这里需要你写 背景 和文献综述背景In some proposals, the introduction and background are separate; in others they serve the same purpose and are combined. Both an introduction and background section outlines why you chose your topic. The section should include:what prompted your interest in the topic relevance to previous research (literature) what your research will contribute to the research and the field It may include (if not under separate headings)your research objectives/questions or hypothesis literature review 文献综述The literature review for a research proposal may draw on a detailed review that you have already conducted, or may be specific to the development of your literature review needs to demonstrate that you have read broadly on the topic and its wider context. It should highlight trends in the literature relating to your research topic, including research areas, methodology, theoretical approaches and findings. Information such as where the literature is mainly coming from, or countries/areas that it is focused on could be review should outline some of the limitations and/or gaps in the literature that you have identified (a critique). You need to draw on your literature review to justify your own research. Indicate the gaps your research is addressing and note the original contribution it will make the field in literature review helps inform and set up your theoretical framework, methodology and research information on literature reviews and article critiques see literature reviews and article : some assignments have requested students list the literature they will include in their research (rather than reviewing). Ensure that your literature review section reflects the requirements of your assignment.