教材&专著:[1] 郭怀成, 王真, 郁亚娟等, 城市交通环境系统优化与管理. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2011.研究论文:2011-今[16] Zhou J Q, Wang Z*, Niu B B, Hong S. Global environmental input–output research trends during 1900–2013: a bibliometric analysis. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, accepted.[15] Kang P, Feng N, Wang ZW, Guo YJ, Wang Z, Chen YR, Zhan JW, Zhan FB, Hong S. Statistical properties of aerosols and meteorological factors in Southwest China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 2014, 119(16):9914-9930[14]Niu BB, Loaiciga HA, Wang Z, Zhan FB, Hong S. Twenty years of global groundwater research: A Science Citation Index Expanded-based bibliometric survey (1993-2012). Journal of Hydrology. 2014, 519: 966-975.[13]Wang HJ, Zhang WT, Hong S, Zhuang YH, Lin HY, Wang Z. Spatial evaluation of complex non-point source pollution in urban-rural watershed using fuzzy system. Journal of Hydroinformatics. 2014, 16(1):114-129.[12] Niu Beibei, Hong Song*, Yuan Jiefei, Peng Sha, Wang Zhen, Zhang Xu. Global trends in sediment-related research in earth science during 1992–2011: a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics. 2014, 98(1):511-529.[11] Dao X, Wang Z*, Lv Yibing, et al. Chemical characteristics of water-soluble ions in particulate matter in three metropolitan areas in the North China Plain. PLoS One 2014 1;9(12):e113831.[10] Li Wan-Yi, Liu Jie, Chen Han, Deng Yi, Zhang Bing, Wang Zhen, Zhang Xu, Hong Song*. Application of oxalic acid cross-linking activated alumina/chitosan biocomposites in defluoridation from aqueous solution. Investigation of adsorption mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013, 225:865-872.[9] Wang Z, Zou R, Zhu X, et al. Predicting lake water quality responses to load reduction: a three-dimensional eutrophication modeling approach for TMDL development. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, DOI: [8] 王真, 许翠琳, 王亮. 基于在驶量环境承载力的城市交通管理——以武汉市为例. 武汉大学学报(工学版). 2012, 45(6): 794-820.[7] Wang Z, Gao W, Cai Y L, et al. Joint optimization of population pattern and end-of-pipe control under uncertainty for Lake Dianchi water-quality management. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(12): 3693-3704.[6] Liu Y, Wang Z*, Guo HC, et al., Modelling the effect of weather conditions on cyanobacterial bloom outbreaks in Lake Dianchi: a rough decision-adjusted logistic regression model. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2013, 18(2): 199-207.[5] Yu S X, Han Z Q, Wang Z*, et al. Assessment of Socio-Economic Development Strategies in Dianchi Lake Watershed Using Environment Carrying Capacity. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 518-523: 1076-1084.[4] 郭怀成, 高伟, 王真,陈琼,伊璇,向男, 周丰. 流域可持续性理想域和现实状态测度研究. 地理研究. 2012. 31(11): 1929-1940.[3] Han Z-Q, Ye J, Wang Z, Liu J, Yu S-X*. Analysis on evolution of landscape pattern in Dianchi Basin based on RS and GIS. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 291-294: 3419-3423[2] Wang Z, Yu S X. Policy Planning for Environmentally Sustainable Transport in Beijing, China. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 295-297: 2374-2381.[1] 王真, 郭怀成. 环境可持续交通管理的概念、内涵与研究方法. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 47(3): 年以前[22] 何成杰, 郭怀成, 王真, 杨永辉, 刘慧, 盛虎. 房地产交易价格微观驱动力分析——以北京市为例. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 46(6).[21] 刘慧, 郭怀成, 郁亚娟, 王真, 刘涛. 基于出行的城市客运交通环境系统优化研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 46(1): 121-128.[20] 王真, 郭怀成, 何成杰, 等. 基于统计学方法的北京城市居住用地价格驱动力研究. 地理学报. 2009, 64(10): 1214-1220.[19] 王真, 郁亚娟, 郭怀成, 等. 城市土地利用与交通相互关系研究进展. 人文地理. 2009, 24(4): 91-97.[18] 王真, 郭怀成, 郁亚娟, 等. 离子色谱法-抑制性电导检测城市污水中的高氯酸根. 中国环境监测. 2009[17] 王真, 郭怀成, 孙旭光, 等. 贵州盘县晚二叠世煤的生烃潜力与生烃模式. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 2009.[16] Huang K, Guo HC, Liu Y, Yu YJ, Wang Z. Water environmental planning and management at watershed scale: a case study of Qilu,China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2008, 2(2): 157-162.[15] Yu YJ, Guo HC, Liu Y, Huang K, Wang Z, Zhan XY. Mixed Uncertainty Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Inhalation and Risk Assessment in Ambient Air of Beijing. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20(4): 505-512.[14] 詹歆晔, 郁亚娟, 郭怀成, 王真, 刘永, 周丰. 特大城市交通承载力定量模型的建立与应用. 环境科学学报, 28(9): 1923-1931.[13] Liu Y, Guo HC, Yu YJ, Huang K, Wang Z. Sediment chemistry and the variation of three altiplano lakes to recent anthropogenic impacts in south-western China. Water SA, 2007, 33(2): 305-310.[12] 郁亚娟, 郭怀成, 刘永, 黄凯, 王真. 城市生态系统的动力学演化模型研究进展. 生态学报, 2007, 27(6): 2603-2614.[11] 徐志新, 王真, 郭怀成, 刘永, 郁亚娟. 生态市的水资源供需平衡研究. 安全与环境学报, 2007, 7: 83-66.[10] 徐志新, 郭怀成, 郁亚娟, 王真, 刘永. 基于多准则群体决策模型的生态工业园区建设模式据测研究. 环境科学研究, 2007, 20(2): 123-129.[9] 周丰, 郭怀成, 刘永, 罗定贵, 王真. 基于多元统计分析和RBFNNs的水质评价方法. 2007, 27(5): 846-853.[8] Wang Z, Yu Y J, Guo H C, et al. Application of multi-attribute decision making methods on slope treatment of small watershed. Envirionmental Informatics Archives. 2007, 5: 728-736.[7] 王真, 郭怀成, 王丽靖, 等. 多属性决策在小流域坡面治理中的应用. 水土保持通报. 2006, 26(6): 1-5.[6] 王真, 郁亚娟, 郭怀成, 等. 区域生态文化建设与开发规划研究. 中国人口资源与环境. 2006, 16(4): 465-468.[5] 刘永, 郭怀成, 周丰, 黄凯, 王真, 黄凯. 湖泊水位变动对水生植被的影响机理及调控方法. 生态学报, 26(9): 3117-3126.[4] 王金凤, 刘永, 郭怀成, 王真. 新西兰保护区管理及其对中国的启示. 生态与农村环境学报, 2006, 22(1): 91-94.[3] 郭怀成, 毛国柱, 郁亚娟, 王真, 刘永. 基于湖泊富营养化控制技术综合集成的管理信息系统框架研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2006, 14(4): 488-495.[2] 郁亚娟, 王真, 郭怀成, 黄凯, 王树通, 刘永. 基于人工神经网络的城市拓展可持续发展指数序列研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 42(4): 496-502.[1] Yu Y J, Wang Z, Guo H C, et al. Application of artificial neural network in urban fringe’s sustainable development index series. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 42(4): 496-502.