生理意义“生命在于运动”,经常运动可以保持体力不衰;适当用脑可以保持脑力不衰。"流水不腐,户枢不蠹",运动(体力的和脑力的)是延缓衰老、防病抗病、延年益寿的重要手段。运动对改善心功能有好处。体育锻炼可以加强心肌收缩,改善心肌供氧,减少患心脏病的危险。在同一工作环境下,运动少的人比运动多的人容易患冠心病。锻炼也有助于心脏病患者身体康复,通过有计划地进行锻炼,循序前进,就会慢慢恢复到原先那种健全而活跃的生活。经常打太极拳的老人高血压发病率不到同年龄不打拳的老人的一半。 运动可预防血管硬化。有位病理学家通过对数千具尸体解剖的研究,发现脑力劳动者的各种动脉硬化发生率是,而体力劳动者只有。运动可防止胆固醇在血管中沉淀,扩展动脉,减少血块完全堵塞动脉的可能性。 运动能提高大脑功能。大脑支配肢体,肢体的活动又可兴奋大脑,经常锻炼可提高动脑的效力,提高回忆的效率,从而增强记忆力。此外,锻炼还是消除焦虑、镇恐压惊、缓和紧张情绪的灵丹妙药。一些老年人离退休前精神饱满,浑身是劲,离退休后,反而老态龙钟,判若两人。原因可能是离退休后无所事事,神经松弛,导致大脑传导受阻,各种生理功能失调。� 运动能强壮肌肉,灵活关节,改善肺功能,促进新陈代谢,增加肺活量。运动能使人精神旺盛,心情舒畅。人体在锻炼的时候会释放出许多有益的激素,能调节人的情绪和心境,增强抵抗力,有益于身心健康。所以,运动是保持青春的妙方,是延年益寿的良药。 随着体格与运动机能的发展,运动范围的进一步拓宽,7—9岁大的儿童变得更加好动。他们小肌肉发达,手眼合作逐渐完善,喜欢练习大肌肉的技巧。这一阶段多带孩子到户外进行一些体育活动和游戏,不仅有利于他们身体素质的提高,也能满足他们好动的愿望。但是他们毕竟还处于儿童阶段,身体各器官、组织尚未发育成熟,有着许多和成年人不同的生理特点,因此,下面四种运动项目就不适合他们参加。 1、拔河拔河比赛时运动强度大,对抗性强,需要很大的静止力和耐久力。儿童的心脏发育还不完善,心肌娇嫩,很难承受这样大力量性质的负荷。另外,拔河还容易造成腕关节脱臼和软组织损伤。 2、长跑人的高矮主要取决于全身骨细胞的生长,参加大能量消耗的长跑运动,会使儿童营养入不敷出,骨细胞生长速度减慢,妨碍正常的生长发育。 3、倒立尽管幼儿的眼压调节功能较强,但如果经常进行倒立或每次倒立时间过长,会损害眼睛对眼压的调节能力。 4、扳手腕儿童四肢各关节的关节囊比较松弛,坚固性较差,扳手腕容易发生扭伤。与拔河一样,屏气是扳手腕时的必然现象,这样会使胸腔内压力急剧上升,静脉血向心脏回流受阻,而后,静脉内滞留的大量血液会猛烈地冲入心房,对心壁产生过强的刺激. ....................................................................生命在于运动(The life lies in the movement) Mother tells me, me specially is since childhood easy to fall ill, metthe climatic change even more not to be able to adapt in particular,coughed all day. But present? Ha ha, the dear friend, these all werethe past matter. My body is very good, the good long time has notfallen ill. You want to know is what reason? I must loudly tell you:Is the movement! I always fall ill, everybody knew, father and mother also very want tolook for a treatment for me the means, but always cannot find, theyhave passed the brain for this wound. One day, the daddy said to methat, "Starting today you every day get up early make the exercise,because exercises the body to be allowed to strengthen bodily theresistivity." I although am regarding this doubtful, but or starts toexercise. Starts several days fortunately, crossed several days,feared painstakingly feared the tired thought caused me more and morenot to be willing to do. Early morning the daddy is called me me notto be willing to get up quite a while, the movement also dawdles. All these all watch with the tail of eye by the daddies, feels verydistressed. Once, he said to me that, "You are a coward." Hears I tobe very sad to this saying, also is not convinced very much, thereuponI recheer up. From this time on, each same day returns the dawn, Istarted the movement... ... Then, gradually I have fostered theexercise custom. Every day persisted does for half hour the movement,to the rainy day, I on has done in the home holds. Paid the general meeting to have the harvest. The miracle I cannot achieve difficultly act I now to be allowed to do verymuch well, for instance the sit-ups, beforehand minutes more than 20,now actually can make more than 40. The physical quality hadprogressed, beforehand easy cold, now regardless of the climaticchange much is intense, also very few cold. Attended class have beenalso more than the original spirit, capacity for food big importantly I was willing to help father and mother to do thehousework, because I had am the strength, they might be happy! I had the very deep experience that, The life lies in the movement!From now on I also will have to continue to persist, will be a healthuseful person!