貌似热能与动力工程研究的传热学、工程热物理、流体力学等。而内燃机只是工程热物理透平方向一个很小的面,你还是改改吧, 至于“研究如何把燃料的化学能和液体的动能安全、高效、低(或无)污染地转换成动力的基本规律和过程,研究转换过程中的系统和设备的自动控制技术。”就更离谱了,完全对燃烧学和热力学一点概念都没有Institute of Engineering Thermophysics grew out of the Power Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Sciences established in 1956 by Professor Wu Chunghua, a world famous scientist and the creator of the theory of three-dimensional flows in turbomachinery. After more than five decades,development, it has become a high-tech institute in both applied science and research development. According to the demands of the development of the branch of learning, economic construction and the high-tech development in energy resources, the institute has succeeded in adjusting its research from aero-engine to energy resources and power engineering, and from energy resources and power engineering to energy resources, power engineering and environment protection. At the same time, the institute has grown stronger and stronger, made great contribution to the development of economy, society as well as the safety and scientific discipline construction of the country. At present, there are 166 staffs in the institute, including two academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The institute has master,s degree and degree programs of the first-tier discipline--- Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics and master,s degree program of the second tier--- Environment Engineering and also has a mobile station of postdoctoral program