每一篇实验研究性文章的结果部分,都会有不同的Results,也会有不同的Figures,每一个figure里面又会有不同的picture。本文就将对Result的常用句式进行总结。 首先是英文时态: 结果部分的写作是 SCI论文写作的第一步,单从英文写作的角度讲这部分很容易写,我们要做的只是要去 描述实验结果 ,这一部分只需要一种时态—— 过去时 。 在结果描述的过程中,我们还需要 分段总结 实验结果,使每段内容的含义更好的被理解,这些总结的语句一般用 一般现在时 。 结果部分还需要一些 承上启下的连接语句 ,或者补充 introduction中没讲完全的内容时,其时态需要 单独分析 。 此外,将常用句式主要分为9个部分: 一.做这个result的最初目的,为什么要做这个实验?二.对result中的图表进行描述和解释三.强调某一结果的重要性四.开始讨论一个阳性的结果五.开始讨论一个阴性的结果六.报告阳性or阴性的相互作用七.强调这个发现是一个有趣的、令人惊讶的结果八.过渡语句九.对Result进行分段总结The standard approach to this section of a research article or dissertation is to present and describe the results in a systematic and detailed way. When reporting qualitative results , the researcher will highlight and comment on the themes that emerge from the analysis. These comments will often be illustrated with excerpts from the raw data. In text based studies, this may comprise quotations from primary sources. 即首先要点明这个这一部分的Result的主题,得到了一个什么样的结论,再用一些原始数据或者引用参考的数据来支持这一结果。 In quantitative studies, the results section is likely to consist of tables and figures , and writers comment on the significant data shown in these . This often takes the form of the location or summary statement, which identifies the table or figure and indicates its content, and a highlighting statement or statements, which point out and describe the relevant or significant data. Result部分里面应该包含图片和表格,文中应该对这一部分的数据进行解释。对每一个图表都应该有其对应的称述或解释,并且文字要有指向性,指向某一个具体的小picture。 All figures and tables should be numbered and given a title . 每个图表都需要编号,并且有一个title。 More elaborate commentary on the results is normally restricted to the Discussion section. In research articles, however, authors may comment extensively on their results as they are presented, and it is not uncommon for the Results section to be combined with the Discussion section under the heading: Results and Discussion.有些文章的result里只是对结果进行描述,但是具体的讨论会放到一个专门的Discussion部分;而有些文章会将Result和Discussion放在一起。这个要具体对待。 接下来是一些常用句式: The first set of questions aimed to … xxx experiment was performed to identify/demonstrate xxx. To explore the function of xxx, we did compare the difference between … The purpose of Experiment 3 was to … Simple statistical analysis was used to … The next question asked the informants … To assess X, the Y questionnaire was used. Changes in X and Y were compared using … Regression analysis was used to predict the … To distinguish between these two possibilities, … The first set of analyses examined the impact of … The correlation between X and Y was tested using … T-tests were used to analyse the relationship between … The average scores of X and Y were compared in order to … In order to assess Z, repeated-measures ANOVAs were used... Nine items on the questionnaire measured the extent to which … 下面给了一些万能句式:涵盖了不同的主谓宾形式,可根据句子的长短以及具体的内容进行选择。 Decreased mRNA/protein levels of xxx were observed in xxx mRNA analysis of xxx, showed significant increases of xxx. RT-PCR analysis showed a higher expression level of xxx mRNA in xxx than in xxx. xxx treatment affected something, indicating the role for xxx. Drug A application increased xxx We purified total RNA from U2OS cells and added increasing concentrations of this RNA to G3BP1 protein in vitro in the absence of Ficoll and found that this RNA strongly promoted LLPS of G3BP1 This finding was consistent with the previous finding that xxx. Our data demonstrated that xxx plays a role in xxx Ligation and puncture in mice resulted in xxx. The number of cells surrounding the xxx was increased. The increase in the expression of xxx was abrogated upon xxx treatment. The elevation in the expression of xxx was decreased upon xxx treatment. What stands out in the table is … Closer inspection of the table shows … It is apparent from this table that very few … The most interesting aspect of this graph is … In there is a clear trend of decreasing … What is striking about the figures in this table is … What is interesting about the data in this table is that … The differences between X and Y are highlighted in Table 4. From the chart, it can be seen that by far the greatest demand is for … From this data, we can see that Study 2 resulted in the lowest value of … This table is quite revealing in several ways. First, unlike