2013年的工作安全与健康世界日 ——继续在全球范围内,职业病是与工作相关的死亡的首要原因 According to ILO estimates, out of million occupational fatalities every year, only 321,000 are due to accidents.据国际劳工组织估计,每年出234万职业死亡,只有321000项由于意外事故。 The remaining million deaths are caused by various types of work-related diseases, which correspond to a daily average of more than 5,500 deaths.剩余202万人死亡,造成由各类工作有关的疾病,这相当于平均每天有超过5500人死亡。 This is an unacceptable Decent Work deficit.这是一种不可接受的体面劳动赤字。 The inadequate prevention of occupational diseases has profound negative effects not only on workers and their families but also on society at large due to the tremendous costs that it generates; particularly, in terms of loss of productivity and burdening of social security systems.职业病防治不足不仅对工人和他们的家庭,但也对社会大众有深刻的负面影响,由于它产生的巨大成本,特别是生产力的损失和加重社会保障制度方面。 Prevention is more effective and less costly than treatment and rehabilitation.预防是比治疗和康复更有效,成本更低。 All countries can take concrete steps now to improve their capacity for preventing occupational diseases.所有国家都可以采取具体步骤,以提高他们的能力,预防职业病。