楼主是不是要冒充参考文献?不是就无视本楼是的话你就找最新的,教授肯定没看过,千万不要找老的,我发的主要08年,教授能看全就获诺贝尔了Psychoanalysis Comparable and Incomparable: The Evolution of a Method to Describe and Compare Psychoanalytic Approaches (New Library of Psychoanalysis) 作者:David Tuckett出版社:Routledge出版日期:March 28, 2008Masculinity, Psychoanalysis, Straight Queer Theory: Essays on Abjection in Literature, Mass Culture, and Film 作者:Calvin Thomas出版社:Palgrave Macmillan出版日期:May 13, 2008The Comedy of Philosophy: Sense and Nonsense in Early Cinematic Slapstick (Suny Series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature) 作者:Lisa Trahair出版社:State University of New York Press出版日期:June 2008Freud's Memory: Psychoanalysis, Mourning and the Stranger Self (Language, Discourse, Society) 作者:Rob White出版社:Palgrave Macmillan出版日期:September 30, 2008Lacan, Language, and Philosophy (Suny Series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature) 作者:Russell Grigg出版社:State University of New York Press出版日期:February 7, 2008Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism (S U N Y Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture) 出版社:State University of New York Press出版日期:January 10, 2008Romantic psychoanalysis:the burden of the mystery 作者:Joel Faflak.出版社:State University of New York Press出版日期:2008咳,为了真实再加几个07年的On aggression and violence:an analytic perspective 作者:Richard Mizen and Mark Morris.出版社:Palgrave Macmillan出版日期:2007Haunted subjects:deconstruction, psychoanalysis, and the return of the dead 作者:Colin David.出版社:Palgrave出版日期:2007Torment me, but don't abandon me:psychoanalysis of the severe neurosis in a new key 作者:Le?on Wurmser.出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers出版日期:2007再掺个0605的Practical psychoanalysis for therapists and patients 作者:Owen Renik.出版社:Other Press出版日期:2006Relational and intersubjective perspectives in psychoanalysis:a critique 作者:edited by Jon Mills.出版社:J. Aronson出版日期:2005最后告诉你怎么渔,去独秀一搜英文文献就可以了