中华医学杂志不是International Association ofSTMPublishers的,如果纯粹的将一篇外文文献翻译后发表在中华医学杂志,这是不可取的哦,这属于学术剽窃,被杂志发现或者你们单位追责,这是很严重的事呢,但你可以引用部分内容作为你的论点支撑,这是可以的你可以上STM上去看看他们的说明:“On behalf of STM, I congratulate Shira Perlmutter on her deserved appointment as the 14th Register of Copyrights. Her deep knowledge of, and extensive leadership across, copyright and intellectual property over the past two decades distinguishes her as the perfect individual to lead the Copyright Office. Shari brings an unparalleled understanding of the law and policy to the role and we look forward to working with her on advancing and protecting the rights of authors and creators throughout STM and scholarly communication.