发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文40余篇,申请发明专利近10项,论文列出15篇如下:[1] Hailin Huang, Zongquan Deng, Xiaozhi Qi and Bing Li. Virtual Chain Approach for Mobility Analysis of Multiloop Deployable Mechanisms. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design. 135(11), 111002, Sep 24, 2013.[2] Bing Li, Hongjian Yu, Xiaojun Yang, VariationAnalysis and Robust Fixture Design of a Flexible Fixturing System for SheetMetal Assembly, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science andEngineering, 2010, , Issue 4, 041014[3] Bing Li, B. W. Shiu and K. J. Lau, 2003,Robust Fixture Configuration Design for Sheet Metal Assembly with LaserWelding, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,Vol. 125, Issue 1, [4] Yan Zhao, Bing Li, Jiahu Qin, Huijun Gao andHamid Reza Karimi. H∞ consensus and synchronization of nonlinear systems basedon a novel fuzzy model. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, PartB. 2013.(accepted)[5] Hailin Huang, Bing Li, Z. Deng, Y. Hu, A6-DOF Adaptive Parallel Manipulator with Large Tilting Capacity, Robotics andComputer Integrated Manufacturing, 28 (2012) 275–283.[6] Bing Li, Wei Zhao, Z. Deng, Modeling andAnalysis of a Multi-dimensional Vibration Isolator Based on Parallel Mechanism,SMEJournal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 50–58[7] Bing Li,Yuan Chen,, W. Xu, Conceptual Design and Analysis of the 2T1R Mechanism for aCooking Robot, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 59 (2011) 74-83[8] Ying Hu, Bing Li, Robust Design and Analysisof 4PUS-1RPU Parallel Mechanism for a 5-DOF Hybrid Kinematics Machine,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal ofEngineering Manufacture, 2011, , [9] Bing Li, Wei Zhao, Z. Deng, Modeling andAnalysis of a Multi-dimensional Vibration Isolator Based on Parallel Mechanism,SMEJournal of Manufacturing Systems, 2011, to appear[10] Bing Li, Hongjian Yu, Hong Hu, 2010,Stiffness modeling of a novel class of 6-DoF parallel robots with three limbsbased on screw theory, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, , [11] Yuan Chen, Bing Li, Dynamic modeling andperformance analysis of a 3-DOF pan mechanism for a cooking robot, MechanicsBased Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal, 2010,, Issue 2, [12] Hongjian Yu, Bing Li, Xiaojun Yang, 2010,Structural synthesis and variation analysis of a family of 6-DoF parallelmechanisms with three limbs, International Journal of Robotics andAutomation,, , [13] Li Bing, Yang Xiaojun, Hu Ying, Donglai Zhang,2009, Quality Design of Tolerance Allocation for Sheet Metal Assembly withResistance Spot Weld, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 47,Issue 6 , pages 1695-1711[14] Li Bing, Xiaojun Yang, Jianguo Zhao, 2009,Minimum Time Trajectory Generation for a Novel Robotic Manipulator,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, . 2, [15] Li Bing, Jianguo Zhao, Xiaojun Yang, Ying Hu,2009,Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Three Degree of freedom Planar ParallelManipulator, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, , [16] Bing Li, Ying Hu, Hui Tang, 2007, A comparativestudy on quality design of fixture planning for sheet metal assembly, Journalof Engineering Design,,Issue4,