世界卫生组织(WHO)补充美国费城儿童医院那段话: Rabies vaccine is not needed: If the animal (for example, dog or cat) lives in or has been hanging around the neighborhood, it can be observed for 10 days to see if it behaves normally. If, after 10 days, the animal does not show any signs of rabies, then no treatment is needed. Also, animals immunized with the rabies vaccine are unlikely to transmit rabies — all the more reason to make sure that your animals are immunized with this vaccine. Mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits, birds and chipmunks generally do not carry rabies. There has been no record of reptiles, amphibians or fish ever becoming infected or transmitting rabies.翻译:无需注射疫苗的情况有:住在周围或在附近游荡的动物,可以观察其10天是否行为正常。 如果行为正常,被咬10天后,动物无狂犬病征兆,就无需治疗。那么,在我们被狗狗咬了以后,先看下是不是家里饲养的狗狗。如果是野狗,就立马去打针。自己家养的,看10天,狗狗是不是有事,再决定是不是要打针。问:规定不是说24小时内必须打针的嘛?答:只能说,超过24小时,第一针血清剂量翻倍就好。问:国内狂犬的情况远比美国严重的多,其他国家的法规在国内适用嘛?答:10日观察法是泰国的专家实验的结果,去过泰国的人都知道,那边到处是流浪狗,狂犬的问题比国内严重的多。狗狗在狂犬发作以后,牙齿才会带病毒,狂犬发作以后10天内必死。E宠商城,尽可能为宠友解决任何问题。