the other tables … From the data in Figure 9, it is apparent that the length of time left between … Data from this table can be compared with the data in Table which shows … As Table III shows, there is a significant difference (t = , p = ) between the two groups. The mean score for X was … Further analysis showed that … Further statistical tests revealed … A two-way ANOVA revealed that … On average, Xs were shown to have … Strong evidence of X was found when … This result is significant at the p = level. The results, as shown in Table 1, indicate that … A positive correlation was found between X and Y. There was a significant positive correlation between … The difference between the X and Y groups was significant. There was a significant difference in X, t(11) = , p< There was a significant difference between the two conditions … Respondents who reported low levels of X also reported significantly lower levels of Y. No increase in X was detected. No difference greater than X was observed. No significant differences were found between … None of these differences were statistically significant. No significant difference between the two groups was evident. No significant reduction in X was found compared with placebo. No evidence was found for non-linear associations between X and Y. No significant correlation was found between X scores and the Y scores (p = .274) X appeared to be unaffected by Y. Only trace amounts of X were detected in … There was no evidence that X has an influence on … The Chi-square test did not show any significant differences between … Overall, X did not affect males and females differently in these measures. A clear benefit of X in the prevention of Y could not be identified in this analysis. T-tests found no significant differences in mean scores on the X and Y subscales. Stimulation of X cells with Y did not increase the … With successive increases in intensity of the X, the Y moved further to … Following the addition of X, a significant increase ( P <) in the Y was recorded. When X cells were stimulated with Y, no significant difference in the number of Z was detected. Interestingly, the X was observed to … This result is somewhat counterintuitive . Interestingly, this correlation is related to … The more surprising correlation is with the … Surprisingly, only a minority of respondent s … The most surprising aspect of the data is in the … The correlation between X and Y is interesting because … The most striking result to emerge from the data is that … Interestingly, there were also differences in the ratios of … The single most striking observation to emerge from the data comparison was …除了描述结果和总结结果,在结果部分还需要用一些承上启下的语句,其目的就是把各个 部分的结果连接起来,让整个结果部分变成一个连贯的整体,就好像在讲一个完整的故事 一样,这样才方便读者阅读理解。常用的句式和段落承接方法有: If we now turn to … A comparison of the two results reveals … Turning now to the experimental evidence on … Comparing the two results, it can be seen that … The next section of the survey was concerned with … In the final part of the survey, respondents were asked … Previous report that xxx, led us to assess the effect of xxx on xxx. We next asked whether xxx was required for xxx process. Having shown that xxx, we thus speculate that xxx. According to the finding that xxx, one may note that xxx, so we performed xxx experiment. Having demonstrated that, we investigated that xxx. To discover additional xxx, we conducted xxx experiment. 为了让我们的结果更容易被理解,最好每一小段文字的结尾都有一句总结的文字,顺便还 可以解释一下实验结果说明了什么 对一小段文字进行总结: Therefore, the goal of this study is to demonstrate xxx. Thus, xxx signaling pathway could be a novel target for the treatment of xxx These results suggest that xxx mediates xxx and the subsequent downstream signaling events. Taken together, our data indicate that xxx. These results suggest that … Overall, these results indicate that … In summary, these results show that … In summary, for the informants in this study, … Together these results provide important insights into … Taken together, these results suggest that there is an association between … The results in this chapter indicate that … The next chapter, therefore, moves on to discuss the …
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