术学院学报 2003/01 59运用歌曲教英语 袁聪林 湖南教育 2003/06 60英文歌曲在大学英语听力教学中的运用 陈玲 兵团教育学院学报 2003/01 61谈英语歌曲在英语语言教学中的运用(英文) 张立 信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) 2002/03 62挖掘英语教学中的音乐元素 陆越 辽宁教育 2002/05 63论英文歌曲在培养素质型英语人才中的作用 李群艳 零陵学院学报 2002/06 64英语歌曲教学 诸光 国外外语教学 2000/04 65听歌法在英语听说课上的有效应用 王红 国外外语教学 2000/04 66英文歌曲在英语教学中的辅助作用 孙丽华 教书育人 2000/01 67音乐在英语教学中的妙用 郑立雁 甘肃教育 2000/09 68英文歌曲在初级英语教学中的应用 张榕 三明高等专科学校学报 1999/S3 69通过英语歌曲进行英语写作教学—— 一种独特而有效的英语写作教学方法 寿建颖 社科纵横 1999/01 70小学英语歌曲教学点滴谈 郝爱云 山东教育 1999/Z1 够多了吧,也不知道你要写得具体范围,你自己慢慢筛选吧!希望对你有用!这些文章在中国期刊网上都能找到!以上回答你满意么?
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