对娱乐节目的现状、问题及其对策研究 The present situation of entertainment, problems and countermeasures 中文摘要:近些年,娱乐节目越来越多的受到各大电视台的高度重视,都不约而同的把娱乐节目放在了黄金档时段播出,用娱乐节目来提高其电视台的收视率。 Abstract: in recent years, more and more of the entertainment programs by every major television highly, tend to entertainment on prime-time time TV with entertainment, to improve its television ratings. 现今,娱乐节目已经广泛渗透到人们的日常生活中,大家把它当作了解压、娱乐休闲的重要发泄通道。 Nowadays, entertainment has widely permeates into People's Daily life, everyone took it as a decompression, entertainment and leisure important vent channels. 然而,随着社会的发展以及人们观念的转变和思想的进一步解放,现在的娱乐节目的娱乐程度已经满足不了大众的精神文化的心理需求。 However, with the development of society and people's conception of the transformation and thought to further liberate, now entertainment entertainment levels have can't satisfy the mass spirit culture psychological needs. 本文在此,就以娱乐节目为研究对象,围绕电视娱乐节目的发展现状来进行一些探讨分析。 In this article, by entertainment as the research object, around TV entertainment development present situation for some analysis. 首先,对娱乐节目本身的浅层定义、娱乐节目主持人和节目定位进行了分析概括,以便更好的分析研究娱乐节目未来的改进对策等问题。 First, the entertainment, the program itself of shallow definition, entertainment show host and program localization of summary, in order to better analysis of analysis and research of future improvement countermeasures entertainment programs, etc. 接下来针对国内外娱乐节目的发展现状进行了分析比较,发现了一些因发展年代、文化差异等原因所导致的娱乐效果的不同等问题,特别是对本国娱乐节目的现状进行分析后发现的差距,本文都做出了一些总结与梳理。 The next entertainment programs for development present situation at home and abroad are analyzed and compared, found some for development, the cultural differences in the reason caused the problems such as effect of different entertainment, especially for domestic entertainment analysis on the status quo of the gap, this paper found has made some summary and comb. 在此基础上,本文对娱乐节目在以后发展道路上也提出了一些应对策略,主要从节目内容、形式和节目主持人的改革进行讨论分析,以观众的角度审视和提出一些意见。 Based on these, this paper entertainment in the later development of road also puts forward some strategies, mainly from the program content, form and presenters reform and discusses in the perspective of the audience, and put forward some advice. 试图使娱乐节目真正成为一种能满足广大人民群众精神文化需求而又能给观众带来不同于其他节目形式的视听盛宴,让大家乐在其中又享在其中。 Trying to make entertainment programs really become a can satisfy the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses and can brings different from other programs forms of audiovisual feast, let you enjoy it and enjoy in them. ------------以上是逐句对照,乃可以鉴定,以下是全英文---------The present situation of entertainment, problems and countermeasuresAbstract: in recent years, more and more of the entertainment programs by every major television highly, tend to entertainment on prime-time time TV with entertainment, to improve its television , entertainment has widely permeates into People's Daily life, everyone took it as a decompression, entertainment and leisure important vent , with the development of society and people's conception of the transformation and thought to further liberate, now entertainment entertainment levels have can't satisfy the mass spirit culture psychological this article, by entertainment as the research object, around TV entertainment development present situation for some , the entertainment, the program itself of shallow definition, entertainment show host and program localization of summary, in order to better analysis of analysis and research of future improvement countermeasures entertainment programs, next entertainment programs for development present situation at home and abroad are analyzed and compared, found some for development, the cultural differences in the reason caused the problems such as effect of different entertainment, especially for domestic entertainment analysis on the status quo of the gap, this paper found has made some summary and on these, this paper entertainment in the later development of road also puts forward some strategies, mainly from the program content, form and presenters reform and discusses in the perspective of the audience, and put forward some to make entertainment programs really become a can satisfy the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses and can brings different from other programs forms of audiovisual feast, let you enjoy it and enjoy in them.