The result � Infect with 181 cirrhosises of the occurrence rate sufferer the merger infects with 101, infecting with of the occurrence rate, the infection rate inside the hospital is .� Infection occurrence the part 101 infections totally take place a time of various infection is among those exampleses infect with for 3 parts,24 the examples infect with for 2 parts, Rest 73 the examples infect with for a with the part press occurrence the 频 degree is high and low one by one in order is:At first the peritonitis 59 times of hair, the bowel way infects with 15, topBreathe the way infects with 12 times, the disease 9 times of the germ blood, an infection of lung and pleuritis 8 for each infection of 胆 , urine the road infects with to infect with 5 for each time with mouth cavity, The soft organization of skin infects with 4 times, the shock 3 times of infection.� Occurrence related factor � of the A 101 of the relation infection of the infection and the liver function child- pugh , B and the C class sufferer's numbers distinguish to 11,41 example and with 80 of set not, A, B and the C class sufferer's numbers distinguish to 26,39 examples and cirrhosis merger infects with the C class of child- pugh in setThe number of the sufferer is obvious and precious sight more to infect with the set not, two relatively differ to show the 著 ( x2=, P<) to see the table very much 1.�Two livers function child- pugh ratings compare( X2)Set do not the A B C is totalInfect with the set 11()41()49()101Infect with the set not 26()39()15()81Total 378064181Note:The data inside the brackets counts for the theories of each number( T) Hospital inside infection and hospitalization time relation hospitalization time> January,1/2-1 months and<1/ February hospital inside infection the occurrence rate is respectively, the sufferer of the cirrhosis stay in the hospital> January the opportunity of the infection inside the occurrence hospital is obvious high in< the of January sees the table 2. Hospital inside infect with and stay in the hospital the horary relationStay in the hospital the time infection number infection rate<1/ of 1/2-1 months> of Infection inside the hospital with encroach upon sex operation to relate to in 133 infections, accept to encroach upon sex to operate sufferer's number before list on 3 respectively is:25 exampleThe infection accepted the deep vein to place to take care of the 术 before,14 belly cavities wore to stab the 术 ,4 chests wore to stab the 术 .�Problem complement: The cause learns the germs that the germs development have already examine to have:Rare germ( the stomach water) of the large intestine 埃 ;False single afterbirth germ( the stomach water);Smelly nose gram thunder 伯 surname germ(Blood, phlegm, the bedsore 脓 liquid), 普 in the hair 斯 sand fungi( the blood, the neck vein puts the tube), the epidermis grape germ( phlegm), white beads germ( phlegm, muck,Swallow to wipe the son), pull the surname west germ( phlegm), the ear grape germ( urine).� The one who turn return to take place the infection dies of illness 29, the death rate is ;Don't the one who take place infection die of illness 2, death rate 72 infectionsLearn to examine the foundation in the cause up the reasonable usage antibiotics and protect the liver, the benefit urine etc. treatment, keep patient's mouth cavity and the whole body skin to sweep for the convenience of control infection descend all turn for the better the hospital discharge, the average hospitalization number is not take place the infection of other 78 example at reasonable treatment and nursing under all turn for the better the hospital discharge, evenAll stay in the hospital the day to count to merger infection death rate obvious high in not the one who infect with.( X2= Ps<) see 3 �s of tableInfect with with not infect with death rate compareThe set do not die the number amendment number to add upInfect with the set 29()72()101Infect with the set not 2()78()80Total 31150181Two differences show the 著 meaning