发表时间 题目 刊物名称 备注 2009-09 管道内溶液 东南大学学报 EI 2009-04 Water structures near charged[100]and [111]silicon surfaces Applied Physics Letters SCI 2009-03 基于蒙托卡洛方法 东南大学学报 EI 2009-02 纳米通道离子电流 中国科学 SCI 2009-01 Electroosmotic flow in microchannel Proceedings of ASME 2008 EI 2009-01 Ionic current through a nanopore three nanometers in diameter Physical Review E SCI 2009-01 Interface slip and the build up of hydrodynamic pressure in nanoscale bearings Physica B SCI 2009-01 Temperature dependence of frictional force in carbon nanotube oscillators Nanotechnology SCI 2009-01 Molecular dynamics simulation of ion transport in a nanochanne Science in China SCI 2009-01 Carbon nanotube thermal conductivity Proceedings of ASME, 2008 EI 2009-01 单壁毯纳米管拉伸 中国科学 SCI 2009-01 气体环境下双壁碳管振荡器的能量耗散 中国科学 SCI 2008-09 轴向电场 东南大学学报 EI 2008-08 Atomistic simulations of mechanical properties of graphene nanoribbons Physics Letters SCI 2008-03 Interface effects on lattice thermal conductivities of superlattices Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience SCI 2008-01 Molecular dynamics simulation of ion transport in a nanochannel Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences SCI 2008-01 Electroosmotic Flow in Nanotubes with High Surface Charge Densities Nano Letters SCI 2007-11 GPU accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivities Journal of computational Physics SCI 2007-11 Molecular dynamics simulations of ion distribution in nanochannels Molecular Simulation SCI 2007-10 超薄水膜剪切流的分子动力学模拟 机械工程学报 EI 2007-10 Thermal conductivities of single-walled carbon nanotubes calculated from the complete phonon dispers Physical Review B SCI 2007-10 Optimization of Superlattice Thermoelectric Materials and Microcoolers IEEE, Journal of MEMS SCI 2007-09 Molecular Dynmiacs Simulation of the Test of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Loading Science in China SCI 2007-01 一种测试半导体制冷器的瞬态方法 半导体学报 EI 2007-01 Hydrodynamic Lubircation in Nanoscale Bearings under High Shear Velocities Journal of Chemical Physics SCI 2007-01 Molecular Dynmiacs Simulation of the Test of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Loading Science in China Series E SCI 2007-01 纳米管道中电渗流的分子动力学仿真 传感技术学报 EI 2007-01 Thermal Expansion and Isotopic composition effects on lattice thermal conductivity of crystalline Si Proceedings of IMECE 2006, 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Novemb EI 2007-01 Effects of ion-water potentials in molecular dynamics simulation of ion distribution in nanochannels Proceedings of IMECE 2006, 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Novemb EI 2007-01 Molecular dynamics simulation of ion distribution in nanochannels Proceedings of IMECE 2006, 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Novemb EI 2006-11 Thermal Conductivity of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes Filled with Argon Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International,Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, EI 2006-10 Study on impurity desorption induced by femtosecond pulse laser based on a stochastic process model Science in China Series E SCI 2006-09 InGaAs/InGaAsP超晶格薄膜导热系数的测试 科学通报 SCI 2006-09 毛细管电渗流微泵的流型及驱动 机械工程学报 2006-08 Numerical simulation of impurity desorption induced by nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses Journal of Applied Physics SCI 2006-01 Thermal conductivity of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Physics Letters A SCI 2005-11 Minimum superlattice thermal conductivity from Molecular Dynamics Physical Review B SCI 2005-10 Monte Carlo Simulation of Thermal Conductivities of Si Nanowires ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer SCI 2005-03 二氧化硅薄膜的实验研究 东南大学学报 EI 2004-07 Molecular dynamics study of the lattice thermal conductivity of Kr/Ar superlattice nanowires Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter SCI 2004-05 硅晶体的分子动力学仿真 工程热物理学报 2004-02 电渗流泵的流体动力学分析 机械工程学报 EI 2004-01 Thermal expansion and impurity effects on lattice thermal conductivity of solid Ar Journal of Chemical Physics SCI 2003-05 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Superlattice Nanowires Science In China SCI 2003-04 超晶格薄膜热传导的分子动力学模拟 东南大学学报 EI 2003-03 2 超薄氩膜热传导的分子动力学模拟 东南大学学报 EI 2003-03 超晶格纳米线的分子动力学仿真 中国科学 SCI 2003-01 磁头形状的动态优化设计 Journal of Southeast University 2003-01 电渗流泵的机理分析 东南大学学报 EI 2003-01 磁记录系统中磁头飞行状态的仿真研究 计算机工程 EI 2003-01 气缸盖敏捷柔性自动线的设计 机械制造与自动化 2002-06 Configuration optimaization.. Journal of Southeast University EI 2002-03 表面粗糙度对磁头磁盘系统静特性的影响 机械工程学报 EI 2002-03 高密磁记录系统磁头稳定飞行状态研究 东南大学学报,自然科学版 2002-02 磁头磁盘动特性参数及稳定性分析 中国机械工程 EI 2001-10 超薄气体磁头/磁盘系统动力学分析 中国机械工程 EI 2001-08 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Meniscus Formation between Two Surfaces Apllied Physics Letters SCI 2001-04 Roughness Effects on Dynamic Response of High Density Disk Drivers under High Knudsen Number Tribology Transactions SCI 2001-01 活塞环润滑状态的分析与应用 机械设计与制造工程 2000-06 高密磁盘系统的动力学分析 机械工程学报 EI 2000-03 工程创新能力人才培养模式的研究 东南大学学报,哲学版 陈云飞,麻醉专业副主任医师,出生于1965年,男,大学本科学历,学士学位,1989年毕业于蚌埠医学院,1992年~1993年在蚌埠医学院附属医院麻醉科进修,2005年3月~9月在华中科技大学同济医学院麻醉科进修。现任麻醉科副主任、中华医学会麻醉学分会会员,蚌埠医学院兼职副教授,阜阳市医疗事故鉴定委员会专家库成员。从事临床麻醉工作近20年,多次参加全院重症创伤和危重病人的急救治疗。能快速建立基本有创循环监测,从容调控老年高血压患者的循环功能,对具有心肺合并症患者的围术期管理具有丰富的经验;对困难气道的处理、小儿麻醉的液体管理、新生儿窒息的抢救也积累了一定的经验。参与人禽流感、急性氨吸入性中毒和重症手足口病患儿的抢救治疗。近年来,又协助开展了无痛分娩、无痛人流、无痛胃肠(纤支镜)检查的麻醉和门诊手术病人的麻醉监测管理(MAC)。发表《老年椎管狭窄症手术的麻醉处理》、《肝硬化门脉高压症手术的麻醉管理》、《单点穿刺法腰-硬联合麻醉在剖宫产围术期的应用》、《Seldinger法中心静脉穿刺置管63例分析》和《重症手足口病患儿的氧疗和气道管理》等论文数篇。